Looking good
I put to soak a couple of GT seeds, fems from the non thai dom version.
Hoping for good resistence to heat...
What is the minimum veg time befor switching to flower? They will have 20L of soil each.
I'm hoping from these 16 females that I find one that provides the long lasting stimulating euphoria I loved from the 2016 batch, these are f3's so maybe the quick phenotypes are more prevalent in this newer version, in the 16' version I noticed the later flowering girls were the most euphoric and had the longest lasting effects, just looking at these plants is making me giddy with anticipation.
1 month now since my terrible attempt at growing the GT and it's losing the grass smell and getting more of a weed smell
Strength is above average and it comes on pretty fast. Tastes fairly generic and it's quite smooth
Everything else has run out and we even bought a little to tide us over, which was nowhere near as good, but that's gone so I can't see this making it more than a couple of months
Definitely will have to go again but next time I will have some serious stash put away so there's no rush
Next GT round I will make a much weaker batch of medium. I was thinking coco choir base with vermiculite, perlite, organic potting mix and worm castings. What do you guys think?
I am currently doing a few different strains and experimenting with different blends of those ingredients and watering with a weak bat guano 1-9-1 mix towards the end of the grow
Buy airports, some of the malawi dominant plants are sensitive to high moisture, they gotta breath more, at the very least drill a ton of holes in the pots you have and save the money.
I have some pots with holes which I'm using now for the soil grows thanks
Do you know how they grow in hydro?