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First Indoor Grow -- 400x HPS in Bathroom --


Dude, great growing. thats a crazy little setup you got going on that bathroom. i dunno where you are but its against building permits to grow plants in a bathroom. I dunno why but it just is.


Hey Pumpkin!! I agree it is a pretty crazy setup. I live in a 2 story house so there are no regulations on grow plants!! Plus it was really the only place i had that could support a grow.

Going pretty good so far!!!

How about you, Do you have a current grow?

Stanky :joint:


Active member
Damn Stanky, that's a sweet deal to get all those different clones. Not even having to weed out males and try all those different strains :yes:

I just killed 4 males this week as well. I guess I'm desensitized now, but I remember my first time was so tough!

Lookin' good as usual. Looks from the pictures that they're starting to get huge! I'd definitely think about flowering them real soon or you're gonna need a machete just to get into your bathroom to take a piss. :canabis:


Hey Icough...Great to hear from you again.

Im sure pumped about the clones!!! Cant wait to get them into the flower room!!!

Males are a pain and it was certainly painfull to kill my first plant.. But i got over it!!! HAHA

Plants are in flower now, i came home from a 3 day fishing trip and they were soo BIG, so i put them on 12/12 on the 22nd!!!! I cant wait to see some flowers to start showing!!

Oh yeah, im growing in my 2nd bathroom so no need for the machete!!!! Although i may need to get one to get into the grow room anyways!!!!

Later Icough, check for my update on Saturday or sunday. My veg cab will be finished!!!!!

Oh yeah the East Coast Sour Diesel is rooted and in soil!!! :woohoo:

Later all,
Stanky :joint:




Hey all, sorry i havent updated in a while but ive been super busy with work!

Anyways ill have a more detailed update in a few days!!!

Flower Room pics!! 8 days in flower!!

Build a bubble cloner!!! Works like a charm!!!!! No pics yet but will have on my next update!!

My pics were abit messed up on my threads, cant figure out how to edit them, so if anyone knows let me know,

I have a better update in a few days, later all!!!






Hello everyone,

Thanks for sticking around for the grow. Ive been super busy and havent been keeping up on my pics. However the plants are doing wonderful!!

First off I completed a veg cab for my clones and moms and vegging plants!!

I used 1/2" PVC pipe to build the frame and 3/4" plywood for the top and shelf. Black poly sheet -- I couldnt fine the white on 1 side black the other-- I looked everywhere!!

Here are a few pics --

I also decided to build a bubbler cloner!! What a great DIY....Works like a charm!!

Out of all the cuts i have the ATW, ECSD, GWS are doing great. The 2 blowfish are struggling.. I had them in the clone tray and they were dying. I took them out of the cubes and put them in bubbler cloner today, im crossing my fingers that they survive. If they dont hopefully i can get another cut!

My East Coast Sour Diesel is doing great

Here is a pic from 5-26-07

Here is pic from today-

1 ATW is rooted and in soil as of today!!!

Now for the Flower Room!!!!!! Day 12 in flower!! Started using Tiger Bloom the other day- Gave them 7ml per gal-- next feeding will be double!!!

Here is the biggest NYCDxC99 - Which i have found out by the person who gave me the seed is called ROMEO- By JLP

Here is the Second Romeo -

The other 2

I am thinking about sticking this one outside but im not sure yet. I just seems overgrown--I want for room for the better plants!!

HUMIDITY--- During my dark period my Hum level is getting up too high -- High 50's low 60's - I check it once and it had been up too 70--- I dont have enough amps left to run a dehumidifier let alone room for one

Does anyone have any good cheap ideas i could try?????? Just let me know

Well thats about it for now----

Lets hear some feedback!!!!!!

Later all,
Stanky :joint:


Active member
hubba hubba, those girls are starting to look sexy.

You're hard work is paying off :yes:

Nice veg cab. If you ever wanna get that stuff with the white side, it's called panda film. I know you can get it online places but not sure where else. Maybe a hydro store...
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Hey icough--

Thanks for the comp!! And for the tip on the "panda film" -- I checked it out on the net and its pretty expensive but then again prolly worth it!!!

Any ideas about the humidity???

Later all,
Stanky :joint:


Hey I got a question???

I was wondering...Is it ok to cut off the bigger fan leaves after the plants are into flower? If so, is there a certain time i should do this or is it ok to do whenever?

There just blocking all the bud sites and didnt know if this was safe- Tried to look around for info but no luck--- So someone let me know-- From what i see in peoples pics you can trim them off but when do you do this?

Thanks again,
Stanky :joint:


Quick Update!!!

Quick Update!!!

Here are a few photos at day 16 in flower!!!!!

You can see trich production on this Romeo!!

Hey im still questioning cutting the large fans leaves off that are blocking the lower bud sites!!!! I this ok to do??? Should you only cut a few off at once or is ok to cut as many as I need?

Someone let me know......

Thanks all,
Stanky :joint:


Active member
Lookin' awesome Stanky.

As far as cutting off fan leaves, I've seen quite a number of threads on that and it seems that most agree it's not really a good idea. Often times people will trim maybe some of the lower shoots that wont get much light so they don't get a bunch of tiny "popcorn" buds that are a bitch to trim. In general I think trying to tuck the fan leaves under the bud sights, or tying them off to the side would be better. Your plant still uses those leaves to help make flowers.


Thanks for the comp. icough!!

I was only thinking about cutting the leaves cause the 2 bagseed plants are not filling out like the Romeo... Im sure it has a little something to do with the genitics... Ive been tucking the leaves behind the budsites-- works well!!! Thanks for the tip!!

I started to LST my ECSD yesterday, here is a cool pic!!!

And most of my clones are in soil!!!!

The blowfish didnt make it :badday: But i have enough to be happy with!!!

Ill update in a few days!!!!

Stanky :joint:
Hey Stanky this is a great little grow that you have going on there. Sorry that I dont' have any ideas for you on how to get the humid down to a acceptable level. Maybe someone else will chime in and be more helpful. Keep up the good work and keep us posted


Quick Update!!!

Quick Update!!!

Hey all,

Here is a quick update on day 19!!!!

Group shot!!

Here is in MHO, the best plant of all four!!!! The short fat one in the middle-- ROMEO

Excellent trich production... It's my first grow so I honestly dont have anything to compare it to, so i compare to the bag seed. The bag seed has slight trich production but nothing to the scale of the Romeo's....

2nd Romeo-- Cola shot

Much taller that the shorter Romeo. I only took clones from the taller one!!!
Beginners mistake....

Bag seed photo's!!

I didnt take pics of my veg cab tonight.. However all but 2 ATW are in pots.... The other 2 will be planted in soil tomarrow!!! The blowfish completely died :confused: ....However the Train Wreck, ECSD,Great White Shark and the Romeo clone are doing great!!! Just started to LST the healthiest TW AKA soon to be mother!!!!!! Will update pics in a few days!!!

Flowering plants get fed every 3 to 4 days with approx 1/2 gal h20 with 15ml per gal, FF Tiger Bloom. I will raise to 17.5 next feeding!

Planted clones are being fed 2.5ml of FF Grow Big per gal. Watering every 4 to 5 day, depending on soil dampness. All doing great!!!!

Thats all for know,

Stanky :joint:
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So I visited my garden today and noticed that the larger bag seed plant was a HERMIE :badday: :yoinks:

Here are some pics--

I only found a few male flowers so i think i caught it in time. 2 were open --- IM SO pissed. I guess i was do for a mistake....

I also noticed some white hairs browning.. Only on the taller Romeo, I found 3 spots that have turned brown.

Could this mean that they were pollenated?

So the HERMIE BASTARD got the chop --


Top nugget -

Im gunna smoke it but it prolly wont do anything.. Ill let you all know

So ive read alot about bag seed turning hermie, so im really worried about ther other bag seed plant i have in the room. I was so close to just chopping it today with the other.

Has anyone else experienced this? Let me know what you think about keeping or cutting the other down....

Here are a few pics of the remaining 3 plants!!

I havent taken any photos of my veg cab, but all is well. Im LSTing both ESCD and the TW, and the rest are getting bigger each day. Ill be LSTing all of them and my next grow ill be doing a SCROG!!!
Ill update some pics of the Veg cab tomorrow!!!

Later all,
Stanky :joint:


New member
hey stanky babies looking good but i agree with cough2getoff on topping i would to a few and leave a few untopped see which produces better but for your first time leave it simple and let the cola grow huge making me drool to very good strain! good luck be safe Peace


no wuckin furries!
hermis grrrr...dont ya just wana punch them in the face ....thought of the bathroom as a grow room if the need ever arises...but most times looking at the bath since seeing your thread the otherday...all i can see is plants growing in there lol ....well i did have it full the other night for 24 hours in a switch over in rooms...

pulling leaves off...i grow bigger plants and more numbers than i wish to spend intimate time with on each of the plants leaves...i snap or cut if there in the way...thats me....but there are many others to that take them off when there in the way...

a pic here of last harvested millenium bud...5 oz not gona run here any more...time to move on.HH.


Active member
Hey Stanky,

I was just tripping the forums, and I stumbled across your thread. Looks great for your first grow. I wish I had the funds to run an AC, but I made my own cooltubes. I am running 5 plants right now in my spare bedroom closet. It is my first grow as well. I had to kill 4 males out of 5 bagseed. The biggest plant is the oldest, and all the rest are clones. I have to say, I wish my plant looked like your do. And it was also really cool to get those clones from your friend. If you want to see any of my setup, just click the link in my signature, and you can watch me finish my first harvest too. Good luck on your grow,


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