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greencalyx's never-ending quest to try his best


Well-known member
Plants are still growing. The tallest is about 2m high (pot included).

Unfortunately, I'm having a bit of an issue now with about a third of the plants. They look pretty nitrogen deficient.
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It was just a couple plants about 10 days ago. I thought maybe I may have been overwatering them, but have since ruled that out. And now a few more plants are showing the same.

It honestly could just be a deficiency. I've only been using distilled water (from my dehumidifiers) and no ferts other than osmocote at the very beginning of the grow. Worked great for a couple months

but when I transplanted last, about a month ago, I ended up going with miracle gro potting soil, because it was on clearance for $5 for 2cu ft.

I don't have experience using miracle gro soil for cannabis, but after a quick search, I learned it has slow release nitrogen that can be problematic as it can linger into flowering. So, I decided not to amend with osmocote, as I did with the first transplant.

So the soil could just be tapped out.

Gonna start with some liquid ferts tomorrow, see what happens, then maybe top dress with more osmocote.
Do you have a pH and TDS meter? It looks to me like using distilled water is stripping some of the nutrients from the plant. I would do a pour thru and test it, before adding any fertilizer. If your pH is acidic, mix a little tap water with the distilled water and slowly raise pH or buffer the pH before giving the plants fertilizer. Now is an important time for the flowers and any excessive shocks can come back and bite one on his ass.


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Premium user
Thanks for the tips.

I do have pH/TDS meters. I'll do a pour through today and see where it goes.

I didn't mention earlier that I actually water with 50/50 mix of distilled and tap water every 2nd or 3rd watering to give the plants some minerals. My tap water too hard to use by itself.

Fingers crossed that it's just a soil deficiency rather than a lockout


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Ok just got done with a pour through.

pH 6.5 and 300 ppm

Worth noting that the "distilled" water from the dehumidifier has readings of 50ppm and a surprising 7.7 pH

I'm gonna give some ff grow big (6-4-4) liquid fertilizer today, and see how it goes.

Will probably end up topdressing with some osmocote if all goes well. Because having to regularly mix up ferts is a pain, and the plants seemed to love it for the first half of the grow


Well-known member
Thanks for the tips.

I do have pH/TDS meters. I'll do a pour through today and see where it goes.

I didn't mention earlier that I actually water with 50/50 mix of distilled and tap water every 2nd or 3rd watering to give the plants some minerals. My tap water too hard to use by itself.

Fingers crossed that it's just a soil deficiency rather than a lockout
Don't individualize the waters that is probably your problem. Keep the water mix the same and don't switch between the two. When you switch waters the plants have to reset each time, but if you keep your water mix steady the plants will adapt with better nutrient absorption.


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Good morning. Things still moving along. The tallest plant has just started to touch the light and i cant raise it any higher, so today I'll be getting some stakes and tie it down a little. Side branches are starting to sag a bit with all the heavy buds, so they could use some support as well.

I think the plants are doing a little better than my last update. The issue only affected the sativas. The TC X DC still look immaculate without a single discolored leaf (maybe a little thrip damage). We're at the halfway point now. Probably another 5-6 weeks to go for the Oaxaca x Panama and 2-3 weeks for the TC X DC

Here's a pic of one of the TC X DC. They both smell amazing like sweet, citrus lavender.


Here's the big Oaxaca x Panama. Smells like a minty/menthol, sour lime.

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Here's another one of my faves with a more club shaped, less pointy cola. This one smells creamy and spicy, like a good Béchamel sauce with nutmeg. Also a heavy yielder that will be getting some support today

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Premium user
Buds are gettin really heavy and kinda flopping all over the place, lol. Definitely need to work on better support next time.

We are at week 9 so should be getting close to ready in a couple weeks

Phone camera still busted, so here's a blurry group shot, and a couple pics taken blind with the front facing cam
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