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Florida Bans Bong Sales


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ICMag Donor
Can you quote the passages that these appear at? Or are you taking something from someone else or perhaps out of context? I don't recall the bible telling anyone to own slaves. It may have said something about owning slaves, which I think at that time slaves were owned, but nothing teaching men that they should own slaves. Quite the opposite.
And yes, it does teach that marriage is between man and a woman, basically because marriage is a thing that according to the bible is a covenant with their partner in the presence of God. So yeah, the bible advocates marriage as being between opposite sexes.
So does the vast majority of the human race. Is that a bad thing to see marriage as between a man and a woman? I mean, marriage and the traditional ceremony are something that the church made, not something that comes out of a secular society.
So why does secular society worry so much about it? Money and stratus. Flat and simple. What else could it be if folks are of a secular nature?


Since Darryl could not kick the crack habbit cold turkey, he feels that 1,000s of addicts need pipes forcefully removed from their access. His stated goal behind the bill is opennees and transparency. He says a restaurant is limited to 50% alcohol, so a head shop should have the same laws. In practice thats dumb because hes talking about a glass pipe, and additionally it would be like levying the liquor stores, not the restaurants.

Listen to him argue his point. This is why the vote was 150-0; because he hurls fallacies like a bulimic whore.


The reality is - 10,000s of thousands won't even know where to buy their sex toys anymore. In the interview he even told us to go smoke out of an apple and said he thinks thats ok.

Here is the hat he wore to the HOUSE floor. This was not photoshopped!


This was shopped:

"I can't stop a person from getting high," Rouson says. "But I can use my legal talents to stop people from profiting off the illnesses of others."

So since "addiction" is a "disease", under that fucked logic, he's taking away sick people's medicine. Even under his own logic it doesn't add up. He has NO problem with a crack head getting high. What he does have a problem with (indicated by him getting kicked out of the head shop in 2004) is someone being employed selling said pipe.

I repeat, he could give a fuck about any heady catching a buzz. He simply think it would be better as a black market because somehow someone running a tax paying business is an issue.

On the subject of gay marriage; he has already flip flopped. His excuse is "that was then this is now", my response to that is "this politician doesn't even know his own stance on these issues".

Modern political science has questioned whether average citizens have sufficient political information to cast meaningful votes. A series of studies coming out of the University of Michigan in the 1950s and 1960s argued that voters lack a basic understanding of current issues, the liberalconservative ideological dimension, and the relative idealogical dilemma.<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference">[3]
The only solution I see:

The next election I will eat my ballot running around screaming until I am asked to leave. My reps voted 150 to 0. There's nothing we can do. Even if I am to vote seriously, there is no way for me to know who I'm voting for. For example in this case most of the people would have been against the bill if they knew what it contained. The reality is though the house are going to continue to listen to the politicians instead of reading the bills. I call all my reps all the time. I have never felt like I have been heard.

@</sup>hoosierdaddy - so just because the majority of America sees something one way, we should beckon to them? If 49% of America is gay or pot smoking they are still wrong? Like Jon Stewart says, I want my gay pot sex.

Or are you saying only Blue eyes blonde haired male Christians should be able to marry other blue eyes blonde haired christian women? Marriage is as secular as can be. You get a tax break for being married.


After reading this thread I am literally intrigued...

This dude is either a complete jackass, or has some ulterior motives..
I stated that he did. His stated goals is to outlaw the production of pipes & glass blowing nation wide. He stated, on record, that this was a compromise and only the first step for him. That is further proven by the fact he first did this for his County. Now he did it for a whole State. You cali people who are ignoring this story are about to be in for a rude awakening, maybe.

The reason behind it is simple. He smoked crack, was arrested and got better in rehab. The BS they fed him in rehab "inspired" him to go into a head shop screaming. When that failed he took it to the political arena.

What's next? If I were him I would probably try to construct a bill such that the pipe manufacturers are audited, and if found to be selling to head shops not meeting a tobacco quota, that it would put the glass blower himself out of business for "selling to the wrong people". Go stop him! GO GO GO


My letter to Charlie Crist:

State Bill 187's stated intent by Rouson was to "stop people from profiting off addicts". I feel that it has nothing to do with openness and transparency. I feel more that the bill has to due with mis-information.

Right now, a 17 year old cannot purchase a pipe. Under the new law, the drug dealers will probably just pass out the pipes with the Marijuana or the Crack, without checking IDs. It puts pipes into more people's (younger) hands & sends the tax dollars up state.

I have concerns that the bill does not achieve it's stated goals of helping the addicts. In a radio interview (http://killbill187.com/link-to-senator-rousons-interview-ridiculous) Rouson himself acknowledged & CONDONED the addicts constructing their own home made pipes from empty beer cans & apples.

My question is this. If Rouson acknowledges this will not cut back on illicit substance abuse, what does it achieve other then shutting down businesses, encouraging tobacco use (a dangerous drug), and harming addicts by encouraging them to smoke out of tin foil pipes that could release harmful gasses into their lungs that a glass blown pipe may not?

I feel that the bill was signed due to fallacies & extremism on the part of this ex-addict Rouson who simply regrets getting kicked out of a pipe store in 2004; and feels that since he was not able to control his own actions & use his pipe in a legal manner that noone may be able to.

Thanks for your time, and good job vetoing the education bill. If you veto this one you've got my vote for senate! Make no mistake SB 187 will simply open new black markets of pipe trade. Allowing it to become law will just send tax dollars out of state, and further harm the addicts.

Furthermore comparing this to the 50% alcohol limit on restaurants is silly. The correct metaphor would be if we re-scheduled alcohol to schedule 1; and then made the sale & production of flasks illegal. I can have a flask for any number of reasons. The same should be true of pipes under any constitutional representation.

Please veto this bill 187! Good job on the veto of the education bill. That one hit home as well and if you did this for us I know you would get a lot more votes for your senate campaign. Make no mistake this bill will not help addicts, only hurt them in more ways than one. I'm sure you've heard the arguments that Marijuana is currently more available then tobacco to our minors. How can that be? When you outlaw something, you don't stop it's trade. All you did is stop the legal aspects of that trade (like the checking of someone's ID before selling them a restricted item).



Hummm, bong prohibition in Florida, thong prohibition on the beach in North-Carolina.Actually the US should ban words which ends with ong.:tiphat:

It is always nice that people has totally no knowledge of history.Paraphernalia shops were closed down in the past and it didn't help to decrease the use of illicit substance.I think his mind is cracked.:D

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

Holy shit, thank god I got out of Florida....forget bongs, the big one that passed was last year

25 plants is felony trafficking, where the federal charge is 100 plants for felony trafficking...

Yes, Florida, 4 times more illegal than the Federal law!!!!

And yes, the pain management clinics there make the dispensaries in Colorado look like a joke. Romer should go down there for a weekend and see how easy it is to just buy a doctors rec and score some legal heroin, without even a local state ID or any medical records, or sometimes a paper trail of ANY kind! And those pills kill people, they are bitching that its too easy to get an MMJ rec, what a joke.

I was in a brutal car accident in Florida, and I was offered almost anything you can imagine, barbiturates, opiates, steroids, by my doctors..and they were shocked that I didn't want to take it, where most of the "clients" (addicts) were eating that shit up!

Its so out of context, its ridiculous...and a lot of big pharma companies have headquarters in Florida, the sales reps brag that they sell (push) the most pills in their regions....
i hear ya brother... all my frinds are addicticted to those damn roxy's, and it's really sad they are chasing a high that has taken all of there money and completly change them. I ask them what happen to the good old days of dropping a line in the water and rolling some hooch..
only shit laws we hear from usa in general the last time. instead of stop the gun education and the fear for the immigrants they running after cannabis,
it is being almost 100 years the war against this medicine isnt it enough with this joke?


Green Mujaheed
He should also ban all forms of drinks in tincan. As a former crackhead he certainly knows that the cheapest & most effective way to smoke that crap is with an empty soda/beer tincan. No crackhead is going to spend several dozens of dollars in a bong where he can get a free one with a tincan.

Someone should suggest him to ban apples, carrots and potatoes too are those can be used as a pipe for smoking MJ.

Irie !


WTF is this guy's problem, get this - he is MAD that crack nearly destroyed his life, but instead of supporting marijuana reform laws that would allow more police to stop crack production, he decides somehow the head shops are to PAY?
Perhaps engage in helping to educate young black men that they can do better things with their lives than cooking up crack?

Nope, lets just make a silly bill that puts bongs in a semi-legal status, and pushes merchandise into the hands of cigar/tobacco shops!
This isn't even a solution! Just a movement of product from one type of shop to another! I wonder what would have happened if Mr Rouson had bought his crack pipes from tobacco vendors, would he be leading down a charge to shut down snuff shops and move their products to the head shops?
This guy is really butt hurt at head shops eh?


Active member
Hopefully global warming takes care of places like Florida and things like ocean sea levels take care of the state that looks like a giant penis. That or I'll take a good hurricane wiping it off the map.

I remember why I avoid that state at all costs


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
looks like we gonna have to smuggle a bunch of bongs into florida now lol.

Maybe you ought have a chat with Cheech -- He got about 5 years for that, if I remember,,,

Colorado passed a no paraphernalia law in the late 70's - closed down all the "Head Shops" They are back with the MMJ.

Cali land had a paraphernalia ban long ago, look at it now!

Will we live long enough to see Florida catch up?????

Don't hold your breath!!! LOL

Hummm, bong prohibition in Florida, thong prohibition on the beach in North-Carolina.Actually the US should ban words which ends with ong.


My Schlong is NEXT!!!!!!!

I'll give up my schlong when they pry my cold dead fingers from around it.

Appearantly not in Fla.
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ICMag Donor
a few months back florida banned all ,Flavored ciggarettes ..Including cloves,and other types with some type of flavored tobacco .If you go into most gas stations ,they are still there.

Nearly "All" gas stations (besides 7-11 ) ,that are privatly owned .Sell glass ...Bongs,1 hitters.spoons pipes grinders .They are right on the counter, in a case at the register.
Some have huge glass cases of all kinds of pieces.

With that much glass around ,I'd like to see how this pans out.....
Man, some places just seem to be going completely backwards.
Hope all you Florida heads find away around around this BS. :comfort:
these are "destructive utensils" that "destroy communities"
....said the crackhead.