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Freaky Insect Encounters While Stoned


Green Mujaheed
Another freaky encounter I had in India was in Parvati valley, in my bedroom. Was lying on my bed, staring at the few "flower-spides" stuck on the wall when suddenly I heard a strange little noise coming from the ground beside my bed. Like "tikitikitikitikitik". Uh , what's that ? I risei a bit, looking down and what do I see ? Eeeek ! a huge centipède, about the lenght of my hand with insanely long red legs, but so long its body was about half an inch above the ground. The freaky critter was running across the plastic woven carpet and the 'tikitkitik" I was wondering about were actually the noises of its steps on the carpet ! Freaky...

Irie !


ICMag Donor
Cool Encounters With Nature While Stoned

Cool Encounters With Nature While Stoned

I changed the title of this thread to open it up and not limit it strictly to bugs. Summer's here, and I'm sure y'all have encounters to share, so please do!

I have an outdoor patch I'm using to grow f2 csd's and bubble haze. Last night I went to put the plants into my blackout box, and this guy was hanging onto one of the branches-

He had the kung fu death grip on the branch, and didn't mind me in the least bit. These chamileons always have a droopy eye look, but he had more droop than normal.

So the next day, I took the plants out of the box, and he was still there!

He looks like he can't move, or maybe just too stoned. :)


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Had a brown Recluse Climb out beside my bag of FFOF. Needless to say he got stomped on. This is after the fact that i was bitten back in march by the little fucker.Killed'em before he could strike again
Since you opened this up to lizards...

This guy is about 12 inches long or so.

Thai folk are scared shitless of these things. I think they're kinda cool myself. Late at night you can hear their calls from all around the neighborhood. This one lived under my stairway. The ol' lady slept downstairs for a week and made me bring her her clothes, she showed under the shower without a water heater (june in Chiang Mai, the water wasn't THAT cold). until such a time as the beast decided to move on, with a little help from me.

They are called "Tokae" (Toe-Kay) for the sound that they make. it is said that they will bite and hold on and have to held under water to get them to release. I have not taken steps to prove or disprove this, not do I intend to. When My ol' lady sees one she wil run to me and I have to chase it off. If I do not she will not enter the room it was last seen in or pass it's last known location to get to another room.

Although I find this illogical fear humorous, It gets to be a pain in the ass after a while. I adopted a cat that was living at the Wat (temple) behind my place this keeps them at bay although they occasionally invade my office window screen from the outside, affording me some peace while coding at night. When Chased across the wall with a broom they make a pok pok pok sound with their feet.

Lucky 7

Active member
I was setting next to the tomatoes finishing a fat one yesterday when I noticed a bare patch with roots sticking out. I scooped up some earth to throw on the roots and noticed movement in my hand. Freaked, I threw the "dirt" down.

I had grabbed a toad that had burrowed in the soft earth, waiting for an insect . . . lmao


If it was hot out, he was actually buried to stay cool. Most toads are nocturnal / diurnal, and few toads actually bury themselves for hunting...FWIW.

One of my dogs always finds them where they bury themselves beside my compost pile...The other 2 lived in Guam for a few years (cane toads) and have been taught to stay away from toads, but the one insists they are here for his enjoyment.

Here is a pic of the buggers.


Any potted plant outside can get trampled if not watched...
This was a pot of Thai Chili seedlings.

Thai folk are scared shitless of these things.

Although I find this illogical fear humorous, It gets to be a pain in the ass after a while.

I used to deal with A LOT of reptiles. I can tell you first hand, their fear is justified. The jaw pressure on a Tokay is absurdly strong for it's size, and they can be quite aggressive, proving they know their bite.

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