Good lord some of you ass hat youngsters are as bad as high school
Cheerleaders, if you haven't figured it out we are stubborn old mules
If you don't like what's in the kitchen to to another one. He ain't Gona listen to your babble and your cluster fucking his thread with nonsense.
So grow up spread your wings and fly lil birdie fly on over to your buddy's thread and stay there I wana log on and see his grow
Not a bunch o babble keep rockin it stihg... Young bucks will grow up some day
The most important thing to remember is there is always room to improve. If you are not doing the very best you can to get maximum yield and top quality, you are wasting money regardless if it a 70w or 10kw.
they sell "top grade" round here for $10 per half gram. $20 per gram. if i buy 1oz it will cost me ~$600+ if i grow 1 oz i save $600. it costs me $10 to run my box 24/7/365 if i run my box 24/7 for a whole year it will cost me $120. way i see it any weed i get is all profit. anyway been busy with a new job and some issues with my roommate. haven't taken any pics in a while. i'll be back with some more pics later.
i'll be sure to have some amusing pictures of shitty plants for all of you to laugh at. i love to entertain.
Oh, wow. I now know why your little signature has hardmode on it. I thought it was just a joke making fun of the guy who's name I had forgotten... The guy posting as growdude on youtube. I just posted the video on a SLH thread.... "All bud, all white hairs."
Lol, I never through someone would take his mantra seriously?
Your one plant has it right, Mr. Hard Mode (lol), the one called, "WTF?"
Alright I'm back again with another update. I stopped keeping track of the dates and shit, i'll just let you know how long it took after i chop whatever instead.
Chopped down my Satellite fuels, report is in the link in my sig if anyone wanna check it out.
really great smoke, i was surprised by the way the plants turned out though. the faster one was heavy to the diesel grapefruit side at the end after starting off strong blueberry. and the shorter one turned out to be sativa in nature and really fruity bubblegum blueberry smell.
I also got rid of mizzy, the really tall sativa plant. i just couldn't house it anymore plus i had the light really high because of it and some of the shorter plants and clones weren't getting enough light.
SSK#2 gettin fuller but at the same time kinda fluffy. lookin to be another 2-3 weeks maybe more we shall see how much sativa carried over.
One of the pocket sisters, the one in the grow bag, looks to be another sativa leaning hybrid. nothin to report at this time cept grow bags are kinda hard to gauge. bottom seems to stay moist way longer than everything else. only watered twice in like 2-3 weeks.
SSK#1 not really been doing much of anything, just ripening i guess? i dunno i exhumed the roots to take a look and they look alright for not having been watered in almost a week. lost a couple lower fan leaves to the drought but the top leaves even though almost white now are still firmly attached. got a clone rooting in the meantime i'll watch this one to see what, if anything, i can do better next time.
roots. still see these cocksuck gnats once in a while, they must be in there deep. time for another strategem. dry pots and mosquito dunks don't seem to be enough to eliminate them. gonna add some DE to my top layer of soil and start more mosquito dunks watering. i have't used any in like 2 weeks.
i'm back again, as for that last grow, well shit happens i started a new job, time got scarce etc. anyway i couldn't take care of updating and the plants like i should and they fell by the wayside. in the end i had some weed to smoke, and most of it was good, a couple of plants turned out to be subpar. anyway to infinity and beyond.
got more time available for growing and updates, got a new soil mix.
gonna be using a mix based on LCs mix #1 i'm sure you can find it in the organics forum in a sticky.
it's mostly coco like 70%, 20%perlite and 10% is worm castings and nutrients.
started the seeds directly in the fresh mix with no cooking. seems to be working great imho. i think i'm gonna be using this coco based mixed from here on out. lets see what it does in flower.
this time around i will be growing 2x 40ampstofreedom ("40") White Berry Kush (WBK) the pedigree is white OG 2.0 x Bluebonic. i also have 2x Grapefruit D-Lite (ChocolopexGrapefruit / more to it than that but the full list of parents is in one of those threads i wrote on it earlier VVV) from CannaVenture (CV) if you've perused the threads i wrote on it down there in my link you will see that this weed absolutely blows my brain. hope for a boy and a girl or 2 good girls. i lost my moms from last time. 6 seeds and 5 excellent girls to choose from. when the fuckin popo... but i digress.
i will also be growing 1x Redeyed Genetics (Red) i dunno what plant this is to be quite honest (TBQH) i mislabeled em when i sprouted. but it's either gonna be p75xOrtega (princess 75/ the grandma to c99), or ATFxOrtega (atf = alaskan thunder fuck), and is my custom 1x random bagseed, because i fucking love bagseeds. lotsa good shit comes outta bagseed. yall nigga's better recognize.
lets see space for 2 pics left.
this pic is like a week ago or so, less than 2 weeks definitely. this is right around when i put em in the flower box which is currently on 16/8 i topped them and then they get 2 weeks under the MH before i flip to 12/12 and then they will stay under the MH for about 2 weeks in 12/12 before i turn on the HPS. at which point the lowest shit is usually stretched enough to take off and use as clones. it's also a good time to strip off the larf so that the rest can fill out.
I'm also testing mycos (mycorrhizal fungi) and their effect on root growth.
plant #1 no mycos.
plant #2 mycos
i think it's clear to say they seem to be working. i haven't noticed much up top yet, but this strong root system is definitely gonna pay off in flower when we need to suck up all those nutes and pack on weight.
i did 3 plants with mycos and 3 without. hands down mycos definitely DEFINITELY WITH A CAPITAL EFINITELY work and help your roots get big fast.
here is GDL#1 and GDL#2 side by side before i transplanted. or maybe it was the day i put em in the flower box. whatever. look at em. which one do you think i added mycos to?
these 2 are the bagseed plant, i'm gonna call it mystery meat for now. a little runty, seems mostly indica or just a very slow vegger, i think it might also be about a week behind the rest.
this is the mystery Ortega cross. i'll know more about it once the other ortegas get to flower.
here is my WBK #1 and #2. #3 didn't make it past day 1.
group shot of the cab, nothing much to see yet, but i'll be back in about a week or 3 when the flowers start to fly. hopefully i have enough nutes in my soil mix to make it through stretch. note to self get more worm castings.
combination of mosquito dunks, and letting the top of the soil get really dry, i meant to try a layer of perlite or DE like someone else suggested in some other thread, but i forgot when i was transplanting and didn't leave any room on top. so i've just been watering either from the bottom, or when i top water i let it all run down one small channel near the stem so that the top layer isn't moist and inviting for those fungus ****s to come lay eggs. i still see 1 or 2 from time to time, when i do i hunt them down and kill them, while making it hard for them to breed.