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Ganja D's Outdoor 2011


Active member
My understanding is that Spinosad is a bit heavy on the environment. Kills bees. I use it only once right before buds start to set.

Bacillus Thurigensis sp kurastaki (DiPel, Safer cat killer) applied after the sun goes down is a lower impact anti-caterpillar preventative. I apply it weekly till sometime in september, with the intent of finding warm, breezy evenings to apply so that the water its applied in dries up as much as possible.... as alonside bugs, fungus is a worry this year... higher humidity this summer for sure... more soil pathogens than past years... the drier the nightitme environment, the better- I think.

Anyhow... I have been using it since year one, and I have had zero cat damage. Of course, this is not conclusive proof that the stuff works. Plenty of people do nothing and have no caterpillar problems.

Ganja D

how do you keep all the pollen organized? any tips on packaging and storage?

Been pondering how to structure my own breeding projects...

Hope you're having fun!

I'm normally a fairly organized person. However,my male situation and pollen collection is a mad house this year. But,there is a method to my madness and it's getting done. Next year I will be making lots of changes.

Good tip on the Catt spray,I may pick some up and try to get one round in.

As far as the mildew,i'm spraying Kali Green potassium bicarbonate powder. 2 tsp per gallon,omri listed,and kills pm on contact. So far no real pm issues but noticing early signs on one OG cross. I plan on spraying 2 more times and being done with it.

Happy growing everyone.:tiphat:


Forgive me for sounding ignorant, but isn't pesticide of any sort considered harmful to your health?

Ganja D

Forgive me for sounding ignorant, but isn't pesticide of any sort considered harmful to your health?

Using monterey garden insect spray which is omri listed,is not too much different than spraying neem oil on plants for the first 2 weeks of flowering.
Also we get a wonderful morning fog that washes down the plants nearly every day,cleaning any residue left behind by sprays. Plants are 100% free of any organic bug sprays WAY before harvest.
I only smoke the best,quality and cleanliness is absolute top priority. I wouldn't grow meds for patients that I wouldn't smoke myself,and I'm about the pickiest smoker I know.(usually won't smoke others weed)

So no,using the preventative pest sprays I do is not harmful to you health. Honestly my outdoor is cleaner than my indoor because of the natural fog and morning dew in the fall,as well as early fall rains to clean the buds. And I grow some killer indoor.

Hope I've answered your question.


Active member
yea i prefer outdoors for that reason too alot of indoor weed is sprayed to shit by growers who dont care at all about end product...ive found alot of outdoor weed to have way better smell and taste might not look as good sometimes...there so much subpar outdoor that most people have a bad impression of it...but the stuff out of the right outdoor gardens is some of my favorite smoke!

also as long as you arent spraying in flower when the nugs are forming they should not have any residue.......everything grown is hit with pesticides from lettuce to basil to the grapes that go into wine....in our vineyard we apply sulfur for mildew and i think they use a spinosad based pesticide as well gotta recheck that..


OK you guys that makes sense now, you are using bio friendly sprays as opposed to whatever harmful pesticides those who don't care about the health of the consumer use...
I have never grown outdoors (not yet) and I haven't grown indoors in quite a while either (bad living situation), I've still got a lot to learn before I earn my green thumb.


Active member
Ganja you have a lot of interesting crosses going on. The strawberry diesel sounds nice. Have you thought about marketing any because I'm interested. Not to mention some of your dry pics looks like some of the best I've seen. Blessings and good vibes to you my friend.......


Active member
Ganja you have a lot of interesting crosses going on. The strawberry diesel sounds nice. Have you thought about marketing any because I'm interested. Not to mention some of your dry pics looks like some of the best I've seen. Blessings and good vibes to you my friend.......

Yea, :prettyplease::yeahthats

Ganja D

Ganja you have a lot of interesting crosses going on. The strawberry diesel sounds nice. Have you thought about marketing any because I'm interested. Not to mention some of your dry pics looks like some of the best I've seen. Blessings and good vibes to you my friend.......

I actually think about it everyday. One of my goals/motivation as a grower is to get as many people as I can to smoke my herb and say/feel it's the best they've ever had.. In the future I would like to do the same with seed. I would love for people all over the world to grow seeds/plants that I created and say "this is the best I've ever grown". My purpose it to spread this plant.
Thanks so much for your interest. I plan on looking into sharing my seeds as soon as I have more time.:thank you:


Power Armor rules
Your plants always look great. You can count me in as a buyer if you do sell some of your seeds.



Active member
If your beans prove to be quality I would be your best customer. Really like the vibe you put off. The beans take after their father you know?
In the I would love for people all over the world to grow seeds/plants that I created and say "this is the best I've ever grown". My purpose it to spread this plant.

I have given to friends and tossed to the wild many a seed. it makes my heart stronger knowing my creation is out there in the world spreading more seeds to grow plants that will grow for future consumption. my current favorite of mine is Heavy Duty Fruity x S.A.G.E. / Purple Dawg. it is so very delicious. peace Herb...

Ganja D

Hey whats up guys. I took a bunch of pics but don't have time or energy to upload them all. Here's a few for now.
Also I was just thinking about how excited I get to share info and pictures of my plants with you guys. It really makes growing so much more fun and inspires me. What would be the point of growing beautiful plants of any kind and never sharing them or even showing them to anyone ever? We live in mysterious times.

Another thing. People who have followed this thread know I enjoy adding a link with my updates to a good song that in some way reminds me of or pertains to the plants at the moment. I don't hear a lot of music these days so if anyone had a suggestion for a good song feel free to post it. But it can't suck,so if you listen to shitty music just ignore that last thing.

Chemdog X Sour D. I'm gonna have to do some work to get this plant supported through flowering.

This plant is sick! Smells like something I want to smoke very badly. This is it from 2 angles. Just pollinated a few branches,will probably do a few more,it's not an everyday type plant. I only gave clones to one person and not sure if he kept it.
Diesel Berry (SD x F13) X SSSDH)


I'll upload the rest of the pictures later.


Ganja D

I just spent about an hour writing out a post,then IC Mag froze. So I copied it and took a shower. Then I somehow lost it before I could post it. It was pretty cool and had over a dozen pictures and tons of information. I'll just put up the pics later. What a huge waste of time.


Active member
I f-ing hate that GanjaD, that is why I write my updates in word now. Then copy and paste. Loving the pics as always. What are you top dressing or feeding with these days?

Ganja D

I just spent about an hour writing out a post,then IC Mag froze. So I copied it and took a shower. Then I somehow lost it before I could post it. It was pretty cool and had over a dozen pictures and tons of information. I'll just put up the pics later. What a huge waste of time.

Fuck it. I'm posting the pics before I go to bed.

There are two plants in this pot.
Pitbull OG X SD IBL f2,OG dominant.

Sour D dominant


Killer Queen X Hindu Kush (Rez)

SSH I probably shouldn't have grown,i'll do my best to let it flower as long as I can.

Double Strawberry Diesel clone from 07-08

Strawberry Cough from the headstash

This strain I'm really excited about. It's an f1 hybrid I made last year. I have 4 females pictured here with a good degree of variation. I'm making f2s of each plant with 2 males and some hybrids as well. They are all serious stand outs. Strong,vigorous,but the best part so far is the smell,and trichome coverage,and I expect the yield to be outrageous. These are some of the most impressive plants I have. The third one smells better than anything I've seen in a long time.
I call it F13SourDieselOGKushChemdogCinderella99 or Dieselberry (Sour D x F13) X Witches Weed (Sfv OG x Chemdog X C99).


#3,I'm more excited to smoke this than anything I'm growing.



Have a great holiday weekend everyone. I'll be topdressing,leafing,pollinating,smoking,and grilling. But I have to move my grill because it's starting to burn the headstash SSSDH thats stretching into it.



Well-known member
Had a peak at your album...that SSH looks like one of the rarer sativa phenotypes. Hope she has time to finish, because the structure on her suggests strong ganja...ahh there it is!

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