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Glycerin Tincture


Anyone know the answer to this question?

Anyone know the answer to this question?

I'd still like to hear from anyone with experience related to this question:

Gray Wolf says: "You can also use that tincture as the glycerin to start a new batch and build up the potency higher than anything you can do with one cycle."

Gray Wolf has also written that glycerin can only extract / absorb 1/3 as much cannabis oil as alcohol.

Does this statement contradict that one?

Or, doing extraction with alcohol, can you continue to add cannabis to the glycerin indefinitely?

Isn't there a saturation point? Given the time necessary to dissolve the cannabis anyway, how can you tell when you've saturated?
Hey to everybody!
I was wondering about a taste of tincture. Anybody tried to make it better with Lemon balm? If you just put a few grams into jar with herb? Thank you for advice. Be good.


senior member
New to the thread but just wanted to add my two cents. I have found glycerin extractions of cannabis are not all that efficient. To get a potent glycerin gel you have to add a ton of cannabis, then the screening or filtering is pretty messy. I have made enough now to not want to do the extraction like this anymore.

Much more potent and easier to do is to make hash oil first, then mix that in the glycerin, instead of relying on the glycerin to make the extraction. But glycerin and oil do not want to mix well without a little help.

As mentioned earlier in this thread you can disolve the hash oil in alcohol and then mix the alcohol in the glycerin. That thins the mix, but you can again boil the alcohol off.

Another way that I use is to emulsify the hash oil with powdered lecithin and under low heat for a few hours, stirring a few times.
The lecithin adds little taste wise, it takes a little of the glycerin bite away is about it. The good part is it mixes the oil/glycerin very well.

Once you have the tincture potent enough, and the hash oil is thoroughly mixed in the tincture it takes very little per dose. I make the mix at one ml of hash oil to one fluid oz of glycerin, the dose is about ten drops or half a bigger eyedropper full. I get quicker effects in hot liquid like coffee, but normally i get a little effect in minutes and the main effects in an hour and it lasts at least six hours. And glycerin doses mix with about any liquid, or under the tongue.....scrappy
interested in knowing more of what your recipe is for this? my experience with glycerin tincture was just as unsuccessful as your and I'm not satisfied with the outcome.

what kind of has oil are you using? something like BadKitty's coconut oil/lecithin infusion?


Active member
Timbuku's Recipe

Timbuku's Recipe

So I have been making Glycerin Tinctures (GT) for a while now and everyone who try it says i have the best meds the have tried.

First off you need to take your meds the right way, under your tongue, where people put chew and the cheek area in your mouth that touches you wisdom teeth are the best absorption points. If you just swallow it it has an effect but i would say half or less. Start with a half or 3/4 of a dropper and let it set under your tongue until it dissolves. Some times i swish it as glycerin is also good for your teeth(it is in all tooth pastes and most mouth care products because it breaks down the bacterial colonies that cause gingivitis). I start with a little so I don't just swallow most of it. I have a very high tolerance and i know about 3 or 4 half droppers (1.5-2ml) will make me sit down and start staring into space. When placed under your tounge the effect is almost instant because those blood vessels go directly to your brain instead of passing through your liver first. I could go on about glycerin for along time, i have one a lot of research so if any more questions about how it works just ask.

As far as my process I only use sugar coated trim at a ratio of 2 grams herb to 1 oz of glycerin, give or take a little. I don't decarb or anything else i just let my trim cure as long as my buds (about 3 weeks). I don't decard because you burn of all the terpenes that make herb such a great medicine and give it its characteristics. otherwise you just have cannaboids which will get you high but i feel it is flat and one sided. Glycerin might not be able to extract as much as alcohol but it does not denature the herb in the same way. Alcohol tends to destroy beneficial aspects and just leave you with the chemical makeup. Glycerin maintains and preserves all of the wonderful healing nature of cannabis terpenes, flovonoids, and cannaboids. I take a coffee grinder and grind until the consistency of parsley or a dried herb. I am trying a 4:1 ChemD cold batch,(20g herb to 5 oz glycerin in a ball jar) i have had this sitting for about 1 month. I tried it the other day and it was disgusting in the best way possible and did the trick. I bet one more month would be the best much better. My usual method use a crock pot that has a warm setting. VERY IMPORTANT has to have a warm setting low will burn it, make it taste gross and kill the potency. Mix ingredients turn on warm and let sit for 48 hours. I have tried 24 hours but i feel longer is better. I first 3 or 4 hours stir frequently, after that when ever you think of it. After 48 hours strain with a cheese cloth and a potato masher, bottle and tada wonderful meds you can take anytime anywhere.

Thing to remember is that your finally outcome will only be as good as what you put into it. I have read about a church in Canada that uses Cannabis as a sacrament but only use GT's made of the best Cannabis flowers they can find. Their dosage rates are a couple of drops and your talking to God, so potency can vary greatly. Also it ages like a fine wine after it sits in bottles for a month or so that when it gets real good.

I hope this helps clear some things up for so people. I have learned from trial and error and a lot of research so if anyone had any questions please feel free to ask, I love the free exchange of knowledge. After all knowledge is power, and ignorance is bliss but luckily I get my bliss from knowledge.:tiphat:
Anyone wants a sample come find me at some Dead shows, I love getting people lifted.


Active member
Also a note, if you are looking for that real stoned feeling the tincture itself i find will not do it. It will make you real spacey and body feel like it is floating, also great for pain relief of all kinds. If you want to get high like your first time a couple droppers and a Bong rip of some real headies and back to the days of your youth.


senior member
Also a note, if you are looking for that real stoned feeling the tincture itself i find will not do it. It will make you real spacey and body feel like it is floating, also great for pain relief of all kinds. If you want to get high like your first time a couple droppers and a Bong rip of some real headies and back to the days of your youth.

See post #63. Glycerin infusions made with hash oil will definately take where you want to be, if not beyond. Good hash oil is serious medicine.

The problem with most glycerin extracts is, as I stated above, glycerin is not efficient for extractions. You can still do an extraction, but they can be disappointing. But infusions are another story and can be as strong as the hash oil lets it be. And if you use lecithin in the infusion to emulsify the hash oil, your body absorbs the oil even better.....scrappy


New member
My personal experience was to use it as a spacey relaxent when added to alcoholic drinks or underthe tongue via a dropper. 12 hour punk festival 3 weeks of warm temps glycerin extraction just dropped into our cider 4-5 standard pippete drops per can and we were all buzzing around in a blissfully drunk stste...YES there is a limit to the absortion. once i finsh my real life research il have a look into cannabinoid bonding with various fats and alcohol unless someone else has done it. The main problem is non standard cannabinoids ratios which may bond differently in different amounts means unless starting material has known ratios it will be largely hit or miss!
Il try to work out saturation level for various cannabinoids and different oils and fats once im free and still have access to unsupervised uni labs. if not it will all be mathematically based estimates but hopefully i should get some numbers upp in the next month or two.

to expand a bit the oils and fats only have a certain number of points where they can bond this would be the platue where anything after will not be bonded. a mic ture of different saturates opens up the possibility for greater saturatuion as once one compund is loaded it can mov eonmto the next +different cannabinoids will mostlikely bond better to different sites!
Il start my chem lab style experiments over the next few months. One of my final year projects was all about fat saturation , types and temps so i i can get thre equipment il hopefully be able to do a weed based alternative


New member
I just finished a batch tonite. 100 grams of (AVM)) already vaped meds,saved from vaporizing at 170 C. and 35 grams of groud up leafs and tiny lower buds and trimmings of sugar coated bud leaf,along with 1/8 teaspoon soy lechithin granules (to help with infusion)
everything was ground in a "magic bullet grinder", to almost a powder.
Then 8 oz. of food grade kosher vegetable glycerine was mixed with the powdered herbs.
the mixture was allowed to rest in a dark cabinet for 60 days. after 60 days the mixture was placed in a crockpot on (keep warm) for 2 days and nights. (mixture must remain in a seperate tightly closed jar) mwater in crock-pot reaches about halfway up the jar.
the mxture will be strained when it cools and put into "00" capsules with an eyedropper.
the dose is .5ml per "00" capsule.
start with 1,wait 2 hours for absorbtion. if needed take 1 more. use the starter dose for at least 1 week,or until you feel a slight tolerance building. then use as needed,different strains give different results and potency so,treat this like any other medicine. be careful. be safe and enjoy your glycerine infusion. It is the beginning of the day around here now.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
See post #63. Glycerin infusions made with hash oil will definately take where you want to be, if not beyond. Good hash oil is serious medicine.

The problem with most glycerin extracts is, as I stated above, glycerin is not efficient for extractions. You can still do an extraction, but they can be disappointing. But infusions are another story and can be as strong as the hash oil lets it be. And if you use lecithin in the infusion to emulsify the hash oil, your body absorbs the oil even better.....scrappy

Thanks for the tip about lecithin and glycerin! I'll give that a try!


Active member
From what I have found the quality of the imput material has a great effect on the final product. The material for my last two batches have been from terpene rich, very frosty sugar leaves and the results are noticable

I have yet to try lecithin maybe it will bring it to the next level. Any suggestions on usage rates, say per quart

Thanks Timbuktu


New member
I use 1/8 tsp lecithin per 8 ounces of glycerine. I dont remember where the recipe came from,but it does seem to help insure that all doses in a batch have equal potency. It doesnt necessarily increase potency,rather it spreads the cannabinoids out evenly so that each measured does contains the same amount of meds.
you are absolutelt correct..the quailty of what you put in directly effects the potency of the end product. I have found that the infusion ages well,and actually improves by adding a little goo from your trimming snips now and then also. the glycerine wont dissolve the goo from the snips,you have to scrape it off and add it to the infusion.


I use 1/8 tsp lecithin per 8 ounces of glycerine. I dont remember where the recipe came from,but it does seem to help insure that all doses in a batch have equal potency. It doesnt necessarily increase potency,rather it spreads the cannabinoids out evenly so that each measured does contains the same amount of meds.
you are absolutelt correct..the quailty of what you put in directly effects the potency of the end product. I have found that the infusion ages well,and actually improves by adding a little goo from your trimming snips now and then also. the glycerine wont dissolve the goo from the snips,you have to scrape it off and add it to the infusion.

Thanks for sharing the ratio you've tried, feethurt. What form is your lecithin in? The only stuff I've found locally is little yellow pelleted stuff from the health food store, and I don't know how well this will dissolve in oil.


senior member
I use 1/8 tsp lecithin per 8 ounces of glycerine. I dont remember where the recipe came from,but it does seem to help insure that all doses in a batch have equal potency. It doesnt necessarily increase potency,rather it spreads the cannabinoids out evenly so that each measured does contains the same amount of meds.
you are absolutelt correct..the quailty of what you put in directly effects the potency of the end product. I have found that the infusion ages well,and actually improves by adding a little goo from your trimming snips now and then also. the glycerine wont dissolve the goo from the snips,you have to scrape it off and add it to the infusion.

I am terrible for measuring but I use about a tsp of powdered lecithin per 3 fluid oz of glycerin. And AFAIK it does not affect potency, it helps with absorption. Similar but different, basically you need less hash oil for the same effects when using lecithin. For example if you ate a grain of rice sized piece of hash oil then tried then same size but mixed in lecithin the latter mix would hit harder and last longer. As an emulsifier it makes the hash oil mix by breaking the oil into smaller particles, and these smaller particles are easier àbsorbed by your own intestines......scrappy
do any of you have any tips for getting bubble hash into glycerine?

i've got lots of bubble just sitting around that I don't smoke very often (because it's kinda chunky and slightly inconvenient to break up for smoking), and I've also got 3/4 gal of glycerine left over from a failed attempt at making a good glycerine tincture from buds.

I'm assuming that I'll need to dissolve the bubble in a solvent prior to introduction to glycerine. I see many recipes for people that use hash oil/BHO, but I don't want to mess with BHO since I've already got bubblebags and worry about leftover chems in my organic meds. If I have to dissolve it, which solvent would be best? I was thinking 190 everclear

Maybe someone has a link to some recipes that specifically use hash, bubble, or kief as the main THC component vs those that use BHO? Just seems like hash is going to be much more difficult to work with since it still contains a % of plant material.


do any of you have any tips for getting bubble hash into glycerine?

i've got lots of bubble just sitting around that I don't smoke very often (because it's kinda chunky and slightly inconvenient to break up for smoking), and I've also got 3/4 gal of glycerine left over from a failed attempt at making a good glycerine tincture from buds.

I'm assuming that I'll need to dissolve the bubble in a solvent prior to introduction to glycerine. I see many recipes for people that use hash oil/BHO, but I don't want to mess with BHO since I've already got bubblebags and worry about leftover chems in my organic meds. If I have to dissolve it, which solvent would be best? I was thinking 190 everclear

Maybe someone has a link to some recipes that specifically use hash, bubble, or kief as the main THC component vs those that use BHO? Just seems like hash is going to be much more difficult to work with since it still contains a % of plant material.

I wish I had a link for you, and for me too, since I'm at the same place, more or less.

I've tried making a tincture with bubble and infusing that into glycerin with a little heat and some lecithin in a double-boiler. After removing from the heat, the resins tended to gather toward the top of the jar and were weakly infused into the rest of the glycerin.

I intend to try again with a little more heat (it was very gentle, only maybe 120 F for several hours), and perhaps more time and / or lecithin.

Here's hoping that someone else with more experience in this area will chime in.


Active member
I personally have not done bubble in tincture but i would break it in a little bit of high proof no taste alcohol, glycerin accepts alcohol just as well as water. i would start there in my opinion


I was planning on putting kif into the Everclear type alcohol. My understanding is that the next step reducing the alcohol -I guess via low heat- and then mixing said reduced mixture with glycerin. I'm entirely new to this and appreciate folks' patience with the following questions - what's a good type of vessel to use for the alcohol reduction? After the alcohol evaporates is one left with a QWISO-like glop or is it theoretically more easy to transfer? Does one need to decarb the kief or does the alcohol reduction serve that purpose?

Thanks! I've read a lot on this subject -for months- but I am having a hard time trying to conceptualize the process. Any help with above is greatly appreciated.


senior member
Note that I have never tried this, but to get a hash infusion in glycerin gel I would first decarb the hash, then make it into powder (mortice and pestle) then add the hash to the gel and add a little lecithin. Heating and stirring untill it mixes well.

In practical terms I doubt I would ever try that instead using hash for canna caps or in tinctures. I'd done it those ways before and know they work well.

When I am working with concentrates I always wash any residuals with some vodka and a tiny brush. Then I recapture the vodka in a small bottle and save it for further washes. When the color of the vodka becomes fairly dark, you can be reasonably confident the tincture is potent. Then you can add it to cooking recipes or in drinks. In drinks it pretty much slams you, so keep your seat belt on, lol.....seriously don't drink and drive.......scrappy

jump /injack

Here's a recipe that I found and have used twice to good effect. Hats off to Kimyo for posting this recipe a year ago.

"(cannagliss 1.01 - the recipe) (self.trees)
submitted 1 year ago* by kimyo
2 grams cannabis ('regs' is fine)
80 ml vegetable glycerin (health food store, pharmacy)
20 ml grain alcohol (or high-proof vodka) (ADD AFTER COOKING!)
1 small screw-top mason jar (as used in canning)
1 pressure cooker (grandma's pantry, your indian friend)
• de-seed, then grind the cannabis into a fine, flour-like powder (stems and all, coffee grinder is best)
• mix the cannabis and the glycerin in a mason jar, seal
• place jar on rack in a pressure cooker, add hot water (just a bit above the level of the glycerin), seal cooker and bring to full pressure, reduce flame, cook for 28 minutes
• remove from heat, cool cooker under cold water (quick release), release pressure, allow jar to cool
• open jar, add alcohol, mix, let sit over night or for 48 hours, away from heat/light. shake a few times a day.
• filter (those 'gold tone' coffee filters work great here)
store the cannagliss in a tightly sealed container, away from heat and light.
the theory is that the large amount of inactive thc-a is converted to thc at high temps (250F). when smoked, only 10% or so is converted/absorbed.
no odor / no pre-baking / no alcohol required
more efficient (less waste, more thc > bloodstream)
easy to dose (1/2 teaspoon under the tongue every 15 minutes until happy)
learn about pressure cooker safety here [ http://missvickie.com/workshop/safety.html ]
use empty jars/lids to keeps things in place while cooking
dose carefully at first with each new batch
some newer pressure cookers don't hit 15psi/250 degrees F

master wu / davidbriggs / ytrewq / goober328 / DieAbetic
(edited now that i've had a few gos at it. really does work with stems, although the flavor is much better with buds. also works nicely as a salve, i burned my finger tonight cooking dinner, cannagliss to the rescue! should be smokable in an e-cig. onset when taken under the tongue is comparable to smoking, much quicker than eating. nice, clean sativa-style high. add an occasional puff to tweak as desired. i usually smoke 1/4 oz per week, now the same amount lasts for 3 or more.)" by Kimyo.

I've made it twice now and using it with bud [NL5 x Skunk], had the pressure cooker and bought a small rack for the pressure cooker on ebay, have made two batches so far and it works for me. Its been very good for pain suppression and sleep. I decarboxylized one batch and it was a little stronger and seems to grow in strength the longer its in the refrigerator. The 28 minutes is important, maybe GreyWolf can post his Decarboxylation Graph, the brew needs those 28 minutes in the pressure cooker. It has a very pleasant taste and the effects are long lasting for me.
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