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Growing in cougar country

If he brought his dogs out here and caught some he could make some money by selling the story to newspapers and magazines and television.
The television stations would probably want to tag along while he went hunting them.
He could easily make a million or more.
And then once he proved they were here the govt. would probably pay him to catch them all.
The only thing is with the strict quarantine here the dogs would have to stay in quarantine for six months. And that might cost a bit of money, I don't know how much.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
not hard to tell cyrus and nog are the same leo troll, seroiusly put in some work,
just clogging up the boards , TS


New member
not hard to tell cyrus and nog are the same leo troll, seroiusly put in some work,
just clogging up the boards , TS


Blue Socks

Check out this shit!

Man: Bear saved me from mountain lion

A 69-year-old California man says he owes his life to a mama bear who saved him from a mountain lion attack while hiking.

Robert Biggs told the Paradise Post newspaper that he stumbled upon the black bear, a yearling and a newborn cub while hiking Monday above Whiskey Flats.

He said he watched the bears from about 40 feet, then turned to slip away when a mountain lion pounced, grabbing his backpack with all four paws.

"He grabbed me from behind and knocked me to the ground," Biggs told The Huffington Post. "I was on my knees. I had my rock pick out because i was on a steep incline, and I smashed the cat in the head with it. He screamed, but he didn't let go."

He raised his weapon again for another swing when the mama bear suddenly jumped in and tore the big cat off his backpack. After a 15-second battle, the cat ran off, and the bear ambled away, the Paradise Post reported.

He suffered bite marks, scratches and bruises to his arm, but was otherwise uninjured, the Post reported.

"I'm 100-percent sure it did want to save my life," he told The Huffington Post. "We made eye contact. I'd seen the bears before and I know she knew who I was.

Biggs told the Paradise Post he played patty-cake with and high-fived a cub in front of the mother last year.

California Department of Fish and Game officials are skeptical of Biggs' story, but testing blood found on his backpack.

not hard to tell cyrus and nog are the same leo troll, seroiusly put in some work,
just clogging up the boards , TS

You will find that when I write I use a lot of these, ;;;;;, he does'nt, nor does any of the other posters on these forums. Go back and have a look.


is there a limit to how much hog you can catch? if not why don't they feed the hungry with them?
There is no limit and they do eat many of them. Some hire helicopters to fly over and machine gun them, some hunt them on horseback, some on foot, and some in vehicles. They trap them and sell them also but hogs are smart and wily. They root out crops like mad at times. Some even invade the edges of cities... real problem!


Active member
I will try and pull up the article ( in a trolls thread no less ), but this article states here in california...they are actually seeing mountain lions in packs, like prides I guess. Ill dig up the article, i don't wanna paraphrase to much. The wildlife experts are baffled as some of their game cameras are showing them in packs, chilling in packs. Just like a wolf pride.
This was just one incident, article isn't saying they are all doing this. Thats a scary thought really lol...pride of mountain lions lol.

ill go digging it up now.

my bad, i said Ca, but the story I read was in Texas, regardless pretty cool seeing these awesome guys in a group like this


New member
There is no limit and they do eat many of them. Some hire helicopters to fly over and machine gun them, some hunt them on horseback, some on foot, and some in vehicles. They trap them and sell them also but hogs are smart and wily. They root out crops like mad at times. Some even invade the edges of cities... real problem!

why not introduce cougars to lower the hog population.


My friend used to have a single shot 410 shotgun called a Snake Charmer that might work but a 12 gauge with buckshot and many rounds would be better...pistols are easy to carry but lack accuracy at range.
One early morning, I was crusing down Santa Fe street about at Dartmouth in Englewood,Co and saw a young cougar cross the road in front of my car. It was coming out of an impound lot and heading towards the river. About a block from a pistol range. Maybe he lives at the range at night...would scatter the shit out of some pistoleros..lol
I will try and pull up the article ( in a trolls thread no less ), but this article states here in california...they are actually seeing mountain lions in packs, like prides I guess.

Unusual; puma's are usually solitary animals, only getting together to mate.
when you hear them scream that's the mating call of the female puma.
Maybe it was a mother and her cubs.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
what if 4 female cougars surrounded you and they forced you to fuck them?

If the money was right, AND I could wear a blindfold and down a handful of viagara to get in the mood for the sheer horror of such an encounter, I suppose I could tough it out, before hurriedly leaving town in case I get called up for another unspeakable ordeal.

Oh sorry, we are talking four-legged cougars here. Whew, thats a relief.


New member
mountain lion attacks are very rare . in humboldt county last mountain lion attack was in 2007 in the redwood national forest the man got attacked and his wife stabs the lion with an ink pen and the lion took off her husband survived a 44 magnum is what is used by a group of sasquatch researchers that I know of to protect themself from large game in the woods

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