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Fuck Those #$% Ass Cops - Go Hard or Go Home


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wow it's only been a week? anyway i am starting to get sexy in my box. so far i got 2 males and 1 girl.

1 grapefruit is male and one is female. Sahzzah! F2's of the best weed i have ever grown. getting worried i was down to my last 2 seeds.

my bagseed is a male also. i will cross it to the grapefruit also it has a nice thick stem something which the grapefruit lacked. tight flowering will also be a plus.

the rest, is all still undecided. everything got real stretched too, i've had to raise my lights up, as well as replace my MH bulb i think it was going bad. these plants stretched way too much for it to just be regular stretch. got 4-6 inches between some nodes. no bueno.

also turned on my HPS light. still haven't finished my new carbon filter yet. working on it.
that's all for now. bbl in a week or so.




bagseed male nice structure


as above


nice clusters


so below


New member
Yo stigno,

Dope thread. The hard mode grows aren't necessarily my bag, but I always learn a shit ton from checking them out. Keep rockin that shit




Active member
maybe add some molasses .. 1 big spoon to a litre of water ... all the way thru flowering ..
is that how much you use? i use 1tablespoon per galleon of water. or thereabouts.

i'm running into some mag def again at around week 2-3 flower. i added some worm castings last water and a foliar spray of epsom. i'll see how it goes for a few days before i up the ante.

i ended up with 4 girls in total and 4 males. nice 50/50 split.

the girls are gdl as i said before, both wbk are girls. took a whole week longer than everything else to sex. and stretched super hard also. too much, i wish i had caught the bad bulb in time. oh well. my plants are no stranger to torture, these shall be no exception. the ortega cross also came up tits.

for the males we got the other gdl, the mystery meat bagseed, i threw in 2 more seedlings since my last post. one was the other xOrtega cross that was a runt, and "what the purple fuck" a cross from an unknown female i got from a friend and a purple stuff jr which is a cross i was working on to see how far the purple would go in the offspring.

i got the tops of the males sitting in water so i can collect pollen. gonna dust the gdl with the gdl male for f2's gonna dust the ortega with the ortega male and the gdl. gonna dust the wbk's with the mystery meat male. and i'm gonna save the wtpf pollen to dust a purple stuff jr seedling i just put in for sex.


xOrtega Runt 3 weeks ago


today before i culled it. so big i needed to take 2 pictures to get it all in.


xOrtega female. don't know if this is the grapefruit cross or the ATF one, but i have some more p75xortega crosses veggin so i'll be able to tell soon.


back shot.


i'm not sure but i think this is either GDL or a WBK.


Active member

pretty sure this is the grapefruit delite.


thinkin this has to be a wbk.


right side wbk in front, ortega in the back


left side gdl in front, wbk in back.




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That last grow had to be trashed/scrapped/ended prematurely. I'm gonna miss that box the most. Anyway new box, new home, 100% less bitches. Gonna finish growing out these WBK's for 40, and an NL i got from my friend. jebus this thing is slow, and runty. but i guess it was super awesome cuz i don't see why anyone would grow it.

New Box is 18"x18"x32". Growing only with MH this round...but i may switch to HPS for the last 2 weeks. maybe. ..just maybe. Growing in coco again, this time i used 50-60% coco 30-40% EWC and the rest perlite. i also mixed in all the usual nutrients, lime, bone meal, micros, mineral dusts, some guano and etc. gonna be feeding mostly kelp and guano for the flowering. the couple weeks i vegged i was using alaska fish and jamaican batshit.


I had 2 pheno's if you recall from last time. WBK#2 on left WBK#1 on right.




WBK #1


This is the NL with a couple of the smaller clones. been vegging like 4 weeks before i got the clone, i vegged it another 2 weeks before flipping to flower... so 4 weeks flower later we have this


everything else looks like it's nearing the halfway mark this guy appears to JUST now be getting started.

After i finish a couple more test grows i got lined up
some sativa's from alien
the ortega's from RED
and a scxsssdh i pictured up there ^^^
then i'm done testing seeds, just not enough time to do that and grow my own seed stock i've been saving for decade(s).


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Unknown Southern Bagseed

here's some pictures my friend sent me, have him my GDL clone, and some unknown bagseed plant. he did a pretty good job considering he's a n00b to growing and he uses miracle gro and CFL. damn fine, i wanted to cry when he sent me these pics.


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my NL still doing much of nothing...

i dunno if it's too wet or too dry or what the fuck. might be too cold. but it's growing soooo fucking slow.
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i clicked the first page...saw the pictures of my old box...then i thought about my old girlfriend...i miss that box...buckin fitch. my best work ever.

anyway i dropped 3x border haze and 3x sativa loco in water a few days ago. all 3 sativa loco popped in 24 and were in the ground by 36 hours. all 3 border haze sunk by 24, none had tails when i dropped em in dirt at 36hours.

we are at 72+ now and all 3 SL are above ground and 2x BH popped up in the past 24. the last will either come up in the next 24 or it didn't make it.

i don't think any of the clones are gonna make it. still too cold in the box.




NL is doing a little better but still slow as molasses.

i have chopped one of my wbk by now. actually 2.



these 2. i'm smoking some quick dry wbk#2 now. pretty stony, but not overpowering a bowl before work lasts me like 5 hours before it completely wears off. will most likely be debilitating when fully dried and cured. wbk#1 still drying.
I've been checking in from time to time on this one stiggo, I'm VERY glad to see you've stopped torturing plants... as much...

Hey, what would we have to do to talk you into running a dwc?


Active member
been there done that i prefer soil/dirt.



next up we have 3x border haze (green sticks) and 2x sativa loco (blue sticks) from aliendawg's cannafornia genetics. imma have to go meditate and read my notes or something i'm sure i got those mixed up. but anyway 2 weeks from seed here maybe up to as many as 17 days i forgot to write down the exact day i popped em. but pretend i popped em on the 1st of the year....19 days from seed. these pics are 2 days old, i'm sure they look better again by now. they were looking fantastic then i noticed a dangerous situation with my big ass NCFL (non compact fluorescent) 68watt bulb i had hung first vertical then horizontally.
it was coming apart at the base where the glass with all the gas and shit in it meets the base with all the wires and shit in it. i had them under a much smaller real CCFL (crazy compact fluorescent) bulb i think it's 13 watts and all of 2.5 inches long, for like 2 days.

they're in flower now under the 70w hps and i haven't looked at em in a day and won't till tomorrow morning. but i'm sure they look much better. the pH always drops low in coco when if gets dry i've found since the last 2 grows in coco. but they are still growing roots so the leaves will just have to be ugly for a while, watered em this morning. gonna go *12/12 from seed* which for me means veg for about 1-2 weeks till they are taking food then flip 12/12. the whole reason for me is to keep em short. plants stretch a lot during the first week in my experience even in bright light 12/12 from seed. it's just what seedlings do. they stretch that taproot.
either start em in deeper pots or do like me and let em start from seed and sit in the rooter for like 1-2 weeks then transplant em into a deeper pot, or as i like more, turn em 90 degrees. all the roots that went out to the sides and down now will turn again and grow down cept you just doubled your root footprint by spreading them along the x axis.

anyway i'm kinda high and i don't know what i just wrote so i hope it makes sense.

the nl5 is still not doing much of anything, fearing root rot, i exhumed it and did a transplant into fresh soil. i must have watered too much ( thanks everyone who advised i water all the time in coco) in the beginning when i transplanted, none of my plants last run ever spread their roots much farther then the space they were in before transplant. just some taproots that went down the sides of the pots and poked out the bottom making me think pot was full of roots. so essentially the rootball kept drying out fast since that's where 90% of the roots lived, and the rest of the pot was staying moist long times. 2+days. the center dried out, ph dropped, seemed like hungry since rest of pot still fairly moist, feed more next water. rootball moist again plant looks happy, dries out again, hmm must still be hungry. feed more next time.
end result is lots more nutes became available. but near end of flower.

pretty fantastic results despite all that, but yield could have been better. even in the smaller cups i think i would yield slightly more never ran these strains fully so just speculating based on past experience with unknown. this time around i'm going to do it a little different, got short, wider pots to start em in instead of the beercups since these are sativa's. don't give the roots anywhere to go and they tent to stay shorter. when i transplant around week 4-5-6(from seed), somewhere in there into final containers i'll remember to slice up the root ball so the roots grow more instead of just keeping the shape of the previous container.
trying to let em go untopped and untrained since this is a test but i might have to restrain these bitches if they get outta hand.

anyway till next time, i'll prolly update this thread till they start flowering then i'll make a dedicated thread for the grow. the last one is in my sig. peaces.


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here i beez at like a week later since i put em in 12/12 anyway. right now we're like 3 weeks since they came above soil. been doing pretty good with just water, but already spotting a mag def in the bigger plants the sativa loco's. the lime hasn't broken down yet so imma be feeding with epsom on and off till week 6-8 when it should become available in greater quantities.


the 2 tall ones in the back are sativa loco, and so far they are certainly acting like loco sativa's


the 3 in the front are border haze, i can see a distinct leaf pattern occurring across both strains which share a parent in the mexican sativa.


side view, node spacing is good so far. if they start going crazy more pinching and possibly a topping will occur. i wanted to run em straight but headspace is limited.


this was 4 days ago or so. the tall once i've been pinching and will continue to pinch for a while. the short ones are very even and know that i am short on headspace. i like that about em.


the one single nl clone that made it. i think i tried to root 9 cuttings so far of this, 3 didn't die right off. 2 more died after transplanting. this one is finally starting to reveg and grow again.


Active member

reveg/veg cab. got 5 or 6 more hopeful nl's in the tray, the wbk's on the left revegging, the nl i chopped down in the white.


chopped most of the branches back to the bare essentials, trimmed the roots down as well, shook off all that compacted treebark from the miracle gro my friend originally rooted it in. should bounce back and start reveging in like 2-3 weeks. or it will die...lol


this was larf...erm...compared to the rest of the plant which was also larf. the calyxes themselves are huge. largest i've ever grown on any plant. but prolly won't even all dry to 3 grams. this pile here i quick dried and smoked in about 3 bowls.


the rest imma dry the natural way and hope i can see what makes it so special that my friend has been hanging on to it for so long. prolly won't find out this grow cuz it was so shitty, but i hope to have at least 6 chances to find out soon. was at like what is this...11-12 weeks since i put into 12/12. anything should be done by then.

anyways...till later.


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almost a week right?

anyway i think they're all just about sexed.

the sativa loco are both girls, and both still trying to get out of control. i wanted to run em untouched but i'm gonna prolly have to top em. they shot up a whole inch since this morning.

the 3 border haze on the other hand are staying short and even in stature. all 3 are males. lol first time that's ever happened. but with all the girls i pop it was bound to happen. all 3 look nice i can't decide which one to keep. i think i might mix the pollen for all 3 or maybe just 2 of em. 2 look like the same pheno. the 3rd one looks different, and it's also the one i like the most. anyway i'm gonna mix the pollen and dust the sativa loco when the time comes. now i gotta pop more seeds. next up i guess i'll try that scxsssdh. and maybe pop 3 of my goldilocks cross.




the tall ones are sativa loco the short ones in the front are border haze. the middle one is the keeper. the ones on the end seem like the same pheno.


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in a surprising turn of events (i know i'm fuckin surprised) 2 of my 3 male border haze are now girls...and i just popped 6 more seeds that i don't have room for right now lol.

good thing i always wait till i have positively seen balls before cutting plants. i thought for sure those were all 3 male...had the male crowns going at the top node and everything. still could be hermies thought cuz it really looks like male growth pattern at the top.

and in an even more surprising twist...um they're all girls...the streak continues.

i swear they looked like classic male crown flowering pattern. hope they don't herm out on me.
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