It's PRECISELY why they named them optima.
Prove it. Any sources?
And why do you keep bringing up religion? I don't think you know anything about God or his works.
It's PRECISELY why they named them optima.
Prove it. Any sources?
And why do you keep bringing up religion? I don't think you know anything about God or his works.
'What does time being life for better diversity on earth' mean? Do you have evidence you can show me that there was more diversity of life on earth during a global optimum then during a glacial maximum? Please cite a research paper.
This is science it is not a church or religion. Religion is faith based. It cannot be proven. Science is based on research. There is no 'Church of More Energy' or whatever. So if scientists are saying that life's peak diversity was during the last global optimum you must have a research paper or two you can show me. Otherwise you are full of shit.
I need to behave myself. I erased what I was starting to write and decided to tell a story.
One time I was in the city jail. My bunk buddy was a black guy, in his 50s. If you want to hang out with someone who talks a lot of shit, hang out with an older black dude who's lived on or near the streets his whole life. And I talk my share of shit too. They say hell boils with laughter. I know a few days in the drunk tank with the wife beaters and crack heads goes a lot faster that way. We'd sit around all day talking shit about everything and everyone we looked at.
There was this guy, he was slow. I mean he was hit in the head with a blunt object or something. He got confused a couple times took shit that didn't belong to him. The black guy would look over and the guy would have his towel. Or he'd be wearing his socks. You don't do that shit in jail, you get your ass kicked. My friend got hot and yelled at him but he couldn't get that mad because the guy was fucked up.
So it got to be cheap low quality entertainment to watch what the screwball was doing and laugh and talk shit. We weren't picking on the guy or bullying, he wasn't aware of it. But it was amusing to see his confusion.
But you're never alone in jail. Another guy saw us laughing at him and got pissed off. 'My brother was like that and what you're doing's not cool.'
At the moment I felt a little teeny tiny twinge of shame in between my idiotic giggles because he was right. What we were doing was harmless in a way but it was demeaning to all of us because we're all human. I think about that from time to time and now is a good time for me to think about it before I help this thread sink to new lows.
My friend and I stopped laughing for about 30 seconds. Then this big fat Mexican guy on the other side of the cell held up his enormous pair of underwear with the most hellacious refried bean skid mark you've ever seen. He stood there looking at it for a couple seconds. Then he leaned forward and sniffed...
Don't be coy, don't tell me another story about the time you laughed at people of color for being victims of crime.
Well, I was going to be nice and end it where I did but you keep babbling on and on about racism. If you had understood my story you would realize that it was not about laughing at people of color. It was about laughing at a mentally disabled person, who represented you. And how even though I was making fun of you and calling you a dim wit you had no idea that is what I was doing. So it was okay for us to laugh at you, but we should feel a little guilty.
Earlier I was not making fun of Islam or Indians I was making fun of you and implying that you are a narrow minded bigot with very very white skin because you never leave your basement. This all went over your head because you lack the mental capacity for humor, sarcasm, metaphor, and rhetoric.
So all along I was really making fun of you and calling you an idiot. But you had no idea because you're completely lost in your world of stupid ideas.
What is ironic is that you suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is a cognitive bias in which people, often cranks, of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. You believe that you have some special insight that makes you the only one to see the truth. The people that don't understand your nonsense are all dumber then you. When in fact it is nonsense and you are the one who has unscientific faith based beliefs fit for a dumb person.
One thing interesting about the Dunning-Kruger effect. It tends to affect white males. Women tend to believe the opposite about themselves, underrate their own intelligence. As do the Japanese, they also underrate their own intelligence.
This thread is incredible.
When you offer a link it gets ignored. When someone throws a personal view you have to prove why it's right.
You show us evidence and calculations(reviewed) which supports your claims. Until then you're on the ignore list, again.
This thread is incredible.
When you offer a link it gets ignored. When someone throws a personal view you have to prove why it's right.
You show us evidence and calculations(reviewed) which supports your claims. Until then you're on the ignore list, again.