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Well-known member
I heard the stories from @chiesesganja about specific hash plants breed for the leaves, not the flowers. Have any of you had such a plant?
Yes. Locally made strain here in MI, called "Pine Tar". Not PTK, just Pine Tar. I held it for a few years, one of my all time favorites. It grows into a perfect sphere all by itself, no topping necessary. Fairly loose, airy buds, and even the fans have visible resin. Pure pine resin smell and taste, that loses some of the sharp pine after some months curing, turning very, very skunky with time.

I lost it a little over a year ago, sadly. But not before I made a few new creations with it. So far, I'm finding some real gems in the progeny. Amazing piney, hashy, skunky nose/taste on most, and fantastic night time smoke. Very hardy and resistant as well.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Yes. Locally made strain here in MI, called "Pine Tar". Not PTK
Pine Tar Kush hash :)




Well-known member
Nice! I'll see if I can dig up a pic or two... the Pine Tar is/was a gorgeous plant. Super sad I lost it, and nobody seems to have it anymore. Such a shame, but I hope to find her match in the progeny. One so far is almost better overall, but not quite as pure of a pine nose as the original, and no skunk in that one (so far).


Well-known member
I heard the stories from @chiesesganja about specific hash plants breed for the leaves, not the flowers. Have any of you had such a plant?
I did not say that breed for leaves.....I said hash plant genetics has a lot of leaves because they do not focus on the outfit they are not selling flowers, they make hash and sell hash, and all they want is trichomes!
Additionally, flowers are complex and dense , You need to break them through to collect the trichomes.


Well-known member
Weird grow year here. The two Karakoram strains that were kindly provided by Landrace Genetics mostly grew over 10 feet and half hit 12 feet - their growth was explosive in June and July but they popped into flowering relatively quickly in August. I’m glad because running plants into late November here is a pain in the ass lol

6 of 8 were males. The strain the two females were from was very resistant against Septoria. I grabbed pollen from the males and am selectively pollinating. Will also wind up with a shit ton of bag seed because I let the males develop a bit longer than I usually do. Smell from rubs is kind of vanilla camphor with a touch of sandalwood maybe? I suck at describing smells though so who knows. The plant on the right is close to 12 feet and the other one would’ve been that big but for some critter chewing the top of it back in early June, so it developed three main branches instead of a Christmas tree shape -

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Well-known member
As fast as the Karakoram strains were to sex, the Baaba Qo Selections Tashqurghan are slowpokes. So far there is one confirmed female that started preflowering over a month ago, there is one that I suspect of being female, one male that I just topped for pollen collection and two that I have no clue about. The male ended up right at 10 feet and the others are all between 7 and 8 feet.

The confirmed female and the suspected female actually have done OK against Septoria, but the male is somewhat affected and the two unsexed plants have maybe a third of the leaf complement left that they should have. I stopped spraying copper sulfate because frankly it didn’t really seem to be doing all that much. I may have to burn brush on the garden over the winter to see if I can kill the Septoria that overwinters in the soil, because this is the second year I’ve had Afghan plants significantly impacted by it.

They have some interesting smells, the suspected female has a sandalwood floral scent, the confirmed female more fruity and the rest are sour citrusy. The confirmed female has a nice plump Indica-looking shape with dense foliage and tight nodes -


This was the male yesterday before I topped him, he and the others have more of the rangy candelabra mountain kush shape -


Here are the other three, suspected female in the middle. As you can see the two on the ends are sparse due to Septoria -
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Well-known member
My favorite plant is this Chitral, Pakistan girl. Really exotic mandarin orange smell, she was the first into flower and I’m thinking she will be done early October. Not the biggest plant but she has tight nodes so I expect pretty stacked colas. Stigma are pink. Hit her with pollen from the male Chitral I chopped in early July after it threw balls way earlier than anything I’ve ever grown. Hoping the early traits carry through with their offspring. Also dug some two year old Waziristan pollen - my favorite strain - out of the freezer and hope I get some seed set with that, as I think it might be an interesting combo. The pollen was still powdery so there’s a chance it’ll work. She’s been quite good against Septoria as well, hoping she holds up against the inevitable soggy September -


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