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Gunnar Breeding Project 1

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ICMag Donor
berrea said:
i really like people making crosses for outdoor growing... are you planning to estabilish a seedbank or something? i'd like to have some of them :)

to answer your question
yes, it would be a future dream of mine to one day establish a seed bank or at least be supplying seeds to others in my name

as of now its not an option

i neither have the time, money or facilities to start breeding in larger scale and selecting large scale for quality genetics in a large option of strains and crosses.
but as of now im collecting and storing high quality strains and crosses to use in future breeding projects

as of now ill start with supplying classic Danish/Nordic genetics to seedbay ( a little later than planned but they will be there soon)
then later cross the danish genes with more exotic ones and also create some, hopefully, very potent indoor crosses with high yields as im very interested in strains and crosses with commercial values.

so to sum this up, yes my hopes are for a seed bank someday and if all goes as planned it will turn into reality someday, but no matter how hard i work at it it will be at least 2-3 years from now

but a soft start with classic outdoor strains and crosses is a way to start :)

after release of the classic seed strains from seeds i already have, i think releasing some of the much expected, but hard to get strains like Classic TH Deep Chunk and c99 would be an option, but since i only have them currently as small mothers and not planned for the next grow i think it would be no earlier than mid next season

when reality it would be seed bank selling genetics for a low/fair price as its in my opinion that many genetics are fare more pricey than they should be

the classic Danish/Nordic strains and crosses planned a little later for Seedbay release will in the price range like 25$ for 20 seeds or something like that

a future seed bank or stable seed supply would probably be something similar as it should make good genes more affordable for the average grower out there
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i like your opinion gunnar, good luck with your dreams and i wish you every next year to be better than the previous :)
and remember... every famous seedbank started with one or two good strains...
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Nice one GG its awesome u got the skills and the genetic to make some good shit i think and to a more fair and better price well u got my surport m8 the seeds world wide is tooooo corny prices is so sick hehe and why ? none of us knowes maybe because the breeders have to pay others if they want to sell...well that just make me puke i will surport u whit seeds and help anytime just wistle

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Gunnarguchi again.
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ICMag Donor
Im currently constructing a new grow room named Gunnar Lab 2 http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=105788 ( link is also in signature)
4 x 400 watt for starters and 4 seed strains and some clones from previous Gunnars Lab1

heres more info on the strains im currently considering and an inspirational vote also

i also plan to flower and grow seeds from Deep Chunk and C99 as theres a demand for those and to few to suply them in prices able for the ordinary growers out there

if theres space enough to do so, i plan to also flower some Danish classic genetics and cross them with others from same grow to make some cool outdoor crosses for upcoming season ( royal dane, danish passion, leb27 and others)
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