Good day today I'm doing all my rehab in the gulf..... Salt Water..... So nice..... And while I'm on or just below the surface my friends will be bringing my rig up.... It's been down there for weeks.....Ahhhhh the sun and salt water is so nice today.... Ass bad as I want to go down to the bottom.... My max depth is 12 feet...... Uuggg... But I'll be down there soon enough... Have an AMAZING DAY.....
Those 7 Marine engines are huge!
Glad you're doing better Aspen!
Do you guys ever have a problem with your tolerance building up?
Yea they are and I don't want them, I'll have to drive to Tampa to get them serviced or bring a 7 marine guy out here.... We really have no use for a new boat, but I'm not paying for it.... So What ever.... But yea those engines are Chevy v8 blocks, 557 hp per engine..... Serious over kill......
Do you guys ever have a problem with your tolerance building up?