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Growing in cougar country


Active member
Old post but I will comment anyway.

A knife against a long tail? Why not unzip and wave that? A human with a knife is fooling himself. If you haven't learned what to look for then you could well end up kitty food.

Want to be safe at a guerilla grow? Drink lots of water before you go out there. And EVERY time you go out there pee out a ways all around your grow. Cats recognize human pee and it is not an invitation.

Here in California, where stupid voters 'protected' them 5 generations ago, they have next to no fear of humans. But human scent they usually avoid. (I won't comment on the one found strolling in Santa Monica Mall)


Active member
cougars are solitary animals. they dont prey on humans. you have more of a chance of getting stuck by lightning than a cougar attack. The only place ive ever heard of cat attacks is socal. Its always a child or female jogger( probably on the rag) and the cat is starving because a housing development was put in where it used to hunt. if you are lucky enough to even see a cat consider yourself blessed.

Wrong. Cougars have only recently expanded into Yukon and there has already been at least one attack... on a man. If you enter a cougars hunting territory when its hungry it WILL assess your suitability to eat and act according to its desire.

St. Phatty

Active member
Wrong. Cougars have only recently expanded into Yukon and there has already been at least one attack... on a man. If you enter a cougars hunting territory when its hungry it WILL assess your suitability to eat and act according to its desire.

They are hunting machines.

The "Silver Lining" - a quick, merciful death.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Hunter S. Thompson fans will no doubt agree that the only thing more scary than growing in cougar country, would be growing in Bat Country. Say no more.


The "Silver Lining" - a quick, merciful death.

True that. Second to a bullet, I suspect the quick broken neck that a mountain lion delivers would be among the best ways to die: quickly and painlessly.

I like the idea of being "recycled" into kitty food. It beats rotting in a concrete box.

I guess I grow among them, but I don't think much about it, since I also live among them and play among them and fix fences among them. One night a mountain lion growled at my wife for walking past and interrupting its dinner - thirty feet from our back door. She turned toward the noise to find her headlamp pointing right into the eyes of a lion with its face covered in blood - thankfully it was gone before she really registered what she was looking at. Can you imagine the feeling as her stomach did somersaults?

Ever since that night, my wife keeps a Saint Bernard or a Staghound with her whenever she's outdoors at night. Strength in numbers - and size matters!

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
True that. Second to a bullet, I suspect the quick broken neck that a mountain lion delivers would be among the best ways to die: quickly and painlessly.

I like the idea of being "recycled" into kitty food. It beats rotting in a concrete box.

I guess I grow among them, but I don't think much about it, since I also live among them and play among them and fix fences among them. One night a mountain lion growled at my wife for walking past and interrupting its dinner - thirty feet from our back door. She turned toward the noise to find her headlamp pointing right into the eyes of a lion with its face covered in blood - thankfully it was gone before she really registered what she was looking at. Can you imagine the feeling as her stomach did somersaults?

Ever since that night, my wife keeps a Saint Bernard or a Staghound with her whenever she's outdoors at night. Strength in numbers - and size matters!

If I lived in your neck of the woods, I would carry an enormous handgun at all times, for the honest world to see, just in case witty repartee fails when a cougar makes a cameo appearance.

Generally speaking I admire the grace and intelligence of felines, BUT I draw the line at being eaten for lunch by one.