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Gypsy is finally home


Active member
She doesn't feel un-well at all, and we were surprised that she didn't pass her chest X-Ray - T.B. test as she did last time she applied for, and failed to get the visitors visa in 2016....We have to wait and see what the results of these recent test are...apparently she will be receiving a text with the results before too long....

I can't travel back to the Philippines due to being 'Blacklisted' because of these federal charges that make me out to be some 'Fugitive' from US justice to the Bureau of Immigration in the Philippines...and until these charges are laid to rest/dropped in Maine USA I don't dare to try and return to what was once my home and family....The only safe option is to get my wife and the kids into the UK to settle with me here.

One day I would like to go back to the Philippines again, but it won't be possible until these US federal charges are dropped.....It won't be safe for me to go anywhere outside of the UK, without the risk of capture and detention while whatever country decides if they will give me to the USA or not....

Hey Gypsy, no fun waiting on medical tests for a loved one. Hopefully no big problem and go from there I guess.

It’s been about fifteen years, but my wife had a similar issue with that TB/ chest X-ray .Everything else was in place except this “failed” test. I need to ask her about it to get my story straight, but the gist of it was Philippine people often will fail it, but it is not cancer/ tumors, it is some type of non problematic genetic spotting on the lungs.

Edit: it turns out she is unsure why she always is positive for TB. It’s probably from immunizations for TB. She remembers getting shots, just not what they were for. From what I’ve read, most are vaccinated for TB, and will test positive for TB because of the vaccination

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well my friends.....I have some good news.

After waiting for 3 months for my wife's sputum tests to come back from the lab, it turns out that she is CLEAR! from any nasty disease or disorder, so she now has the treasured T.B. clearance certificate. I have informed my UK immigration lawyer, and we just need a couple of easy to acquire papers from the bank, and next week I should be able to go over all the required documents with the lawyer and FINALLY make the application!



Well-known member
That's great news mate.....she is coming home......she is coming home.....she's coming.....Mrs Nirvanas coming home...……. :tiphat:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I won't be swinging from the rafters with joy until my wife/kids walk off that plane at Heathrow and clear immigration...

So many things have t-boned my plans over the past few years, so its humbled me to expect the worst and just hope for the best these days....

We still have to clear the application stage, then the application acceptance stage before we can start thinking about booking flights.

Still......we are progressing, which is good.


Official English Seed Tester.
ICMag Donor
Well my friends.....I have some good news.

After waiting for 3 months for my wife's sputum tests to come back from the lab, it turns out that she is CLEAR! from any nasty disease or disorder, so she now has the treasured T.B. clearance certificate. I have informed my UK immigration lawyer, and we just need a couple of easy to acquire papers from the bank, and next week I should be able to go over all the required documents with the lawyer and FINALLY make the application!


Awesome news Gypsy Nirvana.:tiphat:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Great news G,,,,,
just a matter of time now obstacles have been cleared,,
Even better news that Mrs G is clear,,,
fingers crossed it will be a great xmas for you and the family,,,,s2


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Great news Gypsy

I wish your family to be reunited and you can live your life


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey Gypsy, no fun waiting on medical tests for a loved one. Hopefully no big problem and go from there I guess.

It’s been about fifteen years, but my wife had a similar issue with that TB/ chest X-ray .Everything else was in place except this “failed” test. I need to ask her about it to get my story straight, but the gist of it was Philippine people often will fail it, but it is not cancer/ tumors, it is some type of non problematic genetic spotting on the lungs.

Edit: it turns out she is unsure why she always is positive for TB. It’s probably from immunizations for TB. She remembers getting shots, just not what they were for. From what I’ve read, most are vaccinated for TB, and will test positive for TB because of the vaccination

I was biting my nails for a few months there more concerned with her health than this bloody visa, but its all come up roses and she's CLEAR of any nasty's they might have found in her 'sputum'....

Hi Gypsy...sorry to hear and hope all goes well. ��*�� BushyOG

Thanks BOG, always good to see ya pop-up from time to time, knowing that you are still out there.

That's great news mate.....she is coming home......she is coming home.....she's coming.....Mrs Nirvanas coming home...……. :tiphat:

Lets not jump the gun mate, till she's here I'm not opening that bottle of Taittinger, and hope there is no more monkeying around over all these files and bits of paper I have accumulated for the requirements.

Yeeee-Haaaww!!! :D

I'll save that for later, but I hear your support brown_thumb.

Top corner mate, nice one ... may your family be with you soon...

Yep, I'm sick of being a lonely old cantankerous curmudgeon and need my family in my life to feel like I have a reason to live oftentimes. Thanks for caring.

Good news indeed, it'll be nice to see a separated family reunited.:tiphat:

Been keeping myself busy trying to coddle a book together to try and kill time and keep my mind off this 5 years separation over my 'Seed Crimes'....lol nice of you to comment CG.

Awesome news Gypsy Nirvana.:tiphat:


Great news G,,,,,
just a matter of time now obstacles have been cleared,,
Even better news that Mrs G is clear,,,
fingers crossed it will be a great xmas for you and the family,,,,s2

That's GREAT! news mate....so thanks for the kind sentiments, so much could work out by Chrimpo time, fingers crossed.

great news.

TY gaius...

Great news Gypsy

I wish your family to be reunited and you can live your life


I'm living my life now, but it feels kinda empty and worthless, although I do get to help my daughter with her homework occasionally over Skype, and thank the technology of today for enabling that 'cos 35 years ago it would have to be all letter writing and telex/telegram messages, which would compound any emotional fall-out from this personal travesty....


Keyboard Warrior
Not only am i glad that your situation is improving, but that the old ic is back...its like the og days, some of the old heads made it to a legal climate and things are moving globally. Thanks for taking back the helm!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
'tis true....so many of the old troopers in the trenches, and basements, spare rooms, outhouses, back gardens, public forests and lofts etc have seemed to melt away as time goes by, some like me took a hit from the powers that be, and managed to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start all over again, and others have passed away or are still tied up in the legal litigation and penalties that our chosen pursuits might have brought down upon us.....

But there are plenty of new and now legal growers out there that need our support and a site such as this to refine their trade, so I welcome any 'newbies' to join us.

It feels great to have your support, all and any of you .....thru the good and the bad 'cos you can't expect the sun will always shine indoors or out on our ventures....so often its a case of plan for the worst, and hope for the best.

Not only am i glad that your situation is improving, but that the old ic is back...its like the og days, some of the old heads made it to a legal climate and things are moving globally. Thanks for taking back the helm!


Keyboard Warrior
The old icmag was all about new blood, i was a teenager when i came here as an OG refugee, hungry for knowledge. Lots of positive and constructive guidance on the boards these days, plenty new faces and some familiar but war torn vets to cascade the knowledge.


Well-known member
From this old timer I'm very happy stuff is finally working in your favor.Pease and love to you and yours Gypsy .your 1 of my cannaheros


Active member
Glad to see you're back and your legal troubles are behind you.

I'm living my life now, but it feels kinda empty and worthless, although I do get to help my daughter with her homework occasionally over Skype, and thank the technology of today for enabling that 'cos 35 years ago it would have to be all letter writing and telex/telegram messages, which would compound any emotional fall-out from this personal travesty....

Things are quite a bit easier with Skype. My girlfriend is also a Filipina and I remember how much trouble it was 10-15 years back calling her family. Had to buy phone cards at the post office or at the immigrant stores.


Elite Growers Club
As I've said before Gypsy put this ass on the line with icmag/seedsdirect to give us knowledge and forums to learn from each other to hone us into good growers. Also all the genetics he's made avalible to the worldwide cannabis community. Yes he's gained/profit a lot in many ways but he's lost a lot on this journey also. So to you younger guys that don't know what Gypsy has done and meant to the cannabis community, you need to understand he's one of the MAIN reasons your smoking great weed. Because without these forums a lot of guys including me would've never learned to grow fine cannabis. Gypsy's roots run deep in the cannabis community and please try to understand he's give his life to making/helping everybody learn to better grow and better find genetics that would never be in your hands if he didn't put them there. Thank you Gypsy and god bless mate. Hope young and old respect all we have because of your efforts and sacrifices