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Heaven's Stairway busted and I sent in an order three days ago


New member
Hey who's the Mod here? Why should Me or anyone have to play Junior Investigator?
I thought that was YOUR job! I venture to say there are 1000s of people who would like the answers to those three questions.
And all we get from you is more spin. I call BULLSHIT.


Fair enough Tejas, but what I'm saying (Not very clearly apparently, so that's my fault) but that no one can know that, those three things that you ask, without seeing what is called in Canada "the disclosure" - meaning the Crown's case against you. So, no matter how much I would like to tell you, and me, and everyone else that, the only person who will find out that particular info would be RC's lawyer and the Canada Evidence Act would prevent him from telling us.

That's what I meant when I implied that the questions were unanswerable.


HAHAH its funny but sad . well your not getting any seeds so move out soilder


New member
OK Lothar, whatever, I appreciate your response. I give up, this is a mystery inside a riddle, on top of a condom (sp) I don't know exactly how that goes please correct me ,you know what I mean ,your're the lawyer and it justs gets more weird and confusing every day goes by with no solid info.

I'm sick & tired of all of it as I'm sure many others are also. If it turns out the way it seems to be unraveling the Mods are gonna have some questions to answer. I think BUSINESS ARRANGEMENT/ DISPUTE GONE BAD --NO BUST/ NO ARREST--NO COOPERATION WITH LEO BUT HUGE COVERUP.And I aint no conspiracy theorist.

Ricky Ricardo:HEY LUCI: You In BIg Trouble Now.

420 kush: Wrong as usual..don't EVEN need 'em. KMA
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My little pony.. my little pony
Tejas said:
OK Lothar, whatever, I appreciate your response. I give up, this is a mystery inside a riddle, on top of a condom ...

Mystery solved.



Man I feel for you guys, this is what happens when we hang at cannabis sites, we get the feeling that what we do is OK and comforted by the fact other peeps are growing like us.
This comfort leads to doing things like

PMing your personnal Addy to "a friend" for free seeds
Sending for seeds at your home address and
Posting pics of shit with identifiable features like pets, cars, etc.

I know how it goes you just start feeling comfortable, I am in high paranoic gear myself.
I am lucky in that I bought seeds from local vendors or had the mailed to a friends appartment that was soon to demolished, got lucky there.
Never ever reveal your adress for anything MJ related.

If I were you I would have done the same, trust few and reveal nothing.


"I give up, this is a mystery inside a riddle, on top of a condom (sp) "


That's a mystery, wrapped in riddle, inside an enigma.
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whateveryouparanoindmotherfucker..fuckyou, you arenotmyproblem,yourmommaisyoucheesedick....fuckyou,stopbeiningsoinsecure


My apologies for flying off the handle and trying to make a stupid joke at the same time. Not very funny when I look at it in the sober light of the morning.

I'm just getting fed up with the paranoia and whatnot, so I was acting up that evening afer over-indulging. Terribly unprofessional, and apparently I'm not allowed to use that taxi service anymore.
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New member
no apologies needed. I was a bit out of line myself. I'm not paranoid, well maybe a little, but the lack of solid infomation, innuendo, rumour and general BS about everything has me wondering WTF is going on.

Verite: that was great ! brightened up my day. Thanks

Puppetmug : I was close-- I KNEW it was something like that.
Why did the word "condom " come into my mind???
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I would think that if your going to tear down a grow,you might as well quit for the next 2 years, if they have info on you,then you MIGHT get busted,but they are starting at the top and working down.

If the USA did get info from canada,they would probly be so overwhelmed with that amount of work and just fuck it up anyway.Where's the usa geting the money to build another 5 prisons for the OG growers.

Am one paranoid person, but I really dont think the average OG c/w user is in danger.

just my worthless 2 cents...Do what you have to do,for your own mind and body..Ive been in a few tight spots ,and the worry can kill you..


My little pony.. my little pony
Tejas said:
Puppetmug : I was close-- I KNEW it was something like that.
Why did the word "condom " come into my mind???

Because you were groping for the word conundrum.

1. A riddle in which a fanciful question is answered by a pun.
2. A paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemma


New member
Because you were groping for the word conundrum.

1. A riddle in which a fanciful question is answered by a pun.
2. A paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemma

Thanks Verite.
And Lothar I was prob about the same stress level as you when I wrote that...My apologies sir.
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To Shut Down or Not To Shut Down ... This is the question ... ? If you have protected yourself well the worst that will happen is that you can't use a Safe Addy or a remote E-mail Account anymore But if you think you are among the 272 Orders seized and slipped a bit on Security ... Yeah. And if you had CB or HS dealings in recent months (remember they violated and photo'd Emery's orders for some time) under less than safe circumstances ... Yeah. And if your just uncomfortable because you posted Mad Ops on OG and CW (or had shady dealings through the mentioned) ... Maybe. Think Smart and come back to grow another day.


272 orders?

272 orders?

What are these 272 orders? Is there actaully a report out that says this? Well so far nothign has happened.

Mr. Smoke

Active member
Nine searches were carried out during the week of January 30, 2006 in
order to gather evidence that criminal activities had been committed. The
searches were conducted in Montreal and Laval, as well as in the residences of
three of the accused, a business, three post office boxes, a vehicle and a
safe-deposit box.
These searches led to the seizure of 200,000 cannabis seeds, more than
$183,362 in US currencies and $14,000 in Canadian currencies, both in cash and
postal money orders, three one-kilogram gold bricks, a Harley-Davidson
motorcycle, a Mazda RX8 and many purchase orders. Since the searches were
conducted, 272 orders have been intercepted by the police.


Grand! I am sure I am one of the lucky 272. I wonder if lothar can give me his opinion on where I stnad on the "busted scale" at this point.