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granddaddy purple dwc and kfb grow



This is without a doubt the BIGGEST FREAKIN GDP I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!

Congratulations on such a well grown plant!!!



Nice thread BluntItUp. I'm testing a gdp clone right now. I cant say whether or not it steh real deal just yet but mines are real slow in veg and barely stretched at all after 2 weeks in 12/12. So far only about 1/4 to 1/2 the starting height.


blunt, they look nice and healthy, are you running kusty level humidity?

dj, with OG and CW taken away we lost the vast majority of krusty documentation. I've been trying to collect all the info that i can find, since i've come to the realization that plant numbers aren't something i want to mess around with. I'll try to put together a little diagram since the couple that are out there are less than clear.

If anyone has piles of KBS info saved hit me up, PLEASE :wave:


the info is on this site. All the KFB stuff is here and posted by krusty himself. Search for his name it'll pop up


happy hipster said:
you could make this yourself by crossing a urkle with big bud...

or you could have nice friends :)

I am looking for those nice friends.

Grand Daddy Purple is the best meds for my irritable bowel syndrome to date.

If Purple Erkle is crossed with Big Bud, then why do we not have seeds available???? Sorry I ain't a seed guru.

Clones are a bitch to find for med patients at times.


YES!....someone please explain KFB??? :confused: ...i've smoked grandaddy :wave: ...and your plant looks lovely!....does anyone have any info on this TECHNIQUE??? :chin: .... :dueling:


moses do a seach for krusty buckets and read what comes up....that will give you a basic insight into KBS. now mind you that krusty pulled down some very large yeilds and alot of the threads you read are ppl trying to slueth out problems with quasi-KBS systems (most people try to cut corners from how krusty worked the system and their problems stemed from their lack of keeping true to krusty's guidelines)


s4vvy, i've read through all of the KBS threads here and alot of the threads from IC and CW (but it has been ages since I read most of those threads and I never truly absorbed all of the minor details as I had it set in my mind that KBS grows were out of my realm of possibilities...never had the space nor could afford the long veg times)

I have a few ideas that i need a better grasp on and I think they are covered in no-one's or SYK's threads.

if anyone can chime in please do. My memory of K's res setup is kind of foggy and needs some clarification. the bottom buckets drain into the lower res. the lower res then has a float switch that activates a pump that then pumps the nutes into the upper res (the lower res was typically a rubbermaid container and the float switches were set to keep the nute level in the lower res relatively low) now the upper res is larger sometimes a 55gal blue drum, this is where the majority of the nutes are kept. a small pump is located inline (to keep down res temps) outside of this upper res this smaller pump inturn fed the driplines feeding the buckets.

am I right in how I remember the resivors working?

my other question is has anyone personally ran their humidity at the levels Krusty syas to? I know I should just listen to the clown and trust but trusting those giant colas not to get rot at the RH levels he runs them at is going against everything I have ever read.

I made up a crappy diagram or the res flow that is in my gallery ...cant figure out how to post pic in my reply :confused:


Wow so many post in this thread in one day! K let me try to answer your questions as best as I can.

Technique and DJ : I will get pics for you on how to setup a system this weekend. Kinda hard to explain. Pics are worth a thousand words.

S4avvy: So far what you are decribing seems to be real GDP. They are real slow grows and BARELY strectches when you flipem. Real low yeilds. When in flowering it has a very distinct smell almost like coffee. Purp will show up the last weeks of flowering. I flower mine for 70-75 days.

Deadwood: Im kickin myself in the ass for not saving all the info on kfb. Og had great step by step instructions on how to setup a kfb system. I will try to right a step by step this weekend.

VT: Yes sir these plants are very slow. Slow in everyway possible lol. From cloning, vegging and flowering time. My temp is always around 78-82. With humidty between 30-40.


That is how it works. I do not use a pump from the passive to active rez. Just a simple float valve will work. My humidty has never past 40 if it did it was only a short while. I did have a problem with that in the very beg, but nothing major. I dont want high hum. because gdp is very succeptible to PW.

deadwood said:
s4vvy, i've read through all of the KBS threads here and alot of the threads from IC and CW (but it has been ages since I read most of those threads and I never truly absorbed all of the minor details as I had it set in my mind that KBS grows were out of my realm of possibilities...never had the space nor could afford the long veg times)

I have a few ideas that i need a better grasp on and I think they are covered in no-one's or SYK's threads.

if anyone can chime in please do. My memory of K's res setup is kind of foggy and needs some clarification. the bottom buckets drain into the lower res. the lower res then has a float switch that activates a pump that then pumps the nutes into the upper res (the lower res was typically a rubbermaid container and the float switches were set to keep the nute level in the lower res relatively low) now the upper res is larger sometimes a 55gal blue drum, this is where the majority of the nutes are kept. a small pump is located inline (to keep down res temps) outside of this upper res this smaller pump inturn fed the driplines feeding the buckets.

am I right in how I remember the resivors working?

my other question is has anyone personally ran their humidity at the levels Krusty syas to? I know I should just listen to the clown and trust but trusting those giant colas not to get rot at the RH levels he runs them at is going against everything I have ever read.

I made up a crappy diagram or the res flow that is in my gallery ...cant figure out how to post pic in my reply :confused:


deadwood said:
s4vvy, i've read through all of the KBS threads here and alot of the threads from IC and CW (but it has been ages since I read most of those threads and I never truly absorbed all of the minor details as I had it set in my mind that KBS grows were out of my realm of possibilities...never had the space nor could afford the long veg times)

I have a few ideas that i need a better grasp on and I think they are covered in no-one's or SYK's threads.

if anyone can chime in please do. My memory of K's res setup is kind of foggy and needs some clarification. the bottom buckets drain into the lower res. the lower res then has a float switch that activates a pump that then pumps the nutes into the upper res (the lower res was typically a rubbermaid container and the float switches were set to keep the nute level in the lower res relatively low) now the upper res is larger sometimes a 55gal blue drum, this is where the majority of the nutes are kept. a small pump is located inline (to keep down res temps) outside of this upper res this smaller pump inturn fed the driplines feeding the buckets.

am I right in how I remember the resivors working?

my other question is has anyone personally ran their humidity at the levels Krusty syas to? I know I should just listen to the clown and trust but trusting those giant colas not to get rot at the RH levels he runs them at is going against everything I have ever read.

I made up a crappy diagram or the res flow that is in my gallery ...cant figure out how to post pic in my reply :confused:

Actually this is how the active and passive res set up works. You'd have a 50+ gallon drum (passive res) elevated above the active res (with a crate maybe) which should be around 25 gallons or so. Your passive res should have a 1/2 inch hole drilled very low and that hole should have a rubber grommet and 1/2 inch thru fitting (sorry dunno the real name). Connected to the thru fitting should be some 1/2 inch tubing. The active res should have a 1/2 inch hole drilled into it about 3/4 high. This hole should have a rubber grommet and a 1/2 inch float valve. You connect your tubing from your float valve to this.

Basically what happens is when the Active res gets low, the float valve drops and the passive res dumps nutrients into the active res. There's no need for a pump because gravity does it for you :smile:

As far as the humidity levels i've never gotten bud rot in my KBS rooms with low air movement, but ive seen people get bud rot at decent rh (30-40) and high air circulation. I have no idea what really causes it or PM. My experience contradicts what ive read a lot of the times. People say high humidity causes PM, but i've ran rooms to up to 80 rh for over a week. No PM probs. I actually seen a few spots after harvest on a few lower leaves. Nothing crazy though. Hope that helps some.


Ive never ran the gdp before but i heard the bud doesen't get too purple unless the temps are low. Is that true?


ok s4vvy i think im wrapping my mind around it... the float valve you are using is it something like this? http://www.floatvalve.com/float-1-large.html the passive res is solely being used to keep the active res topped off? oh also how is your nute/water uptake? how consitent is you ppm/ec? are you topping with full strength nutes, part strength mix or straight water? ok last question (for now :p )... are you flushing for the 1 1/2-2 days like Krusty did?

I have been trying to work out the clown's reasoning behind this res setup as well. as far as I can figure he did it like this because he was limited with the size of the res he would set in the floor.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Let me explain it for you seeing BluntItUp is offline...

Yeah thats the same type float he has,The passive res is used just as you stated to topp off the active res.

On his nutrients.I am not posuitive on the uptake as in how much or specifics.

He has been topping off with full strength nutes this grow which is why you notice the signs of tip burn.For example at this point if he adds 700PPM of nutrients the system will be at 900ppm within 24hrs because he has been topping off with full strength nutes the plants are now releasing some nutrients back into the system.Or they are just absorbing lots of water and not much nutes so the topp off increases ppm...

He is going to be feeding plain ro water for the last week of growth.
Anyways i thought i would answer the questions i know the answers to i'll leave the rest to bluntitup.Until next time be safe and take care.

Great job so far BIU :)
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Thanks for explaining for me Blaze, Dumb newbie mistake for topping it off with full strength nutes.
Deadwood, yes I do flush for 48 hours. I do not sink my rez, most people cannot sink there rez. To fix this problem you wil need to elevate your buckets a lil higher. I use bricks. Also for the rez use a shallow rubbermaid container.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Not really it still quite a show,And im impressed and im sure everyone else is lol.Nice to see a new grower with the skills you have bro...

Your doing one hella job in my opinion...


Yes krusty's feeding regimen is the only thing that i believe can use some work. I personally dont get tip burn but i can see how it can happen. Also using an air pump with tubing connected to a soaker hose MAY not be needed in the KBS. The fact that the water doesent stay in the bucket for long enough (24 hour feeding = constant recirculation..) to become stagnant (sp) makes me think that. Although i can see it helping when the roots start to come outta the holes in the top buckets. The splashing and misting should encourage roots to grow downward faster...

Also there 'should' be no need for clearex in the KBS. When you use lava rock as a medium and feed it for 24/7 there's no real salt build up :smile: After the plant gets big, the roots will be feeding from the bottom bucket which houses no medium. No need for clearex there. If you do overfeed you should probably just back off a few hundred PPM