I have the sb's in 1.5qt pots w/ffof.
The edges of these pots work great for lst using pipecleaners only.
I try to keep them at this height, and work them around the pots.
They take turns on the yellow light shelf.
I noticed one of the sbbx's was showing pre-flower when I was taking these shots. I suspect all 8 will be sexed within the week.
Tomorrow all the sbbx's will have had between 33-40 days of veg each.
Folks, I have said this before and I will say it again...there is nothing like high white light (6500k in this instance) for vegetation. Very tight nodes, and virtually no stretching out from day 1.
LOOOoking greaaaat HOOSIEr!!! for sure looks 100% sour bubs!!! exciting to see solid genetics preserved....heres some shots of my sour bub bx3 in day 19....stalk smells like sour limes.......with that affy sandalwood faintly...
i hope so !!! just chuck some dank pollen in the wind and blow really hard....wheeeew, wheeeeeew.....i think my sbbx3 caught it....hahaha happy belated 420 to everyone, gp, hoos, aaand keep rockin out yall! ill upload some pix of my sbbx3 on day21....resin starting to cover the big leaf...mmmmm
hoosier~ lookin' awesome, thanks for the updates
feel free to post as many pictures as you want, i'd like to
see them one at a time to see how uniform they are if you
are feelin' frisky to snap some more shots
thank you for being such a kickass tester bro, what are you noticing
about these? do they still smell like affy? i realllly dig sour bubble, i think
you will too, grow HARD
olddrifter66, Very nice to see you stop by my grow. Come back any time, my friend.
headie! Looks like that bx3 is getting ready to blow up! Nice plant.
Hey, Charles. I plan to veg them at least long enough to mature and show preflower. My space is at a premium, and I need to know the sex of these before they go into flower, or run the risk of shorting my stash. I waste lots of time flowering out plants before they are mature, only to weed out males from there. I hate lost time. And yes, the plants are all just about as similar as they can get as siblings. The only difference I can see is that some are about a week older than others. Structurally, almost identical lot.
rasputin, thanks for the kind words, friend! I will try my best to keep on keepin on!
Do any of you know MAster Tone? He is the undisputed champion of the '09 Hashmasters Classic! Top shelf grower of Bubba and other assorted confections...
Sup, gp!
Yeah, they all have the identical stankity dank smell. In my world it is a straight up old school affy smell, which is mucho buenos mit ich!
Thanks for the kind words.
G (only plant that was FIM'ed one time)
H (the baby of the group)
Lettered in chronological order as they sprouted leaf, A is at ~46 days of veg, and 1 week older than H