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Fuck Those #$% Ass Cops - Go Hard or Go Home

yeah that's what they are gnats, i do too its called BTI i'm already on top of it like i said, not my first rodeo. i also know about the starchy wedges and the sticky traps and the sweet liquids for them to drown in. i think pulling 7 grams under 70watts with a freshly rooted clone in a beer cup is decent yield for a 2sqft cab which is the most i've recorded in my old cab which was way harder mode than this read my other threads. i can fit like 20 beercups in my current cab comfortably 7x20=140 grams is possible or close to it. that's like what? almost 5 oz under 170watts in 3 sqft. i would be happy pulling that out every 8 weeks. but i'm not at that stage in my career yet, i'm having too much fun running through my seed collection so i can find some moms to run and pull 5 oz every cycle, or to toss outside and bush out.

watch or don't watch is up to you, i'm mainly doing this for myself and anyone else who likes to see some good old fashioned hard mode.

i'm bout tired of seeing the same clone grown in a different room under a bank of 600 watters and a different drip system. also this is the micro section why were you all expecting a 10 kilowatt op? the cops i refer to in my title are both cops in general and the cops in particular that ruined my last efforts and cost me my clone collection.

Man, I love your attitude...it's refreshing to me...IMHO, your just telling it like it is..I feel like you enjoy growing but you don't want to make it your end all...just throw some plants in there DrBud style and go microsog...Just go with it bro! FTW & FTP...


Perhaps, he doesn't have better gear, but he's doing it his way. At the end of the day, growing for me has always been about being passionate about an activity and gaining pleasure from doing it. He's passionate about growing and I think that's cool.

I'll be taking a seat, I'm curious to see what you can grow with the conditions and gear you have. I like how your plants are pruned, looking good in the pics!

Bong on!


Active member
thanks for stopping by everyone and thanks for the kind words those of you who had them. Its not a matter of "better" gear, the issue these guys seem to have is i'm not doing it "THEIR" way. to which i say tough fucking titties, go eat a bag of dicks. i'm like ole blue eyes. i do it my way.

anyway nothing much to report. everything is still alive. got wtf clones rooting, almost all my g13 clones are rooted cept one little baby one. seedlings are still seeding, and the flower plants are still aflowerin'.


first up a group shot.


wtf buds, this would be about week 8 since it started flowering.


seeds are about done, gonna chop it next week.



Mizzy, need 2 pictures to capture it all, fuckin taller than everything and i'm not raising my lights any higher. this one just gonna have to be supercropped or topped.


Active member


SSK#2 Recovering in the new pot.


group shot of the seedlings. and some clones.


Finally SSK#1 this plant is really hairy. i don't mean the pistils i mean the plant itself is really fuzzy looking from head to toe. especially on the flowers. lemme see if i can find a good picture of it.*


looking hungry, started feeding with some water + molasses. should have my tea brewer finished today.

that's all for now, catch ya'll in about a week.


Active member
....and by a week i meant two weeks obviously.

chopped wtf down and smoked what didn't get lost to mold :( but i got 3 clones to root. w00t! and i ended up with like 15 seeds of wtfxpurplestuff. what the purple fuck.

nothing really much to report, well rather not really any pictures.


SSK#1 very hairy, hopefully you can see what i'm talking about now? anyone seen any plant this hairy/fuzzy before?



Mizzy. literally 2x taller than everything else. super sativa starting to pack in the flowers finally after 6 weeks of flowering.



left to right mizzy, ssk#1, sf#1, sf#3.

more pics of the rest of the cab tomorrow. kinda sleepy.


Active member
That mizzy is a tall bitch eh? I'm looking at sf#1 n' 3 picturing 64 of em ...all donkey cock SOG type... Keep it on, keeping on. :tiphat:
PMSL... You dont a watering can in one hand and just ANYones notes in the other... You've got Crushes notes in your hand... And it shows.

If that was my grow I'd fucking kill myself.


The buds are hairy as hell!! :D The pistils on my first female are no where near that long!


Active member
PMSL... You dont a watering can in one hand and just ANYones notes in the other... You've got Crushes notes in your hand... And it shows.

If that was my grow I'd fucking kill myself.
why would you kill yourself exactly? i'm getting great results. are you growing weed for huge yields? oh, that must be the problem, see i'm not in it for yields or else i would have vegged my plants out big and topped them and scrogged them. i'm trying to grow good weed, and near as i can tell i'm 'Crushing' it.

@mwz i mean the hairs, not the pistils....which according to the internets are just trichomes, a different kind than the stalked capitate ones we usually see.


tomato plant for comparison.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
fuck that guy anyway; he probably couldnt grow a dandelion in his yard & even if he could BFD

what a dick!


PMSL... You dont a watering can in one hand and just ANYones notes in the other... You've got Crushes notes in your hand... And it shows.

If that was my grow I'd fucking kill myself.

not exactly sure WTF it is that got you all twisted up, but to be 100% honest i don't really care. lighten the fuck up!

there are dozens and dozens of guys on this site that i respect for different reasons. and i can't see a single one of them posting some shit like that no matter how shitty their day was going:moon:

are you reading from iwannatokenbone's playbook?


Active member
ok i'm back. haven't taken pics of the rest of the stuff in a while so.


group shot. the beer cups are all clones. waiting for me to get off my lazy ass and finish the veg box. gonna reveg em out and then start flowering a few clones in beer cups. ~7+ grams each, 1 ounce per 4.
once i get this organics thing down anyway where i don't run out of nitrogen early in flower.


the top of mizzy.



SSK#2, as you may recall last you saw her she was in a beer cup being neglected. i eventually got around to transplanting her into a cutoff 2 liter (former home of purple stuff jr?) that was 2 weeks ago, once the shock wore off she started to quickly pack it in. lol i just realized if i root my clones as little plugs then toss em into beer cups once flower starts there should be enough food to finish flower.


SSK#2 bout 2 weeks ago.


Active member

here is one of those seedlings from earlier that i took from my pocket and shoved into dirt. have no clue what they are, but one smells really kushy. i'll just call em pockets#1 and #2 for now. this one shall be pockets#1 i put it into a 1 gallon grow bag.


pockets#1 top shot.



This is pockets#2, pockets#3 was male and i had to get rid of him. but this one was the second tallest seedling with the most magnesium deficiency, it smells really kushy and you don't even have to rub it, just sit it down for a second and smell the room. i got this one in a 6 inch pot. claims to be 1 gallon. dunno, i hope it's 1 gallon cuz i'm trying to run a side by side with the growbag. although it's not exactly scientific since they're different strains prolly, and i'm training one. mostly trying to see which one treats the roots better.


and clones.

back row G-13's 1st one i call Z cut it got really chunky when my friend grew it, the other 2 are called A cut, similar structure...identical actually to the Z cut but the buds don't get as dense and the dumpster smell is not as pronounced as on the Z cut.

front row the first 3 from left to right are WTF, and the last one is SSK#1. that branching pattern is ridiculous, plus it's covered in non glandular trichomes from the onset of flower. if that's significant i want to keep it.

anyway, till next time.


I believe the hairs you're referring to are cystolith hairs and are used as a defense mechanism by the plant; they irritate certain animals' digestive tracts (including humans'). Get your grow on however you want bruh, it's your grow after all!


Active member
thanks for dropping by, nice to know what those are called. everywhere else just called em non glandular trichomes. I also thank you for not trying to control (like some people) my grow as you would have done it your way. cheers.

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