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Fungus gnats or WINGED ROOT APHIDS???


If you are using soil add diatomaceous earth to it and those lil buggers will be gone. Speedcat knows what I'm talking about.

Neo 420

Active member
You need to do your research and testing yourself. Keep in mind you will be smoking the herbs. SEVIN works for me...it may work for you.
I encourage you to do your own research on safety of use.

I did the research for IMID and thru it aside. But, hey, you like that shit in yo lungs....go for it.

Part of my research is asking the community their experience and uses with ideas and products. Here is a little research I did on SEVIN:

Sevin is the trade name for a widely used synthetic insecticide containing the active ingredient carbaryl. Carbaryl belongs to the chemical class called carbamates. As insecticides go Sevin is only moderately toxic to mammals and is still widely used in gardens and landscapes. It is, however, highly toxic to honey bees and many other beneficial insects and mites.

Sevin is sold as a powder (dust), granule, and liquid concentrate. Uses include vegetable gardens, landscape plants, lawns, tree fruits and small fruits. The target pest list is generally broad and includes many common insect and mite pests.
While Sevin insecticide can be used safely we believe there are safer alternatives that also avoid the harmful effects that broad spectrum chemicals, like carbaryl, can have on benefical species.
With regard to: 1-napthyl methylcarbamate

One Canadian environmental organization in a letter addressed to local citizens cites some of the 'documented' effects of carbaryl.

It causes birth defects in mammals, especially dogs.
It worsens the condition of people with hypertension and people on anti-depressant drugs.
It impairs the function of the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, and the reproductive system.
It causes hyperactivity and learning disabilities in mammals.
It could increase the chance of heart attack in people with weak hearts.
The main break-down product, nitrosocarbaryl, which is easily created in the human gut, is a potent cancer-causing agent.
It causes irreversible chromosomal damage to human DNA (the genes in our cells).

Sublimation Point: 112-115 C (basically, you don't have to worry about
it vapourizing)
1-napthyl methylcarbamate is soluble in water: 1.2 g/l @ 17 C
There seems to be lot of conflicting information on SEVIN. I would use caution when using the product (just like any of the product mentioned in the thread) If your the "lets not hurt other insects like bees or beneficial micro's" type, DO NOT USE THIS. It will kill off your nematodes and other good organisms.

I Hope you SEVIN users do not have any dogs like I do. I can't test this product because of that fact alone.
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Ganja Goddess

New member
I'm Back!

I'm Back!

Hey Guys

Went to do a rez change today, in a totally different room... Plants are showing yellow lower leaves. Opened up the rail and boom, there it is... damn... I have "Tanks" in my Rez... The other 2 next to the infected tank don't seem to show any problems. But I am going to scrap them too... :cry:

Now I gotta figure out what to bomb the premises with, I want them dead... NOW :microwave:

Probably bomb, then steam, then paint??? Anyone who has used a plan that already worked for them. I am interested in hearing what is working.



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
a few weeks ago i picked up a bunch of clones form multiple sources (so i cannot pin down infection source). since then i'd been seeing few odd fliers now and again. nothing major like ive had before, but nonetheless i thought 'oh no fungas gnats' and started spraying neem every 4 days to give them somthing to suck on...

well after 2 weeks of spraying the fliers were still there... and the flight pattern of the fliers was seeming very eeratic. very familiar. but i hadnt seen any creepy crawlers on any root masses or pots or.... boy am i glad i use the solo beer cups for rooted clones, (because they are white on the lip/inside) - i saw a little terminator motherfucker crawling on the rim on one of the cups at the middle of the table.

i mixed up 1tsp for 10g and fed to 25% runoff yesterday morning = NO MORE FLIERS OR CRAWLERS

i didnt have as many dead motherfuckers laying in the tray channels as i thought/did last time, (which is good i got to it early!) but there are some dead aphids. and no more fliers.

Ganja Goddess
merit 75wp/imidacloprid is the shit to use when you have root aphids.
ONLY IN VEG!!!! its all you have to use. you dont have to worry about bombing or painting or moving or steaming or nothing. just top feed/drench your plants achieve some runoff (i like 15-25%) and see all the dead bugs. its easy. ONLY IN VEG

good luck


Active member
Hey Guys

Went to do a rez change today, in a totally different room... Plants are showing yellow lower leaves. Opened up the rail and boom, there it is... damn... I have "Tanks" in my Rez... The other 2 next to the infected tank don't seem to show any problems. But I am going to scrap them too... :cry:

Now I gotta figure out what to bomb the premises with, I want them dead... NOW :microwave:

Probably bomb, then steam, then paint??? Anyone who has used a plan that already worked for them. I am interested in hearing what is working.


Hey Goddess:
I feel your pain.
I tore my whole room down and performed autopsies on all 21 plants after getting too frustrated trying to save them. I am virtually certain that the RAs also transmitted some other infection, all the more reason to start over. When I pulled all the plants out of the pots, I only found 3 tanks and one flyer in 21 plants. That was after Imid treatment was done on them, although the pots were already wet when I drenched them, and I didn't wait for the others to die as I saw the plants were a lost cause. My original mother plant, which was large and got a total imid drench didn't have a single bug of any kind on it, so the Imid definitely works. I know you don't want to use it, but it is the only thing that really works, and is safe to use in veg. It's approved for use on foodstuffs.
Aside from that, I washed down and sprayed everything with Physan 20, which kills fungus, molds, spores, bacteria, and viruses, so it's effective against any other cross-contamination from other hostiles.
I am going to keep one plant in my room with Imid. This can be another variety, like nasturtiums, like someone suggested, or it can be cannabis. This should prevent/control any future infestations. I strongly recommend Physan 20!
Lost all my Cindy 99s and My AK47s......bummer.
As I've sterilized everything to the best of my ability, if this comes up again, I will change locations.
Good luck!


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
I am going to keep one plant in my room with Imid. This can be another variety, like nasturtiums, like someone suggested, or it can be cannabis.
My question is this:
What if the bugs smell, or otherwise detect, the Imid in the host plant and then ignore it in favor of the non-imid treated plants? Would you eat a poisoned hamburger if there were non-poisoned brussel sprouts nearby?


you might want to clones house plants also 1 in the house is a million in the pot.

im just gonna py bomb the room and steam the carpets for eggs and steam out to closet. i use soil. thought i was fighting gnats to til i saw that damn beetle on the dixielip so i feel that, lol.

i would rum a strong bug killer through hydro system then 10% bleach solution and just start over.

i have(n't) learned the hard way that no cuts at any dispensary are clean everybody looks for mites and those arnet even a prob with a no pest strip. but not once have my cuts ever been looked at for aphids, when i buy i prefer them to just be in whatever plug theyre in (rock or rapid) then i just drench it with azzy+py on introduction. but if its something like the arjans haze i wanted (but cant shell out that kind of cash for untested seed) and found had mites, aphids, whiteflys, herpes, she gets a quarentine then cut and i keep my cuts and kill the original or leave outside.

my problem now is that when i see dust fly after jarring a pot or something i flipout and go into overreact mode.


My question is this:
What if the bugs smell, or otherwise detect, the Imid in the host plant and then ignore it in favor of the non-imid treated plants? Would you eat a poisoned hamburger if there were non-poisoned brussel sprouts nearby?

i was thinking the same thing and then all it does is draw them to your plants, them little fuckers are smart much more so than an avg. housefly or gnat they learned to hide when i opened the doors to the closet or id spray them right out of the sky, you should watch em scatter now.


Active member
My question is this:
What if the bugs smell, or otherwise detect, the Imid in the host plant and then ignore it in favor of the non-imid treated plants? Would you eat a poisoned hamburger if there were non-poisoned brussel sprouts nearby?
But they don't detect it. That's why they die after ingesting it!
If they detected something noxious, they wouldn't eat it, and the product wouldn't work!
I don't eat red meat, so hamburgers are definitely off the menu:)
Seriously, this is just like the stuff you give to dogs for fleas. It's systemic and when the fleas bites the dog, it (the flea) dies. If you have more than one dog, you can give it to one only, and all fleas on all the dogs in your house will be eradicated.

Ganja Goddess

New member
I bought the Tree & Shrub @ home depot today... I have no idea what I'm gonna do with the rez water when I'm done. LOL Gonna have to punt I guess.

On the first page I saw 4-5ml IMID per gallon. Is that a good dose for aeroponics?

I bought the Botaniguard ES, I am going to send it back, there is a sister product that is OMRI listed product that doesn't have the petroleum products in it. I doubt I'll need it since I'm nukeing my plants with IMID. At least these are early veg.

Here's a couple of things I tried that dont work...

Azamax dunk did nothing. I took my plants out of the rails and dunked them, even let them sit in the solution for 20 minutes. Killed the ones cruising around. But did nothing to stop the them.

Dr Doom foggers in that room that was originally infected, set off 3 of them spanning 1 week, even took the lids off my rez... Nothing...

I want to thank you guys for your help. This is a great & helpful thread :thank you:


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
ive been assured you can add merit75 to your nutrient solution with no neg effect on the nutes or plants uptake.

i believe 'kushism' documented adding it directly to his rez....

if i was you id add it a day or 2 before you change the rez out...

not sure about the bayer stuff though

all the foggers do is knock down the fliers for a day or 2. azamax is a joke to those fuckers theyll eat that up like candy. only way to get rid of them short of a complete do over is to nuke them with imid.


Active member
ive been assured you can add merit75 to your nutrient solution with no neg effect on the nutes or plants uptake.

i believe 'kushism' documented adding it directly to his rez....

if i was you id add it a day or 2 before you change the rez out...

not sure about the bayer stuff though

all the foggers do is knock down the fliers for a day or 2. azamax is a joke to those fuckers theyll eat that up like candy. only way to get rid of them short of a complete do over is to nuke them with imid.

Merit and Bayer =same thing. Merit is the trade name for Imid, the active ingredient in both. Other companies make it also, including Ortho, which has Imid products in Home Depot, Lowes, etc.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Merit and Bayer =same thing. Merit is the trade name for Imid, the active ingredient in both. Other companies make it also, including Ortho, which has Imid products in Home Depot, Lowes, etc.

merit 75wp specifically is what was recommended to me intially when this problem arose last time, not simply 'imid'.

from what i understand merit is stronger than bayer... or more concentrated or what-not... whatever it is its not the 'same thing'. same active ingredient, yes. same thing, no.

merit 75 wp (with active ingredient imid) kills aphids dee-ee-dee dead



gets some
merit 75wp specifically is what was recommended to me intially when this problem arose last time, not simply 'imid'.

from what i understand merit is stronger than bayer... or more concentrated or what-not... whatever it is its not the 'same thing'. same active ingredient, yes. same thing, no.

merit 75 wp (with active ingredient imid) kills aphids dee-ee-dee dead


Merit 75 means 75% pure imid in the bottle. What is the recommended dosing rate of Merit 75 to kill these aphids? It may be buried in one of these root aphid threads...does anyone know? If so, we can extrapolate the amount of Bayer needed to issue the same amount of imid. Spleebale (I think) said 50ml/gal of Tree and Shrub earlier in the thread and I replied that it sounded like a crazy amount of pesticide but in this context (compared to 75% pure Merit) it may actually be the correct dosage.

However, looking at the actual Merit 75 product (http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/merit-75-wp-oz-jar-p-300.html $60 for 2oz jar) it may be more cost effective for me to just buy the jar instead of messing with a ton of fillers and diluted imid in the Bayer products.

Heres a $45 bottle


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
that makes sense about the '75'
75% = pure root aphid death

ItsGrowTime said:
What is the recommended dosing rate of Merit 75 to kill these aphids?

the merit 75 wp details online here: http://www.gainvasives.org/hwa/merit.pdf
page 4 details 1tsp/10g....

or 1.4 grams of powder if you wanted to weigh it out
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Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
-Bayer "Tree & Shrub," Monterrey "Once a Year Insect Control" and Green Light "Tree and Shrub" ... Each of these products are only 1.47% imid.....

75% owns 1.47%

heres the dosage for the bayer from spleebales opening post (and good thread spleebale!)
-People have said that Bayer Tree and Shrub (1.47% imid) is effective at 4-5 mL/gal - if you are already into bloom or are running a recirculating system I would recommend this dosage. bali_man has recommended people try upping the dosage 5X as they will see more dramatic results. If you only plan to apply it once or are at least 50 days from harvest, I would suggest this option.
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i used .7g of merit to 3 1/2 gallons of water. i dunked all my plants in pots of hydroton by hand. within a few days i saw dead bugs all over my trays and nothing flying. the 2oz bottle will last a long long time. i'm definitely a believer of merit.


Active member
The idea is to use the smallest amount of imid to do the job, so that is doesn't linger too long in the plant or kill it. Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer is only .72% imid. At that strength, it takes only half an ounce (1 tablespoon) per gallon of water used as a drench. This killed 100% of my root aphids.
Merit is much stronger and much more expensive, so I don't see the advantage of using it.