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Competition GROW CONTEST WINNER: Tonatiuhs 8K Dreamquest

Karma G

Well-known member
great light gavita love them



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
ok well there it is then,gavitas it will be...those are the ones being most mentioned in just about every thread ive read so far.

DF thats exactly what im trying to do is cut down costs while not losing yield.
i aint rollin led's anytime in any near future so i been reading on these de fixtures...

with so many out there could u drop me a link to the ones you were talking about?most likely im going to have to have my shop order them for me and i want to be able to give them the right link from a good source and the right lamps etc,is there a specific better ballast to run them off of,and whats the best de bulbs?

i know its a shit load of questions bro but im gonna try to grab at least a coule/few a month for the next few months and get switched over...i would get them all at once but,yea f that lmao...peACE-t-


Active member
Lookin great mate :)
Dunno if you've mentioned this before but are u deleafing by any chance ?
Your plants are in close proximity to each other so I'm wondering how they dont just leaf out and block all light.


ICMag Donor
Only issue you might have Tona - is heat...in thinking about it.

Given you run everything on vented hoods - not sure how you're room will fair with open bulbs and no ventilation to move the air.

Might also be better rearranging your room into two row on each side...with a walk way in the middle...as opposed to how you currently have it laid out.

Just thoughts...not sure how much A/C you run... ;)


tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
I can tell the nutes changed from your past grows those were some monster buds , I've heard good things from the heavy 16 line and the rock line also ...can't wait to see what you do with it :tiphat:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
pragma-whats up dude,thanks for chiming in...yes i do defoliate my plants on strains that need it,but i dont really keep the plants that close together.the last few pics of the new group are misleading,i had them stuffed under 2 lights only for the first 10 days or so,now they are spread out under the other 4k.even the other side looks more stuffed thn it is,there is plenty space between.i took some pics so u can see.

df-yea i noticed you cant cool them...i run a 25k btu a/c window shaker...it keeps the room at decent temos cooled and on most of the hotter summer days,sometimes i need to shut down a couple lights when its in the high 90's,outside.
they might be a little hot for me idk,id probably need to upgrade the cooling situaation.
and idk what you mean by 2 rows each side?


tleaf-sup bud....yea them nutes are good if probably you just starting off,dont care much about yield,or like me are at your wits end and need something fast.its good shit for what it is,ive never seen a 1 part nute do what they do,but idk if its complete enough to push the plants like im used to.
...funny u said that,i was up in the air between these and the rock nutes...the reason i decided to go with these was because ive already been using their foliar for a while now.
ive used the rock resinator before,not consistently enough to know if it made a difference though to be honest.
unless its only my wishful thinking i can already see the difference in the rooms since i switched nutes.veg looks fuller with the leafs on my indies getting fat again and the flower room,the new set looks far past where the last set was at this day.anxiously waiting to see what the next few weeks brings.

lester-thanks bro,feels good to smoke something besides my punishment again lmao.







My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
I got some 2 cents on the subject T
but i gotta get 2 a key board not my phone at the deli lol


Active member
Whats shakin T?! DF asked if I would stop by and chime in on the DE fixtures. I just recently switched to the 6/750 FLEX gavitas due to my vertical height limit. Currently I have about 8 foot ceilings so thats why I chose the FLEX model. Last run I had 4 GG4s under a 5x5 footprint and things came out great. My environmental scenario isnt the greatest either....im simply in a bedroom exhausting scrubbed air into attic and pulling cold air from either outside (winter) or from under the house. No co2, no dehuey, etc. Just 3 gallons of coco, Jacks + CalNit, and some gavitas.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have and id be more than willing to answer what I can from running these, albeit im new to them as well :biggrin:


Underground sorcerer
Hi,big show as always:biggrin:!Very compliments!
Do you know some genetics no ceiling?I'm asking if they exist in some seedbank..thank you for all the information you could give to me.
Keep it that are great for the weed cause:tiphat:


TC Nursery est 2020
sup my friends,lately i been gettin a few pm's askin me what im doin to get them to go off like they do...how to get bigger denser buds...etc....alot of tht has to do w strains and i guess some of it might be whatever im doin,so i figured rather then respond to eachh pm id make a post describing the way chit goes down from the time i take them out of the cloner till chop..

1st thing is i wait till the roots are pretty long before i cup them....they go into fox farms light warrior,although recently ive started mixin the redbag of fox farms soil,whatever the name of tht is,w the light warrior at a 50/50 mix.this helps the cups stay moist a little bit longer,the light warrior tende to dry out fast...while in cups they get fed once a week with maxi grow...1 tsp per gallon.

next step is waitin for them to get some nice roots wrapping around the cups and coming thru the holes i have cut in my cups,when i see tht its time for 1 gallon pots and fox farm ocean forest soil....these will also get fed 1 x a week until flower.ph at 6.8-7.0 in tht range is fine w me.during this time they get topped at the main stalk,then pinched for the most part after tht to get plenty of main tops going....mind you,some strains do better growing natural,you just gonna have to get the feel for tht as you go,it will be obvious if they like it or not.

next is waiting for them to be ready for 3 gallon bags,or me to be ready for them to go in 3's,whatever comes 1st...
this is where they get a little bit of extra goodies in the soil,not much,nothing fancy,just what i like to do....
i take the 3 gallon bag,i put in the bottom,,2 scoops (w a garden scooper thing) of chunky perlite...then w the same scoop i put in 6 healthy scoops of ffof,1 fat cup of earth worm castings,1 tblsp. of lime,2 more scoops of chunky perlite, and then miix tht all up in the bag real good....yup in the bag,i make less mess tht way now u should have just enough room left for the plant in the 1 gallon pot to be x planted into the bag,put it in then top off w FFOF...repeat w as many plants as your gonna run....let them settle in to the new diggs for atleast 4-5 days before i flip,,this is real crucial to helpin them take off when i trigger them,i think so anyways.

ok now,i use maxi bloom in flower,kool bloom at the end but we will get to tht.....ok 1st day of flower they get fed 1 tsp. per gallon,ph at 6.8-7.0 always thru out the entire grow...next feed will be at 1 and 1/2 tsp. per gallon,next one at 2 tsp per gallon and thts where i stop.....so in around 2 weeks into flower im at 2 tsp per gallon.sometimes faster depending how fast they are drinking....i feed everytime i water,as you can see my strains dont mind at all,i keep a close eye on new stuff so i kno if they are w the program or if they will need special attention,ive never had anything react negative as long as i take it easy and dont rush into 2 tsp. per off the rip...take it up w each feed.

this goes on until i have about 3-4 weeks left till harvest,then i strt w the koolbloom....i.e if its a 70 day strain at around day 50 ill hit the koolbloom on them,again w the maxibloom and everytime i water they get fed....ill do this until i have around 2 weeks left in the cycle,then its just p.h'd water,mollases might get added in there a couple times too to bring some twang on the flavor side...after they flush for 2 weeks approx. i wait till them ppots are pretty much light,not to where the plant is suffering from it but enough so tht all tht water is out the stems and what not,i think this helps it dry better....idk might do other things too but i know it def does not hurt....

ok so i have to say tht there are a few other things i use,during veg i like to use liquid karma every few waterings or so,tht chit makes them roots blow up imho...also i use superthrive if i think they have had any stress,not as a nute but more as a asperin or meds for them....this goes like after x plant,after flip,or if i think they may have had any other stress from anything else ill use it....also it never hurts to keep some cal mag on hand,never kno when ya might see somethin....

i THINK tht about covers it,im sure there is something im missin,im stoned and its ben a long ass night in the garden....any questions or comments are always welcome...im always open ears when it comes to people tht want to drop some knowledge on a playa....

probabaly should add tht i been takin down the dosage of nutes and leading them into the flush the last couple times,read it in tht playa SELFs thread and it dnt hurt to try new things when they make sens ya kno. SELF

btw i know most of the people tht follow my threads kno all of this stuff already but i wanted to help all the newer kats,and let them kno,this shit aint rocket science ya just have to be motivated..i use to use a line of nutes tht had all these different bottles and mixes for all stages of life blla bla bla....i had it dialed,grew like tht for quite a few yrs,if there is no perpetual goin then thts all fine and dandy.but when ur growin perpetualy its easier to not be pretending im fuckin merlin,or mr. wizard,mixing up nutes like im makin a mad scientist recipe....eye of nute...

keep it pimpin.

i quoted ur original for others :) maybe it helps them like me :)


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sir smoke-right on bro...waiting to hear what you have to say.

whitelotus-wattup maing,thanks for dropping in.im def gonna roll w them real soon here.
how hot do them bulbs run?did you notice much difference from the switch from hps?
I know they say the ballasts run almost no heat at all.

jabba-sup yo,no im sorry I never heard of those genetics.maybe someone else in here has?
thanks for the good vibes.peace-T-

oaky-ryt on on the re quote bro...hope it helps you out.

pragma-ryt on homie.no problem.

ok I have a question for you guys...was wondering what your opinions are.
I was thinking last night after I restaked and took some of the big fans that were blocking out budsites,like a half ass defoliation....but I was thinking,im only at day 18 right now..and I usually don't pull any fans but maybe a few off until later in flower,like week 4 or 5,
do you guys think that I pulled leafs off earlier then usual it will...

a) hurt the yield because I pulled some leafs off too early in flower?

b)help the yield because budsites that were being blocked are now getting more light earlier then they were before.?


c) not effect yield at all because there is plenty of foliage left on plants,leafs will come back and week 3 is plenty old enough?

here is a pic or few of them after restake and light defoliation...you can compare them from before and after from the last set of pics I dropped...





this one I had to use the auto fix on the pc because it was too hps yellow,the color of it is the same as the rest,


so yea id like to know your guys thoughts on this...
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Kronically Ill
b)help the yield because budsites that were being blocked are now getting more light earlier then they were before.?

First off, room looks tight Tona! :tiphat:

I'm a big fan of defoliation. I know it's a controversial topic for some, but it works very well for me.

I prefer to keep leaves that don't block budsites or bud develpment, only removing what 'gets in the way'. Allowing the plant to fully metabolize on a consistant basis is the important part....basically don't rip off too many fans at once and don't slam 'em with food when you defol. I prefer to slow & steady defol throughout flower.....usually start around week 2 and go all the way throught flower. IME ripping off too many fans without watering or lowering the E.C., and you can get burn. Let me know if you have any questions!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
I think those will be fine.
I try to leave as many fans down low as possible and go heavier up top.

about the lights. my honest opinion is which ever wattage you buy, its worth it to buy a 5 ton dedicated house ac for the room. 1 run and all payed back for all equipment and still made what u would have I got more but kiddo woke from nap be back later


Active member
Id say they put out a little bit more heat than the standard HPS.....nothing insane though. Dont recall if you're running open bulbs or not, but if you are, it shouldnt really be much of an increase. I can run 2 with simple air exchange and keep my temps where they need to be.


ICMag Donor
The Gavita site says, temp wise, the 600 Flex runs at 825 the same as a 1k vented hood...

Now, how true that is, I don't know. If that is literally the case - then he'd be fine.

Tona, what I meant about 2 rows...right now you have 3 rows with 2 lights above each row:


I'm saying what about 2 rows, with 3 lights in each row, walk way down the center type:

| |
| |
| |

Instead. In lines like that, the open bulbs may be easier to cool???

Just a thought - I have nothing to base / back that on...fwiw. ;)



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
broindy-ryt on bruh,thanks for the input.

sirsmoke-cool,thats what i was thinking too but i just dont think ive ever defoliated this early in flower before.was working and readjusting stakes,started pulling a couple leafs and before i knew it...
and as far as the a/c,i can dig it...i was looking at them online and they aint even that expensive....any "best brands out"? or the one everyone likes or whatever....
would it look shady to have 2 units outside though?i already have central air,i have a pretty big sized house but....you know?

whitelotus-sup homie,thanks for the input.
much appreciated.

d.f-how many watts does the 600 flex go up to?like is it adjustable?is that the 600-850 one?
and how does it compare growth wise to the 1k hps bulbs?
also ,i have 8 lights bro,2 rows of 4 or, 4 rows of 2 however you want to say it...
theyre set up long ways in the room like this ==== four 1k's on each side of the room.
i know sometimes it looks like 6 in the pics because its hard to get them all in the ppic from where i have to snap the pics from....hence the name of the thread....
8k dreamquest :D

wodi-sup homie.thanks for the good vibes.