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Freaky Insect Encounters While Stoned


ICMag Donor
I don't think the scorps we have in Hawaii are all that poisonous. We've lived in this same place for over 10 years now, and I've killed at least 50 (if not more) scorps in the house, and none of us have been bitten. I put my hand on top of one by accident, playing in the desert as a kid and got stung. Didn't do much physically, maybe felt a little sick, but it did send me into a panic!


ICMag Donor
Hey Texas, thems some red eyes on that bird, did you get him high? j/k

hoots manuva

New member
There were these docks in a wetland near our house when I was younger.

I used to hang out there and smoke because it was out of the way, and they were well hidden in the summer. Nice peaceful spot that not too many people new about.

I rode my bike down there one time, and on the path on the way in there was a wasps nest. Figured I should keep note of it, since I probably got them all angried up.

I went about getting baked and watching the ducks on the marsh, then hopped on my bike to head home. Completely forgot about the wasps.

So, sure enough, on the way out, I ran right into the nest again.

Got stung a couple of times.

Then I remembered I have allergies, and I started panicking because I was supposed to carry an EpiPen, and I couldn't remember if it was only for bee's, or wasps too, or was it the same allergy.

You had to be there I guess, but I was in sheer terror a the time.

Now I laugh about it when I think of it.


Active member
When i was in Indonesia i had freaky bug encounters all the time

I don't have pics , all i know is when toking at night with a lil light on outside wasn't a good idea , all sorts of huge strange insects where attracted to the light brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Man, that eastern dobson fly is freaky... Never seen anything like that, what part of the country are you in?


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
this has nothing to do with insects but..

we decided to smoke in the basement once, because it was a room we'd never smoked out of yet lol..

we sit down on the old, damp futon, load up the roor, and start passing it back and forth..

while i'm repacking it, we hear some weird noises coming from the window (ceiling level, we were in the basement). my gf at the time goes over and moves the curtain to the side, screams, and then runs like hell up the stairs, where she continues to scream...

me and my friend look at each other like "wtf??", stoned as hell, unsure of what just happened... then we hear her screaming "SNAKE! SNAKE!" right as we hear sort of a hiss...

i almost broke my bong running up the stairs! then we got even higher upstairs, figuring out a "game plan"... we ended up just calling a "snake wrangler" lol :joint:

sorry for the hijack, proceed!


ICMag Donor
One summer we were out in the country in my buddy's 4 door Ford, windows down, stereo cranked. We were smoking my 4 foot bong, when a dragonfly flew into the car. It made a couple of circles and then straight down into the bong! Of course, it got stuck down in the bottom. Tried dumping out the water, and couldn't get the fucker out. Since it was the only smoking utensil, we used it anyway!


Oh man, a fuckin spider just crawled up from behind the computer desk, looks at me real quick with them beady eyes and then goes back behind the desk. What the fuck.
wow you're lucky like someone said, that one might have been pretty potent based on its species/size

arthropods and the subclass(?) of insects are some of the most amazing organisms on this planet. a lot of people think they are creepy but most are harmless. I forget what the stats were but arthropods but they by far are the most numerous in terms of unidentified species. It was something like for every 1 arthropod (not every 'bug' is a true insect) we know of there are 9 that we don't know exist. Absolutely crazy, I think the estimated population of species is somethng like a minimum of 900,000 and we only know 100,000 of them unless I'm mistaken in which case the difference is even larger.

Most have amazing social interactions within their own little worlds, and have some of the most intriguing, 'technologically advanced' physical and behavioral adaptations you could ever imagine. There is so much more to these bugs then most people think or will ever know!!! Love bugs!
So. There I was burning the midnight oil, when there came a clacking, a click, click clacking around my head. This guy landed on my desk and proceeded to explore:

These are fairly common where I live but this is the largest I've ever seen.

He was as interested in me as I was him/her.

He sounded very much like that mechanical owl in "Clash of the Titans" if you've seen (and remember) that movie. We get all kinds of bugs here the Rhino Beetle is a good one and down the end of my street they have tournaments to see who has caught (or bought) the biggest and baddest in in the Ban (village). I had one of those (Rhino Beetle) fly into my bathroom while I was showering. they make a bit of clatter as well.

Think I got a pic of him somewhere too... I'll dig it up.


ICMag Donor
So. There I was burning the midnight oil, when there came a clacking, a click, click clacking around my head. This guy landed on my desk and proceeded to explore:

These are fairly common where I live but this is the largest I've ever seen.

He was as interested in me as I was him/her.

He sounded very much like that mechanical owl in "Clash of the Titans" if you've seen (and remember) that movie. We get all kinds of bugs here the Rhino Beetle is a good one and down the end of my street they have tournaments to see who has caught (or bought) the biggest and baddest in in the Ban (village). I had one of those (Rhino Beetle) fly into my bathroom while I was showering. they make a bit of clatter as well.

Think I got a pic of him somewhere too... I'll dig it up.

Dude, that thing is huge. At first, I thought it was photoshopped. Where do you live, the Land of The Lost? lol


Man, that eastern dobson fly is freaky... Never seen anything like that, what part of the country are you in?

new england, southern more western part

and idk if they bite but we werent about to wait and find out.

the things body was 2.5-3" with almost 1" long pincers. scary as fuck after you just got high :whiteflag:

EDIT: and im hardly afraid of bugs either. whenever i go to check my plot i always come back with a spidey or two dangling off me somewhere. just lets me know that theres someone/thing out there protecting my crops besides me. usually just little garden jumping spiders
Ya know what I learned the other day
Watch out for waterbugs
I picked one up and damn it must have stabbed me with it's probiscus or something

It really hurt!!! lol! Had no idea some could do that, it was one of those water-spinners I think, looked like a water beetle, half inch long


I accidentally inhaled a fungus gnat. little bastard flew right up my nose.

Here is a fun thing to do when stoned.

Find a hornet's nest (the big paper ones).

Hide about 100 feet away, where they can't see you.

Take a pellet gun, and shoot the hornet's nest.

It really makes em mad, and they boil out, looking for revenge! But when they don't see anything, they go back inside.

that's when you whap the nest with another pellet. lol.

After 50 pellets or so, they get right mad! lol.

p.s. Don't try this with a .22 rifle, because the hornets will figger out where you are hid if they hear that .22 crackin off.

hornet torture is such fun.. lol

The Hummus Monk

Active member
I was on holiday in Mexico (I'm from the UK) in the Yucatan area near Tulum...chilling under a palm tree with my wifey and a coupla new buddies at about midnight when wham!...something lands on my neck...hmm I'll just swat that mosquito off....OUCH!!!!...holy shit there's a big fucking scorpion dangling from my wrist mid sting!!! It falls off after giving me a cheeky wink ;) and scuttles away...

...luckily it was a big black one so I only had pins a needles up to my shoulder...but my God that was a bit sketchy for a while there! We were about to cut open the sting with a massive hunting knife and suck out the poison until a local guy just said if it was big and black no probs..!

It's the tiny cream fuckers that float in the wind that you gotta watch for.

Nice place though.


I accidentally inhaled a fungus gnat. little bastard flew right up my nose.

Here is a fun thing to do when stoned.

Find a hornet's nest (the big paper ones).

Hide about 100 feet away, where they can't see you.

Take a pellet gun, and shoot the hornet's nest.

It really makes em mad, and they boil out, looking for revenge! But when they don't see anything, they go back inside.

that's when you whap the nest with another pellet. lol.

After 50 pellets or so, they get right mad! lol.

p.s. Don't try this with a .22 rifle, because the hornets will figger out where you are hid if they hear that .22 crackin off.

hornet torture is such fun.. lol
Lola!:laughing: Even better is to use the old spray can and a lighter,it's like a flamethrower. I HATE HORNETS and YELLOWJACKETS. That nest will go up like a beatch! If you find a ground nest,wait till dark,pour in some lighter fluid and drop a match in. DIE STINGING BASTARDS!


My proclivities for arthropods of any kind are known here.....I am into pretty much anything that is not a centipede or a wasp.

If you want to have a real blast when baked, find a jumping spider and watch it hunt...they are totally amazing.

hey beatle dude, you of all people should know this one:

june bug kite:


anyway get stoned and do this, but with 4lb test fishing line instead of heavy thick yarn. it makes it easier for the beatle to fly around longer/higher

use plenty of line in a clear area(no trees, powerlines) you will laugh your ass off

even better use the fishing string as a mock leash and walk down town with the bug like its your everyday thing to take your bug for a walk.....

people will stare.

try to go to an outside bar area, or maybe a place with a lot of hot chicks like a college campus (chicks love bugs)and try to get a date by having them pet your beatle.
at lunch, in the lunch area is a great time to do this, maybe the library during study hall....

what really gets the girls excited and wanting to know you is when the bug lands in their hair or food....

not getting enough attention from the ladies??? this will change that right away fellas.

make it even more fun and have a camera film it. go back and watch peoples random responses to your shinanigans. oh yes, good times.....


^^^ I don't think I want some strange guy coming up to me and asking me to pet his beetle!!!

This is only cute when you are a 10 year old Opie Taylor looking kid!

After that girls think you are a geek with a bug, not dating material... sorry to bust your bubble there.

Get a dog!