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Growing in cougar country

The urine and the feces on a fabric is a really good idea my last grow outdoors which was my first time.. I had no problem with animals eating my buds.. and were some deer in the area.. I just pissed all around the plants and it truly works.

There is always sightings of them around town. Its becuase of the deer.. they come then the cougar follows.. so they come out of there high wilderness mountain habitat into the valleys and towns looking for easy young deer to catch.. or feast on a freshly killed deer on the road..


Capt. Ahab is right. "mase" is a generic term for repellent but most of it today is pepper spray. No matter, any animal you squirt it at hits the highway. If youre worried about your trail, squirt a bit here and there every so often. If they smell it, theyre gone whether youre there or not.

You can do yourself a little test with it. Squirt some out and then later, watch your dog as he comes close to where you sprayed it. His tail and ears droop and he moves in reverse even hrs after its been sprayed.

Its used on people, how dangerous can it be?


Scatter some moth balls around your grow...and buy a shotgun and load the first round with rubber balls and the others with double ought buckshot/slug buckshot slug.etc. If the noise and sting of the rubber balls round doesn't scare him off you have a real problem and need to deal with it in a real way. These animal huggers aren't going to be there to protect your ass in a scrape! There is a point that none of that makes any sense and it is you or it! Best be it! And up to 75 yards give or take buckshot is very effective. I guess you could load round number two with fine bird shot but with a lion, time may not allow you to mess around with another non lethal round. BTW, I don't kill animals anymore but will if I need to. For food or protection are two of those instances. We eat what we kill since the family hunts deer and would like to hunt hogs. Those hog hunters on Discovery channel live about two hours from here. Hogs are over running the state...
Scatter some moth balls around your grow...and buy a shotgun and load the first round with rubber balls and the others with double ought buckshot/slug buckshot slug.etc. If the noise and sting of the rubber balls round doesn't scare him off you have a real problem and need to deal with it in a real way. These animal huggers aren't going to be there to protect your ass in a scrape! There is a point that none of that makes any sense and it is you or it! Best be it! And up to 75 yards give or take buckshot is very effective. I guess you could load round number two with fine bird shot but with a lion, time may not allow you to mess around with another non lethal round. BTW, I don't kill animals anymore but will if I need to. For food or protection are two of those instances. We eat what we kill since the family hunts deer and would like to hunt hogs. Those hog hunters on Discovery channel live about two hours from here. Hogs are over running the state...

is there a limit to how much hog you can catch? if not why don't they feed the hungry with them?


Active member
I would be scared shit less if I was in a remote area I knew had mountain lions and fucking cougars.

Like someone said, if you watch a house cat hunt, they turn into predatory ninjas, stalking low to the ground not making a noise.

I know I wouldnt want a 150+lb cat stalking me in tall grasses. I wouldnt even know it is there, slowly inching closer with every move I make until it explodes with a pounce that will rips my face off. lol.

Thats the real deal dude. No one would even know where they hell you were I imagine. Dead, slowly bleeding out from a crushed wind pipe, collapsed lung, deep lacerations, a crushed and broken face and probably a broken neck. Mean while the cat is eating your thighs as you lay there paralyzed feeling every last bit of life you have left.

LOL that would scare the shit out of me! Good luck man! Seriously, your crazy!
I would be scared shit less if I was in a remote area I knew had mountain lions and fucking cougars.

Like someone said, if you watch a house cat hunt, they turn into predatory ninjas, stalking low to the ground not making a noise.

I know I wouldnt want a 150+lb cat stalking me in tall grasses. I wouldnt even know it is there, slowly inching closer with every move I make until it explodes with a pounce that will rips my face off. lol.

Thats the real deal dude. No one would even know where they hell you were I imagine. Dead, slowly bleeding out from a crushed wind pipe, collapsed lung, deep lacerations, a crushed and broken face and probably a broken neck. Mean while the cat is eating your thighs as you lay there paralyzed feeling every last bit of life you have left.

LOL that would scare the shit out of me! Good luck man! Seriously, your crazy!

thanks man.. I;ve been told that I have balls.. I hope I can make friends with a steve french n maybe he will tell the others to play nice lol..

but yea that is scary if you think about.. its all open area. Tons of small deer. Ill always have my buck knife and my 3 throwing knives.. sometimes my smith n wesson pellet gun and my cross bow.. all for hunting purposes and self defense.


yeah mountain lions can be nasty and territorial so they will attack no problem. i saw a bobcat in the woods last season and the thing just ran..i was just in shock to see one.. i have all kinds of black bear encounters though. they are really docile and dont usually cause problems at all.. unless its a mom and her cubs(had a few encounters, pretty intimidating).. i carry mace and an air horn, but thankfully never had to use them..

but yeah if its mountain lions your up against.. bring a gun.


Active member
Throwing knives, cmon Crouching tiger
Throwing knives, cmon Crouching tiger
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these animals obviously don't float on the ground n make zero noise they make noise.. if they don't then they are going very slow as I wal at a good speed then they will hurry up stepping on a stick alerting me.. but since I will be wearing icu.. ill probably look like the predator to them.


mountain lions attack from behind,you wont have a chance to defend your self.may be one person dies a year from a mountain lion attacks.

in india the loggers wear masks on the back of there heads to keep tigers from attacking them.it drives a staking tiger crazy.can never can get behind the pray.the few people that took off there masks for lunch,ended up the tigers lunch.
mountain lions attack from behind,you wont have a chance to defend your self.may be one person dies a year from a mountain lion attacks.

in india the loggers wear masks on the back of there heads to keep tigers from attacking them.it drives a staking tiger crazy.can never can get behind the pray.the few people that took off there masks for lunch,ended up the tigers lunch.

does this really work? so your saying a cougar can distinguish a face?


do your self a favor and pick up a .45 if youre gonna be working out in the cut, never know what you might come across.


Well-known member
one you'd never have the chance with mace using it on a MT Lion.
Wear bells
They are protected wildlife!

Protected? Cougars or Mtn Lion are a GAME animal here Mister...Everybody carries a Valid LION Tag during the Fall...in WA if ya Hunt....We Kill BEARS here too and we EAT them...city Boyz are soo cute when they "Try" to talk about Hangin in the Woods :tumbleweed: