He should also ban all forms of drinks in tincan.
This talking point was brought up in his radio interview. His stated stance is go make the damn home made pipe and kill yourself, he could care less. The real problem is the people profiting off of it - this is his stated stance. LISTEN!
So write your Governor and let them know they need to slow the fuck down before passing laws that have such a wide spread economic/constitutional effect. The governor can still choose to veto it. (which means they'd go back to the drawing boards and find a more reasonable way to help the addicts). Let the governor know that under this new law; since selling the glass pipes are illegal; all it will accomplish is allowing under age kids to purchase these restricted items (which even though Darryl is too ignorant to foresee the aftermath - we should not pass a law that does this).
He's only tested this on county level. Do you think the high school kids are checking IDs when they pool together money for someone to make a glass pipe run across county lines? My county has an alcohol curfew and I know that's what kids do (for a fact). They just drive across county lines (which acheives the opposite of the goal of the law, because it make sthem have to drunk drive longer, or wait until 6am when they're sleep exhausted before they drunk drive).
It appears the head shop owners that are writing in letters are focusing on lost tax revenue. This is a sure way to ensure the bill DOES pass. The bill will have a net positive effect on the State's income thru increased taxes to benefit the dept of corrections - http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Secti...entType=Analysis&BillNumber=0187&Session=2010
So even if you manage to some-fucking-how hit the 75% tobacco quota they're going to hit you with 25% tax to benefit locking up citizens.
Its not hard to see why it passed 150 to 0 when you look at the "facts" (the facts are all fallacies)A. FISCAL IMPACT ON STATE GOVERNMENT:
1. Revenues:
The Revenue Estimating Conference has not estimated the revenue impact of the bill. However, the bill is expected to have a positive state revenue impact.