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Active member
This pump is pretty strong. I have a couple rises, and then flat for 200 feet. I don't get close to 2000gpm, but as long as you're not putting out a fire, it's a lot of water. It's certainly better than hauling water from the creek in a bucket.

Hauling buckets gets old fast, plus it’s hard to not leave a trail.

I haven’t used a bulge pump rated for 2,000gpm, seems like it was a 500 or 1,000 I was using before. To get that advertised gpm it seemed like it needed to flow downhill or something in my experience though.

I use a 1/2 hp well pump and it’s only rated at 7-8 gpm, so how they can claim those numbers is mystery to me. I know in a boat situation there isn’t much of a lift, but that’s about the only difference I can see.


Boreal Curing
In Corn?

In Corn?


You ever run into those things in the corn fields? Am I paranoid and wrong about them?
Sorry, missed this.

I'm not a fan of planting in corn, but I do it.

Corn fields can be great, but you can't be stupid about it, and the only way to do that is to watch them EARLY via reconnaissance (drive by's once a week).

1. You have to plant in defects or obstacles the farmer had to go around, missed planting in, or where the weeds were killed (the yellow in the young corn below).

Areal view of planting defects.

These are great examples of stupid and just begging to get busted.

You wouldn't believe it, but the BEST place to plant, even photos, are in Soy Bean fields up against obstacles. While soy bean plants are short as shit, Soy are the ONLY plants with the same reflectance as Cannabis. This telephone pole is a perfect spot for 2-3 plants. more if you want to push it. And Soy is harvested last after everything else. Planting on the edge (south west) with a tree or brush backdrop is also a great spot.

2. You MUST wait for the farmer to spray the field for weeds. That puts you about the first week of june, so a good planting time is June 15. It's a little late but certainly not a show stopper. It's easy to know when they've sprayed to kill weeds if you keep an eye on it because you can see the weeds dying (they're yellow). I do my reconnaissance once a week the month they plant a crop. I wait three weeks after they sprayed to plant, sometimes I wait until the corn is 2' high. I like corn for fast auto runs. In a big defect, you can get 50-100 plants in there.

3. Defects are most likely in the corners, so the target corner can't be within sight of a house/farm. (see the first 4 images)

4. Autos only in corn because they finish quick.
Use water crystals or else they'll fry! I didn't use them this year because I can walk to my defect early AM and water my 2 dozen autos. You can put Photos, but you don't know if the field is silage (feed so it's harvested early), or if it's a seed crop (seeds to sell as feed and is harvested very late). You can risk it, but you will probably lose them because about 60-80% of corn will be harvested early and put into silos for the winter to feed cattle. At least in my neck of the woods.

Edit: Decided to put out another 25 auto seedlings in corn and 50 in a newly deforested lot (this spring) for one last planting. They're only 3 weeks old, and it's super late but they should finish in time to mess up my harvest schedule that I worked hard on so everything would come out one after the other. :dunno:


Active member
Edit: Decided to put out another 25 auto seedlings in corn and 50 in a newly deforested lot (this spring) for one last planting. They're only 3 weeks old, and it's super late but they should finish in time to mess up my harvest schedule that I worked hard on so everything would come out one after the other. :dunno:

Thanks for that post. You're running a lot of auto seedlings late here. I'm wondering what kind of yields you get off of those sorts planting them now?

I've got one indica that I never moved out of a 1 gallon pot because I didn't have soil mixed up and my health limitations. This thing is packing on way more size than I expected. I'm actually thinking that until my health issues change, if ever, I might have to start running my indicas as a bunch of small 1 gallon container plants. These things are cake to move around without hurting my back and legs more. The 5 gallon containers have wrecked my back and legs though. The plants are all looking great but I feel like I could get a quarter ounce off of this 1 gallon plant.

Does that sound possible?

BTW: I started tying down a bunch of plants today. My freaking dog decided the soil smelled great (probably the liquid fish amendment), and shoved his head in for a smell and I was walking away when I heard *CRACK*. The bastard snapped a limb! I did my neosporine/ electrical tape/guerilla tape/ twine support fix on it. Hopefully it heals. Dogs....


Boreal Curing
Thanks for that post. You're running a lot of auto seedlings late here. I'm wondering what kind of yields you get off of those sorts planting them now?

I've got one indica that I never moved out of a 1 gallon pot because I didn't have soil mixed up and my health limitations. This thing is packing on way more size than I expected. I'm actually thinking that until my health issues change, if ever, I might have to start running my indicas as a bunch of small 1 gallon container plants. These things are cake to move around without hurting my back and legs more. The 5 gallon containers have wrecked my back and legs though. The plants are all looking great but I feel like I could get a quarter ounce off of this 1 gallon plant.

Does that sound possible?

BTW: I started tying down a bunch of plants today. My freaking dog decided the soil smelled great (probably the liquid fish amendment), and shoved his head in for a smell and I was walking away when I heard *CRACK*. The bastard snapped a limb! I did my neosporine/ electrical tape/guerilla tape/ twine support fix on it. Hopefully it heals. Dogs....
That really sucks. I snapped one top branch super cropping it and just left it. Surprisingly, it recovered. Weed is pretty resilient so your patch will work and keep mold at bay. Dogs keep raccoons and deer away. They're almost a must in some spots.

If the're autos, no problem. Stay on top of them, make sure they don't lack water or nutes and you should get more. If you cook hot and med soil, fill the bottom 1/3rd of the pot with the hot stuff, all you have to do is water and top dress with hot stuff at flower time, otherwise, you should feed. I feed to the point of a slight burn, then back off a bit. But that's a little risky with autos because some tend to hermi with very heavy feedings.

I should get close to the same as planting June 1st. But they're in the ground and this is a new strain for me. Some auto strains do better early, and some really shine in cooler fall weather. That's the hope for these. The males start showing at week 3 from seed, and females at week 5, so that's really quick.

From May 15 to June 15 I focus on proper no bullshit auto and photo plantings and aim for heavy yields. But I put enough out so that if I get only a "good" yield, I'm happy. I baby them and push them hard. I'd rather see a little N burn than sorry growth on July 1st when they should be booking it. If they're not in high gear I foliar spray and pour the N to them in the ground.

Everything that goes into the ground after June 15 is for fun and considered gravy. We've had years when it's t-shirt weather well into November (not that often though), and that's what I hope for. Realistically, I expect the first light frost come in around November. Might be sooner or later. But I expect to harvest this late auto run end of September. They're small but should give me 75-100gr. And that's way better than nothing.

But wait.... there's more!
I also put out another 20 photos, so they should flip to flower right away. They'll be smaller without the veg time for sure, but that's ok. If the buds don't harden, they'll end up in pre-rolled. Like I said, at this point, it's only fun. The alternative was to not put them out. And that would really suck.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I'm in on a lunch break right now. Seen a Blackhawk flying straight line this morning, so I have been extra cautious this morning. They were likely headed to their first destination of the day and then gonna start flying circles working they're way back to London where the headquarters is located. I have a lookout thankfully and that helps a lot, we use custom codes a over a radio to each other when we see or hear a chopper in the distance or any other security breech we may have or be up against. We never communicate unless we hear anything and its just a single code to a 10/4 and that's it. So today I am working extra cautious and packed along my quick and easy ghillie suit to throw on in case its needed.

Anyway, I plan on getting some pics thrown up by tonight of the progress so far. It has been a minute and plants are getting huge. Some of them are getting almost too large for my comfort because of, yep you guessed it, the damn choppers.

I will do my best to report back tonight. Stay tuned folks and thabks to everybody that continues to fill this thread with good information and crucial tips, kinks and tricks. We have a very nice thread going here and I love watching it grow and become more complex and educational. I know a few people have replied lately to some of my posts and I have read them, I have just not had much time to respond and post. Thanks y'all! Stay safe and cool out there, all it takes is one fuck up to ruin the entire season or even worse, our lives... Always stop every now and again while walking through noisy vegetation, leaves, etc or if you are around running water and pause and listen for a few moments before proceeding on your way. You would be extremely surprised how one of those big ass blackhawks can suddenly appear right upon you or close enough that you don't have time to jump for cover. I know they are very loud but they are also very fast and if you live in a mountainous region such as me, these hills and hollars can easily block noise and throw off your perception of where its actually at and the distance due to the way sound travels here. Always try and stay as close to the tree lines as possible and always plan escape routes. Never walk through open fields especially if they are grown up or through thick vegetation, use the tree lines and forest to get you close to where you are headed instead. Make dummy trails if you are using atvs, motorcycles, or even walking on foot, confuse them as much as possible. Also, when I am riding my atv I stop frequently and pause and listen for a moment same as i would if I were just walking along because engines can definitely keep you from hearing aircraft till they are right over your head. Look into the distance and observe. I have also purchased a camo net to throw on top of my atv as well to help hide it when in an parked and it works tremendously well. I can now walk 30 feet away and turn around and look and can barely even spot my atv.

We have to accept that we are the special forces of the cannabis world, the outlaw demolition team and we basically have to train much like the military would. Being stealth and alert is everything to us... Report back soon!



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I crashed HARD last night when I got in from work. I got several more photos than what is shown here but I don't have time to upload all of them at the moment. And yes, unfortunately they are sideways again! Sorry folks, maybe I will figure it out eventually. I hold my phone straight up and down when capturing the photos. I also have tried rotating them before uploading them one here but still doesn't work... Oh well. It's finally cooling off today :biggrin: I'm ready to do some slaving! :tiphat:


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Jelly Pie #5 Stalk is bulking up nicely :biggrin: She has only been in the ground for a couple weeks. Gonna be a huge girl and going to start supporting her soon as she is laying over!


She is a bush, transforming into a 🌲 tree



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Here is one of the Hillbilly Roadkill phenos... Huge fan leaves on this girl and she unlike the others has much less double serrations but very vigorus and extremely strong structure!


Her fans look like saw blades!



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
And finally.... For now anyway, is the Hindu Pakistani Kush x Skunk #18... This girl absolutely reeks of skunk, garlic, burnt rubber and rotting mush onion and dank armpits! Most definitely taking cuts off of this girl today!


I topped her right after taking a this photo.

Stay tuned tonight for more guerilla vegging porn! :biggrin: :tiphat:


Those saw blade fans are spectacular! Best of luck to you. I look forward to seeing those bad ladies finish! What a sight


Well-known member
Any of you guys foliar spray milk?

I've got access to some awesome raw milk and I want to spray for calcium, but also to prevent and combat pm/blight. I've heard it works, and I assume that raw milk will only be better than the results from using pasteurized.

Does anyone know if there's a limit to how often one should spray? I've read about people spraying twice per season, but I kinda want to do it weekly.

Can it burn plants the same way that spraying oils during the day can?


Active member
horsetail tea for pm
^^^^This. I've used it only twice. 1/4 cup to 1 gallon sprayer. Each time my plants look greener and perk right up. I wanted to get them once every 2 weeks but it's been 1 per month so far. I have 2 indica's and one sat that were started on flowering 2.5 weeks ago and they look phenomenal so far. I'm really worried about mold and pm still but these things look incredibly healthy this year and I have high hopes for the horsetail spray.

I was thinking light applications of it in full sun should be okay well into flowering as the stuff doesn't have an odor and clearly works even in the middle of the day, when the plants can dry off before it cools to prevent mold/fungus conditions. Any thoughts on how far into flowering this can be used? If I can get through totally mold free this year in Hawaii it'll be the first and pretty kick ass. The one little indica I have already looks like it's packed on a quarter ounce. I used liquid fish for the first grow ever this year and I think there's no looking back. That stuff is a must for happy busty girls.


Well-known member
I've used horsetail before and it didn't do shit. The only thing I've found that actually seemed to combat fungi is Greencure. Immunox works better but it's nasty shit and I don't want to use it.

But horsetail didn't do DICK. I'm not one to write an old-school, organic method off as wu-wu new-age chakra bullshit, but horsetail seems to me like straight up wu-wu new-age chakra bullshit.

I just did a little research and it seems the only real thing horsetail has going for it is that it's got a lot of silica in it, which helps plants prepare to fight off fungi. Silica's great -- but I've already got it in the form of insect frass.

I'm looking for something that will actively fight and win the war against mold, rot, and blight. That's why I want to try raw milk.


Well-known member
I agree I have gotten nothing from horsetail myself nothing noticable anyways. I haven't tried milk though im a green cure guy.


If you apply horsetail but do not fix the environment it will come back for sure. I had it once back when I started growing weed, I did lemon juice and horsetail and added a fan, never seen it since yet everyone around me struggles with it!

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