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Gypsy is finally home

Prawn Connery

Licence To Krill
Cheers for the heads-up on posting.

PG was built and funded by a Canadian programmer and former OG member (Ethical Grower/Gadabout) who was my old sparring partner in the Shark Tank. He invited me to be his partner in a new venture (planetganja.com) at the end of 2004, as he needed someone to help build the front end and administer the site. There were always a few minor issues between us - mostly ideological about the running of the site (including how I handled the POM saga - I'm a bit of an avowed anarchist, and probably let things go a bit far in the name of "free speech"), but also Gad's complaining about paying the bills while at the same time not wanting to accept financial help via donations and/or subs.

He might have been sick of paying the bills, but most members were also sick of being reminded of this fact, as well as ongoing threats to close the site. Sometime in 2010 I woke to find we'd been taken offline. It wasn't the first time. Eventually, after a bit of negotiation with potential partners, Gad agreed to hand over the keys and Smokebreaks - who now owns and runs myplanetganja.com - would provide a server for the migration and foot the bills with the aim of trying to become self-funded through advertising, donations and site auctions to keep planetganja going as an independent resource.

However, when it came time to hand over the keys, Gad reneged and pulled the site for good. He spun a story about how his real-life business partner had "stolen" the server on which PG was based, and that his partner had "disappeared". Later, Gad claimed he'd taken it down himself due to "security issues".

The bottom line was that someone spat the dummy and took his bat and ball, as well as four years' worth of grow logs and everything else. There is, of course, another side to the story, but consensus is Gad was sick of paying the bills and simply preferred to pull the plug rather than hand over all his hard work for nothing. His ideal was to build the site into something he could later sell. My ideal was to have somewhere to grow and play - like the old OG Shark Tank - with a minimum of moderation, vested interests and site politics. Idealism doesn't pay the bills and capitalism benefits the few . . .

Gad's since offered to hand the planetganja.com domain over and help out at myplanetganga, but there's not a lot of good will and, frankly, few trust him after what he did to PG. I've had nothing to do with the new site apart from being a regular member, so kudos to those who have continued the legacy of the old "Stank". Though I guess it's not much of a legacy these days.

But we can still reminisce.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Looks like my sorry saga is ending on a good foot.

Yesterday 2 Scotland Yard Extradition Squad detectives dropped by to see me, to give me my passport back after taking it off me in November 2016 when I was arrested, charged and bailed on this now de-funked extradition charge. Hand delivered no less.

Now that the USA's case to try and legally extradite me thru the British courts has failed, I am no longer on bail, so qualify in getting my passport back (and here it is), although I don't plan on using it to go travel anywhere right now, what with an Interpol Red Notice still active, it would most probably be sheer folly.

A passport is very important to a Gypsy, and already I have had certified copies made at the local solicitors which is one of the requirements for the wife's visa....still need a couple more bits and pieces for that.

Still....its all rolling along nicely Brigadier.....looks like my life is turning up roses again.


Looks like my sorry saga is ending on a good foot.

Yesterday 2 Scotland Yard Extradition Squad detectives dropped by to see me, to give me my passport back after taking it off me in November 2016 when I was arrested, charged and bailed on this now de-funked extradition charge. Hand delivered no less.

Now that the USA's case to try and legally extradite me thru the British courts has failed, I am no longer on bail, so qualify in getting my passport back (and here it is), although I don't plan on using it to go travel anywhere right now, what with an Interpol Red Notice still active, it would most probably be sheer folly.

A passport is very important to a Gypsy, and already I have had certified copies made at the local solicitors which is one of the requirements for the wife's visa....still need a couple more bits and pieces for that.

Still....its all rolling along nicely Brigadier.....looks like my life is turning up roses again.

Thats cool and I concur on the travel plans until interplod have caught up with events or whatever it takes for them to FO. More interesting than that however... are you an actual proper Gypsy, Gypsy? :)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Thats cool and I concur on the travel plans until interplod have caught up with events or whatever it takes for them to FO. More interesting than that however... are you an actual proper Gypsy, Gypsy? :)

Well, in all seriousness I was born in a caravan on Mixnams Farm in Chertsey Surrey and my Mum named me after some Welsh prince, because her family hailed from that way, so I ended up with a name with no vowels.....that hardly anyone could say, so I changed it legally to the name I have been known as online for the past 20 years - Gypsy Nirvana in 2004...

Some people have called me a pikey amongst many other colourful names, and others have called me Gypsy for years, (because I used to travel alot) which doesn't mean that I belong to any currently travelling or static Roma communities....or ever did. Its just what I am known as online and in real life these days.


Well-known member
Good news, nice to hear.... can’t believe they’ve got the neck to have an Interpol red notice on you when there are American seedbanks popping up all over... sheer hypocrisy.
Good luck with bringing your family to you, I hope it doesn’t take too long

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I had to get a certified copy of the passport because its a requirement for the wife's visa, so I popped into a local solicitors/lawyers office to get them to do the certification, which is basically making a copy of the passport and then getting some lawyer to sign the copy...

The cost.....5 pounds sterling (about $7). I was shocked. At first 5 quid seemed awfully cheap. To get a lawyer to do anything for 5 quid seemed more than reasonable. Then I thought <all it is, is a copy and a signature>

Still......I gotta get away from lawyers....there has been waaaay too many of them in my life these last years.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Lawyers are like bugs in the garden, you learn to
deal with them to grow another day.

Since I haven't lost a court case in recent years, good lawyers have been necessary, particularly for this extradition case, and thanks to Ben Cooper and Richard Parry I am now a free citizen (in the UK) once again.

My Philippine lawyer was hobbled by the corrupt and constipated legal system in the Philippines, where nothing moved, unless you paid for it to move thru the legal system, and often even if you paid for something, you never got it. So eventually I was looking at spending many more years locked up there, just waiting for the cases I had filed to come up against my captors, and if I wanted to deport, then I had to drop these cases, otherwise they would not let me go.

In the end I am glad that I didn't get on that USA bound plane in Manila, back in September 2013, and that I did manage to deport in 2016 back to the UK, where in 2 years British Justice has served me right and refused to give me up to the feds.
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Since I haven't lost a court case in recent years, good lawyers have been necessary, particularly for this extradition case, and thanks to Ben Cooper and Richard Parry I am now a free citizen (in the UK) once again.

My Philippine lawyer was hobbled by the corrupt and constipated legal system in the Philippines, where nothing moved, unless you paid for it to move thru the legal system, and often even if you paid for something, you never got it. So eventually I was looking at spending many more years locked up there, just waiting for the cases I had filed to come up against my captors, and if I wanted to deport, then I had to drop these cases, otherwise they would not let me go.

In the end I am glad that I didn't get on that USA bound plane in Manila, back in September 2013, and that I did manage to deport in 2016 back to the UK, where in 2 years British Justice has served me right and refused to give me up to the feds.

You did well to hold it together, I dread to think where I would of ended up if it had happened to me. Considering the alternative outcomes, I have to say well played. Don't mean this nastily but I'm most pleased for your kids and Mrs - I know first hand how our misfortunes affect them.


I had to get a certified copy of the passport because its a requirement for the wife's visa, so I popped into a local solicitors/lawyers office to get them to do the certification, which is basically making a copy of the passport and then getting some lawyer to sign the copy...

The cost.....5 pounds sterling (about $7). I was shocked. At first 5 quid seemed awfully cheap. To get a lawyer to do anything for 5 quid seemed more than reasonable. Then I thought <all it is, is a copy and a signature>

Still......I gotta get away from lawyers....there has been waaaay too many of them in my life these last years.

heres hoping that time flys by now so you can get your family by your side after all these years it must be terrible for your family and yourself knowing they are halfway around the world but good things come to those who wait and soon you will be together again thoughts and prayers sent :comfort:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It's not been all 'wine and roses' since that sensible and favorable decision on 15th March NOT to extradite me to the USA.

Getting the wife's visa to come to the UK is proving to be difficult since her TB test/chest X-Ray (a requirement) came up with her being told that she had some small spots on her lungs, and so she had to go into Manila for 3 consecutive days the following week to give sputum samples, and now we await the results. It could be something very easily treatable, then again it could be something more serious........whatever it is she needs to be rid of it before she can qualify for her settlement visa in the UK.

We were planning to be together again as a family for my daughters 10th birthday in June.....now we are told that even if my wife's problem is easily treatable, it will take at least 10 weeks (treatment) + 4-8 weeks (for visa application) before she could possibly get to the UK.

....Most everyone likes a story with a happy ending.......we just haven't quite got there yet.


Indicas make dreams happen
Wishing only the best for you and your family Gypsy. What a ride for a family to go through. Hopefully your wife will make a speedy recovery from whatever is ailing her and you guys will all be together soon. It will be one hell of story once it's all over with.


Active member
Thinking positively for you and yours, Gypsy. You folks deserve to be given a very positive break. You've all been through quite enough already.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
We are sending best vibes for your wife's health! Also for you to be reunited soon. It's been far too long. I wish you happiness with your family and this nightmare put to bed for good.

Do you plan to ever travel to the Philippines again?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
She doesn't feel un-well at all, and we were surprised that she didn't pass her chest X-Ray - T.B. test as she did last time she applied for, and failed to get the visitors visa in 2016....We have to wait and see what the results of these recent test are...apparently she will be receiving a text with the results before too long....

I can't travel back to the Philippines due to being 'Blacklisted' because of these federal charges that make me out to be some 'Fugitive' from US justice to the Bureau of Immigration in the Philippines...and until these charges are laid to rest/dropped in Maine USA I don't dare to try and return to what was once my home and family....The only safe option is to get my wife and the kids into the UK to settle with me here.

One day I would like to go back to the Philippines again, but it won't be possible until these US federal charges are dropped.....It won't be safe for me to go anywhere outside of the UK, without the risk of capture and detention while whatever country decides if they will give me to the USA or not....
We are sending best vibes for your wife's health! Also for you to be reunited soon. It's been far too long. I wish you happiness with your family and this nightmare put to bed for good.

Do you plan to ever travel to the Philippines again?