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Glycerin Tincture

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continuation from above.

One thing about the pressure cookers, they have to be able to hold 15 pounds of pressure to insure decarboxylation, you have to have heat in the pressure cooker to 252 degree for 28 minutes, anything less than 15 pounds won’t work as well. Most newer pressure cooker will hold 15 pounds, this is something you want to be sure of.

I use 191 proof Everclear but have also used 151 Everclear, the 151 you can get in all states, the 191 you can get online or all states except 5 [California, Washington and 3 others] the difference in the two is the difference in water content, the higher the alcohol the better the extraction and if you want to boil the alcohol off it easier since alcohol boils at 172 degree F and water at 212 F. Some people have a drinking problem and don’t want the alcohol in the preparation so they boil it off with a double broiler, use a fan because of fumes.

When you use this recipe it will decarboxylize bud, hash, oil I suppose or anything else of a cannabis nature; 28 minutes of 252F. The better the product the better the result and if you’ve followed the steps be cautious until you find out what the potency is, hash would knock your socks off. Tastes very nice, vegetable glycerin has a warm sweet taste and you can get it on EBay. Very good for pain and to much will bring on hallucinations, don’t drive. Keep it in amber or blue bottles in the refrigerator, don’t leave in the sunlight.


Hello Folks, New to this site, have some years with cannabis medicine, always wanting more knowledge........

I'm working on a glycerine tincture. I did not decarb it, (new knowledge I will use next time). I put 2.25 ounces of good bud and about 10 grams of finger hash into a quart mason jar with approximately 24 ounces of food grade vegetable glycerine.
I shake it for 4-5 minutes daily. At this point it has been 10 months in the making.

I pressed a little of the glycerine and ingested about 10 ml with absolutely no effect.

My question is: Would putting the jar in a double broiler make the glycerine viable?
Please suggest a temperature and duration. Crock pot on warm setting? For how long? Thanks for any help / suggestions. Peace.


Active member
Hello Folks, New to this site, have some years with cannabis medicine, always wanting more knowledge........

I'm working on a glycerine tincture. I did not decarb it, (new knowledge I will use next time). I put 2.25 ounces of good bud and about 10 grams of finger hash into a quart mason jar with approximately 24 ounces of food grade vegetable glycerine.
I shake it for 4-5 minutes daily. At this point it has been 10 months in the making.

I pressed a little of the glycerine and ingested about 10 ml with absolutely no effect.

My question is: Would putting the jar in a double broiler make the glycerine viable?
Please suggest a temperature and duration. Crock pot on warm setting? For how long? Thanks for any help / suggestions. Peace.

From my experience de-carbing is not necessary if you give the material you are using a good cure about 1 1/2 months is what I usually wait. I have also found that you don't get the same punch with the cold method as the hot method I use and have posted in a earlier post. And remeber the quilaty you put in is what you will get out. Hope this helps.
i extract my oil from my trim depending on my patients needs strengths number of doses in a day etc is how i gauge how much oil to glycerine ratio i use i do slow cook for 12 to 18 hrs to activate all the cannaboloids also use alcohol as well


Hello Folks, New to this site, have some years with cannabis medicine, always wanting more knowledge........

I'm working on a glycerine tincture. I did not decarb it, (new knowledge I will use next time). I put 2.25 ounces of good bud and about 10 grams of finger hash into a quart mason jar with approximately 24 ounces of food grade vegetable glycerine.
I shake it for 4-5 minutes daily. At this point it has been 10 months in the making.

I pressed a little of the glycerine and ingested about 10 ml with absolutely no effect.

My question is: Would putting the jar in a double broiler make the glycerine viable?
Please suggest a temperature and duration. Crock pot on warm setting? For how long? Thanks for any help / suggestions. Peace.

Finger hash is a waste to put in glycerin. The glycerin will only extract what it touches. Since it is in there i would heat it to 170F and break-up the finger hash. The best material is sugar trim. Stir initally to coat all of the plant material, This for max extraction and I have heard to also keep it from gettting mold.

I think three months in the jar has reached the point of diminishing returns.

You can decarb after you strain. I would probably add some glycerin to tone down the tast a little (10 mo. soak), but that will make it weaker.

Try adding soy lecithin, see previous posts.

Try 15 ml first thing in the morning. Hold it under your tongue and cheeks for a minute before swallowing.

I take it three times a day, and normally only feel it in the morning. It helps alot with my pain w/o being high.


Thanks for sharing the ratio you've tried, feethurt. What form is your lecithin in? The only stuff I've found locally is little yellow pelleted stuff from the health food store, and I don't know how well this will dissolve in oil.

You can buy it from bulk at health food stores. What I have bought was in the form of a small pellet. I ground it with a mortar and pestle before use.

Check out the use of soy lecithin in the hash caps https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=205263:)


Kush ! Great, informative post, Thanks and just a couple more quesstions please.......

-How long do you suggest heating it to 170F?
-What is the difference in, at this point, decarbing before and or after straining?

The dry finger hash was put thru a grinder prior to going into the glycerin. I will try the 15 ml under the tongue for a full minute.
I'm making the tincture for just what you mentioned, pain relief without the high.......for those times I like it that way.

Funny you mentioned the sugar trim. I just tonight finished making a 3.5 lb batch of cannabutter from nothing but the fan leaves. As I was putting the leaves in a large kettle, I pondered what to do with roughly 4 harvests worth of sugar trim. My butter is always more than good enough with the fan leaves. So I guess I'll do another batch of glycerin with all of my sugar trim.

Again thanks folks for all the input. Big Ups !


You can buy it from bulk at health food stores. What I have bought was in the form of a small pellet. I ground it with a mortar and pestle before use.

Check out the use of soy lecithin in the hash caps https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=205263:)

Thanks for the reply. Since I wrote that, I did find a bottle of "Non-GMO lecithin" in powder form at the local health food store. Much more expensive than the bulk yellow pellets, but the quantity needed is pretty slight. And the powder is ready to go straight in.


Kush ! Great, informative post, Thanks and just a couple more quesstions please.......

-How long do you suggest heating it to 170F?
-What is the difference in, at this point, decarbing before and or after straining?

The dry finger hash was put thru a grinder prior to going into the glycerin. I will try the 15 ml under the tongue for a full minute.
I'm making the tincture for just what you mentioned, pain relief without the high.......for those times I like it that way.

Funny you mentioned the sugar trim. I just tonight finished making a 3.5 lb batch of cannabutter from nothing but the fan leaves. As I was putting the leaves in a large kettle, I pondered what to do with roughly 4 harvests worth of sugar trim. My butter is always more than good enough with the fan leaves. So I guess I'll do another batch of glycerin with all of my sugar trim.

Again thanks folks for all the input. Big Ups !

I would strain it thru a flour sack or jelly sack into a clean mason jar. Gently squeeze (I would wear gloves so your test won't be influenced by the transdermal absorbtion of the tincture).

I would decarb at this point. 170-180 F for 1 hour. Put jar in pot (uncovered) of water sitting on mason jar rings (or somehing similar to keep jar off bottom of pot). The water line should cover the glycerin. The water will be 200 F. After 1 hr. turn off stove and let cool. Once it cools, I put in 1/2-1 pint jars and keep in fridge. Use 1 tsp-1 tbl 3x day. Try it for a couple of weeks.


Active member
First off you need to take your meds the right way, under your tongue, where people put chew and the cheek area in your mouth that touches you wisdom teeth are the best absorption points. If you just swallow it it has an effect but i would say half or less. Start with a half or 3/4 of a dropper and let it set under your tongue until it dissolves. Some times i swish it as glycerin is also good for your teeth(it is in all tooth pastes and most mouth care products because it breaks down the bacterial colonies that cause gingivitis). I start with a little so I don't just swallow most of it. I have a very high tolerance and i know about 3 or 4 half droppers (1.5-2ml) will make me sit down and start staring into space. When placed under your tounge the effect is almost instant because those blood vessels go directly to your brain instead of passing through your liver first. I could go on about glycerin for along time, i have one a lot of research so if any more questions about how it works just ask.

As far as my process I only use sugar coated trim at a ratio of 2 grams herb to 1 oz of glycerin, give or take a little. I don't decarb or anything else i just let my trim cure as long as my buds (about 3 weeks). I don't decard because you burn of all the terpenes that make herb such a great medicine and give it its characteristics. otherwise you just have cannaboids which will get you high but i feel it is flat and one sided. Glycerin might not be able to extract as much as alcohol but it does not denature the herb in the same way. Alcohol tends to destroy beneficial aspects and just leave you with the chemical makeup. Glycerin maintains and preserves all of the wonderful healing nature of cannabis terpenes, flovonoids, and cannaboids. I take a coffee grinder and grind until the consistency of parsley or a dried herb. I am trying a 4:1 ChemD cold batch,(20g herb to 5 oz glycerin in a ball jar) i have had this sitting for about 1 month. I tried it the other day and it was disgusting in the best way possible and did the trick. I bet one more month would be the best much better. My usual method use a crock pot that has a warm setting. VERY IMPORTANT has to have a warm setting low will burn it, make it taste gross and kill the potency. Mix ingredients turn on warm and let sit for 48 hours. I have tried 24 hours but i feel longer is better. I first 3 or 4 hours stir frequently, after that when ever you think of it. After 48 hours strain with a cheese cloth and a potato masher, bottle and tada wonderful meds you can take anytime anywhere.

Thing to remember is that your finally outcome will only be as good as what you put into it. I have read about a church in Canada that uses Cannabis as a sacrament but only use GT's made of the best Cannabis flowers they can find. Their dosage rates are a couple of drops and your talking to God, so potency can vary greatly. Also it ages like a fine wine after it sits in bottles for a month or so that when it gets real good.

Pokearound- so here is a quote from my earlier post on GT I am not sayiong that kushed is wrong with his process i just feel 15 ml is alot glycerine to take with your meds. My usual dose is 1 - 3 ml for a strong head change dose. I figure u could use a lot less for pain maintenance. I find a lot of glycerine in my mouth for a long time can get a little gross, i like a couple of drops better.

Kushed- I was wondering what your trim to leaf ratio was



I take either one of two tinctures. The one I am taking now is Bubba Kush (This strain has put down more than a dozen lightweight smokers. Two hits and found lying on the floor in the bathroom kind of high). Strain two is GDP. I had it tested @ 22.29% THC. It is very strong, but not as good as the Bubba. It is all high quality trim covered in trichomes, there is no leaf. Sometimes I use bud. I usually put 30-40 grams of material in a one qt. Mason jar. And just cover with Glycerin. Stir with a wooden stick to coat all surfaces and let sit overnight, I the add enough Glycerin to have about ¾” space at the bottom. I like to monitor the color.
I take 10 ml 3x/day, sometimes more. I also dab shatter or supermelt Bubba Kush, The Cheese, GDP, etc. everyday. My tolerance is higher than yours. I do not smoke anything.
Tonite I made hash caps using 5.5 grams of high quality blonde kief mixed with coconut oil, decarbed, and put in gel caps (I did not have any soy letchin). I will let you know how that turns out.

It sounds like you are making a good product for your needs. I also like the cold process. It has alot better flavor. I don't like too many small particles, so I don't grind. My product looks like honey. I usually don't use mine until it is 90 days extracted.


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Wow....All you "medical" folks and your questions "is decarbing necessary?"

What you should be asking is "do I want to get high, or do I want medicine?"

THC is for active chronic pain, nausea, vomiting, and muscle spasms. You can't just throw THC at any of these things either. There are at least three separate recipes there for getting the THC geared toward the specific condition.

If you are a pain patient, THC is help get the condition under control. Actual medical patients should be integrating preventative measures which results in lower THC consumption. For Cannabis, that means consuming more THCA/CBD/CBDA in conjunction with other things like eating certain kinds of foods, doing certain exercises, avoiding things that aggravate the condition that are not subjective. Recreation is not medicine. If you think it is, then everyone deserves equal access.

You get much more "medical benefit" from consuming huge amounts of everything but THC. When you decarb, you lower the dose of everything because you cannot absorb 100mg THC without loosing your mind.

For CBD, I would decarb for most, but do a 50/50 decarb for the cancer folk. They should only use THC sparingly during particularly difficult times. Otherwise, THCA is the name of the game.

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