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Gypsy is finally home


Active member
Your family will be with you soon Gypsy.I don't know if you remember me SKELETOR from Overgrow.I can relate so much.They took almost a full 2 years of my 20 year old life over 2 oz. of MJ,that was 30 years ago it would probably be worse today.Anyway bro hang tough you will pull through all of it and maybe learn a few things along the way.Forget I said that, its ridiculous all I learned was that the system is inherently fucked up,nothing else

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You can't believe everything you read in the newspapers/media because no, I am not locked-up, but I am on bail for an extradition trial in mid-May, up at the Westminster Court in London.

There are several other anomalies in that Bangor Daily News article, one of which is that no attempt was ever made to legally extradite me from the Philippines to the US, an attempt was made to illegally render me stateside back in September 2013.

In May it could be decided if the UK gives me to the USA or not, and even if they decide to, I can appeal.

There is not any chance of getting my family to the UK while all this is going on, so I will have to face this alone.

I have a good lawyer, wish me luck.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well, well, well.....its all coming up roses!

The High Court today refused to allow the extradition to the USA of Gypsy Nirvana, a British based cannabis seed dealer, on the basis that no offence would have been committed under UK law. The misuse of drugs act 1971 exempts seeds from the definition of cannabis, in contrasts to U.S. law. If extradited, Gypsy Nirvana could have faced up to 20 years in prison in the USA.

Richard Parry from Saunders Solicitors LTD was contacted by Mr Nirvana in 2016 when he was still being held in detention in the Philippines. He advised him to consent to deportation to the UK so that he could fight his case through the British Courts.

Previously, in 2013, The Filipino authorities, at the behest of a US special agent, had detained Mr Nirvana, and, in a disguised extradition attempt, tried to force him onto a direct flight to the USA, which he was forced to physically resist. Had this illegal rendition of a British National succeeded Mr Nirvana would have been deprived of his rights under UK law.

We instructed Mr Ben Cooper of counsel, an expert in extradition law, who drafted strong arguments against the US application and won the case originally in front of the district Judge at Westminster in August 2017.

Although despite loosing their appeal to the High Court, the USA can ask for a point of law to be certified for the Supreme Court, this appears unlikely.

After 4 and a half years of legal battles, it appears that justice has finally been achieved for Mr Nirvana through the dedicated work of his legal team and the sensible approach of the British Courts.

15th March 2018


Well-known member
Such great news Gypsy!! there was an article last week in the guardian online about your case.
Time to start living brother!


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes......I must say that the events of the past week have cheered me up immensely..

....and many thanks for your kind support.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Mr Nirvana is not a US citizen, he is British, so should not be susceptible to these archaic, draconian, USA Federal cannabis laws which put cannabis seeds in the same schedule 1. narcotic bracket as heroin, and no attempt to prosecute should have been attempted since he has operated his business well within the laws of the UK for over 20 years.

Already Mr Nirvana has suffered immensely over these non-crimes that he has been accused of by the prosecutor in Maine USA, Mr Connelly.

Nirvana has had his liberty taken away from him already for 30 months which he spent in abhorrent conditions in a Manila detention jail after being ripped from his home, wife and young children in August 2013, due to the US indictment. His legal seed business has suffered tremendously because of this prosecution, and an illegal attempted rendition(kidnapping) was enacted upon him during his illegal incarceration to try and get him to the USA without due process of law. Still he has not been able to be reunited with his family who now have to move to the UK from their home and schools in the Philippines if they are to continue any sort of normal family life.

This case instigated by the Maine prosecutor has had a profound and deeply damaging effect on Nirvana's health, love, life, liberty and business as a completely legal cannabis seed distributor and he will be seeking restitution.


Active member
Gypsy, I would sue the crap out of Uncle Sam. As stated early, I'm a US citizen. My government's BS is far too overreaching into places none of our damn business. This government is run by assholes and morons. It's far beyond time for others to tell Uncle Sam to fuck-off and leave them be... and keep his friggin' nose out of others' business. This jerk-off government needs to be internationally shamed and embarrassed.


Active member
Gypsy I hope your family is at your side soon, the misery you have been dealt is terrible and revolting. May the reunion with your family be the best day of your life, may you cry for hours in joy without caring, may peace visit your home and soul.....I am speechless

Best wishes brother

heady blunts

prescription blunts
saw the news and had to stop by to say congratulations/about damn time! glad the uk justice system functions better than the circus we have here.

enjoy the family time :grouphug:


My God Gypsy I didn't know they tried to force you onto a flight. . . Jeezus H Christ...

You should be putting out a book on all of it Gypsy, people need to know how you've been treated by the United States animals.

Peace on ya Homie


Active member
Yeah, second the book idea, probably already given that a thought or two.
Would appeal to weed people, but also as a unique business that eventually fought off the U.S. governments prosecution and attempted extra judicial rendering. Causing imprisonment in a country where the leader kills drug dealers himself. Separating a man from his family for years on end.

At least this story has taken a turn for the better.


Well-known member
It is almost impossible to sue the federal government. It is impossible for you Gypsy. You broke USA laws. The laws might suck but you did break them. I would want you to win but you won't. You will be wasting time and money for false hopes.

You should sue RezDawg and Dutchgrown for being backstabbing narcs. That is where your anger needs to be directed. What about them? Where are they? Did you ever talk with them after this went down? Who are you more angry with, Rez and Dutch or the USA government?

This site seems to ignore the role those two fucks had in all this. I would have their real pictures, real names and known addresses up on this site so we all know who they are.

Plenty of us hated Rez because he was an arrogant asshole who treated people like shit. Plus he lied and wasn't anything like he said he was. The people he had run ins with were the ones that knew he was a bullshit fake.

Start a RezDawg and Dutchgrown were narcs thread. Post up Rez's pic because I and many more still want to kick his ass for the way he was even before he narced you out. I would love some one on one time with RezFraud.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
HHmmmm...I don't think that discussing those 2 is going to yield anything good for anyone right now...least of all myself.

Do you want me to show hate and anger and pledge some sort of allegiance to eradicating the world of snitches and grasses? After 5 years of this bollocks, tossing and turning, going thru every emotional cocktail you can imagine over what went down, and now what looks like the other end of the tunnel, where the light is, is where I am........and you want me to dig up and bear the malice and anger that I buried already years ago over these people by posting their pictures on every corner?....Is that really going to help me or anyone else?.....

* maybe I should consider "La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froide", but then maybe not, 'cos I would rather not cultivate hate mate.

The USA had done its homework on my case, and that's why they tried to illegally render (kidnap) me from the Philippines. No attempt to legally extradite me from the Phillipines was made by the US... knowing that if I deported to the UK they would find it VERY difficult if not impossible to do it from the UK, due to the fact that I was not breaking any laws buying and selling seeds under British Law, so they bundled me off to the airport in Manila and tried to force me on that L.A. bound plane, which didn't go well for them, because I stood my ground, leaving them no other option but to keep me illegally detained in the PI's.

If you are going to hate anything, hate the game and not the players. If the seeds of this very benevolent plant were not treated like heroin in some places, then I would not have had this problem in the first place.

It is almost impossible to sue the federal government. It is impossible for you Gypsy. You broke USA laws. The laws might suck but you did break them. I would want you to win but you won't. You will be wasting time and money for false hopes.

You should sue RezDawg and Dutchgrown for being backstabbing narcs. That is where your anger needs to be directed. What about them? Where are they? Did you ever talk with them after this went down? Who are you more angry with, Rez and Dutch or the USA government?

This site seems to ignore the role those two fucks had in all this. I would have their real pictures, real names and known addresses up on this site so we all know who they are.

Plenty of us hated Rez because he was an arrogant asshole who treated people like shit. Plus he lied and wasn't anything like he said he was. The people he had run ins with were the ones that knew he was a bullshit fake.

Start a RezDawg and Dutchgrown were narcs thread. Post up Rez's pic because I and many more still want to kick his ass for the way he was even before he narced you out. I would love some one on one time with RezFraud.
Last edited:


Well-known member
I want to stress that mostly I want you to be getting on with your life and have a happy one from here on out Gypsy. Everybody has to navigate the sea of life in their own boat in their own way.

I don't understand why you don't want to run Rez and Dutch into the ground. Why do you want to keep the narcs anger buried but not the USA anger. I would think you would want to keep it all buried. However, I am coming from a position where I really didn't like Rez to begin with so I am biased from the start. I don't have any right to expect you to think the way I do.

I was just curious why you were seemingly harboring more anger towards the USA and their laws that were readily known and the main reason the seed business was so lucrative to begin with, as opposed to people you were trusting who were the main reason any of this happened to you. You knew Uncle Sam was going to try and get you if they could. You never expected RezDawg and Dutchgrown to narc you out. They flipped on you. Uncle Sam never flipped. Uncle Sam was draconian from the start when you first got in the game.

I never hate the game. The game made me money. I knew the main rule of the game. Don't get caught by Uncle Sam. I do hate the players like Rez and Dutch.

Many of us on here went down because of somebody who squealed on us. I think many of us are angrier towards the narcs then the system. It took 5 years to get over just wanting to kill my narc any way I could and another ten years before I stopped thinking about killing my narc in a way I could get away with it. If conditions were right though and I didn't have my wife to worry about and miss me I would run my narc over with my car if I saw him in the street while driving. If my wife dies first and I am alone my narc needs to start fearing for his life. Uncle Sam never has to worry. He was just doing what I knew he would do from square one.

You will never get revenge on Uncle Sam. Bury it all and take care of your family Gypsy and enjoy the life you have. You dodged a bullet and I am happy for you.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
we all have our own demons to deal with, and we do it in our own way.

Letting thoughts of revenge, hate and mayhem circulate around in your psyche for such a long time can only end in tears from what I have learned. I would rather just try and pick up the pieces now, and try to get my life back on track once again after all of these years of being unsettled and in defence of my love, life, liberty and livelihood. Being consumed by revenge and retribution ain't gonna help that along none, that's for sure.

To gain any sort of restitution from the powers that be I would need a damn good pro-bono lawyer, and that's not available to me right now. Maybe it is as you say, and my case is not so easy (or impossible) to progress against the might of the feds. But who knows, maybe some keen legal eagle will pop-up and encourage me to take things further soon? If that happens, then I might well go for it.

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