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Glycerin Tincture


I have played with these for months now and can't say I am thrilled with any one! I will see if I can summerize my notes into some type of graph. It may take a few days or so, but I will see what I can come up with.


Weedomus Maximus
Very helpful posts, guys. I truly appreciate it. I hope you don't mind if I ask more questions, once I have a chance to consider the info.

This is the whole key to any process is to mathematically calculate the circumstances. Then it's pretty much just follow the directions.

That is the point I was trying to make but for some reason, people need their hand held through every damn process. It's not rocket science people, it's about as hard as making a simple syrup.

Dissolve concentrate into glycerin (heat makes things dissolve faster! what a concept!) until the glycerin can not hold any more. Note concentration of glycerin, dose accordingly. If you understand the CONCEPT you can apply it to other situations with the same concept.



New member



I understand your discouragement from this situation...

Glycerin is a concentrate that most people stay away from because of the belief that it does not work, it is not strong enough, or any other random myth.

The truth is...glycerin DOES work. Let me explain how I do it...then you take whatever you learn from me and put it to the test. I cannot guarantee success your FIRST time around, however, you will get good at it!!

1. Start with 100% PURE Kosher food-grade vegetable glycerin.

TO MAKE WITH HASH or HASH OIL...You can add many different forms of THC to the mix; however, hash and hash oil cannot just go directly into the glycerin!! You have to DISSOLVE the hash/hash oil prior to adding it to the glycerin. This can be VERY tricky.

You would need EVERCLEAR. In California, Everclear is only 151 proof alcohol; however, in NY or NV...you can get Everclear that is 190 proof...MUCH smarter to have higher proof!!

WEAR GOGGLES and do this next step in a WELL VENTILATED AREA. BE VERY CAREFUL as this step is volatile. Do NOT use a gas flame...ONLY use induction/electric burners.

Make a "double boiler" setup...essentially, you need a med-large pot and a large glass mason jar. For every gram of hash/hash oil, use at least 2 oz grain alcohol. Add the alcohol to the mason jar first...fill the pot with enough water so that when you put the mason jar in the pot, the water comes up at least 2/3rds of the level which the alcohol is at in the mason jar. Heat the water/pot carefully with the mason jar/alcohol sitting in the center of the water/pot. USE A CANDY thermometer...let it sit in the alcohol...until it reads roughly 140-160 degrees. DO NOT let the temperature pass this mark...VERY IMPORTANT!!

Add your hash/hash oil to the warming alcohol and MIX with a HIGH TEMPERATURE Silicon spoon (very important to own...will not let the hash stick to it...and will not burn). You need to ensure that there is ENOUGH warm alcohol in the jar to dissolve the hash/hash oil properly; however, DO NOT fill the jar past halfway. Do this in BATCHES if you need to make more than half a mason jar worth of hash/hash oil solution.

Once the hash/hash oil has dissolved, you can take this a step further and SLOWLY but SURELY let the alcohol fumes steep out of the jar and allow the mix to CONCENTRATE down to a lesser amount. Be sure to take the jar OUT of the pot of hot water if the alcohol temperature goes above 160 degrees. You should remove the concentrate as soon as it becomes MILKY in color and consistency...VERY IMPORTANT that you do not go past this mark...as the mix will become almost impossible to work with; sticky residue, hardens fast, etc...BAD NEWS BEARS ;).

Once you have removed the milky concentrate...immediately transfer the hash liquid to another mason jar filled with your GLYCERIN. NOW...depending upon how much hash/hash oil you used, you must determine the amount of glycerin to use. This is up to experimentation...you must decide how strong you want it!! I recommend starting with 1 GRAM hash/hash oil to 3 liquid ounces of glycerin...it will be strong.

Mix the glycerin and hash concentrate in the jar WELL with a wooden skewer (I use a skewer because it mixes fine particles well and does not end up with a mass of sticky glycerin on it...just wipe it off into the jar and you are done). After mixing this up...seal the jar LOOSELY. WRAP the jar with something BLACK/DARK...I use black latex gloves...just wrap one around the jar up to the lid. You are basically protecting the mixture from LIGHT...which is VERY damaging to this process. After you have done this...next step is straightforward. Allow this jar to sit in direct and indirect sunlight for the next 3-4 days (or more depending upon your experimentation with specific types of hash). Make sure you check the lid...unscrew it gently from time to time to allow for any escape of pressure. Alcohol under pressure is dangerous...when heat is added, it is volatile; however, you are not using much alcohol, mostly glycerin. STILL BE CAREFUL...you know that.

Once the time has passed...transfer the product to dropper vials/jars or whatever you wish to contain the glycerin in. Keep in the FRIDGE to prolong its shelflife. Glycerin lasts A LONG TIME if kept properly out of light/heat...so you should have a concentrate to last!!

You can add this stuff to hot/cold drinks and it will do the job everytime.

2. TO MAKE GLYCERIN with THC product OTHER THAN hash...

Use any one of your favorite strains. Most people would say "dont waste the good stuff and only use the stems/seeds"...I use ALL of the herb. That is my preference because I cannot smoke...PLUS, the end result is powerfully potent!!

You can do this TWO ways. You can follow the SAME steps as outlined above with the hash/hash oil...OR...the simple...but time consuming method.

For EITHER method, you need to DECARBOXILIZE your cannabis. This is a process that converts INACTIVE THCA to ACTIVE THC. Without doing this first, your herb is serving NO PURPOSE.

You can decarb many ways; however, I recommend using a food dehydrator. I bought one at a ROSS store for less than $20. Get one with or without a built in fan. Place your buds on parchment paper on top of a shallow bowl/plate. Place this plate of herb in the dehydrator and leave in there for at least 30 minutes. Proper decarbing is done at a relatively low temperature for long stretches. You can decarb in the microwave or oven; however, you will NOT maximize the conversion of THCA to THC. The food dehydrator will keep your buds at the perfect temperature zone (140-160). Once the buds are dried and break up with a bit of crisp, they are PERFECT. You are basically trying to remove ALL moisture in this process as well as convert to THC.

In a spice grinder (use one SOLELY for your cannabis), grind the decarboxilated herb to a fine powder.

If you use the alcohol method listed above...

You will be adding your POWDERED herb to the warmed alcohol. I recommend using about 1 GRAM herb per every 1-2 ounces of grain alcohol. Follow the same steps as with the hash...keep temp at 140-160...try to let the alcohol cook off and concentrate the mixture down...but do not let it get pasty or sticky. IF that does happen...NO WORRIES; just add a bit more alcohol, dissolve the stickiness and remove the jar from the pot of water.

Add this herb-alcohol mix to your glycerin in small mason jar, screw on lid, wrap with something dark, let sit in sunlight for 3-4 days (or more). Once this is done, you need to STRAIN out the herb from the glycerin.

Use a glass bowl or large jar, a stainless steel strainer...lined with VERY fine cheesecloth. You need to strain the glycerin through the cheesecloth covered strainer into the glass bowl/jar underneath to catch the mix. Use a high temp silicone spoon to PRESS the strained powedered herb to get ALL the glycerin out!!

DO NOT throw out the strained herb. You can try to make a SECONDARY glycerin concentrate with this mix...just add it to another small jar of fresh glycerin...let sit covered in sunlight for another stretch...and strain again!! This second mix may not be as strong or even have any strength at all; however, there is not point wasting the mix, right?

THE SECOND and simple way of doing this mix with your powdered herb...

Mix the herb into a small mason jar of your measured amount of glycerin. Use a wooden skewer and MIX this VERY WELL until the glycerin is basically a very light/fluid yet pasty consistency...it will be SUPER dark green and look mighty fine!! Follow the same steps to seal jar and wrap in black...

Place the jar in a well lit area (window...porch; if you dont have sneaky or suspicious neighbors, etc)...allow to sit in sunlight for at least 4-5 days (or more depending upon experimentation). Once done...strain out and make another batch with that strained leftovers.

SHOULD THAT SECOND METHOD FAIL TO WORK OUT...you can resort to simply WARMING the glycerin on an electric stovetop (LOW HEAT...no more than 160 degrees...use candy thermometer) WITH the powdered herb added to it. Warm this mix for a good hour or so. There is NO NEED to warm in a crock pot all day...it is too long and too hot...even on the lowest of settings. Simply put...JUST KEEP A CLOSE WATCH OVER any of the methods you choose to follow!!

You WILL have success!!

I produce medicated sodas for various collectives in NorCal...all natural/organic sodas using fine strains...great stuff!! I always use concentrate glycerin; however, I also use concentrate HONEY.

You can make HASH HONEY simply by following ALL the same steps as making the glycerin with hash/hash oil...just replace the glycerin with honey. SIMPLE!! :)

I wish you the best....PLEASE contact me should you run into any questions/concerns/problems...and ESPECIALLY if you manage to make a KILLER concentrate!! I hope you do ;)


Cautiously Optimistic
The honey intrigues me because it's the only food that never spoils. It will last forever. The glycerine also has a place because it has no impact on blood sugar. Good for diabetics and low-carb dieters.


Active member
i wonder if the glycerin tincture can be "smoked" in an e-cig... anyone tried that?


I bought concentrated oils extracts from a health food store. They have orange, lemon, cinnimon, etc. I used one drop at a time because they are so strong. The flavoring from the markets ar not nearly as strong, but you can use them. They are mostly artificial flavoring.
^ok. only thing is i was trying to keep things as natural as possible and stay away from artificial flavors. i have one batch ready for straining and flavoring. it's my first batch of glycerin - i ground up an old Oz and covered it with about a cup of glycerin, then left it in the rafters of the garage so every day it got heat cycled since may. originally i was thinking of using some citrus peel and a drop of vanilla extract to kinda recreate a creamcicle or similar taste. another possible flavor that was suggested to me is root beer extract - i actually think this will mask the taste quite well and root beer is pretty natural flavor right? and my 3rd idea was to kinda go with the dried fruit suggestion given in the GrayWolf recipe - i've got on hand some dried hibiscus, 2 kinds of raisins, cranberries, pineapple, and blueberries so i might play around with those.

those are the first recipes i've seen on how to add in hash. i'm going to have to try it out - definitely the direction i wish to head for achieving my tincture goal -- a tincture that only takes a spoonful and tastes good.


^ok. only thing is i was trying to keep things as natural as possible and stay away from artificial flavors. i have one batch ready for straining and flavoring. it's my first batch of glycerin - i ground up an old Oz and covered it with about a cup of glycerin, then left it in the rafters of the garage so every day it got heat cycled since may. originally i was thinking of using some citrus peel and a drop of vanilla extract to kinda recreate a creamcicle or similar taste. another possible flavor that was suggested to me is root beer extract - i actually think this will mask the taste quite well and root beer is pretty natural flavor right? and my 3rd idea was to kinda go with the dried fruit suggestion given in the GrayWolf recipe - i've got on hand some dried hibiscus, 2 kinds of raisins, cranberries, pineapple, and blueberries so i might play around with those.

those are the first recipes i've seen on how to add in hash. i'm going to have to try it out - definitely the direction i wish to head for achieving my tincture goal -- a tincture that only takes a spoonful and tastes good.

that's the beauty though, go to whole foods, trader joes, vitamin cottage, natural grocers, etc and pick yourself up some essential oils. they are organic and the most pure you can get on the market. take another look at the less conventional stores and you may be happy with what you see.

be well,
-dodo :joint:
well...did the flavoring with some dried fruit. used the tropical mix of mangoes, cranberries and blueberries. tastes pretty good. definitely a winner. i dunno if it really needs as much flavor you'd get from an extract since it's so sweet on its own. i will continue to experiment and see what tastes good and try to figure out how to get it even more potent. it's pretty potent as is seeing how i used over an oz of older buds and put it in maybe 1c of glycerin. i ended up heating it up in this mini crockpot that i've got so that i could strain it easier - that and the $5 potato ricer i bought really helped to extract all the goodness at the end.

next batch will be 5g of some 75u bubble hash into maybe 2-3oz of glycerin. going to do the alcohol transfer like suggested - seems to make the most sense. going to heat up the alcohol, stir in the hash till it's dissolved, run it through a paper filter real quick, then reduce it by half and mix into the glycerin. i'm expecting a dropper full to knock my socks off.

what does anyone think of using perhaps grand marnier for the alcohol instead of the 151 everclear i was going to use. might be really tasty?


Active member
i wonder if the glycerin tincture can be "smoked" in an e-cig... anyone tried that?

I am wondering the same thing. I just started "vaping" nicotine infused glycerin via an e-cig ( basically a battery, an atomizer and cartridge that vaporizes flavored glycerin)

More info can be found at ecf forum its amazing and i havent smoked a real cig in over a week
Please don't speak to me like I'm an idiot. I don't appreciate being insulted by someone who cannot even gather the expertise to answer the 2 questions I asked. Clearly, you know as little about this as I do. I guess, as with a few other things, I'm going to have to develop the process, myself. I don't have an issue with that, other than being truly disappointed with the lack of basic guidance. I mean, if anyone asks me a cultivation question, I can answer it or at the very least point the individual toward a point of resolution. That's what it means to be a part of a community of individuals helping each other reach a common goal.

Once I do get this going, I'll post an instructional thread, though it may take many months.

you need some of that tincture now why you spazzin over advice just read this comment so if its old...watev speakin my mind is all..:ying:


Weedomus Maximus
you need some of that tincture now why you spazzin over advice just read this comment so if its old...watev speakin my mind is all..:ying:

What's this, take a shot at Simon by a clueless noob day? Some other (ummm...) new person with a garden the size of a thimble just gave me negative rep for this thread. Sometimes I wonder why I take the time to help some of you. Unbelievable.

anyways....a little update on my experiments with glycerin tincture. my initial batch of the "cannagliss" was pretty good but I felt it took too much to get the effects I was after. My past alcohol tinctures were at least 2-3x as potent. SO.....what I did was make a 2nd batch of tincture following another recipe that I found randomly which involved a concentrated alcohol tincture that gets dissolved into glycerine and then the alcohol purged out. I decided that while this sounds great and all, it must be better if I use batch #1's glycerin as the base for batch #2. The results were DEFINITELY stronger!

2nd batch of tincture consisted of a full film canister (over 10g) of mixed bubble hash that I dissolved into 1oz of 151 Everclear. I heated up the solution to around 200*F in a double boiler and added to this 1/2oz of Grand Marinier for flavoring. After a little while I strained out the hash particulates through a few coffee filters. I then put the concoction back into the double boiler and reduced the mix by 1/2 in attempt to purge out some of the alcohol. I then tasted a few drops to see what it tasted like...ASS. It was so bitter it made my whole mouth go dry. To this concentrated alcohol tincture I added around 1oz of glycerin tincture #1. Still tasted bitter so I added in a couple tablespoons of honey and now it tastes good.

Results: taste is pretty good. still has a bitter ganja/hash aftertaste which is definitely suppressed by the sweetness of the glycerin but it's still there and I don't think there's any real way to get rid of it at the concentration level I have. Flavorings came from the Grand Marinier and dried fruits(hibiscus, cranberries, blueberries, and mangoes). Potency was alright. Maybe because I have a high tolerance for smoked THC it didn't last as long as I expected, but I definitely got messed up. Thinking of how bitter the tincture still is, we decided that from now on we're trying out tincture in a shot of Jagermeister....definitely masks ALL bitterness and the Jager takes over :yes:

My initial dose was one squirt (about 15 drops) from a 1oz dropper bottle into Jager....not strong enough but felt "something"...guess it didn't help to smoke an hour before testing. Thinking I'd compromised the titration by smoking I did a second test while sober a few days later. Second dose was 3 healthy squirts from the dropper bottle into Jager again. Started watching some TV and felt VERY good for about 2hrs. To my disappointment, the buzz was gone by 3hrs in so I'm thinking I just smoke too much ganja and need more than the average person.

Still going to play around with more tinctures in the future. I've got a good amount of hash that I don't really smoke because it's so difficult to deal with in normal situations, so I'm going to keep trying to make it more and more potent and get the taste to be not so bitter. My ultimate goal is to make some tincture with sort of cough syrup consistency; of which I only need to consume a tablespoon or so and be high for 1/2 the day.


New member
Has anyone taken CHILLAX and turned it into a glycerin? Thus far I haven't had any luck dissolving the CHILLAX into the glycerin. I have high hopes for dissolving the CHILLAX in alcohol then adding the mixture to a glycerin/honey combo.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hi ya'll. Looks like I noticed this thread a little late, but I haven't been monitoring the medibles thread for awhile.

A lot of the key points have already been covered, but just a few thoughts.

Glycerin will only dissolve about 33% as much cannabis oil as alcohol. Is three drops instead of one an issue for you?

Besides being a complex sugar alcohol that digests slowly and doesn't spike some diabetics blood sugar, it makes a damn tasty tincture, sort of reminding me of the flavor of wild honey.

As has been noted, some of the things in the hash oil are not all that tasty, nor is the lingering after taste. Many of them are turpeens and flavoids, which are all aromatic hydrocarbon chain oils, that used at the correct concentration are delightful, but used heavy handedly can be just too, too, much and even bitter.

One thing that adds to the bitterness is chlorophyll and in heavy concentration can be seriously upsetting to some patient's digestive tracts, producing cramps. Chlorophyll is water soluble, as are plant alkaloids in the stems.

Using plant material, I use a couple of different processes to make glycerin tincture and out of bubble or dry sieve, I use another.

For the first two processes using plant material, I use only bud or sweet trim. Despite the fact that you can get oil from fan leaves, it isn't as tasty and so I save them for making topicals.

Water is our enemy and even well cured plant material still has 12 to 15% moisture content. Whether glycerin is polar, or not, it acts like it is and will pick up the water soluble flavors from the water,

I first spread the material on a cookie sheet and place it in a 200F oven until it is just frangible when I roll it between my finger and thumb. I then run it through a pasta strainer to break it into smaller particles and remove the leaf stems, which have bitter alkaloids in them.

Some people use a food processor for this, but I do not because it makes a bunch of fines that are hard to filter out and chops in the bitter stems.

I throw the stems in bag and periodically we make stem oil topical out of them.

Here decisions are necessary about taste and quality or potency. The absolutely best tasting glycerin tincture comes from the cold process, where you take the material you just dried and seal it in a jar of glycerin in a cool dry place for 90/120 days. Periodically shaking it.

Run it through a 160/200 thread count bag in a tincture press, and it will produce an amber product with provocative flavors that dart in all directions at the same time, like wild honey from a panoply of different blossoms produce.

I have sped up the cycle some using a vibratory ammunition case polisher to shake three half pints at a time and produced a reasonably good tincture vibrating once a day for thirty minutes for one week.

Notice that we didn't decarboxylate first, because it adds its own nutty roasted flavor and you don't have to, if you have time to set it on the shelf and let it decarboxylate naturally. It will be this side of heaven tasty, but it won't be as potent as the hot process and takes a while to mature.

For the hot process, I place material while it is still warm from the oven in a mason jar to about the 2/3rd full level. I then pour glycerin in on top while stirring to eliminate dry spots and top it off with about an inch of glycerin beyond that.

I set that in a hot oil pot set at about 200F, and stir the jar contents regularly until it approaches 160F and then throttled back to hold 160 F for thirty minutes while stirring four our five times.

At that point, take it out of the oil and set it aside to cool. As soon as it is cooled (or the next day), place it back in the oil and again bring it back up to 160F while stirring four or five times. As soon as it reaches 160F again, I remove and cool it again, and continue that until I have seven or so cycles on it.

The last time that I bring it up to temperature, I pour it into the tincture bag hot and squeeze it hot.

You can also use that tincture as the glycerin to start a new batch and build up the potency higher than anything you can do with one cycle.

The hot cycle is also flavorful, but more like a soup of well blended flavors than individual flavors.

The last step is to finish decarboxylating the mixture. I say finish, because it is the sum total of the time at temperature we have to consider. If I want speedier meds, I need about 30 minutes at 250F and if I want sleep meds, I want a lower temperature and longer time, like 225F for one hour.

As far as flavoring, I do that afterwards. I toss dried cherries, dried blueberries, gari, and 190 proof into a blender and puree it. I add a touch of almond extract and then cook the mixture in a hot oil bath while stirring, until the alcohol is all gone.

After pressing a batch of hot glycerin, I add a dollop of the above concentrate to the jar and bring it back up to 160F one more time while stirring and hold it for thirty more minutes.

I then press the glycerin again and immediately eat the fruit from the bag. Hee, hee, hee...........

Hope that gives you some ideas!


  • Samples A, 1, 2, 3. & 4.jpg
    Samples A, 1, 2, 3. & 4.jpg
    33.2 KB · Views: 31

Madrus Rose

post 69
Have had some heaven grade Glycerin tinctures made by a fellow from Hawaii ...lovely rose hues & lightly sweet , mixed with two shots of Patron Tequila with 1 tbls of tincture each & your floating down stream to strawberry fields . You don't need anything else for a few hrs ... you are completely set! ;)

Dried Blueberry, mango, papaya for flavoring or raspberries/strawberrys etc , nice ideas ....one thing would imagine for getting best results is putting the finest grind on the material ? Have seen friends doing large batches of C02 extraction & they have this very powerful grinding mill that turns all into fine powder .

Some ideas of pro style mills...

nice informative medible post greywolf ...Glycerin Tincture
is great stuff !

* Like this little baby off that milling site above :


New member
I am in the same boat Simon. I want to ge tthe most power for the punch, but don't seem to be getting that. I get premium bud and I also get the shake and I have had no difference. I don't know if I am just to tolerant.

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