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Fungus gnats or WINGED ROOT APHIDS???


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
+1 for preventative intermittent pyrethrin bombs!
better certain than hurtin'


Active member
How long till you could say with certainty there were no more bugs?

I have checked every day since, and nothing is living there, except springtails, which aren't affected by the imid.
By the way, to the people who keep posting disinformation about pyrethrins, they do nothing to root aphids.
They do NOT kill them.
Don't waste your time.


See, 2 treatments and I still have some crawling but I really really have to look for them but they are there.

Dunno what else to do. Plants aren't mfeeding or using their water.


New member
I don't know why people are still tripping out so hard, maybe they can't read or something.


Neo 420

Active member
I no longer see any critters. Today I did a flush and fed the ladies 50% strength nutes. All the leaves are curling down. I am on the eve of week 6 and just want to get the ladies to harvest. For the sprectacide users : Did your leaves start to droop? If so when did they pick back up?

stickey fingers

shareing is careing,you guys are amzeing! great thread SPLEEBALE. RIP DR JAY


I don't know why people are still tripping out so hard, maybe they can't read or something.

I am still tripping out because I found out too fucking late o fucking kay?

Sorry...still sore about this.

Mine are looking done for. Even if they finished they are filled with insecticide and about 1 tenth the size and sticky smelly goodness they could be by now. They won't even make good hash. AHG.


Almost week 6. I could go up to 10 on one strain and they will finish late anyway after all the fuss....

...it's just tough. I have forgotten about seeds that have amounted to more than these BABIES of mine ever will.


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
Great thread, Terrible problem!

I'm over kidding myself that "I just have a bad case of gnats".
Ever since I went perpetual the problem has gotten worse, much worse. Worst plants look nutrient deficient, yellow and spotty, while the best are slow growing.

Any advice for those of us in coco.

*Can I apply the Bayer T & S with my feed solution or do I need to skip a day to apply?*

I'm going to water with the Bayer Tree and Shrub tonight and then continue with applications of the Botanicare ES.

The little fuckers went from pest to MAJOR F'ING Problem faster than I could react effectively.

A couple bottles of Azamax slowed them, for a moment. And it does not seem like the powderized BTI dunks that I applied to the tops of the pots are making much difference either.

Wish me luck and say a prayer because this is getting ugly.


I run coco DTW in two and three gal pots, water once a day.

Noticed some fliers weeks ago and started to treat with Azamx every other day. Seemed to work ok, but tainted the taste of a crop a bit so I stopped dosing tables that were 2 weeks to harvest and the population exploded in those pots and ramped up in the others..

Started to notice ph and nutrient defciency signs, yellow/spotty leaves, slow growth in a group thats 4 weeks in.

Dosed everybody with Bayer Tree and Shrub at 5ml/gal and the next day flyer populations are way down. I'm going to continue to apply heavy doses of Gnatrol wdg as a preventative measure. Plants in veg will get the Tree and Shrub until they go to flower.

I'll keep ya posted.
I don't know why people are still tripping out so hard, maybe they can't read or something.


Maybe because some people have tried it and it DID NOT WORK FOR THEM. Maybe because some people are a few weeks from harvest and don't want to use a systemic. Maybe some people are really using it as medicine and don't want to inhale chlorinated nicotine. Maybe they are not dealing with phylloxera, but actual root aphids instead.

And one of the few university studies of root aphid control found Imidacloprid to be ineffective, since root aphids are notorious for developing resistance to pesticides.
The operations had tried applications of Talstar (bifenthrin) and Marathon (imidacloprid) applied as a soil drench with poor results controlling root aphids.
Often, the problem with Marathon applications is that the grower overwaters after an application and washes the pesticide out of the root zone. But in these two cases, the growers applied the Marathon with just enough water to wet the rootball and tried not to overwater for seven days after the application to avoid washing the chemical out of the rootball zone. Both growers said they followed the directions for proper soil drench applications using the 60 WP formulation.

I'm glad it has worked for some, but it is by no means a silver bullet.


It's not like the plants saw the blue Bayer bottle and just started growing again. They are completely stunted and frozen in time. All dry and droopy. They don't smell hardly at all and they look like garbage. 3 weeks ago I thought this was going to be my best grow ever. I thought, "no biggie, a couple lower leaves died". Then within a week, I saw two gnats and all my girls just about died in the following week.

At this rate, by the time they perk up it will be time for another dose. Fuck this.
yeah I feel for ya.... I lost an entire veg and flower tent and had to restart from scratch last year because of these little terminators! Lost most of my genetics and had to restart (and I run a perpetual, ouch!).

Take this as a lesson learned and use the info in this thread to keep them from returning. Prevention is the key as with most problems! So take it as a painful lesson, but one that if you take to heart you shouldn't have to deal with again (I hope).

Neo 420

Active member
If by "Microherd" you mean the small ones that can't be seen with the naked eye:
I used the sprectacide with mathalion at the prescribed rate (but I ran it through the drip lines and poured 2 gallons over each plant) followed behind it with the ecosense by Ortho and I see no critters. The ladies leaves are drooping and some are drying out. I'm closely monitoring the health and status of the plants to self document how to battle these critters (with perspective to my actions and results). Now mind you I only found the micro's. No flyers or juvies. I will update this thread after harvest with my complete findings.

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