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Haskel pneumatic refrigerant pumps

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Actually I was gonna ask Dave for one :tiphat:

Sooooo Dave, what color is Team Haskel?

Hee, hee, hee, envision a scantily clad EXT-420/single/dual silk screened on the front, and "I got mine" stenciled on the back at the upcoming ICM Las Vegas cup in April, as well as the up coming July HT cup in Portland town.

Maybe give away shirts as booth door prizes to coveting fans, saying, "I'm getting mine", with the same provocative picture on front.

JC, maybe you should be give out shirts with your logo on the front and, "Follow me, I got gas", tastefully silk screened on back".............................
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Sooooo Dave, what color is Team Haskel?

Hee, hee, hee, envision a scantily clad EXT-420/single/dual silk screened on the front, and "I got mine" stenciled on the back at the upcoming ICM Las Vegas cup in April, as well as the up coming July HT cup in Portland town.

Maybe give away shirts as booth door prizes to coveting fans, saying, "I'm getting mine", with the same provocative picture on front.

JC, maybe you should be give out shirts with your logo on the front and, "Follow me, I got gas", tastefully silk screened on back".............................

Sounds like the plot is getting thick!!!


I can always get a good laugh in here! Excellent marketing ideas as well GW. I would love to attend the Portland Cup, or Vegas.......

Dave at Haskel

Active member
Wow! I was away for a couple of days and all kinds of ideas come up! I'm intrigued by some of the ideas, I'm going to send them to our marketing people and see what they say - marketing controls the budget for things like t-shirts and trade shows.


Dave at Haskel

Active member
Well I guess I'm the owner of a 59025 .... go team Haskle :tiphat:

Congratulations! I hope it is the 59025-3 or someone has already resealed the unit, the standard 59025 has neoprene seals in it, which won't hold up to butane or propane. The pump can be resealed with viton relatively easily.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Congratulations! I hope it is the 59025-3 or someone has already resealed the unit, the standard 59025 has neoprene seals in it, which won't hold up to butane or propane. The pump can be resealed with viton relatively easily.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Hey Dave, first off thank you for being so active on the forum for Haskel it is an immense resource to have you involved in the forums and one more reason I am a firm believer in Haskel for the purposes of extractions.

My question is the group I work with will be needing a Haskel prior to the release date of the new extraction models release date. Would it still be possible to have the neoprene seals replaced with viton directly from you guys or is that on us until the new model is released?

Dave at Haskel

Active member
My question is the group I work with will be needing a Haskel prior to the release date of the new extraction models release date. Would it still be possible to have the neoprene seals replaced with viton directly from you guys or is that on us until the new model is released?

I take it from your question that you want the ability to draw vacuum and the EXT420 won't meet your needs. If that's the case your options are to wait for the the new EXT420-2 pump or get the 59025. Your are correct, the standard 59025 does have neoprene seals, but the 59025-3 has the viton seals already.

Check with your local Haskel distributor on price and delivery on the 59025-3.

Hey Dave, first off thank you for being so active on the forum for Haskel it is an immense resource to have you involved in the forums and one more reason I am a firm believer in Haskel for the purposes of extractions.

My question is the group I work with will be needing a Haskel prior to the release date of the new extraction models release date. Would it still be possible to have the neoprene seals replaced with viton directly from you guys or is that on us until the new model is released?

The 59025-3 (-3) signifies VITON seals. So if you need to order it with, thats your part#.



My flow regulator is consistently reading <80 psi and holds fairly steady around 50-60 psi, doesn't seem to be doing much regulating bc as I adjust the knob, there is no change in flow. Do you have any suggestion on a specific brand, I'm using some Chinese one from the local compressor guys. It is placed 6" from the air inlet. The 15hp compressor seems to be working harder than expected too.
There is almost 75' of air line, checked for leaks and found none.

The flow regulator should be reading at least 100 psi correct?

Sorry the pictures are sideways

Dave at Haskel

Active member

My flow regulator is consistently reading <80 psi and holds fairly steady around 50-60 psi, doesn't seem to be doing much regulating bc as I adjust the knob, there is no change in flow. Do you have any suggestion on a specific brand, I'm using some Chinese one from the local compressor guys. It is placed 6" from the air inlet. The 15hp compressor seems to be working harder than expected too.
There is almost 75' of air line, checked for leaks and found none.

The flow regulator should be reading at least 100 psi correct?

Sorry the pictures are sideways


A couple of questions, do you have a pressure gauge on the outlet of the compressor? If you do, what is it reading? When the pump isn't cycling, what pressure are you seeing at the pump?

There are a couple of things I'm thinking of, one would be that the Regulator isn't working very well and it's dropping the pressure too much. That would be indicated if the pressure before the regulator is high and it's low after the regulator, even if the pump isn't cycling. If you want to replace the regulator, I would go with something like a Parker Regulator, at least 1/2" connection on it.

The other possibility is the long run of hose. You can tell if that is the problem by checking the pressure at the pump when the pump isn't running. If the pressure at the pump is high until you turn the pump on then it drops significantly when the pump starts cycling, that is an indication that the hose is too small a diameter for the length and you are getting too much pressure drop through the hose.

I can't remember if you told me, are you in the Portland area?




The compressor has a gauge, it reads between 80-100 when operational and 150 sitting idle. The only gauge I have after the compressor is on the regulator which is after the last ball valve. I will throw another on tomorrow and read the gauge. The regulator bounces out of control, but I do feel like the compressor may be at the heart of this issue.

I'm running 1/2" line the whole way which is 75', 10' of soft line on each end. The air inlet on my Haskel is 1/2" so there's never a reduction.

The compressor is a 15hp atlas copco, which should be plenty......

The pump did great. Recovered 30# of nbutane with no heat and no after chiller in 2hrs. The tank was put on dry ice after it started warming up, probly 30 minutes into recovery. This was all in single stage mode. Tomorrow we start flipping valves and testing the multi stage configuration.

I'm in eugene, just a short drive south. Would love to give you the tour some time, and show what a haskels capable of ;) Thank you for the timely response!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hee, hee, hee, I ordered one of the new EXT 420's from HIS yesterday, which they said they had in stock. More when it arrives

I'll get pictures today of one of the 59025-3 conversions we did, to run either single or double stage, using two three way valves.
Hi Dave, We received the new EXT420 yesterday & I like how you guys labeled all the inlets & outlet.
I noticed it didn't have pipe threads on the seal failure port, & had just the screens.
It there a model # designation to make sure we get threaded next time?

Dave at Haskel

Active member
Hi Dave, We received the new EXT420 yesterday & I like how you guys labeled all the inlets & outlet.
I noticed it didn't have pipe threads on the seal failure port, & had just the screens.
It there a model # designation to make sure we get threaded next time?

Waywardwolf, that's a great question and thanks for bringing it up! When we were developing the EXT420, the engineer I was working slapped his head and realized that the vent port on the distance piece is only venting "blow-by" drive air and there is no point in capturing that air (we both felt pretty dumb when we realized that). The vent for the gas section is on the bottom of the gas body, that is why we are now putting a fitting there, making it easier to connect it to a vent line. The only time you would need to capture the air in the distance piece would be if you were driving with something other than compressed air, which I can't imagine anyone doing in this industry.

I hope that answers your question! Let me know if you have more.



So yesterday I had the pleasure of hosting Dave from Haskel and Joe from HIS Innovations Group. First off these two gentleman are a pleasure to talk with and work with. I got to show them the pump in action and we discussed the benefits of the multi stage operation of this pump.

This pump is amazing, it's pretty much bullet proof and a very simple design. It's built for a much heavier work load than we require, as opposed to hvac pumps that aren't designed to be worked so hard.
We had the single stage mode pulling into the negative bc our after chiller was working so efficiently!


I highly encourage calling Joe at HIS if your in any way serious about your craft. He has the knowledge, pumps and connections to get you running, and for about the same price as two cmep ol pumps, if you don't have three phase. Not to mention he's a solid guy embracing our industry and much more to offer than pumps...

Having someone like Dave on our side and helping advance the pump design is an invaluable asset. There is no pump that compares to this, and no matter what china does I doubt it will ever compare to this work horse.

Thanks for everything Dave! Your a huge help!

A6 Grower

Thats awesome! I would love to do that! Bet you were all fuzzy feeling all day lol. Peacocking around and shit. Look! Look at this! j/k

Im really leaning towards the haskel here next month, but the space and noise are the only down side. Im in a warehouse strip so i dont know how the neighbors would like 2 compressors running 10 hours a day lol. But i could and just say deal with it lol. Also the fact i run multiple machines at the same time which brings me to my question.

Is there anyway to get the haskel to rum multiple machines? I know it would be impossible to run differnt sized machines as they would just recover at the same speed and the small one would take just as long as the big one, but could i at least run 2 big same size MKV's?? Only way i could think of would be having 1 large 200# or more tank feeding a 1" cooling coil then multiple machines and an intake manifold on the haskel for machine recovery selection correct? Would it even be capable of that? You say its meant for more then what we use it more. I want to take it to its max potential lol.