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Golden Tiger x Panama feminized limited edition

Greetings to the entire icmag community and especially to the Ace community! A little update. Time is always too short to keep up with the "girls" but it seems that they do well even alone in "automatic". This year the weather is a little crazy compared to recent years but perhaps a little less extreme heat and a little more rain is better and doesn't hurt.


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Those are going to get huge :) Lovely


I hope so Koondense. There's certainly no lack of vigor with Ace. I started late, it was already mid-May even though this year the weather was a bit adverse compared to recent years. In the last week I made a topping to prevent the plants from exceeding the height of the railing that separates the border between my house and the neighbor's! The relationships are good but it is better not to overdo it. There would always be so much to do but there is too little time and now it's starting to get really hot. More than anything I hope for good weather at the end of the season. In recent years we have always had two summers lasting until December with excellent temperatures. I don't know this year? We will see it day after day. For now all is well. I enjoyed following you over time when I could. I found many of your messages interesting. There is a lot to learn and take in. Bye man


Well-known member
First Golden Tiger X Panamá fem (A.C.E.; born on June-4):

Second Golden Tiger x Panamá fem (A.C.E.; born June 16) :

Y me despido por hoy con un saludo musical celebrando la conexión España-Panamá, y saludando a tod@s l@s panameñ@s...

And I say goodbye for today with a musical greeting celebrating the Spain-Panama connection, and greeting all the Panamanians...



Active member
My GTP towers over the other 2 plants in my 4x4 tent. Lower left is Humboldt dream (their blue dream) that is 32” tall for size comparison. Lower right is an Ace Panama that goes in a week or so.

the GTP was maybe 15” tall and 3 weeks at the flip. It has been supercropped 10” also. This is week 7 of flower so 5 weeks left. It is an absolute beast. Hands down the most vigorous plant I’ve grown. It loves light.

normally I try to stay around 3’ tall with topping and LST. This started out so lanky and with such wide internodal spacing I only topped once because I was worried about losing bud sites on a skinny plant. It kept stretching and then new bud sites started showing up well into the stretch that filled it in.

I took a few cuts and gave them to a couple friends. It will be interesting to see how those do. I also have a few cuts in 6” pots for hopefully some pollen and seeds.


I wanted to share my tale of two golden tiger, X Panama Goddess… The tall one is in organic living soil. Supercropped. The shorter on was scoffed and is in coco/perlite using MegaCrop fertilizer. Currently she seems to like the nutes at 55-65% of what the package calls for.

I flipped them on July 11.

I’ve done coco vs soil previously, I think this is the last time I’ll give coco a go. I think the soil flowers look considerably better. My nose isn’t to good but I think the plant in soil has a more intense aroma too.

I’ve really enjoyed growing these out. This was my first go at 100% sativa, the stretch was really fun to watch. Anyway, I have cuts of both plants.


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Old Fogey

Well-known member
Currently she seems to like the nutes at 55-65% of what the package calls for...
Soon after beginning to use an EC meter I came to the conclusion that nutrient suppliers recommend dosages that plants can tolerate, rather than amounts that a plant actually needs. And of course, the more nutrient you use, the more you buy. This is especially so during veg and early flower when recommended amounts are 40-50% too rich.

In peak flower I'm only using nutes at around 70-80% strength maximum.

The improvement in overall plant health has been significant since lowering EC at all stages of growth. Bottom/shade leaf below the canopy remains in good condition, instead of being burnt and discolored.

It is very important to use all additives and nutrients at the same ratio, as with full strength mixes. So, if using nutes at say 70%, any silica, pk top ups, calmag, resinators etc should also be applied at 70% to maintain the nutrient ratio as per full strength. Zyme products can continue to be used at 100%, but again, that figure is sure to be greater than necessary. I'm sure 80% strength for the whole grow would be more than adequate.



Active member
Week 10 flower GTP
heavily supercropped but it doesn’t mind.
thick, heavy, dense spongy buds. Some foxtailing is showing but it looks like at least 3 more weeks, maybe 4. Strong lemon, floral smell from stem rub.

the one bud to the lower left showing is Humboldt Dream, their version of Blue Dream. Long skinny leaves, wide internodal spacing, a bit lanky.

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Hola ACE community!


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Active member
GTP at 12 weeks flower, soil grow.
Large firm buds. My math shows this will net 13zips dry.
strong citrus smell from the start of flower. I had some fox tailing the last few weeks but I was also pushing lights at 1250ppfd and it ate it up.

3.5 weeks veg and a massive stretch. I had to supercrop it a couple times to keep it off the lights.This was the most vigorous plant I’ve grown to date. 4-5 week stretch. Almost shocking how vigorous this one is. I had just finished a Malawi and Golden Tiger and thought i had an idea on how it would go. Nope.

Lanky, branchy, wide internodal. I don’t normally add silicone but I did for this one. It likes to eat. I ran 2x a week nutes the last 4 weeks. I normally run 1x a week.
‘Early in flower I was wondering when the calyx would bulk up since they seemed light then it started bulking and didn’t stop. The buds are firm and spongy.
I am super impressed as were my friends that helped trim today.

Nice job @dubi


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Ola mi hermano!
I still didnt smoked enough of both so far i think to give a good review.
I smoked more SPH#1 than GTP#1 and only test the GTP#2 and SPH#2.
For mi they are a lot of differences.
GTP#1 is very strong and psychoactive it has the Real tiger swipe for Real ! The Hi is very psychedelic and catch you in a minute. But its not a clear HI. Very good too trip with music and creative activity, give you a nice mood. It's very thaï influenced stuff.
GTP#2 IS really more Panama influenced, the HI is powerful too but Rise slowly and nicely and stay for hours. Need to smoke some more:smoke:
SPH#1 as a nice first hour Hi not top trippy energizing and a little euphoric and then becoming loud and cloudy very Much on the Nothern Light 5 side. Im not searching this kind of afghani fxs. Taste like sweet lemon soda with a touch of sour.
SPH#2 i harvested recently but test smoke are simply awesome! Surprisingly she has THAT crazy funk Skunk smell when dryied when you crack a Bud the intensity of the smell make anyone in the room whats THAT Stuff!
The Hi is strong, very clear and euphoric, with almost no ceiling and no loudy Afghani/Nothern Light 5. She has the no limit skyness well balanced and sustained hi of Panama with the strenghfull "slew rate" Quick rising of a good Haze. And the taste is just beautifull like the best american sativa ginger/lime soda with a deep garlic like thickness.
So with 2 fem seeds i had one pheno more on the Nothern Light 5 side and another one almost totally on the Nevil's/Panama.
Much respect and love.

Thanks @JAHNODUB for the brief smoke reports on the females you had from the different super sativa ACE strains you recently harvested. SPH #2 sounds superb for effects, glad all of them had strong refined terp and potent effects, it must has been a great green summer time :rasta: ☀️


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us @Tmik :smoke: Shewent through the whole cycle healthy, without deficiencies and she really like the feeding you provided to produce a bountiful harvest.
Glad the vigor took yoy by surprise even after having experience with vigorous straight Golden Tiger.
Please, come to us with a smoke report when is well cured and you feel like sharing your insights with us!

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