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Tetraploid monoecious hemp plants are selected by examination of the
number and size of stomata, the number of epidermis and stoma cells,

the size of pollen grains, and their number of pores. (19)

selecting tetraploid males
Polyploids are valuable for their genetic diversity, but they are unpredictable and usually are
unstable in the first generation.

They also tend to be sterile and must be propagated by clonal cuttings to be useful for
subsequent breeding.
2nd 3rd Gens pheno hunt

Studies by Warmke and Zhatov revealed that the normal sex ratio for diploids (2n) is nearly 1:1, but tetraploids (4n) form a new class (XXXY) and develop about 7.5 females:1 male, plus female-hermaphrodites. The XXXX is female; XXXY is female-hermaphroditic; XYYY is male-hermaphroditic, and YYYY is male. The XY determination of sex does not account, however, for the development of some monoecious strains. Seemingly, the sexual expression of hemp can be controlled by some other gene set(s) influencing different aspects of flowering. Environmental conditions also can overpower the genetic expression of Cannabis' gender, especially in the final stages of flower production. (20-23)

Hermaphrodite Inflorescence Development​

Female inflorescences of three marijuana strains grown under commercial conditions were visually examined at weekly intervals. Beginning around week 4 of the flowering period, the appearance of individual anthers or clusters of anthers within the bract tissues adjacent to the stigmas was observed in hermaphroditic flowers at a frequency of 5–10% of the plants examined (Figures 2A–D). The anthers were visible in weeks 4–7 of the flowering period and were present until harvest. In rare instances, the entire female inflorescence was converted to large numbers of clusters of anthers (Figure 3). Scanning electron microscopic examination of the stigmas that were present in hermaphroditic flowers showed the papillae (stigmatic hairs) (Figure 4A), which in mature inflorescences originated from a central core (Figure 4B). Individual anthers that were produced in hermaphroditic inflorescences were shown to consist of an outer wall (epidermis and endothecium) with a longitudinal groove (stomium) (Figure 4C) which, upon maturity, expanded and dehisced to release pollen grains (Figure 4D). Bulbous structures presumed to be trichomes were also observed forming along the stomium of the anther (Figure 4E). When viewed under the light microscope, the anther wall and stomium could be seen and pollen grains were released into the water used to mount the sample (Figures 5A–C). Some pollen grains had collapsed when viewed under the scanning electron microscope (Figure 5D). Pollen germination was observed within 48–72 h on water agar and ranged from 10 to 30% (Figure 8A).


Figure 4. Scanning electron microscopy of the stigmas and anthers in hermaphroditic flowers of Cannabis sativa. (A) Young developing stigma with receptive papillae or stigmatic hairs (arrow). (B) Older stigma in which the stigmatic hairs are coiled and collapsed around a central core. (C) Individual anther prior to dehiscence showing an outer epidermis with the beginning of a longitudinal groove (stomium) (arrow). (D) Mature anther that has dehisced and revealing pollen grain release (arrow). (E) Enlarged view of the stomium showing formation of bulbous trichomes (arrow) forming in the groove.


Figure 5. Light and scanning electron microscopic observations of anthers and pollen grains in hermaphroditic flowers of Cannabis sativa. (A) The anther wall and groove are visible and pollen grains can be seen packed within the anther pollen sacs (arrow). (B) Release of pollen grains into water used to mount the sample. (C,D) Intact and collapsed pollen grains as viewed in the light microscope (C) and the scanning electron microscope (D).


Figure 6. Flower and pollen development in genetically male plants of Cannabis sativa. (A–C) Male flowers formed in clusters at leaf axils. Each flower is pedicillate, with individual stalks. (D–F) Opening of male flowers to reveal 5 green-white tepals which expose 5 stamens each attached to a filament that dangles the anther. (G) Large amounts of pollen (arrow) being released through the longitudinal groove (stomium) of the anther. (H) Enlarged view of the stomium showing formation of bulbous trichomes (arrow) forming in the groove of the anther. (I) Close-up of a trichome with a short stalk (arrow). Pollen grains can be seen in the foreground.

Male Inflorescence Development​

In genetically male plants, anthers were produced within clusters of staminate flowers that developed at leaf axils (Figures 6A–C) at around 4 weeks of age. At flower maturity in weeks 4–6, anthers dangled from individual flowers and were observed to release large amounts of pollen grains, which were deposited in yellow masses on the leaves below (Figures 6D–F, 7). Such prolific release of pollen was not observed from the hermaphrodite flowers. Scanning electron microscopic examination of the anthers produced on staminate plants showed the release of pollen grains (Figure 6G). Along the longitudinal groove or stomium, the formation of a line of bulbous trichomes (Figure 6H) that developed on a short pedicel (Figure 6I) was observed, similar to that seen in hermaphroditic flowers. When pollen from male plants was deposited onto female inflorescences (Figure 8B) and viewed at 72–96 h, various stages of pollen germination and germ tube development were observed (Figures 8C–F).


Figure 7. Comparative growth of male (M) and female (F) plants of C. sativa strain “Blue Deity,” showing the more rapid growth of male plants to achieve taller slender plants that shed pollen onto shorter slower developing female plants. Plants originated from one seed batch produced from cross-fertilization that yielded male and female plants in approximately equal ratios. Seeds were planted at the same time and grown under a 24 h photoperiod for 4 weeks.


Figure 8. Light and scanning electron micrographs of pollen germination in Cannabis sativa. (A) Pollen germination in water after 72 h showing germ tube formation at a 20% frequency. (B) Female inflorescence showing protruding receptive stigmas. The flower heads were excised and pollinated in vitro using pollen collected from a male flower. (C–F) Pollen germination and germ tube development on stigmatic papillae in situ. Arrows show pollen grains in (C,D) and germ tube growth in (E,F).

Within the hermaphroditic inflorescences in which anthers were found, seed set was initiated, and mature seeds were observed prior to the harvest period (Figures 9A,B). From each of 3 inflorescences bearing seeds, a total of 34, 48, and 22 seeds were obtained. The seeds were removed and placed in moist potting medium where they germinated at a rate of 90–95% within 10–14 days to produce seedlings (Figures 9C,D).


Figure 9. Seed formation within hermaphroditic inflorescences of Cannabis sativa. (A) Longitudinal section cut through the female inflorescence showing outer protruding stigmas and unfertilized ovules. (B) Seed formation within a hermaphroditic inflorescence after 3–4 weeks. Some of the calyx tissue was cut away to reveal the underlying seeds. (C) Seeds recovered from hermaphroditic flowers, ranging from mature (brown) to immature (yellowish-green). (D) Stages of seed germination after placement in a cocofibre:vermiculite potting medium and incubation for 10 days.

PCR and Sequence Analysis​

PCR analysis was used to identify specific bands which correlated with the male or female phenotype in commercial marijuana strains. Seedling tissues from strains “Moby Dyck” and “Blue Deity,” produced through cross-fertilization by a commercial seed producer, showed a band size of approximately 540 bp in female plants, while two bands (ca. 540 and 390 bp in size) or one band (390 bp), were observed in male plants. The resulting ratio of male:female plants in seeds derived from these latter strains was 5:7 and 9:5, respectively (Figures 10A,B). In a third strain “Healer,” however, which were seeds obtained from outdoor cultivation of marijuana, only two male plants were identified among 16 plants; the remaining 14 were female (Figure 10C). By comparison, seeds obtained from hermaphroditic inflorescences of strains “Moby Dyck” and “Space Queen” yielded seedlings that all showed the 540 bp band size corresponding to the female phenotype (Figures 10D,E); the male-specific 390 bp band was absent. PCR analysis of DNA isolated from anther tissues (A) from hermaphroditic plants showed that the banding pattern was of the 540 bp band (Figure 10F). In contrast, the banding pattern observed in staminate flower tissues showed the 390 bp band (data not shown).


Figure 10. PCR analysis to identify male and female seedlings of Cannabis sativa. In female plants, a band of approximately 540 bp in size was observed, while in male plants, a 390 bp size band was always observed and the 540 bp band was sometimes detected. (A,B) Strain “Moby Dyck” and “Blue Deity” showed a 5:7 and 9:5 ratio of male (M) and female (F) plants, respectively, from seeds derived from a male:female cross. (C) Strain “Healer” showed a 2:14 ratio of male:female plants. (D,E) All female plants derived from seeds resulting from hermaphroditic flowers of strains “Moby Dyck” (D) and “Space Queen” (E). (F) PCR analysis of anther tissues (A) showing female composition compared to male (M) and female (F) plants. Water control with no DNA (C) and 1 kb DNA ladder (NEB Quick-Load®) (L).


Tetraploid-produced pollen was larger on average than diploid-produced pollen. A study in the Australian grass Themeda triandra revealed similar results with the diploids producing pollen significantly smaller than the tetraploid (Godfree et al., 2017)



Cytological observation of pollen development in diploid and autotetraploid rice hybrids. A to D, Normal pollen development in diploid rice. A, Dyad stage. B, Tetrad stage. C, Late-stage microspore. D, Bicellular pollen stage. E to L, Abnormal pollen development in diploid hybrids. E, Abnormal dyad stage. F and G, Abnormal tetrad stage (arrows indicate abnormal tetrad cells). H to J, Ex- amples of abnormal early-stage microspores. K, Abnormal midstage bicellular pollen (arrow indicates small pollen). L, Mature pollen stage (arrows indicate small pollen). M to X, Abnormal pollen development in autotetraploid rice hybrids. M, Abnormal dyad stage. N to P, Abnormal tetrad stage. Q, Abnormal early-stage microspore (arrows). R, Middle-stage abnormal microspore (arrow). S, Abnormal late-stage microspore (arrows indicate multiple apertures). T, Early-stage bicellular pollen (arrow indicates small pollen). U to X, Late- stage bicellular pollen (arrows indicate small pollen). Bars = 40 m m.

Cytological observation of pollen development in diploid and autotetraploid rice hybrids. A to D, Normal pollen development in diploid rice. A, Dyad stage. B, Tetrad stage. C, Late-stage microspore. D, Bicellular pollen stage. E to L, Abnormal pollen development in diploid hybrids. E, Abnormal dyad stage. F and G, Abnormal tetrad stage (arrows indicate abnormal tetrad cells). H to J, Ex- amples of abnormal early-stage microspores. K, Abnormal midstage bicellular pollen (arrow indicates small pollen). L, Mature pollen stage (arrows indicate small pollen). M to X, Abnormal pollen development in autotetraploid rice hybrids. M, Abnormal dyad stage. N to P, Abnormal tetrad stage. Q, Abnormal early-stage microspore (arrows). R, Middle-stage abnormal microspore (arrow). S, Abnormal late-stage microspore (arrows indicate multiple apertures). T, Early-stage bicellular pollen (arrow indicates small pollen). U to X, Late- stage bicellular pollen (arrows indicate small pollen). Bars = 40 m

William Blake.
To see a World in a Grain of Sand.
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower.
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand.

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Well-known member

Tuesday 29 November 2011​

Looking at pollen grains​

What you need:
The first thing you need is a collection of flowers. I use a set of neat little plastic containers that screw together. They are sitting on my desk as I write this, and the top two contain millipedes that I collected this morning, and which may be the basis of a future entry, depending on what I can see.

You really need a microscope with a magnification of x400 or better, and the patience to piece together different views. Pollen grains are too small to see with the eye, or even with a hand lens, but they are too large for you to focus on the whole grain at one time under high power.

That means you need to manipulate the images with a neat bit of open-source software from the National Institutes of Health in the USA, called ImageJ. This is really neat, but not entirely intuitive to non-geeks, so I really urge you to read the documentation.

Almost every species has a distinctive pollen, and there is even a science of pollen study called palynology. This science is useful in archaeology, criminal investigations—and even in determining the origins of honey.

Here are two shots of the same pollen, one under low power (left) and one under high power (below). You need to adjust the focus up and down if you want to see the distinctive patterning (called sculpting) on the surface.

The pollen is from a pea, Gompholobium, which was quite infamous in the early days of Australian settlement, because it poisoned sheep which ate it. The poison, sodium fluoroacetate, is used today under the trade name "1080" (ten-eighty) to get rid of pests, because Australia's marsupials are able to resist the poison which is good against rabbits and foxes.

I didn't get very far with this before deciding to drop it from the book, so the lighting in my examples is quite variable, simply because I had lots of stuff to write, and couldn't chase too far down the blind alleys. I will get back to this, one day, some time. Take these two shots (below) of cobbler's pegs (Bidens sp.) pollen:

In each case, I took three shots at different levels, trying to capture the sculpting. Here is a last example, Kunzea (bachelor's buttons, Myrtaceae). I'm far from an expert in this, but there's the idea for you.

There are two problems: pollen grains are sometimes hard to wet, so air bubbles cling to them, and once they are wet, some of them will burst, sending out a pollen tube—this is explained in the next section. I use a tiny amount of detergent in the mounting water and that seems to help get rid of the bubbles. To beat the bursting problem, all you can do is work fast.

Professionally, the clearest views come from scanning electron microscopes, but those are a bit more than a private individual can afford. Under x200, you will be able to just make out the 'sculpting' on the surfaces of pollen grains, and you may even be able to see that they are different shapes. Under x400, it will be much easier to see.

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Well-known member
a we get older my friend it becomes harder and harder to read 👓
so we dont cross paths very often but
:huggg: occasionally it occurs to me then and again to thank those who make a difference

May the pollen of 10,000 4x ;) landrace males fill your cryo tube !
-Blessing from one breeder to another

Reg pollen 9 pound hammer @ beekind genetics
sometimes things hit you in the head, like a 9lb hammer
>>>Best>ibes :huggg:


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OTH @dubi
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In plants, the zygote may be polyploid if fertilization occurs between meiotically unreduced gametes.

Unreduced gametes facilitate polyploid formation and interploidy gene flow in mixed ploidy populations, resulting in increased genetic variation, fitness, heterozygosity, and breeding success.

In land plants, the zygote is formed within a chamber called the archegonium. In seedless plants, the archegonium is usually flask-shaped, with a long hollow neck through which the sperm cell enters. As the zygote divides and grows, it does so inside the archegonium.

There are three cytological mechanisms that cause ploidy increase:​

union of unreduced gametes,​


somatic chromosome doubling,​




(Grant, 1981).​


McClintock's work on maize​

Barbara McClintock began her career as a maize cytogeneticist. In 1931, McClintock and Harriet Creighton demonstrated that cytological recombination of marked chromosomes correlated with recombination of genetic traits (genes).

Discovery by Barbara McClintock​

Barbara McClintock discovered the first TEs in maize (Zea mays) at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York. McClintock was experimenting with maize plants that had broken chromosomes.[7]

In the winter of 1944–1945, McClintock planted corn kernels that were self-pollinated, meaning that the silk (style) of the flower received pollen from its own anther.[7] These kernels came from a long line of plants that had been self-pollinated, causing broken arms on the end of their ninth chromosomes.[7] As the maize plants began to grow, McClintock noted unusual color patterns on the leaves.[7] For example, one leaf had two albino patches of almost identical size, located side by side on the leaf.[7] McClintock hypothesized that during cell division certain cells lost genetic material, while others gained what they had lost.[8] However, when comparing the chromosomes of the current generation of plants with the parent generation, she found certain parts of the chromosome had switched position.[8] This refuted the popular genetic theory of the time that genes were fixed in their position on a chromosome. McClintock found that genes could not only move but they could also be turned on or off due to certain environmental conditions or during different stages of cell development.[8]

Note: uv increases female to male seed ratio
Because it is a stressor,
UV-C can also accelerate ethylene production
and therefore activate the expression of ethylene response factor (ERFs) genes.
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Well-known member

"The natural state in which hemp appears was and is dioecious.
Monoeciousness is artificial in hemp, and it can only exist with the help of man,
and without selection, the dioecious state will return in two or three generations."


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Terpenes that contribute to the taste and aroma of Cannabis products are mainly monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes (Andre et al., 2016). Tetraploids showed an increase in the overall terpene content of leaves (Table 5 and Figure 7B). Total leaf terpenes were increased by 71.5% bringing the total terpene content to 8.8 ± 1.26 mg g-1 which was similar to the diploid buds. Tetraploid buds also had increased total terpene content, which reached 11.58 ± 1.78 mg g-1. However, due to high individual variation between plants, these differences were not statistically significant (Table 5).

Specific terpenes showed significant changes. In buds and leaves, the monoterpene limonene was significantly lower, whereas the sequiterpene

cis-nerolidol was significantly increased, comprising up to 3.50 mg g-1 in tetraploid buds. Overall, greater accumulation of sesquiterpenes was responsible for the increased terpene content of tetraploid leaves and buds (Table 5 and Figure 7B).

Tetraploid buds showed a 60% increase in guaiol.

Tetraploid leaves also showed
double the amount of sesquiterpene α-humulene
and contained
α-bisabolol, which was absent in the diploid leaves (Table 5).

Go ahead old school, rub those stems :huggg:
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Well-known member
Pretty sure I have a triploid of Super Skunk in preflower, lots of fasciation, and weirdness. Would you mind checking out my thread in the vert section (newest one)?
Hope some of these latest posts help in your search @VerticalVerde :huggg:


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9) Twin seedlings​

Another common mutation found in cannabis is polyembryonic seeds. Polyembryonic seeds contain more one seedling, and when germinated, will surprise their owners by putting out two taproots instead of one.

Cannabis seedling with twin seedlings mutation growing from the ground Cannabis Mutations – Twin seedlings
If carefully handled, it should be possible to remove the seed casing after a day or two and gently separate the two seedlings. Once separated, the two seedlings should happily grow into two healthy plants—and interestingly, while one of the two plants will be the normal offspring of its mother and father, the other will be a clone of its mother.

Although two seedlings are more common, some three-seedling polyembryonic seeds have also been observed. However, while this is an interesting mutation, it does not confer much advantage to the breeder, and apparently no effort has been made to develop a true-breeding polyembryonic strain.

Polyploidy is a key process in plant evolution, with the asexual formation of embryos representing a way through which polyploids can escape sterility. The association between polyploidy and polyembryony is known to occur in Bignoniaceae. In this study, we investigate polyembryony in four polyploid species of Anemopaegma: A. acutifolium, A. arvense, A. glaucum and A. scabriusculum as well as in one diploid species, A. album. Polyembryony was observed only in polyploid species. We used seed dissection and germination tests to compare the number of polyembryonic seeds. We tested how the pollen source influences the number of polyembryonic seeds and the number of embryos per seed and tested the correlation between the number of viable seeds per fruit and mean number of embryos per seed. The number of polyembryonic seeds observed by seed dissection was higher than the number of polyembryonic seeds determined by the germination test, with the number of embryos produced per seed being higher than the number of seedlings. The dissection of seeds of A. glaucum indicated that a higher number of polyembryonic seeds and a higher number of embryos were present in seeds from cross-pollination than in seeds from self-pollination. On the other hand, germination tests indicated that a higher number of polyembryonic seeds were present in fruits from self-pollination than from cross-pollination. The mean number of embryos per seed was not influenced by the number of viable seeds per fruit in fruits from open pollination. These results indicate a positive relationship between polyembryony and polyploidy in Anemopaegma.



FIGURE 2. The triploid bridge mechanism. Two consecutive fusions of reduced–unreduced gametes are needed to produce a tetraploid individual from a diploid population. Unreduced gametes can be either female or male and contribute unequally to the embryo (2m:1p or 1m:2p, respectively) and the endosperm (4m:1p or 2m:2p, respectively) tissues of the seed. Thus, after the first fusion event, the formation of a triploid seed and growth of a seedling are constrained by phenomena like the triploid block, causing abnormal seed and plant development (details in the main text). Once a triploid plant arises in a diploid population, the formation of second-generation polyploid individuals is a precondition before the new polyploid lineage can become established. For simplicity, only euploid gametes are considered, but triploids produce an array of gametes with variable ploidy and new polyploids can be derived from a variety of pathways and mating options (see details in the main text and Figure 3). Here again, ploidy asymmetry between female and male gametes and chromosomally unbalanced gametes hamper seed and seedling developments reducing triploid’s fertility. In both steps of the triploid bridge, i.e., the formation of a primary triploid and secondary polyploids, the rate of formation of unreduced gametes, the minority cytotype disadvantages, and the effective size of the nascent population play a central role in the demographic establishment of new polyploids. Gametes: female gametophyte (oval) carrying two gametes, the egg cell (green), and the central cell (light yellow), and male gametophyte (circle) carrying two sperm nuclei (green and light yellow). Primary triploid and secondary polyploids: seeds (ovals) and ploidy of embryo (green) and endosperm (light yellow) tissues; the heterogeneous distribution of nuclei (black dots) illustrates developmental problems after parental genome contributions (details in the main text and Figure 3)
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[IMG alt="BuddhaSeeds"]https://www.icmag.com/data/avatars/m/387/387387.jpg?1649695599[/IMG]




For those whom don't know us, we are Buddha Seeds; a Spanish seed bank focused on the research and development of cannabis strains. We are especially well-known for our autoflowering varieties.

We have been interested in polyploid for a long time since, it´s supposed to produces significant increases in the THC content of plants, gigantism and some other potential benefits. However there is little research and most of it has been carried out on industrial hemp.
Polyploid is a natural mutation in which a cell acquires one or more additional sets of chromosomes. Cannabis plants are usually diploid (2X), which means that they have two complete sets of chromosomes. Those being Polyploids have a higher number of chromosomes sets, so there can be triploid (3X), tetraploid (4X) individuals, etc.

This phenomenon has developed throughout the evolution of animals and plants, but there have been more cases in the latter ones, specifically in angiosperms (flowering plants). Polyploidy has allowed plants to improve their features and acquire new ones, such as more productive and bigger individuals, resistant to stress or pests. These skills have made them adapt to new climates, standing out against their diploid predecessors.

Buddha Seeds’ team is currently carrying out a R&D Project on polyploid plants . Our aim with this post is to expose the work we are developing, as well as shed light on the myths about autoflowering plants.
Research is little advanced; actually we have just had some triploid and tetraploid individuals. We wanted to share the information obtained due to some leaks that didn't guarantee the continuity of work in secret.

We will try to answer all questions you ask, even if it is possible we can't solve some of them, either because we still don't know the answer or because disclosure of some parts of the project could jeopardize its future profitability and safety of our partners (Let us remember that this plant is still illegal in Spain).
We will continue with more information on polyploid . We spent three photos.


1-Photo of the cell size
Microscopic visualization of the stem. The photo shows the cellular organization of the outer face of the stem in Cannabis sativa. Cell size of tetraploid cells is much larger than that of diploid cells. This fact allows the cell nucleus to contain the extra genetic material and the cytoplasm to acquire more cellular organelles (such as chloroplasts) to generate a higher rate of metabolism.


2-Photo of chromosomes
Staining of chromosomes from the roots. Diploid cells of Cannabis sativa have 20 chromosomes (2n = 2 X = 20) while tetraploid cells have 40 (2n = 4 X = 40). In the picture you can see two things: (1) the larger cell size of tetraploid cells and (2) the double number of chromosomes they possess. With this photo it can be certified that plants obtained are tetraploid.


3-Photo of stomata
Microscopic foliar preparation. Visualization of stomata with different sizes, depending on the degrees of ploidy. Stomata are holes located mainly in leaves that plants can open or close in order to control water loss and gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide). In tetraploid plants there is lower density of stomata on the surface of the leaf, but its size is much larger. This fact may allow them to lose less water by transpiration (more resistant to water stress) and as a result of the largest size, it ensures successful gas exchang

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Although the phytochemical content of tetraploid material is lower in leaves than in buds, particularly for the cannabinoids, this content is high enough for the trimmed leaf material to be used for extraction. Notably, the terpenes were increased in the tetraploid leaves to the point where the total terpene content was comparable to the diploid bud. Considering that the wet trim weight was usually similar to, or slightly higher than, the bud yield, extraction of quality trim material could almost double total production yield. Even if cannabinoids are low in the tetraploid leaves, a terpene-rich extract would have many commercial applications, such as flavoring for Cannabis edibles or as independent products with novel therapeutic properties.
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00476


Well-known member
While several instances of artificial polyploidization have been documented in cannabis [9,24,25,26], the occurrence of natural polyploidization in cannabis has been reported in only two studies to date looking at landrace populations [14,15]. However, unpublished data has also identified several elite, clone-only cultivars used for commercial production as triploids, without any indication that they were produced through artificial means (unpublished data). Together, these reports suggest that polyploidy is likely a naturally occurring, albeit rare, phenomenon in cannabis. In this study, 10 out of 13 populations contained triploid individuals, while the other three were exclusively diploid. However, it should be noted that the average rate of natural triploidy was around 0.5%, such that the absence of triploids in these three populations was likely a result of the population size and randomness rather than any biological factor. Presumably, if larger population sizes were used, triploids would likely have been identified in all 13 populations. Likewise, while no naturally occurring tetraploids were identified in this study, they have been reported in a landrace population, suggesting that they naturally occur [15], and the absence reported here is likely a product of population size. Based on the data presented here, and assuming male and female gametes fail to reduce at a similar rate,
Plants (Basel). 2023 Dec; 12(23): 3927.
Published online 2023 Nov 22. doi: 10.3390/plants12233927

we would expect natural tetraploids to appear at a rate of approximately 0.0025%, or
1 in 40,000.

However, it should be noted that the average rate of natural triploidy was around 0.5%

1:100 */-

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Chem 91 fully functional THCAS gene

This chart represents the Illumina sequence coverage over the Bt/Bd allele. These are the three regions in the cannabis genome that impact THCA, CBDA, CBGA production. Coverage over the Active CBDAS gene is highly correlated with Type II and Type III plants as described by Etienne de Meijer. Coverage over the THCA gene is highly correlated with Type I and Type II plants but is anti-correlated with Type III plants. Type I plants require coverage over the inactive CBDA loci and no coverage over the Active CBDA gene. Lack of coverage over the Active CBDA and Active THCA allele are presumed to be Type IV plants (CBGA dominant). While deletions of entire THCAS and CBDAS genes are the most common Bt:Bd alleles observed, it is possible to have plants with these genes where functional expression of the enzyme is disrupted by deactivating point mutations (Kojoma et al. 2006).

'71 '74 SKUNK
Type I plants require coverage over the inactive CBDA loci and no coverage over the Active CBDA gene.

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