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hoarding of genetics ??why??

ghetto gardner

New member
It all boils down to security issues, having your garden infested from a "gifted" clone and people not wanting to share, come on people its a dang weed. I say share the weath, for those who are greedy, 1 day you might find yourself needy, my:2cents:



Active member
ICMag Donor
Its one thing to share a commercial clone you got in the last few years, a thousand people already have it or could make a trip to cali to acquire it. Or a plant grown from commercial seed stock that everyone can get...

Its something else to share a clone you have kept alive for 24 years through good and bad times, a clone you may consider to be one of the best anywhere. Personally I would love to patent the plant I have some day, I consider it that good. I have inbred it 13 times trying to save the genetics forever... Some of you would expect the owner of best race horse in the world to just "share" the genes of that horse with the every one else, but I certainly wouldn't.

In this world it comes down to who you know, if you know the right person you may get a so called elite, but don't expect an ancient clone that predates almost all of the elites and commercial seed strains, never produces a hermie and is some of the best weed there is... not my opinion but others for the last 24 years.... unless you are a very close friend of the person that has that clone. Even then you may pass it out to a thousand people when the owner doesn't want it spread around... Some clones are priceless, others are given out freely...


Active member
are you guys missing something? or am i missing something? its a clone. which means not the original plant. who cares. its like giving or selling seeds. whats the point of not sharing it even if you never lose it and have it till you die. i dont get it. why wouldnt you want other people to have it and help refine. its like if you had a whole forest to work with and you could seed and sow to your hearts content thousands of strains. but instead you decided to work in a 5x5 foot plot with 2 plants at a time. why would you want to do all that extra work when you culd let em wild and have the wind and time do your work then you just come in and pick the best thats still growing. i understand having your elite clone and all that you spent x y z hours on. but even still its not like you dont still have your plant at the end of the day. keeping it for yourself is just really ego.


Active member
Bottom line I think either share it or sell it at a price to pple that are passionate about the community and the strengthening the genepool on a larger scale,
if we all Hide our prized possesions in our basements like some kind of smeegle we will destroy the species integrity ourselves.

I am amazed at the discussions this thread has created, I really am greatefull at how many have put your two cents into this.
More or less I'm just happy having pple talking about this more openly, thank you all so much again,cheers !!!!!



ICMag Donor
If you can't get some elite genetics,Your not looking in the right place.Lots of breeders are making s1 and crosses of many of the most sought after ,offering them for sale,and also giving them away for free.Then theirs friendly people and the unspoken cosmic karma,that surrounds the community.Were not doing rocket science here.....


I would like to thank all the folks who basically came in and at least tried to spell it out what the deal is. I realize that to try and invoke guilt and talk about the betterment of the community bla share the wealth bla to get you to release your prized clones is all a bunch of BS and pathetic. I realize now that I have but one thing to do. I will go out and do my own damn work, and find a head ripping clone to bring back to the table. I know that THIS is what's TRULY in the very best interest of the community. That's the bottom line. Until I do that, to complain, would be like some damn fool who bitches about the government, but doesn't vote. Many thanks.


Active member
"I realize that to try and invoke guilt and talk about the betterment of the community bla share the wealth bla to get you to release your prized clones is all a bunch of BS and pathetic. I realize now that I have but one thing to do. I will go out and do my own damn work, and find a head ripping clone to bring back to the table. I know that THIS is what's TRULY in the very best interest of the community"

I dunno how to find a head ripping clone other than pple that decide to share them with the community either for free or sale, I have no access to some fancy medical marijuana compassion group or anything, they don't exist where I am . I mean unless u plan to go to countries around the world and start collecting landraces I dunno how to bring fresh genetics to the table, except when it's either from friends giving or selling or vendors what I'm talking about is pple not giving out strains period.

and when you bring that clone to the table will you just show it now and then to rub in their faces or sell them some cuttings, maybe a close friend that grows gets one, Only other way to create new things as you said is say making your own crossing or distributing great genetics, Ive done a couple crosses and their great to grow. I usually like to trade strains one type for another and I give out my custom crosses all the time GLADLY as well as any top notch clone that I got of someone else.

how would you get top notch clones in particular if no one that had em gave em out or sold em and you had no compassion center to get one?
unless you live in an area in the world with potent landraces available U'd be kind of stuck buying form vendors(or bagseed) and start up , all ill say is I've given 1000000% percent back to MY local community than what its given to me


The best and only way to find top notch clones is to grow out lots of seeds to find that Holy Grail. There is too much emphasis on clones, they all started from seed at one point and someone took the time and trouble to find the keeperz. The more people who start seeds looking for keeperz the mo better as if everyone just grew the same old clones there would be a bottlenecking of diversity. When you grow out seeds to find a clone all the reasons that you keep a cut is up to you, not someone else. With the amazing amount of quality seeds available today I think it's a bit silly for people to spend so much time worrying about aquiring cuts when the whole world is in the palm of your hands. When I started growing there were no seedbanks, you kept whatever seeds you could find from the best weed that came your way and you grew them out, maybe you were lucky enough to know other growers to hook you up but that was a rare thing as there was no internet and no way to really interact with other growers. Once the seedbanks opened it was a brave new world filled with nothing but possibilities and it still is. Don't worry about who has what or what's in another grower's garden, get some quality beans and grow your own keeperz, that's what it's all about and that is how to contribute to the canna-society. Clones are cool but to me there is nothing more exciting than growing from seed especially if you know the genetics are high quality. Isn't the motto of this site "it all starts from a seed?"


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
well I just confirmed an order for some "cheeseberry haze" beans - its blueberry cheese crossed x lady cane (ssh/G13) maybe I'll find something in there to share - the parenting sounds like I could gt some very different plants from this bag...

wish me luck :)


Time2Unite once had an awesome thread that, in a single original post, answered this question.

For those of you who missed it, I'll quickly summarize: it will come when you're worthy, or lucky. For those of you who do not yet have the "luck" part, you must rely on "worth" and ask yourself... "what am I bringing to the table?", not "why can't I have the best [when I've put no work in myself]?"

There are also plenty of top-notch genetics available from seed. Don't be lazy. If you're new to the game, work hard, put your time in, and you'll find all the elites available to you one day.


Active member
The best and only way to find top notch clones is to grow out lots of seeds to find that Holy Grail. There is too much emphasis on clones, they all started from seed at one point and someone took the time and trouble to find the keeperz. The more people who start seeds looking for keeperz the mo better as if everyone just grew the same old clones there would be a bottlenecking of diversity. When you grow out seeds to find a clone all the reasons that you keep a cut is up to you, not someone else. With the amazing amount of quality seeds available today I think it's a bit silly for people to spend so much time worrying about aquiring cuts when the whole world is in the palm of your hands. When I started growing there were no seedbanks, you kept whatever seeds you could find from the best weed that came your way and you grew them out, maybe you were lucky enough to know other growers to hook you up but that was a rare thing as there was no internet and no way to really interact with other growers. Once the seedbanks opened it was a brave new world filled with nothing but possibilities and it still is. Don't worry about who has what or what's in another grower's garden, get some quality beans and grow your own keeperz, that's what it's all about and that is how to contribute to the canna-society. Clones are cool but to me there is nothing more exciting than growing from seed especially if you know the genetics are high quality. Isn't the motto of this site "it all starts from a seed?"
My favourite is getting seeds from nearest vender(ontario seedbank) and crossing them with local favourites that I can get from clone .
recently we smoked a skunk hash crossed with tutti fruity that only happened because ofa herming tutti , it made for some amazing smoke and right now I have 3 custom strains in the works 1. dino rhino aka white rhino cross with blue dynomite(havnt test flowered yet) 2 and 3 is blue x ....
I accidently mixed the seeds together but thier gonna be either dynomite crossed with willies wonder and at least one or two were crossed dynomite and MANGO < its true about working hard to get rep to get those genetics but if your someone with cash to throw around you can just buy top notch genetics without doing jack shit really for the community ......It's so hard to describe what I've meant to say in this thread and usualy I wind up sounding like im very black and white on the issue . I guess all we can do is just keep growing and HELP one another out any way we can in a safe manner,

for the record to I have 90% of my stock given to me out of favours and what not , only reason I made the thread was because of what I've read ON online not my own endevours,
at times I feel the community is a vase that was shatterd
we need to glue it back together as a group but if some of us dont hold our end the whole thing falls apart before it can set......


Active member
ICMag Donor
Most of the so called elites are available down in cali and a lot of states that have medical cannabis. So if these are what you just have to have they will come your way it just takes time. You guys that live down in cali could you list what is available at the dispensaries down there, probably all of the OG's and most every thing else. And like someone said there are a lot of s1's being made so its just a matter of time...

Cat Jockey

Sorry for dredging up a thread, but this issue will continue to get hotter as MMJ blows up in places like Colorado.

I am a fuggin' stoner. However, MJ is not some magical herb that is going to cure the world's problems. It is a drug. Period. A mood altering chemical. It is also illegal, whether your state has MMJ laws or not. This ain't 1969 and all that hippy free love share everything is Utopia that does not and never will exist.

I think it is good that elite clones are hard to get a hold of. Imagine if they weren't? What would be the incentive for breeders? For risk taking commercial ops that provide enough MJ so that it continues to be abundant and the general public becomes desensitized and it continues to become more decriminalized. For people like the dude that owns this site? Where would you buy seeds if people cannot make a profit to offset their risk of going to jail?

This is a business and I think people are a bit silly, security and profit, if they go around making sure they can pass around as much genetics as possible.

Further, who has what? I have an OG Kush. Which cut? Who knows? Pretty soon, there will be twice as many cuts of this strain or that one. A little free love with MJ and nobody knows what they have. How many transactions can happen before information gets muddled? A clone gets passed to person a, then b, then c, then d, ..., then z, then a1, then b1, etc.

I have a plant in my garden that I really don't know what the hell it is, its true genetic background, etc. What it is was lost through too many stoned exchanges.

You think information is going to stay accurate?

This is a business for most people. Most people buy their weed, they don't grow it. Most people who buy weed would continue to do so even if they could grow it legally.

The more clones get passed around, the less incentive for breeders to take their risks, the less incentive for commercials, etc. People rip on the business end of things, but without them, we in North America would be smoking shit weed grown by true fuggin' criminals south of the border, the kind that will kill people - and there would be no elite clones for 21st hippies to hand out with their patchouli.

Those of us that enjoy good weed and good genetics have those evil, greedy commercials and cannabusiness folks to thank.

Then there would follow endless closet fuckings of this one plant to that one plant to create that elite clone. How many years free love clone passing would it take before unhealthy crosses, improper breeding, etc., screw some things up?

Greed is a ridiculous word to use when discussing people making money to offset the legal risks they take. Do you work for free? How do you survive if you do? Why don't we start calling all of the elite breeders a bunch 'o greedy f'ers for not giving away their seeds? For not cloning their parent plants and passing them around? Those guys are a bunch of aholes, right? They are the ultimate hoarders.

Good for them and good for you they are.

Do I SHARE? Hell no. Do I EXCHANGE? You bet your pot smokin' ass I do. But I am careful with whom and for what.

This is a drug.
This is a business.
This can land your ass in jail.
Human nature is what it is.

None of that will change.

Passing elite clones around to every Tom, Dick and Harry will do nothing but dilute known information, turn the American gene scene into a muddled joke and impact future breeding efforts. Everything will be called OG Kush, or the original this or that.

Hoard that shit and keep it tight. And don't feel guilty about it.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I share stuff that can't be identified as mine. I have a rare trifoliate I haven't given to anyone, because I'm probably the only person on the globe that has a trifoliate of this strain. It would be too easy to link my plants to their plants if something went wrong. Plus there is the "tell no one" rule. In Cali, I'd probably feel safe, but sure as hell not in Iowa!
i'm happy to share with the right people. i am friends with a close knit group of growers. some of us are willing to do whatever it takes to get that special clone. a couple of us have been known to drive 6 hours to a club that has something we've heard really good things about. keep in mind the reason we know about the special clone is because of the time we spend online researching them. then some of my lazier grower friends hear about it and want to grow it out to sell it, and expect it for free. i'm happy to share some strains with them but the really special ones will only go to those that contribute to helping obtain them. i hate it when people come to me with their hand out expecting something when a few months ago i offered them the chance to help me get it. instead, they chose to sit on their ass and wait for me to do all of the hard work.

but hey maybe i'm greedy...


It's simple business, man. I'm the only one in my area with Rez' Apollo 11...it's the most popular strain I have. I'm not about to change the situation. Do I feel like a schmuck sometimes? Sure! But I'm the only schmuck with A11.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Hello all.
Did I mention this is also a security issue?
I have some SDOG, one of the best in my stable (of three strains) but I do not go around advertising this.
I only grow what I smoke so I do not have a large surplus. I do not sell.
The folks I smoke with think my buds come from a cousin on the coast.
So why should I give up my security to pass around a good strain? Am I to be considered a greedy bastard all for the sake of my own security?
I think not.

Doesn't your cousin on the coast give you a clone once in a while too ?