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Gunnar Breeding Project 1

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oldsmoker said:
:puppydoge kommer der ikke snart en update her :lurk:

Yes of course.
been very busy lately but a major update is eminent.

Been busy with job, private doings, caring for the plants, working on grow room etc, but during the whole process ive been taking lotsa pix which will be in the major update on which is one its way, expect it before starting on work after new year.

Plants from first seed batch is now about 50 cm.
Should have been set to flower earlier but several things have prolonged it a bit, so they have been in growth longer than planned, im sure i have to watch the height of them late in bloom.

Temperature in grow room has been between 10-17 Celsius cause they room is only still partly insulated.
The room should have been finish insulated by now and split up into separate grow and flower room by now, but many factors have prolonged it, one main factor is that i didn't receive the last materials until last night, just to mention one.

Low temperature in grow room hasn't damaged plants or similar just made them grow a little slower.

Second seed batch has been placed in the grow room last night.
Third seed batch is being prepared at home as we speak.

Heres a few pix from the coming update.

Taken with my crappy cellphone last night

From 10. December. outside temperature was -1, Room temperature was 15 and root temperature 12,8. all in Celsius of course. ( when grow room is fully insulated 25 degrees would be no problem being achieved from the hps bulbs alone)

Im using the Canna series and for the first time also the Unique series from Hanfburg.
So far only Canna Tera Vega and unique Root and Growth stimulator.
I also purchased PH soil, humidity and light measuring gear.

A pic more from last night

In near future im gonna post the pix from the entire period since last update.


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ICMag Donor
Not gonna cheat you folks for the promised major update, but until then heres some pix i took tonight after having worked on water supply and re potting the last plants from second seed batch.
haven't put 3. seed batch into soil yet, so theres still time to consider which ones to germ next( will be the last that im sure i will have ready for next season)

Im considering these.

Afghan and Big Bud from Phreakers Donation ( grown outside in DK for a few years)
Typhoon -Donation from Gonzo ( grown outside in DK for several years. told to
be very early and potent)
AK48 - Nirvana
Sativa Mexicana - The Sativa Seedbank
C99 x DC aka Powerhouse
BlockBerry - donation Xyz

Should be some total of about 80-90 seeds which in total with the orders would max out the space in the grow room when they are all in flower.

Well enough of the talking.
Heres some pix from tonight.

In front its 11 AfPurt's ( Afghan x ErdPurt) many reports of this being some of the most potent stuff grown outside in DK 2006.
next 9 plants are WW x NLS from Oldsmoker

Total view of whats cooking in Gunnars Lab atm

After watering with nutrients, root and growth stimulator and a little garden lime mixed with water, i did some test readings.
PH level around 6,75 and water level about right.
PH told me to keep adding garden lime for the next watering also.
test was done in a pot belonging to a Leb27

In front its Afghan mix.
Some Afghans, some AfPurt, wasnt careful enough with strain marking in this particular grow tray, so im not sure which is which, so these are only for smoke.
Next ones are Deep Chunks.
Too bad my cellphone is too bad for closeups, but already in this early stage you can see the leaves are different from all the others.
Its why its nickname are also Death Cabbage.
3. is POG - Pot OF Gold from TFD

Next its POG again.
Then DC ( HTC) x E-Rocket/Danish Passion
and then c99

One C99
Then E-Rocket x Danish Passion ( had already to remove 4 of them as they where males already showing sex even though being under 24/0 - Happens sometimes with outdoor strains grown indoor)
Then Nepalese Jam from ACESEEDS, in last row by the wall its Black Domina

Ill remember my digicam next time....
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ICMag Donor
oldsmoker said:
lookin good gunnar, that ph meter looks to be reading under 7 in that pic m8



I did i a type error.
Its 6,75 and ive corrected it in the post now.
Tnx m8
Still i think 6,5 would be better in soil so ill keep adding garden lime water solution until ph reaches 6,5

Kenny Lingus

Active member
Godt nyttår fra en skandinavisk bror i nord!

Men skitt mann!!! Det var ikke få kryssninger du skulle gjøre iår Gunnar!

Vil være spennende å se om de blir gode outdoor hybrider for oss her oppe... )Selv har jeg mest Lowryder og noen større LR-hybrider for utendørs, men håper dcf vil selge til Norge etterhvert.

Jeg vil også forsøke Stuporsonic snart.

Lykke til Gunnar!

Kennylingus aka Cannalingus aka Denimdog


Stuporsonic har jeg lige købt og fået hjem igår, glæder mig helt vildt til at se hvordan den perfomer. Det er jo ikke små ord den får med på vejen af de hollandske avlere der har groet den !


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ICMag Donor
oldsmoker said:
:rasta: what you say then gunnar how is the project these days then m8
hope all is okay :wave:

Ive been very busy lately.
Have a family member whos dying an needs a lot of care.
Also met a lovely woman so my time is kinda limited atm, but work on the project goes on although a little delayed.
Still havent been able to finish the full insulation of the grow room and make the separate room for growth and flower, so they are still all under 24/7 and getting BIG.
Hopefully the room will be ready for the flowering stage sometime during next week as the plants are getting big and i had to remove some of the plants from outdoor species and crosses because they were auto flowering even though they are under constant light.
ill post some pix very soon.

Take care and stay green


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ICMag Donor
Ive had serious decease in the family.
Found a gorgeous woman and had many other things in this perios, so ive been kinda busy but the project goes steady on

Heres some pix from the grow room

These are from 24/1 08

Taken before the floor insulation was at place, so temperature in grow room was kinda low at that period.
between 8-14 degrees Celsius most of the time.
No harm done to plants but they grow slower.

a little Deep Chunk


pix of one big family

in front theres AfPurT ( Afghani from Bluehemp and Purpurea Ticensis from Esbe)
Many outdoor growers from Denmark has reported this cross as being one of the most potent outdoor crosses in 2005 and 2006, so i look forward a lot to be working with them.

behind the AfPurT you can see some WWxNLS by Oldsmoker

Pix from 4/2 08

A group shot of the 12 DC's i have going atm.
Surrounding them are Blueberries, Hazed ErdPurT, Royal Danes and Jock Horror

Same beautiful scenery

In these pix there has been installed 220mm foam insulation under the plants and the temperatur is getting higher now, between 16-18 degrees most of the time.
The plants needs one more 2x600 watt lamp, but we are stressing the power to a max now and we only have one electrician we trust enough to install new power so we can install more lamps, and hes a busy man so atm we have to do with 2x600 for all of them.

Hopefully the rest of the insulation, more power and splitting the room into growth and flower section will be ready some time next week.

This is all from Gunnars Lab for now.
Stay happy, safe and green!
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ICMag Donor
Time for an update.

Recently ive had some problems dew and starting mold in the wood construction in the grow room.
Reason for this is that ive done most the insulation piece by piece when ive been there anyway to attend the plants.

Result is that behind the insulation there has been a moisture build up in some places because of the lacking moisture barrier plastic.

That means i had to pull much of the insulation down to let the wood behind dry and i have to redo it again those places.
This takes time from my already precious time and also means the temperatur in the grow room is going down again - not harming the plants directly, but causing them to grow slower :nono:

closest to the wall Its Arjans Haze#1 fem

Just in front of the weather station its some of my c99.
Notice the low temperature and high humidity :spank:
I have an 4 inch fan capable of sucking 100 m3 pr hour and one 5 1/2 fan that i guess does around 250-300 m3 pr hours.
Problem now is that they do suck a air out, but it also lowers temperature and thus making the air capable of holding even less air.
I have some chemical dehumidifiers, but they are not efficient enough.
I hope to get money for an electrical dehumidifiers very soon.
This way i can dehumidify the air without the temperature dropping further.
Once humidity drops more i can start putting the insulation back and put plastic moist barrier up and get the temperature above 22 degrees.

Deep Chunk seed grow
they are not far away from being able to delivery clones :jump:
I just love that leaf shape that has also given them the nickname Death Cabbage

More DC

Nepalese Highland donated by Maffe - Tnx again m8!

A little blurry pic showing DC in right row
Pot Of Gold in middle and the lower parts of Blueberry from Szyslack
note i had some smaller problems with nutes in earlier stages.
Too much and too little but ive hit the nail for them for some time now.

Same 3 strains from above
Notice how much difference the BB's has.
Some are small and has mutations, others are much bigger and have vigorous growth

Right row showing White widow donated by Strandby
Left row is Jock horror from Nirvana

White Widow and Jock Horror again

Leb27 or Lebanon 27.
They have all gone Autoflower due to the long growth period.
A common problem with danish outdoor strains grown inside and especially the early ones.
All Royal Danes and Hazed ErdPurt has done the same and therefore i have removed all the males.
Had to do the same to Deep Chunk x ErocketxDanish Passion but atleast in that case its only been males going Af, as some of the first and only in a few weeks from seed?, but i have 3 plants that hasnt shown sex and i assume they are females.

To the right the 4 Black Domina i have.
Longer back in the row its Erocket x Danish Passion but they are hard to see on that pic.
To the left its WW x NLS by Oldsmoker.
notice they are a bit stretchy.
This is because they had much shade but after ive turned the lamp 90 degrees they are getting more light and starting to shape up.
I still only have 2x600 watts for all the plants, not ideal, but have to do with that i little longer, but after turning the lamp the light spread has improved a lot.
Still some plants too long away from the bulbs but most important is that none of them are in shade now.

In the middle theres AfPurt ( Afghane from Bluehemp and ErdPurt)
to the right you can glimpse Nepalese Jam ( Nepalese Highland and jamaice '85 - 100% sativa) from ACESEEDS

AfPurt again and a better view of Nepalese Jam

The remaining Royal Danes and back in same row its Hazed ErdPurt ( Top Haze and Erdbeer x Purpurea Ticensis).
notice that first RD.
Its a purple pheno.
Never seen that before but its very promising.
Its compact and almost single cola structure.
It was the first to flower of the RD's.
Its very sticky and smelly.
Im gonna try to get a clone from this one, but i dont have high hope due to it being so long into flower.
Royal Dane is a potent and very early danish strain.
It finishes first half in September and some years even in August.

A little blurry closeup from the purple Royal Dane ( sorry for shakes but i was hungry and impatient as i was already late for dinner and my girlfriend is one hell of a cook)

One more of the purple RD.
Notice they brown pistils and they have been kept under 24 hours of light most the time and only recently ive been running 20/4

A group shot of the babes.
Notice the yellow bucket with the white stuff on top.
Its one of the chemical dehumidifiers ( not very efficient though).

The babes on the far right also wanted to join the party!

This is all from Gunnars Lab this time.
Stay safe, happy and green
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ja det er et meget imponerende grow du har dig der

det må være mega fedt med den plads du har så man kan lave mange forskellige sorter
på en gang

jeg hader at man skal vælge imellem flere sorter når man ikke har så meget plads
når man nu har lyst til og prøve dem alle

jeg vil glæde mig til og se hvad du kan få ud af de mugligheder du har
kvantum og kvalitet er to dejlige ting som du ser ud til og have styr på

mvh mr.indica


DAMN, impressive update m8, hah.... Wish anyone that grows would have that kind of space for breeding and growing :p Looks amazing :)


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ICMag Donor
Theres still a status quo in the grow room.

Need an electrical dehumidifier to lower the humidity and raise the temperature, before i can put up the insulation again and i cant afford to buy one my self at the moment.
Otherwise i risk catching water dew behind it and cause mold and rot in the wood construction, so theres no big change in the room construction, grow or temperature since last time.

Here's a Deep Chunk
The leafs are much bigger than my hand
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ICMag Donor
A few days ago my friends and partners in the grow room did finnally fix the power problem, so now we can pull a lot more power :)

Also i got 2 dehumidifiers
a big one who is currently sucking out about 10 l of water a day and a smaller home user model who is doing 2 l apr.

Also a 2000 watt oscillating heater fan

temperature is now within 18-21 celsius and humidity ranges between 47-55% instead of 68-75% as its been without dehumidifiers and heat :)

From right:
Royal Dane( gone 'AF) and a few Hazed ErdPurt in the back
Nepalese Jam from ACESEEDS
AfPurT (Afghani from Bluehemp and Purpurea Ticensis)
then WW x NLS by Oldsmoker
Black Domina and out to the left Its Lebanon 27 that has already AF inside

From left side:
Lebanon 27
jock Horror
White widow and far out right its Blue berry

Another SOG
Pot Of Gold
Deep Chunk
Afghan mix
C99 and Arjans Haze to the far right
in the back you can see some Nepalese Highlands

A randomly chosen Deep Chunk
Most of them are ready to have clones taken but ill wait a few days until they are all ready

A new attempt on taking clones
Some random ones i took to a friend
5 jock horror
5 ww
1 Arjans haze and 4 Nepalese highlands

they have been dipped in rooting hormone powder and put into Perlite under a humidity dome
Hope it turns out better than my first attempt to root clones

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