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Florida Bans Bong Sales



He should also ban all forms of drinks in tincan.

This talking point was brought up in his radio interview. His stated stance is go make the damn home made pipe and kill yourself, he could care less. The real problem is the people profiting off of it - this is his stated stance. LISTEN!

So write your Governor and let them know they need to slow the fuck down before passing laws that have such a wide spread economic/constitutional effect. The governor can still choose to veto it. (which means they'd go back to the drawing boards and find a more reasonable way to help the addicts). Let the governor know that under this new law; since selling the glass pipes are illegal; all it will accomplish is allowing under age kids to purchase these restricted items (which even though Darryl is too ignorant to foresee the aftermath - we should not pass a law that does this).

He's only tested this on county level. Do you think the high school kids are checking IDs when they pool together money for someone to make a glass pipe run across county lines? My county has an alcohol curfew and I know that's what kids do (for a fact). They just drive across county lines (which acheives the opposite of the goal of the law, because it make sthem have to drunk drive longer, or wait until 6am when they're sleep exhausted before they drunk drive).

It appears the head shop owners that are writing in letters are focusing on lost tax revenue. This is a sure way to ensure the bill DOES pass. The bill will have a net positive effect on the State's income thru increased taxes to benefit the dept of corrections - http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Secti...entType=Analysis&BillNumber=0187&Session=2010

So even if you manage to some-fucking-how hit the 75% tobacco quota they're going to hit you with 25% tax to benefit locking up citizens.

1. Revenues:
The Revenue Estimating Conference has not estimated the revenue impact of the bill. However, the bill is expected to have a positive state revenue impact.
Its not hard to see why it passed 150 to 0 when you look at the "facts" (the facts are all fallacies)


Tropical Outcast
Hopefully global warming takes care of places like Florida and things like ocean sea levels take care of the state that looks like a giant penis. That or I'll take a good hurricane wiping it off the map.

I remember why I avoid that state at all costs

Dude...simply said the stupidity of your post beats the "moronism" in banning the sale of Bongs.



New member
<shakes head in disgust> It's true what they say. Take a map of the US. Shake it. All the loose marbles fall to the bottom (TX and FL). Never been to the lonestar, so I can't vouch for that, but FL is like bizzaro land. Good bud can be tough to come by sometimes, but the oxys/roxis are out of control - and dirt cheap.

I mean this, no joking, here in florida:

- you can bitch about phantom pain in you lower back (that isn't there), and get the strongest painkillers available (I can regrettably assure you it feels just like smack).

- proceed to the nearest shrink, get a script for adderall (nothing else in it but a mix of pure amphetamines. Again, regrettably, it feels damn close to meth) and be in a speedball heaven to make Belushi proud.

-Til you wake up every morning feeling like you got hit by a train and your teeth start rotting.

- It's all legit! and if you have the bottles/scripts on ya, you're A-OK with johnny law. But if they find one damn seed or stem, and you're pretty surely going to the stockade.



Tropical Outcast
<shakes head="" in="" disgust="">....

- It's all legit! and if you have the bottles/scripts on ya, you're A-OK with johnny law. But if they find one damn seed or stem, and you're pretty surely going to the stockade.



lol!!! u americans are loco...... in the west side u take it for "medical purpuses" but in the east u cant buy a bong?? wtf


Active member
a few months back florida banned all ,Flavored ciggarettes ..Including cloves,and other types with some type of flavored tobacco .If you go into most gas stations ,they are still there.

Nearly "All" gas stations (besides 7-11 ) ,that are privatly owned .Sell glass ...Bongs,1 hitters.spoons pipes grinders .They are right on the counter, in a case at the register.
Some have huge glass cases of all kinds of pieces.

With that much glass around ,I'd like to see how this pans out.....

QFT.......Shit,not nearly,EVERY gas station!!Never had a problem findin headies in Fla either!!


What a joke,this coming the the Capital Of RX Drugs! Want oxy? Go to Florida!:moon:
What a joke,this coming the the Capital Of RX Drugs! Want oxy? Go to Florida!:moon:

I think you guys are skirting an issue that it's important that I point out to you. If you got a prescription for those Oxys and were found by an officer in posession of them, you wouldn't have to concern yourself with any legal problems for medication that was prescribed to you. You would NOT have to have a special card, or be registered with the state for "compliance checks", or have a permit announcing your activities for any police officers that happen by. And that is because your medical history is federally protected. I know because I had to write a research paper about federal protections for those going through drug treatment for classes I was required to take after recieving a DWI for which I am still unapologetic.


The reality is we cannot bundle tobacco with the bongs, because from what I read the head shops sell lots of items, stash cans, kief boxes, clothes, music, magazines, rolling papers. All of this will hold them under the 75% quota. Even the cigar shop who tries to sell a corn cob pipe could get overwhelmed with the overflow of business from the headies and get shut down.

I respecfully disagree with you. Selling a glass piece and herbal or tobacco blends together will work.I can sell a $300.00 glass piece for $25.00 and the herbal blend or tobacco for $275.00. It is a package deal only.
The law can not tell me how much I can charge for my products. This has already been verified.....cw


Crispywaffle is absolutely correct about that. This is a free market society, and as such businesses may charge whatever the consumer is willing to pay.


I checked with my headshop and you guys are correct, the bundle deal is going to work. They said something about tobacco only needing to be bundled with the smoking devices, which negates my "other items" argument. I don't understand the creative book-keeping entirely, but at this point I'm happy I can continue to purchase my devices.
Sad news, it sucks, such a corrupt & ignorant, backasswards state. They say it ruins communities? Don't make me laugh. Since they were on the subject of banning things that ruin communities, they shouldn't have stopped there...while they're at it ban guns, steak knives too! How can you laugh & cry at the same time?