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hoarding of genetics ??why??


Registered Med User
I could care less. Theres so many genetics out there that it doesnt matter if billy wont give up his super-duper-digity-gooey-crystaly-blueberry bomb, Ill just go find some super-duper-digity-gooey-crystaly-blackberry bomb.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
remember this.
every elite was some1's bagseed.
and ill be perfectly honest,
some of the best strains i've run were from my own crosses.
very few elites are as good as stated.


not at all familiar mate :) I live in NL and have never visited the states, the scene is a little different I'm sure... and there's goes Pams "when harvest time comes" arguement, shame it was quite solid until just then ;-)

how is that any different? she's trying to feed her kids with the one thing she can that no one else has.
so why she is supposed to share it? that will cut into her ability to feed her kids. what is the reasoning behind having pam sharing her secret recipe - how is it good for pam? Whats pam get in return?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
not really sure. I'm thinking if Pam continues to produce better herb than anyone else her market share wont be affected. the reality of having a continuing harvest make any "claims" of seasonally fierce competition redundant - sorry mate, not trying to pick a bone, i'm a financial analyst not a grower (though I want to be) :)

thats not to say year round competion isnt fierce in this market place - it is in holland - I'm simply commenting on "Pams" personal scenario, wishing I hadnt now though ;-)

edit - incidentally - "Pam" could make a killing in the clones market, possibly exceeding her current cash crop and already has a solid reputation...

i'll get me coat ..
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anyone think perhaps pam maybe a better grower , she knows better how to process and store her product and takes personal pride in her work .. its possible some neighbours grow the same stuff , ,but just dont know how to prepare it ..
ive had herb from the same patch of dirt that folks wouldnt believe was the same as 2 different guys prepared and stored it ...
i never hoard the seeds i have ,, regularly give them away to locals here to hopefully improve the herb they grow ,, but alas their production methods leave so much to be desired the good seed pretty much goes to waste ..
im with the other grower in the scenario ,,
i dont believe hoarding genetics does anyone any good ...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
quick note to add, whilst I think if growers choose to share their labours for free its a truely wonderful thing, I certainly not suggesting that everything should be handed out to idiots like me to take home and kill with one over feeding... I was thinking more along the lines of those who already sell clones to market, making something "else" available :)


i hear you man i am just wanting to make sure we look at EVERYTHING on both sides.

must say though if the market area is always harvesting & always has something to move Pam had better have something better than the rest each and everytime if she's banking on it to provide a means of living.

whenever i have seen threads like these previously i've see a bunch of whining and bitching and complaining about hoarding and how unfair it is all the "medically benificial" cuts are kept on lock down away from patients. that is so far from the truth.

if you cannot get coca cola you can still get pepsi or shasta or rc or dr pepper... and all those will all quench your thirst.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
cool beans mate - I like healthy discussions, just don't want to make an ass of myself just yet... I got plenty of time for that ;-)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I want to add as well (cuz I sound like a f*ckin primadonna) the clones I CAN buy I'm extremely grateful for (those are WW, PP and K2) - I don't think these are poor quality, far from it, theyre the backbone of a lot of other things - what I AM having a little whinge about is that the growers I know personally (and theyre great guys all friends) are not in it for the love... they buy 50 x "whatever you got" throw a tonne of light n food at it and 8 weeks later give you a call "hey man.." - if they knew half of what went on within these forums... it's my new mission to convert them to knowledge over yeild ...

I'm actually blessed out of my arse to have these options open to me, I know it ;-)
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
right on JS spread the power
knowledge is power, power is knowledge

ive been gifted by some of the best closet growers in the world and have gifted many members here and not on this board. heck last yr and this yr some of what i created has gone to a indian reservation and they where stoked last yr this yr will blow thier minds lol :).

last yr was a GDP x Evenflow cross i call Ole Man River
this yr they got some Kaua'i Kush F3's

evenflow - abussive og kush x whitemustang
Whitemustang - chem dog x west coast dog BX3
Kaua'i Kush - abussive og kush x maui waui
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Active member
this is why i never got into the whole buying and selling seeds. weed is free, it grows everywhere. you buy some weed and theres seeds in it? rejoice, for now you have a never ending supply of weed. maybe its mediocre or bad. you have a bunch of seeds of unknown origin. just start growing and crossing and the next thing you know you have some "elite" lol striain of weed.

i think of weed as people. some are good some are bad, some are terrible some are great. you wont find out unless you get out there and investigate for yourself. i wouldnt take someone elses word on who i should have as my friends, unless its the word of one of my current friends. its the same with weed. sure everyone might think og kush is the best shit on earth. but i may happen to think this unknown bagseed i call sasha is better. the point is. to paraphrase charlie murphy.

...the weed is for everybody...


Pull my finger
People want to have something different than the norm. But once the cut gets out, it's time to find another one to keep around. I feel ya though man. I used to wonder if I was eve going to try an elite. Now I am up to my ears in em, and I still like my F13 better.

I think the quality of seeds period has dropped. Try to get the best genetics you can. If you find a special pheno, with the right exposure and marketing, you can call it elite too.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
i just met with a friend tonight
sent 3 cuts home with him :rasta:
pre 98 bubba K

of course i talked with him for two years now
i have watched his grows, he has watched mine

if you don't already get it, you probably never will
best of luck to those that need it


>>>>>this is why i never got into the whole buying and selling seeds. weed is free, it grows everywhere. you buy some weed and theres seeds in it? rejoice, for now you have a never ending supply of weed. maybe its mediocre or bad. you have a bunch of seeds of unknown origin. just start growing and crossing and the next thing you know you have some "elite" lol striain of weed.

i think of weed as people. some are good some are bad, some are terrible some are great. you wont find out unless you get out there and investigate for yourself. i wouldnt take someone elses word on who i should have as my friends, unless its the word of one of my current friends. its the same with weed. sure everyone might think og kush is the best shit on earth. but i may happen to think this unknown bagseed i call sasha is better. the point is. to paraphrase charlie murphy.

...the weed is for everybody...>>>>>>>>

if it were as easy as that no one would bother breeding any seeds , just grab what u get along the way ..
im not sure if i wouldnt rather buying something like one does to guarentee something better ..
ive had a lot of mongrel dogs , some good , some bad ,, the best is to b e able to choose what one likes in a particular breed , whether it be rottweiler for a guard dog situation , or a Labrador for a family dog ..
im sure thats the goal of most cannabis breeders ,, to try and take the guess work out of it for the consumer and present something for every situation and taste ...


Active member
I like many have received and gifted many strains. How well I have been on another site for 5 years meet some good people along the way and it happens. With 20 strains on hand between my self and two other growers I have plenty of options to give, but until I can trust someone 110% it will never happen.


A couple of points. One, most people that I know share genetics with friends which is a very good thing but do notice that I said share with friends, not strangers from some web site. Many people looking for clones are basically begging for handouts, I say that because they are not friends with the clone holder, it's just like a stranger on the street begging you for money except there does involve a security risk. These people are looking to take advantage of somebody else's work without being willing to do the work themselves. It's a matter of entitlement, somehow because they grow weed they think that they are entitled to the best weed out there without taking the time and effort to find their own elite genetics or make their own seed. It's really laughable to me because when I started growing there were no seed banks and no internet, the seeds that we used were all from bagseed. Now very high quality genetics are available to everyone and people still complain that they can't aquire everything and for free no less. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% in favor of sharing genetics with friends but take the time to actually make friends before you ask, anything else is just begging. Making friends doesn't happen overnight so in the meantime reach into your pockets (like I had to), buy yourself some good seeds and take the time to find the keepers or make new and exciting crosses and then you'll have something to share in return and also you will have something that you can take pride in. Anybody can grow great pot if they are using elite cuts so there is no pride in that unless it is your own cut. What we need is for people to grow the seeds and find more and more keepers, if everybody grows from cuts there will be genetic bottlenecking. If you say you can't afford good seeds, first off that is bullshit because I've bought great seeds for as little as $20 a pack. Subcool's Fiesta Mix ran me that and I ended up with mom's of both Conquistador and Astroboy. If you are too cheap to buy seeds (or don't have a safe addy) then start some bagseed, some of the best cuts that people lust for came from bagseed so don't say you can't get exceptional results. As far as a safe addy goes, I didn't have one but I wasn't about to beg genetics from strangers on the internet so I used my own address. The way I thought about it was no balls, no glory, if you want to get results risks must be taken. As far as getting genetics from people from here and other sites if you really take the time to make friends then all things are possible. I had to take some time off from growing so I left here for awhile but as soon as I came back I recieved pms from people offering great genetics to me, seeing how I still have my bean collection I did not need to take anyone up on their offers but just the same it was very much appreciated. Just give it time and don't act like you are entitled to anything because bottom line is that you're not, if you act like you are taint nobody going to give you shit at least I know that I won't. Grow the seed, find your own keepers and honestly make friends (not make friends to take advantage of what they have) and I am sure that good things will eventually come to you.


ICMag Donor
Just a thought... If you have some nice strains and you share them, sometimes you can get them back if you lose them. But if you never shared them, you may not get them back. Folks sometimes like to help out helpful individuals. If someone does you a solid, it would behoove you to pay it forward. Karma has a way of leveling the playing field.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
loads of good discussion in here, loving it. It seems we're drawing out 2 seperate issues here, or maybe 3 which is cool.

One, the issue of making genetics available to friends. Two, the availibility of genetics to a buying market. and lastly, the issue of lazy buggers trying to beg off other peoples hard graft on the internet...

Fair play to anyone who's naughty enough to get away with point 3 (toerags!), but back to issues 1 and 2.

For me personally I'm so close to the beginning of my grow journey that I almost haven't even have started (I have my first one week old WW seedling growing behind me right now, bless her) - However, I'm an idealist. I'm not one of these overly postive types, infact quite the opposite, but in an IDEAL world I would love to get myself to a point whereby I could supply my friends with (and I don't say better genetics) more variety of genetics. If/when that time comes, I won't sell a single living thing for money, but if any of my friends (who're already growers) were to sell or pass on for free, I would be over the moon at being able to put something back...

The other side of me is much more realistic - as I mention somewhere above - by trade I'm a finance analyst (or was, I decided its not actually for me) I understand the process of stimulating demand by witholding product from the market. I also understand that colonel sanders isn't giving up his secret recipe to the public anytime soon. On the other hand, the biggest players in any global market are those that franchise (right colonel?).

In summary then (lmao) I can see both sides of the "coin" as it were - I just "wished" the world was a different place, one that allowed us to be more concerned with a greater good. :)

edit - "Pam", if you're ever reading this, I wish you all the luck there is to offer
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