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Golden Tiger


What was the buzz like for you? It seems to have a wide variation
If you like the malawi, I think you will like it's crosses with other sativas. It just beefs up the high and structure of what it touches. I loved malawi x panama too. The malawi is just rollercoaster weed. It's definitely not the kind of weed you smoke to do nothing too. Best to have a plan of something fun but not too demanding to do to stop your mind from going into itself.


If you like the malawi, I think you will like it's crosses with other sativas. It just beefs up the high and structure of what it touches. I loved malawi x panama too. The malawi is just rollercoaster weed. It's definitely not the kind of weed you smoke to do nothing too. Best to have a plan of something fun but not too demanding to do to stop your mind from going into itself.
It super hardy and easy to grow too. Its just the trenbolone of weed. I popped one fem seed, accidentally used double the BioBizz dose and it still got dripping with resin. I cut it at 7 weeks and it still kicked hard, and everyone I shared it with was like "what is this?" It's just a masterpeice of breeding work.


Well-known member
What was the buzz like for you? It seems to have a wide variation
the seeds i grew out, i think i got '3' ladies- all were very similar in high- i was not overly impressed with the weed- i was (and still) looking for a kick-ass sativa which i haven't found yet... it is interesting tho, i gave various weeds to my bro-in-law and i remember him commenting that the GT was not a good end of the day smoke, as it got him more wired then the various indica's/hybrids i was (continue) to grow.

i think i smoke way toooo much to feel effects


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hey guys just sharing my experience.

Which is very different from alot of read here.

It's only been about 8 weeks since I shock flowered on June 20th (full moon summer solstice)

I do prefer taste, smell and racey effect over anything else so I cropped all the tops today. And left the Bottoms for the baby golden jaguars to ripen.

They are extrmely dank, pungent, all phenos have varying ratios of sweet thai, spice and earth. All are bursting with tall standing strichs and massive calyxes. I would call these Tigers breath to be honest

Other notes are bug and heat, humidity resistance, big yields and amazing bag appeal

Can't wait to get these sweating and jarred


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Here's the tops

I do need to mention with the crop steering advice of longer nights , from the members in this thread, so over the 3 or now 4 weeks of 2 extra hours of night adds up to alot of extra hours bloom time. They also get shock flowered so 48 hours dark to kick em is the total of 4 "days" of flowering

2 phenos prob could have gone an extra week but I don't mind

The nose knows when to chop



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
If I did the math 21 to 28 days x 2 = 42 to 56 extra hours dark. Plus 48 hours shock flowering is the equivalent to an extra week or 2 of bloom time compressed

Low odor can be contributed to high humidity and or nutes. She handled my organic tea like a champ. But prob didn't need much either.

So my advice back for everyone is watch your rh and nutes for the last half if your bloom cycle. Also do you best to go at least 25% to 33% organic nutes to get the best terps


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
So I smelled some coffee to clear my olfactory senses an the common bottom terps, hiding in there are a dash of pine (forest), Citrus and the earth is more like healthy live soil / mycelium chunks

Will be interesting to do a smoke report and how the sweat turns em out


Well-known member
Well yesterday evening I got around to trying the GT my friend mailed to me and wow. What an unpleasant experience. It was like being thrown on a roller coaster without a seat belt for 2 hours. Ive never smoked something that made my hands sweat before, certainly more trippy than the Zamaldelica i had a few years back and twice as nervous. I can see why my friend would like it, being a recovering meth addict and all, but from here on out I'll just stay in my lane and grow south american sativas. Shit like this will age a man before his time


Well-known member
Well yesterday evening I got around to trying the GT my friend mailed to me and wow. What an unpleasant experience. It was like being thrown on a roller coaster without a seat belt for 2 hours. Ive never smoked something that made my hands sweat before, certainly more trippy than the Zamaldelica i had a few years back and twice as nervous. I can see why my friend would like it, being a recovering meth addict and all, but from here on out I'll just stay in my lane and grow south american sativas. Shit like this will age a man before his time
Try the Thai leaning version (v3). Out of three phenos, two were euphoric but not nervous at all. Very pleasant in fact. The one pheno that got me though, well, lets just say that my wife almost had to rock me to sleep like a baby after 2 hours of almost feeling like I was about two die from a heart attack, shortness of breath, and visuals with very sensitive and even augmented sound perception.


Well-known member
Try the Thai leaning version (v3). Out of three phenos, two were euphoric but not nervous at all. Very pleasant in fact. The one pheno that got me though, well, lets just say that my wife almost had to rock me to sleep like a baby after 2 hours of almost feeling like I was about two die from a heart attack, shortness of breath, and visuals with very sensitive and even augmented sound perception.
Thanks buddy i'll look into it. Im just getting older and more sensitive to this type of stuff. Im one of those guys that likes to get a walk in the woods type of buzz rather than go to the moon. if that makes sense


Well-known member
Thanks buddy i'll look into it. Im just getting older and more sensitive to this type of stuff. Im one of those guys that likes to get a walk in the woods type of buzz rather than go to the moon. if that makes sense
I feel you. I was just recounting to a fellow sativa enthusiast how back in 2000 we smoked some colombian import I grew and harvest that made a seasoned smoker friend literally faint out of fatigue and a sensory overload. Almost 24 years later that almost happened to me. Now, I either toke that joint twice and put it out or smoke kinder gear. Might I recommend Santero's gear? Sanfune is just like that. I've got seeds I can send you as a courtesy for being on a similar phase in life. Still, I got two phenos of Golden Tiger v3 which were cruise control steady all the way.


Well-known member
I feel you. I was just recounting to a fellow sativa enthusiast how back in 2000 we smoked some colombian import I grew and harvest that made a seasoned smoker friend literally faint out of fatigue and a sensory overload. Almost 24 years later that almost happened to me. Now, I either toke that joint twice and put it out or smoke kinder gear. Might I recommend Santero's gear? Sanfune is just like that. I've got seeds I can send you as a courtesy for being on a similar phase in life. Still, I got two phenos of Golden Tiger v3 which were cruise control steady all the way.
Hey friend i appreciate the offer but i have a pack of mountain golds my old lady wants me to run for now. Ive grown out the honduras sativa twice now, which has colombian genetics, and i really enjoyed it, as well as the panama and my favorite the honduras x panama. But those are gentle and kind, atleast in my experience. Im just a lightweight i guess. I have a pack of chang mai thais in the vault but now im wondering if i even want to run those. That buzz was a total mindfuck 😅


Well-known member
Hey friend i appreciate the offer but i have a pack of mountain golds my old lady wants me to run for now. Ive grown out the honduras sativa twice now, which has colombian genetics, and i really enjoyed it, as well as the panama and my favorite the honduras x panama. But those are gentle and kind, atleast in my experience. Im just a lightweight i guess. I have a pack of chang mai thais in the vault but now im wondering if i even want to run those. That buzz was a total mindfuck 😅
Looks like you are all set. Eager to see you run that gear, my friend. Cheers to life and to great cannabis waiting to be grown and smoked.

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