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Florida Growers Thread

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New member
JR...I'm not into posting pics much here anymore..I've shown my wares on this board before..and in recent post concerning TK..was just to lend cred. on the topic....hope you understand

tropical...glad she has shown you love over time...she came from an s1 pack of beans of Oger kush from cali kush seeds...just so you know what you got..stay safe
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Guest 18340

Just wanted to share a few pics of some W'Widow i just harvested.
She was grown outside in coco. Super sticky and stinks of grape soda and skunk.
this is the main cola, there're a few side clusters the size of jumbo size eggs.



Active member
Wow, that's a nice, fat cola. I had one plant that gave me a cola like that. It was Sweet Tooth #4. #3 is supposed to get even fatter, but it also has a reputation for being a mold magnet. Let me dig up a pic.

Guest 18340

WoW! Very nice colas Trop'! I too chopped early for fear of mold. (Had an AK sitting next to her that molded the hell up) Coulda went 2 more weeks easily, but at least all the trichs were cloudy.
Just put out 3 more, though in soil. Watering 4 plants twice a day everyday is a bitch.
What medium did you use for that Sweet Tooth? Indoors/outdoors?
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Guest 18340

Thanks for the link.
These last 2 weeks have rained so much. Live and learn...


Active member
btw, thanks for the compliment. Of course, once those colas dry up, they shrivel down to the size of your pinky. :-( I get all excited every harvest and then snap back to reality when I see the dry buds.

Also, what did you do with the moldy buds? I hope you didn't smoke it (dangerous) or through it out (wasteful). Salvage it with bubble bags, bhoe, or cannabutter.

I was surprised how fat my SwT4 colas got, especially in such a short time. I hear that Sweet Tooth #3 gets even fatter, but it is mold prone and not potent. LUI was probably the best of both worlds, yield and potency. I wish I kept moms. Well, I did keep a mom of Hog from THSeeds. It had the yield and potency, but it had more of an earthy taste instead of that sweet LUI. I had five great moms that I got rid of the last time I had to shut down my grow.

Right now I have an OG Kush mom that I fear I will lose because I have to shut down again. I'm giving a clone to my grow partner to try to maintain, but he has never done anything indoors before and he isn't much of a grower. I'm setting him up with fluoros and a fan. My fingers are crossed.

Guest 18340

Yeah, i tossed the moldy plant. There wasnt anything worth saving on her. Thankfully she was the only one that molded out of a few Blueberry and that 'widow. Go figure, i thought the 'widow was gonna give me problems.
Good look with the og kush, lets hope hes' a quick learner. I've lost many a mom from emergency shut downs. Now i give away cuts when i have them so others can help preserve the srain.


Active member
Yeah, I tried to give away cuts last time. Only one guy took them, and I never heard from him again. I only knew him from his screen name of OG, and that is down. I had the same name here, but he hasn't come around to get back in touch. Oh well...


Active member
I just got back from the plant sitter. I dropped off all my plants. I hope I still have a clone survive so I can reconstitute my grow when the time comes. Meanwhile, I'm keeping my eyes open for an opportunity to buy by the pound.


New member
hey i would gladly help preserve a strain with good genetics for anyone who want to donate on the treasure coast. Im gettin tired of growen the same bag seed clones over and over. I could really use some veriaty.


hello fellow growers. i wanted to get some in sight on the Fl growing scene. Im moving from Massachusetts where i grew mainly outdoors to the sunshine state. ive read about the strict laws FL has...and its rediculous!! im moving into the sarasota area and im planning on doing a small crop for me and my girl. Indoors--in a 4 x 4 x 6 grow tent with 4 48" fluro grow lights. it will be ScROG setup with 4 plants. ill use organic soil, inlet fan, carbon scrubber, outlet fan. im not a novice grower by any means but i was hopeing to get some advice by some professional FL growers. Is there anything that im over-seeing? any advice or tips to growing indoors in FL are well appreciated...safety is number 1--stay safe

Stay Fresh - White Rhino

Guest 18340

Dude, stay in mass. This state is fucked up when it comes to laws. Your state is about to have a vote on a quasi decrim law. This state just passed a law upping the ante for growers. Seriously man.
I used to live in w.springfield up on westfield drive.
I'll deal with snow and people saying "wicked" to describe everything if it means i dont have anything to fear other than a confiscation and a $100 ticket for posssesing a small amout of weed.
It wasnt but a few years ago that Mass lowered the penalties for possesion, now the penaties are about to be lowered again.
Besides that, their are no jobs here and crime is outta control.
Right now i'm embedded here but the wife and i plan to move to western mass in a few years.
My 2 cents. Peace, Evl

PS, I'm drunk, and been smoking Blueberry for 4 days straight :)
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how are people getting there supplies in fl? i read about the d day thing and about the grow house mayb being linked to certain hydro stores. is it too sketchy to send supplies to my house? and how many plants are people doing in there houses...i want to do just four in a scrog system in a 4 x 4 x 6 grow tent with an inlet fan, outlet fan, carbon scrubber and 4 4ft flouro lamp panel. is this goin to trigger my house to get raided? ive also been noticing that alot of this is going on in the miami area.

Guest 16149

I would keep your plant numbers at 24 or less, or a lot more trouble. Also I never have been to a hydro store in all the years I have grown, I buy all supplies off the net, although shipping prices have gone thru the roof, I prefer not to have my car seen at a hydro or grow store.
My 2 cents and good luck :)


i totally agree except with all the import/export of drug parafenilla(?) going on in florida i figured it would be a dead give away what your doing having "BIG BUD" sent to your house, heh. buying at a store give you the security of paying in cash and not having ur ID compromised like you do when you get off the web. im just growing for a personal amount but i would feel stupid for getting caught by supplies. thanks
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