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Fucking Busted Hardcore........

Fucking Busted Hardcore........

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Active member
No doubt i'd take the smell of some bud over the smell of Ona. But once it's in the trunk in imaginary land I don't smell a damn thing in my car besides the tree air freshener I have chilling on my rear view. Maybe it's the way I have it set up, idk. Not too mention it's not too many cops that know the smell of Ona, maybe 25%, if that. However 99% of em know the smell of some dank. I'd take the odds.

Offtopic, but kick ass grows Bud

get that air freshener off the rear view. they'll pull you over in pretty much any state for having anything hanging from the rear view. just another reason for them to pull you. peace.


ICMag Donor
not trying to kick you while your down but this wouldnt of happened if marijuana was legal and last i read you were for "medical only" and not full legalization. sounds a bit like karma. with that said its a real shame and i wish you the best of luck

let the neg rep fly but its true

Listen man, saying that isn't cool at all. We don't want to hear this anymore from you or anybody.......


Feeling good is good enough.
We MUST stand together or we shall fall...


Resin is stickier than water!!!!

Or so it goes.

He is a though fellow and surely will make it through (God willing), but kind words are always appreciated... ALWAYS.

Chin up KB !

You are not alone.
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I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
All I can do is hope good things for you krunch.

It's not a lot. I know.

Advice from Rez is priceless. everybody should print it out and memorize it


Somebody strong enough to push back with the DA

OJ can be found innocent for God's sake.
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when i got on the computer i was planning on rubbing one out but it looks like i should explain

bullshit post bro....nothing would be different under prop 19 except that the packs he was driving would be worth half as much....they are going to devalue our buds and keep it illegal to carry more than an OZ at the same time double edged sword.

What a terrible thing to say, he just had a massive traumatic experience. Thant kind of thing isn't deserved just because of his voting stance on prop 19.

Listen man, saying that isn't cool at all. We don't want to hear this anymore from you or anybody.......

firstly id like to apologize to krunch, it was a terrible thing to say you brought this on yourself and im not like that at all(not in person and especially not on the internet). im just frustrated and im thinking that was some pent up passive aggressive bullshit that finally found its way out. like i said before its a true shame and i wish you the best of luck.

also my statement had nothing to do with prop 19 or krunch's stance on prop 19. in my mind i was talking about full legalization and the fact that krunch was happy with things the way they are.
To the OP, my heart goes out to you.

Even if you are/were 100% compliant and the cop had no right to bust you, one thing is clear: cops+large amount of mood-altering substance=you're going to get fucked.

Cops are just wired that way and it is a prevailing attitude of LEO that *anything* involving drugs or alcohol sets them on autopilot fuck-you-in-the-ass mode, even if the law and regulations are clearly on your side.

In any case, I wish you the best of luck.


Bad deal. Hoping the best for you. You must be losing your mind. I wonder if they will pursue state charges, or kick it over to the feds.

JG's Ghost

Active member
Sorry to hear of your troubles KB. Although I'm not quite in the same boat as you I am in the one right next to you.

For all you folks with suggestions on how to transport I suggest vacuum sealed bags. If they can keep the smell of fish from permeating my freezer for months they will most likely keep in the smell of weed.

Best of luck to both of us.

JG's Ghost

JG's Ghost

Active member
Not to take the light off KB, but I was also busted recently. My fault for letting the smell get out.

Got popped with 16 small plants, a few rootless clones, a harvest hanging to dry (probably 2 lbs of dry bud, but LEO weighs it all, and say 8 lbs), and roughly 4 oz's of dried bud.

My wife was not connected with my growing, was not arrested, or charged, but a fairly valuable piece of her jewelery was missing right after the search.

I am in a non-mmj state, but there is a precedent case for med use where the conviction was overturned. The couple charged both have AIDS, and said MJ was the only thing that made it possible for them to have any appetite, and be able to keep down their meds. They were found guilty, and given one year non-supervised probation, and 500 hours of community service. That service to consist of taking care of each other. Despite the light sentence they appealed, and won.

I have Hep-C. Tried treatment twice, but could not handle the side effects. They consist of food poisoning like symptoms for about 12 hours after the interferon injection. The real bummer there is with food poisoning you can at least puke up the bad food. No such luck with an injection. The worst though is the depression, and suicidal thoughts that come on after a few weeks of treatment. Treatment can last from 24 to 48 weeks, and you still have only a 50/50 chance of beating the virus. Most Gastroenterologists recommend some type of anti-depressant such as Prozac, but they just made it worse.

There is a study out that says MMJ increases the patient's tolerance to the side effects, and increases the patients ability to stay on treatment by 40%, or better.

So. My questions are.

What do you think of my chances of getting the case dismissed based on the precedent?

Should I make a big deal over the missing jewelry?


JG's Ghost


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
come on guys get with the program. It does not matter what his views are on cannabis we are all entitled to them even if we don't have the same views he is a grower and we are all cut from the same branch. We can agree to disagree and still have respect for each other. I hope things work out for you Krunch we are all hoping for the best stay positive. Go home and see what left our going to need to start there anyway. folks please try to remember we are not enemies here we try and help when shit hits the fan.


What do you think of my chances of getting the case dismissed based on the precedent?

Should I make a big deal over the missing jewelry?

get a good fucking lawyer. get the lawyer that got that other case overturned!

unless you can prove they took the jewelry, what's the point. they'll just fuck you harder.

we need federal mmj amendment to protect all


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Krunch, I'm very sorry to hear about this. I have always found your posts both entertaining and informative. Best of luck on getting things resolved in short order and the best possible way!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I love Krunchy and I want him to walk free and clear on this bullshit, but let me make it abundantly fucking clear to everyone in here in the great state of California. You need to vote fucking YES and help us change these crazy fucking laws! If it was LEGAL he would not be getting hassled by fucking cops for weed in the car or getting his house raided because all the resources would be pulled away from busting growers because of all the tax revenue coming in from it. This is a learning experience and I think KB is going to be okay if he gets a good lawyer. He and anyone else that can think beyond themselves and the profits involved in growing and selling weed really do need to help us get this prop 19 passed so that all of our efforts and years of hard work can finally make a real change.

This legal status change will have a profound effect on the rest of the country and I believe it will lead to a national taxation program after the successful taxation that will occur here and serve as a model for others. We passed medical laws first and several other states have followed, I expect the same with the legalization bill the time has finally come. Everyone (not just medical) deserves to be able to grow and smoke their own weed. This can only help us all be more safe in what we do. ;)


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear of your troubles KB. Although I'm not quite in the same boat as you I am in the one right next to you.

For all you folks with suggestions on how to transport I suggest vacuum sealed bags. If they can keep the smell of fish from permeating my freezer for months they will most likely keep in the smell of weed.

Best of luck to both of us.

JG's Ghost


dont give out the wrong information that will get more people busted... sucker

the smell of fish is stopped because it is frozen... DUH... i have tons of fish in my freezer, and it is not in vacuum sealed bags and no my freezer does not smell like fish.. not one bit..

weed will permeate ANYTHING... the one thing that a smell will have a tough time permeating is PVC piping...

go watch barry coopers videos... he will teach you and everyone who believes that smells do not permeate things a lesson or two..


Active member
plastics have oxygen transmitting ratings.. the warmer they get the more oxygen (smell) they transmit. zip lock freezer bags work great in a freezer but as soon as they warm up the plastic expands and doesn't seal as well. take the fish out of your freezer and put it in your warm car and you'll smell the fish. vacuum bags do seal better than turkey bags....


-REZ, very good posts, all true stuff, we're all still fucked. Just one correction, Bruce Margolis is in L.A., not the Bay.

-KB, mad respect to you and sorry to hear about these unfortunate circumstances. Shit happens, and sometimes these things happen and wake us up. I've been busted bad myself, SWAT team style at gun point and I learned a lot from our mistakes. REZ was right, SHUT UP and LAWYER UP! Seriously!!! Lawyers are scoundrels, and they know (or at least think) that growers have money. You'll be able to swing a much better lawyer than you can afford, because he knows you are good for it if he can get you back into your groove! Also, you need to be a little less specific in your posts, it does no one on icmag but LEO any good by telling us the exact amount of cash, weight, etc. Please be more vague when telling us this, as its not just your friends reading and watching. I know people know you on here and you got a great rep for doing some great grows, but it might be time to say good bye to your current username....
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