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Freeman-on-the-land - Lawful not Legal


this is a bump to keep it in the public notice

Thanks for bumping this, I've been trying to do the 'freeman fundamentals' for post 1, only problem is I've had so much actual 'freeman' stuff to do that I haven't managed to get round to it just yet. Hopefully get a chance over the weekend...

In the meantime, here's an interesting watch. It's UK based, but there is some good information on how our rights were 'subrogated' over to the Government, and how they managed to do it so easily. The Act is very much still in effect over here too.


just bumped a similar thread in the law and legislation forums. would like to get them combined as there is some real good info on that on as well.


Interesting read. I'll definitely be doing a bit more research. All of it sounds pretty appealing to me in theory, but I'm not too sure on whether any of this could actually work in practice. Can any of you more knowledgeable on this point me to a case or example where someone has successfully applied any of this and avoided prison or other legal action? I'd be particularly interested in anything involving drug possession or marijuana cultivation, but anything would do.


Sojourner, i did have a youtube link of a news clip about some guy winning his right to travel in an automobile for non commercial purposes without a license, was pretty interesting, let me see if i can find it again.
Was this the clip you were talking about gaiusmarious?


yeah havalota, why not link the other thread for now, i'd like to read it.

Sojourner, i did have a youtube link of a news clip about some guy winning his right to travel in an automobile for non commercial purposes without a license, was pretty interesting, let me see if i can find it again.


The Freeman and Strawman Explained

Invited to a Party - Encounter with Police 2

Thanks for posting these Paradigm... The summary is very straight forward in the first vid and it's always good to see a freeman doing his/her thing on camera. This traffic stop seemed like it went pretty smoothly, it seems like this particular individual has had a few encounters about his 'right to free travel' to date. Good to see he's staying strong and standing by his principles.


wow that was a very interesting police encounter in ParadigmShift's link. they actually leave them alone and don't even insist on making them take the summons. i wonder if they really can send it by mail? seems to me a summons has to be by hand delivery.

can anyone explain what he meant by saying that using his family name without his permission would be fraud?

i noticed they didn't get back in the car after the encounter and left on foot. wonder why?


wow that was a very interesting police encounter in ParadigmShift's link. they actually leave them alone and don't even insist on making them take the summons. i wonder if they really can send it by mail? seems to me a summons has to be by hand delivery.

can anyone explain what he meant by saying that using his family name without his permission would be fraud?

i noticed they didn't get back in the car after the encounter and left on foot. wonder why?

The 'summons' can be sent by mail, in fact this is how they have always arrived in the past. Remember though, a 'summons' is only an INVITATION to attend a hearing i.e. "would you like us to adjudicate this controversy". It is not dishonoured if declined correctly.

In relation to his 'name' he has probably common law copyrighted it, meaning any use of it without his permission is fraud (in the same way that me pretending you have contracted with me, ormeusing your title without permission would be fraud). You can add the copyrighting thing into your fee schedule when you notice stating any use of your corporations title is £$x amount per infringement. If acquiesced, it now stands as truth in law and you have an enforceable contract. CLICK HERE for a copyright template.

Not sure why they didn't return to their vehicle... cops generally don't like being in the wrong and they tend to hang around and try to intimidate for a while. It seems like this particular guy has had more than a single encounter with his local LEOs.
Joshua had just pulled into his driveway/parking lot when he got stopped by law enforcement.
The reason why Joshua said they would be commiting fraud if they ran a CPIC on his name was because, Joshua: Novak, flesh and blood human being never consented to it. And because, strawman JOSHUA NOVAK is not the same as Jushua: Novak
This was made perfectly clear in his NUI & COR.
Irene: Gravenhorst has successfully trademarked her name, here are her videos of her ordeal she has had to deal with, successfully...

Choosing Freedom part 1 of 2
Choosing Freedom part 2 of 2

Choosing Freedom 2 part 1a
Choosing Freedom 2 part 2a
Choosing Freedom 2 part 2b
Choosing Freedom 2 part 3a
Choosing Freedom 2 part 3b

Much Respect
God Speed

lost in a sea

"conspiracy" ..........go look the word up...this discussion pertains to our legal positions as corporate entities within civil law....we are not talking about things probing people....

"nutters" ........you attack what you do not understand, like the rest of our sorry species...so easily lead....

"every forum".......hardly...

"on the internet with this nonsense" ..............99% of what is on the internet, your tv and your newspapers is complete bullshit buddy, this is one of the only real subjects going....


Just because you don't believe it, that doesn't make it a conspiracy.

Just because you don't believe it, that doesn't make it a conspiracy.

Do you conspiracy nutters have to muck up every forum on the internet with this nonsense?

*Pppsssssssssssphhh Pssssph* I've sprayed the lil bugger LOL!

Do you conspiracy nutters have to muck up every forum on the internet with this nonsense?

I'm sorry you feel this way my friend, we have all been conditioned to a certain extent, some more then others.
With a little due diligence, one can see clearer.
We have many knowledgeable members here, if you have any questions pertaining to this subject we would be more then happy to help.
But if your intensions are to just come onboard and piss on the OP's thread, why even waste your energy posting in the first place?
Have you not been taught proper manners?
If you care to learn, welcome aboard my friend. Whatever you decide, wishing you a green and prosperous future.
God Speed


I'm sorry you feel this way my friend, we have all been conditioned to a certain extent, some more then others.
With a little due diligence, one can see clearer.
We have many knowledgeable members here, if you have any questions pertaining to this subject we would be more then happy to help.
But if your intensions are to just come onboard and piss on the OP's thread, why even waste your energy posting in the first place?
Have you not been taught proper manners?
If you care to learn, welcome aboard my friend. Whatever you decide, wishing you a green and prosperous future.
God Speed

word man!


Hey Everyone

Some great links on Irene there Paradigm, I've seen her stuff before and she's a great figure in the 'movement' if you can call it that. She knows her rights and is willing to stand by them.

@ Tom
Thanks for stopping by my friend, I comprehend that you may lump this subject into the 'conspiracy' cart so you can dismiss it without any critical analysis. It's takes a real man to admit that he/she was maybe wrong about his/her perception of the world, and when so called safety and security have been achieved through the system, it is hard to accept anything that might breach that false sense of security. Hydro-Soil posted a great quote in a related thread:-
A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. – Dresden James
A conspiracy these days seems to be any information that hasn't been passed down from Reuters, which is a shame. Anyone who speaks of other possibilities is a 'conspiracy theorist', 'nutter' etc, but I think a lot of us are starting to realise that being a bit of a nutter isn't so bad when you live in a world full of the psychotic insane. Today's lone nut is tomorrow's mighty oak.

There is nothing conspiratorial about what is being discussed here...
your government is a corporation - fact
Law enforcement are corporations - fact
your 'name' is a corporation - fact
statutes & acts are not laws - fact
the £$¥€ are 'fiat' currencies with nothing of substance to back them - fact
Just 5 minutes of independent research and a legal dictionary will confirm any of these statements.

I hope you stay around and look into some of the information that has been provided. What we are discussing in this thread is as far from conspiracy, but it's also quite some distance from the official line too. It requires you to open your mind a little.

Great words everyone, I am honoured to be in the company of such respectful and understanding individuals.

Peace all, stay safe :good: :ying:
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