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Goriilaunit 2K23 51N

wild cat

Active member
Świetne tereny uprawowe, poprzednie lata wyszły bardzo ładnie. jaką masz metodę na pleśń? Powodzenia bracie!
Ja też chodzę do deepl.


Well-known member
Świetne tereny uprawowe, poprzednie lata wyszły bardzo ładnie. jaką masz metodę na pleśń? Powodzenia bracie!
Ja też chodzę do deepl.
I have no method when it comes to mold, this is how I eliminate weak varieties that are not suitable for my climate. I try to select varieties resistant to mold and bad weather. There must always be some losses.

wild cat

Active member
Oczywiście, eliminacja słabych roślin a może inaczej - nie nadających się do uprawy w bardzo dużej wilgotności to raz. Z tym że nawet najbardziej odporna odmiana w końcowym etapie flo i tak przyłapie plechy to dwa. Trzy uprawiam out w podobnych warunkach do Twoich i bez użycia środka grzybobujczego nie dałbym rady zebrać zawiązanego kwiata. Mimo wszystko bardzo podoba mi się sposób Twojej uprawy i jestem zwolennikiem dostarczania roślinie wszystkich potrzebnych składników które zawarte są właśnie na bagnistych terenach. Trzymam kciuki za udany sezon mordo.


Well-known member
Oczywiście, eliminacja słabych roślin a może inaczej - nie nadających się do uprawy w bardzo dużej wilgotności to raz. Z tym że nawet najbardziej odporna odmiana w końcowym etapie flo i tak przyłapie plechy to dwa. Trzy uprawiam out w podobnych warunkach do Twoich i bez użycia środka grzybobujczego nie dałbym rady zebrać zawiązanego kwiata. Mimo wszystko bardzo podoba mi się sposób Twojej uprawy i jestem zwolennikiem dostarczania roślinie wszystkich potrzebnych składników które zawarte są właśnie na bagnistych terenach. Trzymam kciuki za udany sezon mordo.
Everyone has their own ways, I do not spray with any chemicals, only for insects because I always have problems with them, possibly snacol for slugs. I have tested an awful lot of varieties, most now plant my strains that I have made.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
just read through this thread.
Impressive work for 51N.
I suppose you are on the european continent or a close by nation?
I'm at 52N in western canada and 3000ft above sea level. Plants will freeze here by mid to end of september.
Part of my own goals is to try and establish a strain that I enjoy , that will be suitable here for early fall harvest. I know of several strains that were grown in my area for years but I am not very fond of the flavors or potency.
Autos would work well but instead I grow 8 to 10 week flowering strains by light dep and that works very well for me. Mind you I do it with the aid of a greenhouse hehehe

I like your spot and the pics of previous grows tells me you have a real handle on your methods and what you are doing to adapt in your climate and chosen plots.

respect!!! ;)


Well-known member
just read through this thread.
Impressive work for 51N.
I suppose you are on the european continent or a close by nation?
I'm at 52N in western canada and 3000ft above sea level. Plants will freeze here by mid to end of september.
Part of my own goals is to try and establish a strain that I enjoy , that will be suitable here for early fall harvest. I know of several strains that were grown in my area for years but I am not very fond of the flavors or potency.
Autos would work well but instead I grow 8 to 10 week flowering strains by light dep and that works very well for me. Mind you I do it with the aid of a greenhouse hehehe

I like your spot and the pics of previous grows tells me you have a real handle on your methods and what you are doing to adapt in your climate and chosen plots.

respect!!! ;)
I thought the Canadian climate was very similar to the central European climate. I have at my place varieties that come from you :
Freezeland, Friesland, Guerilla Gold or Uel, Uel is also early, it comes from reeferman. :)


Well-known member
Yesterday I made a landing of a dozen plants, grow here mainly feminized varieties that will be destined for harvest. Only one regular GMG variety grows.
The boar also came to see what I'm doing here :D


ICMag Donor
Healthy little starts! Its best to use small pint size or smaller containers for seedlings so the soil doesn't stay too wet and heavy. Looks like those clear cups worked well.

May want to spread some repellents, I use Liquid fence and a granular pepper based repellent called Critter Ridder.

Could you put a fence up? Looks like its going to be a heavy harvest! Excellent work! What are you using for media? Is that just good quality soil from the area there in those big containers? :smoke:


Well-known member
Healthy little starts! Its best to use small pint size or smaller containers for seedlings so the soil doesn't stay too wet and heavy. Looks like those clear cups worked well.

May want to spread some repellents, I use Liquid fence and a granular pepper based repellent called Critter Ridder.

Could you put a fence up? Looks like its going to be a heavy harvest! Excellent work! What are you using for media? Is that just good quality soil from the area there in those big containers? :smoke:
I use 200ml cups and 500ml cups if the plants stand for more than 3 weeks. As you can see the transparent cup works well.
I've always taken soil from the spot, added dolomite, and organic fertilizers and decomposed everything perfectly, but now it has gotten wet and I have no way to dig in such mud. I bought earth, it seems good. Typical fertile black earth, I added some coconut fiber.
at my place it is raining for the second day, thanks to these elevations the planters will survive the heavy rain.


ICMag Donor
Sticky mud is no good, but it an be worked a little on the wet side if it needs to get done. One they get in the ground, they will have plenty of moisture to tap into now so its all good!

The drainage in those containers above ground will keep them happy. Do you ever have to water early on or at the end of the season?


Well-known member
Sticky mud is no good, but it an be worked a little on the wet side if it needs to get done. One they get in the ground, they will have plenty of moisture to tap into now so its all good!

The drainage in those containers above ground will keep them happy. Do you ever have to water early on or at the end of the season?
I never water my plants, I don't want to carry water. Only when planting I watered. When I find pictures I will put them here and show how I made the mounds.


Well-known member
Dobra robota. Deszcz też jest potrzebny, może nie nam bagiennym potworom, ale innym jak najbardziej. Po deszczu zawsze świeci słońce ;)
Write in English in this section, there is a section for PL where you can write in Polish. Here it does not look good.

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