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Former “sheriff of the year” arrested and sent to jail named after him


Just found a more recent mugshot...

OH YEAH WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! thanks Brother perfect..


If he likes it - stop...

If he likes it - stop...

Lol he's already been passed around the jail twice.

The second time he enjoyed it.
Then they should stop passing him around - no more fun for a closeted crooked leo tweaker...

Make him live w/ the ladies - he'll HATE that...


I heard it is such a stim that it helps with sex cause...well thats a guy suckin your dick or pumpin you butay..and some need a little....booster...kinda like beer googles I guess..


Active member
ROFL that shit just made my day...... I stayed up all night and today at work is kind of sucking.............Not anymore this just brightend everything up a bit.

Max Yields

Active member
Ha ha!!! Karma can be a bitch!!! But don't tell her I said that...LOL. Well after busting several people for Uncle Sam and his army (with most busts being for bullshit more than likely), he will get the treatment he deserves, in his own jail named and specially made just for him! Those dudes in jail found a new bitch to toss their salads, wash their draws, keep their cell clean, extort, beat, etc. This prick will help take the spotlight off of others who have been fucked with, and he'll become everyones main bitch in the process. I'm sure the lifers are dying to make this piggy squeal...over and over again!!!...LOL...I have a feeling this dude will have to suck some cock just to be able to eat a meal everyday...


Active member
I hope you all noticed that he was incarcerated in a jail that is named after him.

The Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. Detention Facility.

In a way, I feel sorry for him. He is obviously gay but could not deal with it due to most of society being assholes about it.

That alone probably got him into meth.

It is a shit drug for shit heads, but I do think it should be decriminalized.

Then I remember that he was an award winning Drug Warrior and I think, "Fuck that guy."

I live in Arapahoe County and the new district attorney is an incredible bitch going after non-violent offenders like nobody's business.

The story is called "The Big Bitch"


Put him in general population !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
have a feeling they might be changing the name of the facility , this is why you dont name a place after someone till they are dead, then all the meth/gay prostie's storys are speculation.... man cant make this kinda shit up lol soo funny


I hope he gets his ass fucked every day by the biggest black dick in the prison :moon:



If that ever happens to you iron_lion, you won't be able to say you hadn't had it coming ^^

Sounds like a lot of posters in this thread are without sin

hating on people who commit heinous stuff is sort of hypocritical imo
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great example of the incredible hypocrisy of the drug war and most drug warriors so called. you watch this evil sob who's destroyed countless lives for non violent crimes, will be protected in jail, they will keep him in solitary to keep him out of the hands of real justice. ie other prisoners, who represent many of those he's destroyed in his hypocritical drug crusade. but this guy is only the tip of the ice berg when it comes to governmental hypocrisy regarding the war on drugs. the cia is the biggest importer of drugs there is, nowadays they even have the US military patrolling the poppy fields in Afghanistan, providing the seeds and fertilizer plus protection. they fly big c4's with pallets of opium straight into the nearest base for convenient shipping to the end customers in the US.

just don't try set up any competition, or even selling on a lower level as they will of course put you in to the for profit, private prison system.


I really look forward to see what the future holds for us


Active member
If you do meth you will put anything in your body!!!!!!!!!!!!! In more way than one lol.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
If that ever happens to you iron_lion, you won't be able to say you hadn't had it coming ^^

Sounds like a lot of posters in this thread are without sin

hating on people who commit heinous stuff is sort of hypocritical imo

i have to disagree with you.

most of us here are only criminals because of the draconian laws of our country. About 50% of people support legalization. 75% support MMJ, so our govt is completely out of touch when it makes 800,000+ marijuana arrests a year.

as gaiusmarius stated, these people are ruining the lifes of otherwise productive, tax paying citizens... and to me this is the ultimate sin. being hypocritical to the point of destroying otherwise good peoples lifes...

FUCK THIS MAN !!!! I hope they get to him, just like they did jeffery dahmer.

some lifer in the same prison with him is gonna be doing anything/everything possibe to weasel their way close to him so that they can CRACK his head wide fucking open... And them tell him it was for all the fuckers he arrested for meth as he lay dying ;)

most of us here are FAR from perfect, but most of us here are not the near the hypocrite as this man.

just sayin :2cents:


If that ever happens to you iron_lion, you won't be able to say you hadn't had it coming ^^

Sounds like a lot of posters in this thread are without sin

hating on people who commit heinous stuff is sort of hypocritical imo
Hey Brutha Long..Can't speak for anyone else's list of sins but mine is long, thoughtout, and I own everyone of em...Him being a cyrstal meth tweekin,knob polisher is not what is sssssoooo good here..It is the total hypocrisy of sherrif of the year in his own freakin Jail...


Hey Brutha Long..Can't speak for anyone else's list of sins but mine is long, thoughtout, and I own everyone of em...Him being a cyrstal meth tweekin,knob polisher is not what is sssssoooo good here..It is the total hypocrisy of sherrif of the year in his own freakin Jail...
Gettin' a big, fat, hetero atheist double AMEN AMEN for that...

I've chucked enuff stones at myself - I've earned all of my self loathing, and dealt with all my transgressions...

IMHO leo suck, bad leo suck cawk - meth dealin', bad, cawk suckin' leo w/ their name on the jail deserve every sling AND arrow of outrageous fortune...


Like the man said about the fake ass polits, leos and children o' god - fine to believe, but when you make your cheddar punishing those that "sin", be prepared to take yer beating if you pull the "do as I say, not as I do" shit...

Wanna tweak and suck the odd man handle??? - Cool. Whatever...

Wanna persecute others for same, or less, AND tweak and chew the chub??? Die, you asshole - slowly, and at the hands of the folks YOU'VE persecuted...

Rat bastard...


Drip King
Kinda looks like the "heavens gate freak"

Kinda looks like the "heavens gate freak"

Marshall Applewhite
This is the guy who had people wearing nikes and cuttin' off their balls waiting for the comet!!!

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