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Gender dysphoria and the trans movement.


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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

As we enter the nouveau-Victorian age, where trans is conflated with gay and peadophilia, where peadophilia is conflated with ephebophilia and a 17 to 19 year old can get a criminal record and go on the sex offenders list for life because their girlfriend/boyfriend was 15 or 16.
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Well-known member
I assume the people who make the loudest noise about this kind of stuff to be clients of trans prostitutes or pornagraphers.

It's self loathing thst they then project onto others(openntrans people, queen folk).

The self hate in the right wing is always evident in their sexual neuroses.

moose eater

Well-known member
As we enter the nouveau-Victorian age, where trans is conflated with gay and peadophilia, where peadophilia is conflated with ephebophilia and a 17 to 19 year old can get a criminal record and go on the sex offenders list for life because their girlfriend/boyfriend was 15 or 16.

If you're referring back to my comment re. Alaska's and a number of other states' statutes concerning 'age of majority' and related contexts, a 16 year old and a 19 year old in a sexual relationship would be legal. A 15 year old and a 19 year old would not. And a 16 year old and a 20 or 21 (and up), would also not be legit.

I'll go into an experience I'm all too close to, of a 26 year old male hanging out at a public library and making moves on a 15 year old young woman, while the guy's wife was pregnant, and other people were raising his 2 already-on-the planet kids, who's State Permanent Fund Dividend (the State residents' annual oil benefit) checks he tried to claim, even though they were being raised by others.

His rap was slick enough that I'd bet my home he'd done his library gig MANY times.

Burbot bait is what I believe he is best suited for.

When he was informed by a third party that I was looking for him, he vanished, as did nearly all of his electronic/digital breadcrumbs of trail online, which up until then had been ample.

I found him in Garland, Texas living near the railroad tracks in a subsidized apartment. "You can run, but....."

I didn't make the trip down there, but I discussed it with some folks from the backwoods deep south, and their advice was to hire it done, just as a matter of different cultures and fitting in. Not being noticed, etc.

I didn't do that either.

But I'm told he's back in North Pole, Alaska again... Returned to near the scene of his crimes.

One of these days, maybe sorting through the produce section at the local grocery or similar, perhaps we'll bump into each other.

There are some good reasons for some of the distinctions in age where such decisions are concerned, and the relative levels of maturity in making decisions and better understanding circumstances and context. It can be very easy for a slightly or notably older man (or woman) to manipulate a younger partner. Too easy sometimes.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
f you're referring back to my comment re. Alaska's and a number of other states' statutes concerning 'age of majority' and related contexts
I'm not. I'm relating mostly to the misuse of the term (peadophilia - pedo) projected into what is considered and/or enforced as normal/acceptable in our society. This, evolving into the Christian (Victorian) sex police. I do not know of all regulations in all states but I do know of people (through my previous work) who were convicted of statutory rape/sexual abuse because they had a girl friend a year or 2 younger than them, when 17 to 19 years old. Love is not a permitted argument in these cases.

In an unrelated case (in Canada) just as an example of the behavior of many judge run cases (I'm sure also in the US) a juvenile male (15-16 off the top of my head) was charged with sexual assault, wherein a female of around 14 years old presented, distraught and with the entire front of her jeans soaked, to school staff, reported that she had been assaulted by the male. Testimony given by her, backed by school staff that she had been assaulted during class change in a busy (with students) hallway; that she was pinned to the floor by the male who drooled 'like a crazed animal' licking her crotch. [this was a well-muscled young lady, accustomed to bale chucking and barrel racing] all while holding her arms and legs. Not one student testified to seeing this event. School staff and attending police, testified to the fact that the whole front area of her jeans were soaked.

I was the juvenile's caregiver/guardian (as he lived on my farm and participated in an apprenticeship program). The judge denied my testimony and potential evidence concerning a multitude of phone calls from the complainant (the young man reported she was begging him to be her boyfriend and threatening another girl he liked). I agree with his decision that the substance was hearsay but the actual number of phone calls made were evidentiary. The more critical testimony, incorrectly branded as hearsay was my testimony in which I could relay what I had read a month earlier in a letter from this girl to the young man, stating her love for him, begging him to be her boyfriend and threatening other girls who vied for his affection. She said she would do anything to get him. This letter as thrown away (true, I should have kept it but who knew). The judge should have accepted my sworn word as a professional.

Despite strenuous argument from the defense attorney, regarding not considering all evidence/testimony (and lack thereof) as well as the near impossibility that the boy could pin the girl down and have enough saliva to soak her jeans, the judge accepted 100% this outlandish yarn. He found him guilty and sentenced him to expulsion from school, probation and to be placed on the adult sexual offender list at 18. - a complete lie to follow him for his entire life.

Pretty obviously, having been rejected as girlfriend material on the bus that morning, the girl contrived to get revenge; soaked her front crotch area in the bathroom and made up the story.


Well-known member
I'm not. I'm relating mostly to the misuse of the term (peadophilia - pedo) projected into what is considered and/or enforced as normal/acceptable in our society. This, evolving into the Christian (Victorian) sex police. I do not know of all regulations in all states but I do know of people (through my previous work) who were convicted of statutory rape/sexual abuse because they had a girl friend a year or 2 younger than them, when 17 to 19 years old. Love is not a permitted argument in these cases.

In an unrelated case (in Canada) just as an example of the behavior of many judge run cases (I'm sure also in the US) a juvenile male (15-16 off the top of my head) was charged with sexual assault, wherein a female of around 14 years old presented, distraught and with the entire front of her jeans soaked, to school staff, reported that she had been assaulted by the male. Testimony given by her, backed by school staff that she had been assaulted during class change in a busy (with students) hallway; that she was pinned to the floor by the male who drooled 'like a crazed animal' licking her crotch. [this was a well-muscled young lady, accustomed to bale chucking and barrel racing] all while holding her arms and legs. Not one student testified to seeing this event. School staff and attending police, testified to the fact that the whole front area of her jeans were soaked.

I was the juvenile's caregiver/guardian (as he lived on my farm and participated in an apprenticeship program). The judge denied my testimony and potential evidence concerning a multitude of phone calls from the complainant (the young man reported she was begging him to be her boyfriend and threatening another girl he liked). I agree with his decision that the substance was hearsay but the actual number of phone calls made were evidentiary. The more critical testimony, incorrectly branded as hearsay was my testimony in which I could relay what I had read a month earlier in a letter from this girl to the young man, stating her love for him, begging him to be her boyfriend and threatening other girls who vied for his affection. She said she would do anything to get him. This letter as thrown away (true, I should have kept it but who knew). The judge should have accepted my sworn word as a professional.

Despite strenuous argument from the defense attorney, regarding not considering all evidence/testimony (and lack thereof) as well as the near impossibility that the boy could pin the girl down and have enough saliva to soak her jeans, the judge accepted 100% this outlandish yarn. He found him guilty and sentenced him to expulsion from school, probation and to be placed on the adult sexual offender list at 18. - a complete lie to follow him for his entire life.

Pretty obviously, having been rejected as girlfriend material on the bus that morning, the girl contrived to get revenge; soaked her front crotch area in the bathroom and made up the story.
This is cope, Christians are trying to legalize child marraige nationally, not just in the southern pedophile Hotspots.

This all sounds like apologia for the Seinfeld middle aged losers trying to pick girls up from high school vibes

moose eater

Well-known member
I'm not. I'm relating mostly to the misuse of the term (peadophilia - pedo) projected into what is considered and/or enforced as normal/acceptable in our society. This, evolving into the Christian (Victorian) sex police. I do not know of all regulations in all states but I do know of people (through my previous work) who were convicted of statutory rape/sexual abuse because they had a girl friend a year or 2 younger than them, when 17 to 19 years old. Love is not a permitted argument in these cases.

In an unrelated case (in Canada) just as an example of the behavior of many judge run cases (I'm sure also in the US) a juvenile male (15-16 off the top of my head) was charged with sexual assault, wherein a female of around 14 years old presented, distraught and with the entire front of her jeans soaked, to school staff, reported that she had been assaulted by the male. Testimony given by her, backed by school staff that she had been assaulted during class change in a busy (with students) hallway; that she was pinned to the floor by the male who drooled 'like a crazed animal' licking her crotch. [this was a well-muscled young lady, accustomed to bale chucking and barrel racing] all while holding her arms and legs. Not one student testified to seeing this event. School staff and attending police, testified to the fact that the whole front area of her jeans were soaked.

I was the juvenile's caregiver/guardian (as he lived on my farm and participated in an apprenticeship program). The judge denied my testimony and potential evidence concerning a multitude of phone calls from the complainant (the young man reported she was begging him to be her boyfriend and threatening another girl he liked). I agree with his decision that the substance was hearsay but the actual number of phone calls made were evidentiary. The more critical testimony, incorrectly branded as hearsay was my testimony in which I could relay what I had read a month earlier in a letter from this girl to the young man, stating her love for him, begging him to be her boyfriend and threatening other girls who vied for his affection. She said she would do anything to get him. This letter as thrown away (true, I should have kept it but who knew). The judge should have accepted my sworn word as a professional.

Despite strenuous argument from the defense attorney, regarding not considering all evidence/testimony (and lack thereof) as well as the near impossibility that the boy could pin the girl down and have enough saliva to soak her jeans, the judge accepted 100% this outlandish yarn. He found him guilty and sentenced him to expulsion from school, probation and to be placed on the adult sexual offender list at 18. - a complete lie to follow him for his entire life.

Pretty obviously, having been rejected as girlfriend material on the bus that morning, the girl contrived to get revenge; soaked her front crotch area in the bathroom and made up the story.
Yes, errors, sometimes heinous errors, are made in a blanket system, and stereotypical values are applied, even when they don't apply. Sometimes very serious errors. And the assumption that men are perpetrators and women are victims, despite people like Lenore Walker (author of The Burning Bed, who I saw speak at a training when I was working as a contract civilian in the Army's MH program), acknowledge that women assault men far more often than men assault women, HOWEVER, the assaults by men are more apt to leave greater physical damage, and the assaults by women often go unreported due to men not wanting to be perceived as small-minded or weak. And yes, she took some heat from some men haters for those statistically accurate remarks.

Even with our standards (statutes) here and elsewhere which are written with the best of intent, there is room for outcomes that shouldn't be.

Let's say that a young woman is 17 and her partner is 19. Let's say that they've had an ongoing 'legal' relationship for approximately 2 years or so. The young man turns 20. Technically, based sheerly on numbers, the young man might be guilty of a crime that could stay on his record for the rest of his life, or for whatever term the judge deems appropriate.

I know of a rural relationship in which I was not professionally involved, but knew the parties second-hand through a former friend, where there were several years difference, but the young man was over the line numerically. The young woman got pregnant, and the young man not only was convicted but did time. The young woman's father, to toss a bit more murky water into the case, was the tv-infamous Dog (the bounty hunter).

In that case, it had been an ongoing relationship involving two consenting individuals, with an age disparity that technically made it a crime, in a location that offered 'slim pickins' for dating and romance. Rural Alaska. They were a legit couple, despite the years involved. He's on a sex offender list now, and the implications and ripple effect of that are many.

There's no perfect system yet. Sometimes far from it. And if mitigating circumstances aren't yet taken into account in findings and sentencing, they should be. Blanket policy rarely applies well across all boards.

And yes, there are people who toss technical or clinical terms around loosely without having a clue about what they mean.

Had a discussion in a social media forum the other day wherein a number of brain-dead Trumpers were referring to others, (anyone not a Trumper in their exchanges), as 'Marxists'.

I challenged one to define the term without using Google or a dictionary. Without knowing me at all, having exchanged 2 sentences each, maybe, he responded with an adolescent "You". I confronted his demonstrated capacity to use terms he'd heard over AM hate radio and lay those on others without having a clue what they meant, and that all I perceived from his posting was how fucking ignorant he is..
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moose eater

Well-known member
This is cope, Christians are trying to legalize child marraige nationally, not just in the southern pedophile Hotspots.

This all sounds like apologia for the Seinfeld middle aged losers trying to pick girls up from high school vibes
The fellow who convinced my daughter to take a ride, and then tried to convince her that condoms aren't necessary, used all of the flattering remarks that a 15-year-old young woman wants to hear when she's butting her head up against the wall of puberty, trying to be an adult when she's not, perceives that she's not valued at home even when she is, etc. He literally played on all of that like a fine violin.

Then come the choices; file a report and have her put on the stand for days of prosecutor and defense attorney questioning, or invoke some instant karma.

I was wrong to pursue this in the way I did. There's no telling how many young women he went on to victimize after he fled Alaska. I own at least a part of whatever came of that. Trying to protect my daughter from that drama might have left others' daughters at risk. Not cool at all.

In a positive image of possible outcomes, maybe his near-encounter and having to move to another area of the Country left him wanting to examine his ways, but having worked clinically with sex offenders and people contending with pedophilia, I have some doubts.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The fellow who convinced my daughter to take a ride, and then tried to convince her that condoms aren't necessary, used all of the flattering remarks that a 15-year-old young woman wants to hear when she's butting her head up against the wall of puberty, trying to be an adult when she's not, perceives that she's not valued at home even when she is, etc. He literally played on all of that like a fine violin.

Then come the choices; file a report and have her put on the stand for days of prosecutor and defense attorney questioning, or invoke some instant karma.

I was wrong to pursue this in the way I did. There's no telling how many young women he went on to victimize after he fled Alaska. I own at least a part of whatever came of that. Trying to protect my daughter from that drama might have left others' daughters at risk. Not cool at all.

In a positive image of possible outcomes, maybe his near-encounter and having to move to another area of the Country left him wanting to examine his ways, but having worked clinically with sex offenders and people contending with pedophilia, I have some doubts.
I'm mind boggled that you would reply in such fashion to a statement exhibiting this degree of comprehensive shortages and ignorance.


Well-known member
I'm mind boggled that you would reply in such fashion to a statement exhibiting this degree of comprehensive shortages and ignorance.
As opposed to whatever victimhood complex you're displaying on behalf of all poor not actually sexual offenders?

Self snitching.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
The fellow who convinced my daughter to take a ride, and then tried to convince her that condoms aren't necessary, used all of the flattering remarks that a 15-year-old young woman wants to hear when she's butting her head up against the wall of puberty, trying to be an adult when she's not, perceives that she's not valued at home even when she is, etc. He literally played on all of that like a fine violin.

Then come the choices; file a report and have her put on the stand for days of prosecutor and defense attorney questioning, or invoke some instant karma.

I was wrong to pursue this in the way I did. There's no telling how many young women he went on to victimize after he fled Alaska. I own at least a part of whatever came of that. Trying to protect my daughter from that drama might have left others' daughters at risk. Not cool at all.

In a positive image of possible outcomes, maybe his near-encounter and having to move to another area of the Country left him wanting to examine his ways, but having worked clinically with sex offenders and people contending with pedophilia, I have some doubts.
f'n'a man! that sucks
ive know victims of sexual abuse and often its someone older or in a position of power' exerting their influence over someone
but like you said, the reliving of the crime can be as bad as the crime itself
i hope the 15 year old your woman is doing better now and living her best life
I'm mind boggled that you would reply in such fashion to a statement exhibiting this degree of comprehensive shortages and ignorance.
As opposed to whatever victimhood complex you're displaying on behalf of all poor not actually sexual offenders?

Self snitching.
am i missing something? @Microbeman
this is an under age girl who was taken advantage of?


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