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Florida Growers Thread

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We should get Aquaman to edit his first post to include some kind of Florida growing FAQ. Here are some note's from previous questions at OG. If anybody has any suggestions for adding things to make this into an FAQ, speak up.

When to start MJ Outdoors in Florida

I see people keep asking about when to start outdoors in Florida. There are more questions asked on this topic than any other in this thread. I think it's time for us to write a detailed FAQ on it and paste it into one of the first posts in the thread.

I’ll get this started and then you guys can review my draft and make comments to improve it. First, we need to see what’s already in the OG on this. As far as I can tell, the only FAQ related to this topic is one that lists the average first and last frost days for a few selected cities. It shows Tampa usually gets their first and last frost in January, and Miami is frost free. [faq]1445[/faq]

The most important points to keep in mind are:
  • Genetics determine how much darkness a plant will need to flower. The number of hours of uninterrupted darkness each night that will induce blooming is called that plant’s “critical night length.” This is usually around ten to eleven hours. So, indoor growers keep the limit the dark period to six hours to keep plants in veg, and switch to twelve hours to induce flowering. That probably covers 99% of the plants.
  • The longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere is in late June, and the shortest day is around Christmas.
  • The closer you are to the equator the less fluctuation there is in day length. It’s 12/12 every day of the year on the equator.
  • Plants wont start to flower until they are sexually mature. This can take a couple months and the exact amount of time is affected by the plant’s genes. Clones will have the maturity of the mother. So, young seedlings will stay in veg even when given long nights, but mature clones will start to flower when they are given long enough nights. I think there’s an FAQ on how to tell when a plant is sexually mature.
  • I’ve seen several plants flower right through the longest day of the year (shortest night).
  • The shorter veg season we have here is actually an advantage in many ways. The plants stay shorter, so they’re more stealthy. The lower yield can be compensated by planting more plants and having more flowering seasons. The longer you leave your plants outside, the more you expose them to loss due to pests, pestilence, poachers, or police.
  • Frost isn't good for Cannabis plants, so, if you live someplace that gets cold in the winter, you should put up some kind of temporary greenhouse on the cold days. I've seen some clear pup tents that are made for this purpose and I posted a link to them in the previous Florida growers thread. Or, you can rig something yourself with a clear plastic tarp, like Visqueen.

My first outdoor grow was Jamaican sativa too. I put two mature plants out in March and they started to flower right away, producing about six ounces. The second round went out in June and they flowered right through the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Those plants must have had some indica in their genetics to flower early like that.

Yes, many strains will flower here no matter when you put them outside.

I just searched the thread and figure I will be fine after reading this. They have been on a 22/2 light cycle inside for about a month now, so I feel like they will finish off if I put them out by the end of the week.

Great thread for the FLA.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya confused you should be fine. The main thing to worry about IMO in FL is the hurricane season. Seen alot of good crops go to crap because of hurricanes even tropical stroms.. Good luck hope everything goes well.


Active member
Ya confused you should be fine. The main thing to worry about IMO in FL is the hurricane season. Seen alot of good crops go to crap because of hurricanes even tropical stroms.. Good luck hope everything goes well.

I usually plant in containers so I can take them into the garage during a storm. They are usually pretty wet (ie. heavy) by the time I try to move them. I need a dolly. I have seen some planters with wheels built-in at Home dePot. That might be a good idea in the summer.


Active member
The second round went out in June and they flowered right through the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Those plants must have had some indica in their genetics to flower early like that.

I wrote that many years ago. I have since learned that some sativas, even pure sativas, can flower any time of year in South Florida. Haze and Skunk#1 will veg from late April through mid August.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya thats a good idea with the containers tropical, nice to know about the sativas too. def. some good knowledge to have.


ya..whats good wit all my florida goons???i got one quick queation?seeing as the photperiod in south fl is 12/12 year round..does this mean a female clone will start flowering very quick after being put outside?...anyoine with experience with outdoors growing in fl?..also check out my grow in my sig!!


what are people throwing out this outdoor season (may-june). im new to the area, not to outdoor growing. i usually grow fast indica strains because i have severe insomnia. i used to live way up north and they ususally did well besides some mold during rainy harvest months. i figured since this place is always hot and its almost 12/12 all year round that i should go with a sativa since i can let it flower longer. i have no clue how i am going to go about watering them but i was thinking about a 55 gallon container semi-burried in the ground to collect water and then a valve to let water down to the plant bases via rubber tubing.

any suggestions on strain types for this climate would be greatly appreciated. some of the strains ive grown are....white rhino, snow white, trainwreck, strawberry haze, purple power, NL*5.


Game Bred

try the building @ the end of I 110 cervantes exit. just go to the building under the overpass there and ask the lady behind the desk "where can i hook up on the 420?"

dont mind the uniform or the badge or the sign out front that says pensacola police department. it is just a front.


Active member
You can grow your indicas here in the winter. That is our dry season. Of course, clones wont veg that time of year, so you need to put out a lot of them to get your yield sog style. Or, you veg indoors or start from seed. Seed plants will veg for a couple months until they are sexually mature. They will still be a little on the small side, so you will need the numbers to get yield.

As for water, remember that our rainy season starts in late June and doesn't taper off until October. So, you shouldn't need much supplemental irrigation except early when they are still small plants that don't need much water and again very late when they are finishing. An 8 week sativa might not need any irrigation at the end, but a 12+ week one would need it for sure.

Next time you come down to Fla, make sure to stop at a music festival. It is easy to score there. It will be dime bags at the full retail price like the park though, not pounds at the wholesale price. If I knew where to shop for the good stuff wholesale, I wouldn't have to grow.


been lurking on this thread for a while now and figured its time i posted, central florida here growing nirvana ppp, jock horror,and skunk 1 this outdoor season. here is a few pics from last year i did nl and mandala'a sq and hashberry and a big bagseed girl.


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Active member
Welcome to the Florida Growers thread. Thanks for posting the pics. We love to see Florida getting overgrown. Do you have anything to add to the informal faq on when to start outdoors in Florida? I reposted it to this thread within the past week.


hi tropical, well i try to have seed plants out by the beginning of may and in by end of sept. beginning oct.. last year i put out some clones that were vegging at 24/0 and they immediately started flowering and didn't stop. so this year i'm gonna do it again with more numbers. this will be my first run with the ppp and from what i read its mostly sativa.


i hear the day and night is around 12/ 12 almost all year (or near close). if i put clones out in june can i expect a harvest by september?
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