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Freeman-on-the-land - Lawful not Legal



Ha, I was starting to think that I had killed this great thread. Yeah, Robert Menard has my respect. He is very knowledgeable and he communicates his ideas very well. I will be watching all of his videos.

I am also thankful that men like him are there to help the likes of me with this difficult journey. I was brainwashed for a very long time. It's only natural that it will take time to completely free myself. Thanks to Robert and the folks on this thread, my mind is nearly free. Hopefully my ass will follow!

By the way, I am ashamed of some of the things I said above. After getting my head straight I thought of deleting that post. I decided against it in hopes that it will help someone else going through this transformation. There are many layers of Their doublespeak and brainwashing that must be dealt with, and so far I haven't read anyone else's personal account of it.

Please be patient with me :)



I saw a couple articles which caught my eye about the Freeman movement and the Restore America plan and such.. I would like your opinions on them FreeMan (and all others who would like to give their :2cents: of course, but mainly FreeMan as this is his thread)


and a link which is in that article


A lot of sheeple minded rhetoric, but at the same time a lot of it is very convoluted and I want the skinny as to what really can and can't be done with the "free-man-on-the-land sovereign citizen" argument. I've read this whole thread and a lot of the links contained within and yet I'm feeling no freer than before I started to really delve into this subject. If anything, I feel more confused, afraid, and exposed, like standing naked in the middle of a crowded airport with nowhere to go. I desperately want to be free and yet I do not want to give up my freedom in the quest to become free (that just defeats the purpose doesn't it) I have several court dates coming up, for trivial things really, but I could use the freeman arguments (it's traffic court) I just don't want to get hit with "Contempt of court" and have to not only be found guilty but also have to pay court fines and such when I can just pay the fine before-hand without fighting the charges. :help:


By the way, I am ashamed of some of the things I said above. After getting my head straight I thought of deleting that post. I decided against it in hopes that it will help someone else going through this transformation. There are many layers of Their doublespeak and brainwashing that must be dealt with, and so far I haven't read anyone else's personal account of it.

Please be patient with me :)
There's nothing to be ashamed of Dill. We all have our own perception of things and this is what this thread is really about. I think some of the stuff you've said regarding the founding fathers is quite valid too. Although they didn't practice what they preach, they documented the unalienable rights that all men are born with. I don't think we should model any path forward based on their teachings, but it certainly helped me understand how the corporation came about and how it has evolved over time.

With regards to patience, it's one of the first things you must master when walking a path such as this. We have to realise that everyone's perception of reality is different, and that we can only speak from our own.

with your attitude your gonna have a hard time ever being free


Can you expand on these comments Bling, i.e. exactly what it is about the attitude that will restrict freedom, and exactly what is a conspiracy? I'm willing to entertain either comment if you explain exactly what you mean. EVERYONE is going to have a hard time being free. You are only as free as you think you are.

watching all his battles makes you realize how much is involved in claiming your sovereignty on so many levels.
I'm starting to see that it is a constant battle, definitely not the route to take if you want an easy-quiet life. I'm just making a stand really as I can't live my life in fraud any more and just carry on as if things are all good. I'm not saying that I want to tear down the establishment or anything, or even stop others engaging in it. We all have the free choice to exist as we wish. All I'm saying is that I have seen it's fraudulence, deceit and ulterior motives... and I do not wish to have any involvement in this detrimental activity. I've realised that although there is no limit to amount of individuals you can help, there is really only one entity that you can truly change... ourselves.


Hey ChronJohn, thanks for posting... I found both the articles interesting, I'm not sure where to start.
The Guardians Of The Free Republic seem to use knowledge of courts, jurisdictions, history etc. similar to Freeman-on-the-land/Commercial Redemption techniques so I've linked them up to this thread, but I do not necessarily share their view as far as approach and interpretation of that knowledge. I think any time you box yourself into a group or ideology you are going to run into problems. If you are to be a sovereign, you must act like a sovereign! Present yourself and stand under your own law rather than move out the system only to create the very same thing. The problems lie within us so we need to start with ourselves rather than pointing the finger at government types to shift the blame. I'm also 100% against their 'sit back and let it all happen' policy, as the only entity we have the power or right to change is ourselves.

As far as the defence points based on 14th Amendment, Gold trim flags etc... I'm not really too familiar with them specifically as they are US specific (maybe one of the other guys can jump in), over here we have no constitution or gold trim flag in the court. It doesn't really matter, all courts operate under admiralty, commercial law. They have to because they themselves are in fact CORPORATIONS. They are businesses and therefore bound by the Uniform Commercial Code.

As for the roots of freeman, they go way further back than the southern-state white supremacy movements, the US as a nation at all in fact. I'll dig out an article.

Quite a lot of negativity in this article, not usually what I enjoy reading but I stayed with it for the purpose of comment. In short you basically have the same thing going on in this situation. A lot of hate in people being directed outwards onto anyone but themselves. It's like a fractal of what the corporations are doing in a way... 'externalising' the problems as the economists call it. Shifting all the blame somewhere else... usually onto another ethnic group for ease of target. I see how their claim of 'man' status helped them in court (because all admiralty courts are doing is balancing accounting, not serving justice) but this wouldn't get them off the hook for their murders. They are still causing injury and loss and therefore under 'de jure' proceedings are subject to trial for these crimes. This worked because there are only 'de facto' courts in operation today, justice is now a thing of yesteryear.

I'm not really certain what you'd like me to comment on specifically about either of these articles. There's too much negativity from all the parties... 'tearing down governments' and 'running swords' through other ethnic groups is no where near any of my views with regard to freeman-on-the-land, and I guess that's the point of becoming sovereign i the first place. If you are going to join some other group and stand under their laws, you might as well stay with the government. I think it's this sort of short-sighted ideology that has got us into this fix in the first place.

My views and laws are my own so there is no danger of association with these groups. As a man I stand under only Natural Law and Common Law. Everyone is bound by Natural Law, there is no escaping the fact that if you get hit by a train you probably won't survive it. Common Law is unwritten and I see it really as an extension to Natural Law, by the way it states you must not cause injury or loss or commit acts of fraud. It's quite clear to see things going off track rapidly when these three actions are being engaged in.
I want the skinny as to what really can and can't be done with the "free-man-on-the-land sovereign citizen" argument.
What works for one might not work for another, and here is no real clear-cut path to freedom. It is a road which you have to wonder and discover for yourself. Different things work depending on the route you have taken previously, and a better way to attack this is try and comprehend all the information in order to make an informed decision for yourself.[/quote]
I've read this whole thread and a lot of the links contained within and yet I'm feeling no freer than before I started to really delve into this subject. If anything, I feel more confused, afraid, and exposed, like standing naked in the middle of a crowded airport with nowhere to go. I desperately want to be free and yet I do not want to give up my freedom in the quest to become free (that just defeats the purpose doesn't it)
You'll only start to feel free once you think free. We all have to realise that there are no physical shackles stopping us doing anything providing we are not causing loss, injury or committing fraud. There are however mental barriers that have been installed which prevent us from being everything we can be. The more you immerse yourself in the information (as long as you give it time to process) the more these imaginary barriers will start to fade away.
I have several court dates coming up, for trivial things really, but I could use the freeman arguments (it's traffic court) I just don't want to get hit with "Contempt of court" and have to not only be found guilty but also have to pay court fines and such when I can just pay the fine before-hand without fighting the charges. :help:
The only thing I'd suggest here is don't rush into this. I think it's a load of horse shit down the courthouse, but that doesn't mean you're not going to get in a heap of trouble causing problems for them down there, especially for smaller so called 'offences' which should have been dealt with administratively. This is just my opinion of course, you are your own being and you do whatever you feel is right for you. Positive vibes whichever route you decide to take. :ying:


i read those 2 articles too now, it seems to me that you can't say the law doesn't apply to you just because you are a free man, you still can't go out and cause harm to another, once you do that you really are subject to being punished by your peers or declared an outlaw. so using the so called flesh and blood defense seems silly to me in a murder. even in common law you can't murder some one.

from the reading i've done, it seems to me that people like Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were not hypocritical about their belief in the equality of all men. even though in their time slavery was considered normal and acceptable, Jefferson wanted to include all men, including black people in the constitution. but they didn't leave it like that because the framers knew the general population wouldn't support such a thing.

wasn't it Jefferson who said that no generation should have the right to make laws binding for the next generation. if that isn't the original free man concept i don't know what is. i mean having the right to life and liberty is great, but to add the pursuit of happiness also as an inalienable right seems to me to make nearly anything lawful that you might want to do, as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else s rights. i mean if smoking pot makes yo happy, then that's under pursuit of happiness too right, same with growing or what ever else. you just can't damage anyone else while doing so.
same with religious freedom, that should allow you to say, no man can judge you because only God is higher up on the hierarchy then you, again unless you break God laws, like murder or theft. after all there are Rastafarian's that are allowed to smoke cannabis because it's part of their religion. well doesn't it say in the bible that man should use the seed bearing plants of the earth or something. so there ya go religious freedom constitutionally guaranteed right to toke away for all free men, lol.

anyway that's my 2 cents for today :)

Well, you cant murder someone unless both of you serve each other with "Notices of Understanding" regarding the fact that you will fight till one of you is dead. Thats a lawful excuse that will stand up in a court (technically). Thats why duels and shit were so common in the wild west.


Thanks for your input FreeMan and gaiusmarius. Believe me, in the way I live you'd think I was born deaf and blind, to me there are no laws except what you have mentioned, Natural law and Common law. I don't hurt anyone and if I do I acknowledge whatever consequences come my way. However it's once there is LEO intervention that I run into problems :hide: after that it seems like a hopeless, futile effort to regain my rights as a free man. I aspire to one to understand this concept enough that I can walk into a courtroom knowing I will walk out a free man :joint: I'll just slip back into lurk mode and continue reading all the info provided... thanks again. take care all :tiphat:

lost in a sea


interesting reading...

this is a very good article imo, i especially like the thoughts on the wizard of oz below..

"The Wizard of Oz = the Crown Temple
This is not a mere child’s story written by L. Frank Baum. What symbol does “Oz” stand for? Ounces.Gold What is the yellow brick road? Bricks or ingot bars of gold.

The character known as the Straw Man represents that fictitious ALL CAPS legal fiction - a PERSON - the Federal U.S. Government created with the same spelling as your Christian birth name. Remember what the Straw Man wanted from the Wizard of Oz? A brain! No legal fiction has a brain because they have no breath of life! What did he get in place of a brain? A Certificate. A Birth Certificate for a new legal creation. He was proud of his new legal status, plus all the other legalisms he was granted. Now he becomes the true epitome of the brainless sack of straw who was given a Certificate in place of a brain of common sense.

What about the Tin Man? Does Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) mean anything to you? The poor TIN Man just stood there mindlessly doing his work until his body literally froze up and stopped functioning. He worked himself to death because he had no heart nor soul. He’s the heartless and emotionless creature robotically carrying out his daily task as if he was already dead. He’s the ox pulling the plow and the mule toiling under the yoke. His masters keep him cold on the outside and heartless on the inside in order to control any emotions or heart he may get a hold of.

The pitiful Cowardly Lion was always too frightened to stand up for himself. Of course, he was a bully and a big mouth when it came to picking on those smaller than he was. They act as if they have great courage, but they really have none at all. All roar with no teeth of authority to back them up. When push came to shove, the Cowardly Lion always buckled under and whimpered when anyone of any size or stature challenged him. He wanted courage from the Grand Wizard, so he was awarded a medal of “official” recognition. Now, regardless of how much of a coward he still was, his official status made him a bully with officially recognized authority. He’s just like the Attorneys who hide behind the Middle Courts of the Temple Bar.

What about the trip through the field of poppies? They weren’t real people, so drugs had no effect on them. The Wizard of Oz was written at the turn of the century, so how could the author have known America was going to be drugged? The Crown has been playing the drug cartel game for centuries. Just look up the history of Hong Kong and the Opium Wars. The Crown already had valuable experience conquering all of China with drugs, so why not the rest of the world?

Who finally exposed the Wizard for what he really was? Toto, the ugly (or cute, depending on your perspective) and somewhat annoying little dog. Toto means “in total, all together; Latin in toto.” Notice how Toto was not scared of the Great Wizard’s theatrics, yet he was so small in size compared to the Wizard, no-one seemed to notice him. The smoke, flames and hologram images were designed to frighten people into doing as the Great Wizard of Oz commanded. Toto simply went over, looked behind the curtain – the court - (see the definition for curtain above), saw it was a scam, and started barking until others paid attention to him and came to see what all the barking was about.Just an ordinary person controlling the levers that created the illusions of the Great Wizard’s power and authority. The veil hiding the corporate legal fiction and its false courts was removed. The Wizard’s game was up. It’s too bad that people don’t realize how loud a bark from a little dog is. How about your bark? Do you just remain silent and wait to be given whatever food and recognition, if any, your legal master gives you?

Let’s not forget those pesky flying monkeys. What a perfect mythical creature to symbolize the Bar Association Attorners who attack and control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the powerful and grand Bankers of Oz - Gold.

What is it going to take to expose the Wizard and tear down the court veil for what they really are? Each of us needs only a brain, a heart and soul, and courage. Then, and most importantly, we all need to learn how to work together. Only “in toto,” working together as one Body of the King of Kings, can we ever be free or have the freedom given under God’s Law."


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Great thread and great discussion. It really exposes the system for what it is. One giant corporation where we are slaves in a machine.

Funny how Wizard of Oz was written back in 1939 and George Orwell's 1984 was published in 1949, just ten years after.

The slaves can't revolt if they don't know they are slaves. Instead we sit around and are fed propaganda talking points so that we can argue about what color our master's suit should be.

lost in a sea

they knew the score...1984 didnt predict anything though, it showed the same tricks used to control mass conscience in different ways for 10,000's of years, but in its latest guise..

hollywood, newspapers and television networks have basically churned out so much slave inducing, counter intuitive, bullshit since the end of the ww's

the world is getting to saturation point of both lies and lives..


Great article lost, some top information in there. I was aware that the crown is not the queen, but didn't realise base was Crown Temple. Makes sense though with The City of London not being part of the UK. I understand that if you are not a member of a society, you are assumed to be a member of The Law Society and are therefore bound by their society codes, which are the Statutes and Acts. This led me to thinking about the Freemasons and how this is a likely way how they get away with so much minor stuff. As they are not members of The Law Society and members of a different society (who knows what they do in there:D), they are not bound by the Statutes and Acts, only Common Law i.e. No Loss or Injury or Fraud. The authors of the constitution where masons as I remember and although in those times they clearly never meant 'liberty and justice for ALL', it certainly laws out the unalienable rights by birth given to ALL men. Any thoughts on that? Maybe someone who's researched the history a little can fill me in, my research in those areas hasn't really been that extensive.

The Wizard of Oz thing is bang on. You think of it instantly when you come across the straw man. I'll have to give that another watch, it's been a while.

Gramps - Thanks for taking the time to read. It's great to add an another perception on the thread. I agree the suit game is just a distraction and it doesn't serve us at all. I think we have some tools here that we use to our advantage. I think more and more people are waking up each day to the false reality that's being offered to them. The money's a joke and it's becoming clearer each day.
TerenceMckenna said:
There may be entities seeking control, but to seek control is to take enormous aggravation upon yourself. It's like trying to control a dream.

Peace all :ying:

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
The money's a joke and it's becoming clearer each day.

This sticks out at me the most, as it is the most maddening thing of all.

The priviledged few can create money out of thin air, and the common folk have to work for it.

And of top of that, they loan us debt notes at full value plus interest. How do we pay back the interest?

Who in their right mind would agree to this kind of BS?

If we used real money (gold and silver), money would only deflate, so the incentive to save would be huge.

lost in a sea

its just such a stomach churning fact that the general population are just actors, zombies, having their destinys decided for them...

if we control our own desire to fucking single-handedly populate the earth, and have one kid or two children tops,,,then eventually we wouldnt need all the bullshit,,,,human right stripping depracation we receive for our privledges from the beast...

governence is nothing more than a blanket than makes you feel safe, but slowly smothers you to death, whilst muffling the sound..

war is little more than a fabrication of one group of people that has been in its current form for 800 + years( but is well older)..... used to destabilize huge geographic areas to exploit anyone and everyone concerned.....play races and distinct peoples against each other, fund the war/s on every side, and then own all the countries afterwards through debt.....whilst murdering (with their ill informed consent) all the real men (men with bollocks, tricked into thinking they are saving their countries) and leaving all the apathetic guys to provide the next (now selected upon) generation of apathetic sleezeball losers....breeding more contented slaves whilst becoming more powerful...

its what the romans did, and still do ...... different names different times,
.....the emperor wears no clothes..
Ive been watching ALOT of you tube vids on ALOT of topics: Freeman / Sovereignty / Constitution - Bill of Rights - Revolutionary War / Government Tyranny - Legal Trickery / World Bank / Federal Reserve Slaves / TAXES / TAXES / Birth Certificate "government ownership card" - SSN "social slave number" / USD - Economy Crash / NWO / Martial Law / US Concentration Camps / Revolutionary War 2 / World War 3...........

WTF - Im trying to get a grip & work out a plan but for real WTF.......

Call me crazy but it does seem like alot of puzzle pieces are matching up, theres the fake government painted picture & then theres the hidden truth.

This shit cant go on much longer - the world is doomed...

OMG - Im wiggin' - I cashed in my 401K today - Need to buy guns, ammo, canned food, seeds & start work on a underground bunker.... :peek:

For you guys that still think we have a chance, this is the best "claim of right" I found & planned to write down & take to a notary.

It was simple & to the point - the others I found very long & confusing ?


Getting this done seems to me like the starting point on the road to freedom.

Im going to move forward with the free man / sovereign man & try to take back my rights just in case the world is not coming to the end.

What do we have to loose ?

WAKE UP WORLD - Now IS the time...........:ying:


i feel ya Tactical Farmer, there is so much to learn. will check the link, don't go burning all your bridges right just yet, lol. i mean it's good to prepare, but know things might take a while yet to collapse, or might not collapse fully after all, despite a lot of folks thinking so.

Freeman Interview, Robert Menard and others:
part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=975-rwnic-o&feature=related
part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLi2Dyup8Yw&feature=related
part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLSRzF1jWdk&feature=related
part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbMTt_-VV5k&feature=related
Last edited:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Call me crazy but it does seem like alot of puzzle pieces are matching up, theres the fake government painted picture & then theres the hidden truth.

You aren't crazy bro. People who are still asleep will think you are crazy, but they have yet to throw off their master's ball and chain and are content being slaves in the machine. It takes a leap of faith to admit that most everything you've been taught is a lie.

If enough people can set their minds free before they crack down on free speech, we have a chance. All this is going to look really fucked up if you aren't knee deep in history though.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I've come to the conclusion that while this is a very worthwhile adventure, its not very practical for someone who wants to be integrated with society. Different parts are more practical than others.

I think the most valuable part is being able to represent yourself in court over victimless "crimes".

Not getting a drivers license or registering your vehicle is asking for a headache with authority figures who don't know what they are doing. If they did, they wouldn't bother us.

Across the pond the courts seem to actually follow the law in court, over here, if your not a lawyer working a plea bargain, they have no respect for you.

Say you do successfully get the local leos in your town to leave you alone when you don't have vehicle registration or a drivers license. What happens when you leave your town? You have to go through the same bs in another town as you did in your town, where you might get your car impounded and have to get someone to come get you on the side of the road.

If your in certain circumstances, maybe retired with many retired friends who are knowledgeable about this, than it would be worth it. If you have a family with kids and friends who have 8 to 5 jobs that don't know anything about this, its not so practical.

But it would be practical to, say get a ticket for speeding or whatever, and represent yourself in court reserving all you rights, appearing specially and not generally, asking for the judges oath for and on the record, asking if it is a civil or criminal charge, asking who the injured party is or where the verified complaint is. Or whatever type of legal shinanigandry you can come up with, cause to them, that's all it is until they have had a minute to dwell on what you've actually done. It might just piss them off though knowing their whole job is a scam that everyone they work with believes the lies.

Even representing yourself in court may prove to be impractical, as they will always make you the last one to be seen on every requested appearance of you.

Call me a pushover if you like, this is just the most practical way that I see to go about this venture.

I will also note that when signing vehicle registration forms or drivers license applications to add to your signature certain denotions, like say, -no consent to hidden or assumed contracts.

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