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Growing Weed In Mexico Is No Longer Profitiable


Active member
^ exactly.

smuggling weed across international borders is no longer profitable enough. once it is no longer a "black market" item the thread will read:

Growing Weed In USA Is No Longer Profitiable

unless the usa becomes a third world economy manufacturing of cannabis will be one more item off-shored. what does the usa mfg. anymore?

I've been hitting this nail with a hammer a few times because it will affect every one of us dramatically.
Gorgeous. $20 for a tree here. Further south than Tijuana. No lights invented that can hang with the sun. One key is maintaining soil in one place, instead of having to start over every year, much easier to do if legal.

Bob Green

Exactly, growers in the US have bought their own bullshit for so long now ego will not let them see the truth until it is too late.

When I see people on different threads complaining about how some legal states are being set up for big corp to invade and take over I can't help but wonder what big corp likes investing into America period. I mean outside of the corporate office, warehouse staff, shipping department, and retail shops. But large scale manufacturing of goods is done out of country. Got NAFTA?

Some people with the arrogant bad thoughts on outdoor farming have their opinions based on a crop grown in bad conditions. Take Washington State for example. Everybody is complaining that the WA legal market is over ran with crappy overpriced outdoor garbage, and they are right. But you can not compare a place like Eastern Washington to a place like Oaxaca. If all the outdoor bud being sold in WA rec stores came from the powerhouse traditional growing regions at an affordable price say even $80 per ounce... Well people buying the product to smoke would not be the ones bitching about price. Only the people that are used to selling an overpriced product to an uneducated public. Washington does grow some good apples. Western Washington grows outstanding berries. Not one place there grows good outdoor cannabis. I grew outdoors in WA for years. Terrible weather for Herb.

For that matter bang for your buck as a smoker that blew threw countles pounds of both on both borders high quality Mexican brick is a much superior product compared to indoor "Dro" Beasters 95% of the time. Not saying BC does not have some of the best herb around but what gets exported is crap.

For that matter very few people are really smoking top of the line grade AAA+++ indoor... They just think they are and jerk off to High Times to earn their Canna PHD. In the future if your indoor product is not grade AAA+++ Top of the Topest Shelf best of the best in every single way your ass will get steamrolled by expertly grown outdoor from the tropics.

That does not even touch the topic of hash, edibles, etc. hash from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Napal, India, etc.

Where do people buy the butane to make their dabs? Hmmmm, maybe China?

At sone point in time we will have to accept that farmers will put small time growers out of business. If your plan is to cash inn well you have a few years left. But it can't be made in your mamas basement forever.

Six outdoor plants can be an easy 30 pounds. I could not smoke that in a year. That is 40 oz per month!

You are not supposed to make a living off of a spare bedroom. In the not so distant future closet indoor growing will be an expensive hobby. Our electric bill, nutes, and equipment will cost more than it will be worth to a lot of folks. A lot of us will still do it because that is what we love to do. For me it would be an outdoor sativa run in the summer and an indoor indica run in the winter.

But for the most part IMHVO plants belong in the great outdoors.


Well-known member
Hope i live to see the day. Never should have been this way at all. Would much rather be able to grow outside, than in.


At sone point in time we will have to accept that farmers will put small time growers out of business. If your plan is to cash inn well you have a few years left. But it can't be made in your mamas basement forever.

Six outdoor plants can be an easy 30 pounds. I could not smoke that in a year. That is 40 oz per month!

You are not supposed to make a living off of a spare bedroom. In the not so distant future closet indoor growing will be an expensive hobby. Our electric bill, nutes, and equipment will cost more than it will be worth to a lot of folks. A lot of us will still do it because that is what we love to do. For me it would be an outdoor sativa run in the summer and an indoor indica run in the winter.

But for the most part IMHVO plants belong in the great outdoors.

I grow one plant outdoors, at 50N, gives me a years supply, costs me near nothing. Try growing enough vegetables for a year round. If growing for personal use became truly legal everyone should be able to produce his own supply for a very cheap cost. It would be the most fair thing. It should be abundant and passed around for free.
I think cannabis gardener, checking up on your clients plants weekly, will be a way easier career path than growing pot to sell.


If peeps wanted schwag we would all be growin it here on ic. Makes sense.... although also makes sense that there r other sources of fire grade cannabis.

Hmmm... mexicans focusing on the smack.... hope they dont step on some powerful toes...

(powerful toes)Meaning the CIA.


Well-known member
If 1 plant can supply the regular person, say half lbs to 3 lbs for average well tended to plant with good veg size etc, for me I would plant smaller ones and have some selection, 6 varieties for the year would be more than enough but I would personally like more just because I would want to run every seed plant outdoors to see how it preforms, if possible I wouldn't like to have clones from outside for phyto reasons, but god damn I love a good sweet skunk.


F-n picks holy shit!!!

Jajaja, that is the future of Marry Jane right there. An agricultural crop that will be grown in places like Mexico for big profits. The Southern Mexican outdoor will blow the U.S. outdoor bud straight out the water. Indoor could also be done at such a disgustingly cheaper rate due to low labor costs.

I believe that In time Central and South America will take back their thrones as the top Cannabis growing regions of the world.

Same for Thailand, India, Africa, Sumatra, Hawaii, Jamaica.

If sativas are your flavor having them grown, cured, and packed professionally in the tropics is unbeatable. I would love a bag of HOG grown in Oaxaca, Thai Sticks from Thailand, Punto Rojo straight out of the Colombian highlands, Mango Carrot Zamal grown in Zamal, Malawi Gold, Sumatra Trip... Vietnamese Black, Lambsbread! I can taste it already ;)

Let's just be honest for a minute. If you're only purpose in life was to grow the best outdoor herb on the planet would you really pick places like Humboldt County, or places like Oaxaca?

I'm lucky, my temps and humidity (in, OC/SoCal)is pretty much the same right now as we speak in Oaxaca and Jamaica, pretty sub-trop., previous years I've grown sat. dom., but this year are full Sat. landrace (So. Amer. & Africa/Thailand)..Will see how it goes.


Active member
There would be a transition period for fav strains due to close winter summer photo periods close to equator
All the most popular strains of today can be grown with a 28 Day photo period extension with as little as 20 w compact floro's 6 hours per day .
We found little issue except for size for the majority of strains Sativa hybrids like love potion could be grown directly from seeds .
Strains like stretchy OG kush Purple kush etc will get 3'-5' tall from seeds .