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Old Piney

Well-known member
Rushing to finish up the dry sift hash season tonight since it looks like the last night of below freezing temps for a while. Already did The Real Seed Co Panjshiri and Baaba Wo’s Mazar-I-Sharif - not great yields as the Afghans struggled with septoria leaf spot.

This is The Real Seed Co’s Rasoli, which was the real star of last year’s grow - enormous plants up to 18 feet that finished in early November. The smells from these ranged from lemony to a somewhat foul odor that reminded me a bit of a couple of the Tirah I grew in 2021. Hash from this is very nice, uplifting yet calm -

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I made some last week , real strong shit with a nice high and unique flowery smell not hash like at all. Got a bit more to sift and a bunch of my Moroccan Beldia




Well-known member
This year’s plants doing pretty well, went 16 for 19 out of the gate and 2 of the 3 replacements have popped so far as well.

First up are two different Karakoram strains via Landrace Genetics, collected in 2022. Rounded leaves on all of them. All 8 seeds popped quickly and all are healthy -


Next are Baaba Qo Tashqurghan, 4 out of 5 popped immediately as did the replacement for the 5th that didn’t -


Last up are The Real Seed Co’s Chitrali. Went 4 for 6 initially and one of the two replacements has also popped. Not sure what’s going on with the two smaller slowpokes but the leaves are gaining size so hopefully they catch up -



Well-known member
Is there a particular area / thread for hash? Last season I made some drysift into temple balls.
This is some White Widow that turned out well. I'm experimenting this season with bubble.


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Well-known member
Hope everyone’s hash garden is doing well. The Karakoram landraces gifted to me by Landrace Generics had massive growth over the past month, 4 of them are taller than any previous plants have been at this time, the tallest is just about 7 feet. I was hoping not to have crazy tall plants like last year but who knows -


Baaba Qo’s Tashqurghan are doing well too -


Ended up with a male and female Chitrali, the male produced flowers earlier than anything I’ve had before, I topped it a couple days ago to collect pollen -


Still getting some small amounts of Septoria on a couple of plants, but it’s nothing like it was last year. Starting to see caterpillars so some B.t. will be in order soon. They are nitrogen whores and are getting top-dressed cow manure and worm castings every couple of weeks, in addition to Pete’s Perfect Piss Potion added to waterings. Hope the weather continues this perfect pattern of warm sunny days followed by some soaking thunderstorms.


Nice thread @therevverend some great gardens. Coming from near 28S, and usually very wet autumns everyone’s efforts are inspiring. I’ve been drifting away from Afghanis but I might try harder this year. Usually I like what the males add to my sativas.


ICMag Donor
Friend of the breeder of Juicy Fruit, Trichome Technologies talks about it on The Potcast that was recently released!

Nice gardens pie59ltiel!

Old Piney

Well-known member
Indeed , not so much shade leaves but many hash plants have resinous leaves and flower bracts, with relatively few cylexes. Here's a pic of a pheno of world seeds South African KwaZulu. It's not a hash plant per se but it made good hash easily with it's louse structure