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Gunnar Breeding Project 1

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Small update.
more later today.
Deep Chunk, BlockBerry and Berry IBL was in the mail today :)

Tnx XyZ ill grow them well.


you mean blue berry from dj right? xyz is for shure a super shareman, respect bro!


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ICMag Donor
esbe said:
you mean blue berry from dj right? xyz is for shure a super shareman, respect bro!

Yes and im very happy that he showed me that trust.

Regarding Blockberry
Found out in another post that it is Blue berry x Blockhead.


Active member
Your selection is off the hook! Very very nice crosses.. That Blockberry sound wild. And all the others (; Nice room you got there too! Looking forward to seeing em grow wild!


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a few Afghans and AfPurt has surfaced.
Ill take a few pix tomorow and post the complete list of the seeds that are germinating right now


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esbe said:

Sorry but ive been stressing a lot lately at work, working at grow room, at home and some unexpected family problems that has all drained my time and resources, but all things regarding the project goes as planned although a few things have been a little postponed.

Ive been taking pix although i havent had time or energy to post them but they will all be in the update i plan to make late tonight or tomorrow the latest.

I picked up some seeds at my safe addy today in a brown envelope with Santa marked as sender :rasta:
please send me a pb here or en Seedshare telling me what strain, donor anonymity etc not etc
I have received many seeds lately by mail so i need to know at least the strain and would be nice also knowing who they are from even though the donor might like to remain anonymous etc.


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This update covers some time as ive been to busy and tired lately to post update and pix regularly.

First a text update from seed germination at home.

20/11 07
i put
4 DC seeds from a fellow danish grower in soil.
8 DC(HTC) x Erocket/DP
6 Bubba Kush x E-rocket/Danish Passion
14 Afghans
16 Afghan x ErdPurt (AfPurt)
7 C99
11 ERxDP.

22 or 23/11 07 i put
12 DC from Xyz
10 Pot Of Gold
6 Bubblegum
5 Black Domina (2001 seeds)
10 White Widow x Northern Light Special from Oldsmoker in soil

26/10 07
10 Nepalese Jam
14 AfPurt
( i made a screwup regarding the first batch of Afghans and Afpurt. i dont have spoons with strain names but marks a corner and draw the seeds placement onto a paper. forgot to mark the corner on the tray with Afghans and AfPurt, so im not sure which is who now. first batch going to be only smoke then as im not taking any changes. Fortunately i had many Afghans seeds left and a kind donor stepped in and send me some new Afpurt seeds fast :) )

i still have room left for 40 more seeds.
A friend promised me new micro pots but they havent arrived yet.
Gonna make some new ones myself then with beercans and drilled holes in the button

22/11 07

Blueberry in the grow room

Nepalese highland

Royal Dane

white Widow

Some yellowing on the leafs of a few Arjans Haze and Jock Horror
My mistake that i thought it was over watering even though i thought ive been watering carefully.
Turned out later it was nutrient deficiency.

25/11 07

Took some shots at the grow room with my digicam.

Nepalese Highland

blueberry up close
notice some slight light chock at the lower leafs.
Ive been adjusting the lamps further and further away from the plants a few times
Now they are 125 cm from the tops.

Royal Dane


White Widow

Then i noticed THIS!

2 sets of big leafs chewed up and others had missing parts also.
Empty seed shells on the floor from the drying outdoor skunk
This means war!

27/11 07

My reply!

Im too tired now for the rest tonight.
Read more about the war on the mice and latest development of the plants in next update coming very soon

heres a fast one from my seed germination chamber though

and heres a very young Deep Chunk up close

next update with missing parts, seed germination succes sofar, the war on the mice etc, coming very soon

Stay green and stay safe!
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Gunnar, i may be thinking that santa likes to give out some LR#2 to all the children that behave as nice as u do ;)


hehe, think its the first time i see the mice prob! take it cool bro and happy growing!


hehe that mouse is having a blast in that room, who can blame it! Afraid i had the same problem not long ago, little bastard ate my seeds too! Luckely it only got half of my canna seeds, but all my regular garden seeds where gone.. They can really do a lot of damage, if u leave them alone. So i recommend u load up on a lot of traps, and hit it back hard! :spank:

Besides the mouse, its looking great :joint:



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ICMag Donor
quick update

theres a lot of others pix to but im kinda hung up atm, preparing dinner for a Christmas pre party tomorrow or what ever its called in english.
Hopefully ill have time for the missing pix saturday if my hangovers arent killing me.

Heres a little update on the mice problem.

28/11 07

The war is being fought and those who chew my cannabis can chew on this!
Sofar it seems the critters are on the loosing team :)

Notice all the empty seed shells.
Those assholes have really enjoyed them selfs but its about to end now.
I might just have time to check the traps again tonight and take some more plant pix also
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dont let those little bastards get to the seeds! :D

great thread. I have a feeling those lebs dont like being indoor though hehe

also im especialy interested in the hazed erdpurt, planing on buying some of those for 2008 outdoor.



Leb27 indoors = most compact bud ever :biglaugh:


You could put a cat on your wishlist Gunnar :p


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Maxe-Igen said:
Leb27 indoors = most compact bud ever :biglaugh:


You could put a cat on your wishlist Gunnar :p

Sorry but been too busy for updates recently.
hope i get time to fill in the missing ones very soon.
About the mice problem.
3 are now dead and no more has gone into the traps lately.
The room is sealed from the rest of the place so i think i got all the mice that where hiding in some old stuff belonging to the guy that owns the place, and that i promised to store a little while.

ill post more pix and updates very soon


well considering you had a mouse problem, id say everything is looking good :)
nice work m8, keep that going :D


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gonz_DK said:
Hey Gunnar ! Har du ikk gang i Typhoon´en endnu ?
Den kommer med i 3. ombæring som bliver den sidste som jeg med garanti kan nå at have færdig til næste ude sæson.
Hvilke den vil blive krydset med er endnu ikke besluttet, men Preakers ude Big Bud, Afghan x ErdPurt og Deep Chunk er oplagte valg :)
Jeg har rygende travlt for tiden, så undskylder de manglende updates pt.
Der bliver jævnligt taget billeder som nok snart skal finde vej hertil sammen med lidt opdateret og samlet info.

Ive had some minor problems regarding nutrients lack symptoms.
Actually i think its a nutrient lockup due to PH problems rather than a nutrient problem.
Ive ordered some moisture and PH measuring gear that should arrive later this week, but to day ive bought some garden lime.

Any one has an idea on how much lime, for a safe doses until the measuring gear arrives, that i can dissolve in water and give them to stop the lockup before the gear can tell me exactly how the PH value is?

Normal doses for the lime is 1 kg for 3 m2 put in soil in the spring.
but how much should a dissolve in water pr liter and give the plants as a fast neutralizer before the fine tune can begin later with the measuring gear?

Any ideas on that?
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