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First Indoor Grow -- 400x HPS in Bathroom --


Hey stanky. Looking good!
You can help vibrations by hanging your fans with a bungy cord or 2. If that doesn't stop the vibrations enough then i think some people use washers on the hooks/mounts to kind of absorb the vibrations. I just use bungys.
If you still wanna wall mount it then maybe put washers on the screws that secure it to the wall or use/make some kind of rubber mount? I'm not sure.
Not sure about your plant problem. Pictures are blurry ain't they lol. Maybe take her over to the infirmany.. How often are you watering?
The plants look nice! So does the stanley blower!! Wicked stuff. DIY is the way to go!!
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Those two bottom leaves always do that. They usually always die and fall off as the plant matures. So no need to worry, the rest of the plant looks healthy as can be. i would just pull those 2 leaves off.


Hey Growns and Capt, Thanks for posting,

Grownz- Ive tried a few things with the fan. Havent figured it out yet but I will soon enough.
As for watering, I water about every 3 to 4 days. It all depend's on how moist the soil is about 1 to 2 inches down.

As for the plant, Im gunna watch her for the next few days and see what happens,Ill have to have a look around the infirmary before i post anything in there.

Ill try to get some more pics up tonight after i install the blower!!



Update!!! No pics at the moment...I have a digi now but i cant find the software to upload the pics to my computer....Anyone have any ideas??

I installed the blower today in the attic. I rewired the ceiling light to a outlet box and installed it in the attic. System is running 24/7 at the 2nd highest speed.

I descided to test out the temps with the hps running and they are currently

86deg with the humidity at 25%

the temp went up about 8 to 9 degrees and the humidity dropped from around 40%

Are the conditions ok for my grow room?

Any suggestions are needed.

Im working on finding the software so i can upload pics ASAP

Thank again,


UPDATE!!!!! :woohoo:

Well there have been a few changes in the last few days, as I posted above I've installed a Stanley blower in my attic to pull air from the room.

I ran my HPS on Sunday and was getting temp's of 86deg....So I decided to put the ballast in the attic as well to reduce heat in the room. The blowers outtake is cooling the ballast!!

I ran the HPS again today after putting the ballast in the attic.... Here is what i had for temps...

11:58 AM - fired up hps -- temp - 69 humidity- 27%

12:30 PM - temp- 77 Humidity 28%

1:00 PM - temp- 78 Humidity- 28%
I waited 2 hours to check again

3:00pm- temp- 82% humidity - 26%

The temps pretty much leveled off at 82-- Is this going to be too hot for my plants?

I had a wall mounted fan going at well as a fan on the floor pushing air up and away from the light and hood....With the stanley blower running at full speed...

OH yeah before i forget- I have an 8x8 darkroom louver installed at the base of door for a passive intake--

Does anyone have any ideas for additional cooling for me?? Please let me know :chin:

Plant update:

I have them a feeding 2 days ago.... 1/2 teaspoon of grow big per gall...

Some of them are taking fine to it others im concerned about....

Look at the larger leave to the left...it have a cut out of it....Ive inspected very closely...no pest...i used a 10x loop to view closer...

A little blurry but you may beable to make it out
new leaves are slightly curling and a much lighter green than usual

I think its prolly nute burn....Should i flush plants or just use plain water for the next few watering?

I still need to get a PH meter...Unsure of which one to get--

Group shots!!!

Well thats its for now---

Lets hear what everyone thinks..... Id love some critisizm and advice!!!

Later ICmag,
Stanky :joint:


Hey Capt,

Thanks for stopping in... I cant wait to harvest!!!!!

Im sorry i havent updated in a while but im working out some heat issues and will post as soon at i have things where i need them!!

Later all,


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Which way are the new leaves curling? downwards? could be a bit of overwatering but they look great to me mate.


Active member
hey stanky
maybe a cloth between the wall and the fan.thick and fuzzy.
that blower should pull loads of air. maybe a cool tube is in your future.
i have a 400 in a closet and the veg chamber, which is above the bloom chamber, gets pretty warm. i have two vent fans. if i change or add something, it will be a cool tube. not if, when.
good luck


HEY ALL.!!!!!! It's finally time for an update.. Ive been super busy with work and my grow room. Made a few adjustments and i think I'm good to go!!!!!!

First the changes ive made since my last post.

Ive changes the ducting to 6in on my blower. Im pretty sure i have way better airflow than before!!!!

Ive also removed the 8x8 louver and replaced it with a 12x12 louver/fan combo..

I couldn't get a clean picture of the fan motor but its a dayton motor!!! Rated at 400cfm-- Pretty sure it pulls that no problem.. And as everyone is prolly wondering, its not that loud!! I mean you can hear it if your in the room, but can't in the next!!!

After all these changes and $$$ spent my temps didnt change.
So i gave in and bought an A/C window unit that would fit in the window of my room.

I cut a wood frame for the unit out of 3/4in plywood. Used L brackets to secure and as you can see used alot of duct tape. 1 whole roll to be exact! HaHa-- Hey its lightproof inside and out!!!


Enough said!!!

Im may need to get a humidifer but i think im ok at the moment!!!

Plant updates---

I repotted the 6 healthiest plants into 3 gall pots. So the 6 i replanted are now in the FF Ocean Forest/Promix blend. They are going to love it!!!! I killed one as it was in terrible health and the other 2 have gained some strength in the last few days!! So im down to a total of 8 plants from. Im hoping for some more soon!!!!

2 of my NYCDxC99 are females!! Both show female preflowers!!! The 3rd NYCD i think is a male but im going to wait a few more days as its hard to tell.

First Fem NYCDxC99

Here is the 2nd female...

Group Shot's

Room shot-

Thats it for now everyone..Im super pumped about the females... Im going to let them veg for another week or so, im hoping by them they will all show preflowers!!!!

This show is about to get good!!!! So pull up a chair!!!!

Later all,



Active member
Good to see your plants are still looking super healthy Stanky! Most first grows you come around don't look nearly that good. I'm sure they are also loving the new AC. Nice job! lookin' forward to seeing some sticky buds. :canabis:


Hey Icough.... Thanks for stopping back! I thank you for the comment. Im pretty impressed with myself in the grow so far. Ive grown before but I was much younger and had no idea what i was doing.... This time around i have all the knowledge ive gained over the years and everything ive learned here!!!! The thanks goes out to everyone who helped me with ideas and troubles thus far!!!!! MAD KARMA!!!

Jay, Thanks bro!!

lookin great bro! Im extremely impressed at how much effort your putting into your new growroom! I totally did not expect you to take it as far as you have.... im very glad you did tho. Im sure the AC is helping out alot with the temps and humidity huh. Looks like you've got perfect temps and humidity levels now. Anyways, all you need now is some killer genetics and you'll be all set! Well take it easy brother......... keep us updated. :smoker:
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Might as well seal it up and run CO2! lol, seriously though, great set up. Nice air exchange! You'll get some great results with the stable enviroment you have created! The ladies will love it.
Keep it up good work!


Hey all!!

Ive been away for a few days and wanted to give a brief update!!

Grownz- i was thinking about CO2....Im gunna see how this grow finishes then see what i should change!!!

Here is a quick up date ill do a more detailed 1 tomm.

3 female plants now-- only waiting on the 4th to show

I chopped down 4 today that were def male-- It was the hardest thing ive had to do all week


Thats it for now, Ill have a full report tomorrow!!

Stanky, :joint:


Active member
hey stanky
i know what you mean out of the last 9 plants that i put into my 12/12 chamber 6 were def males :badday: and another is showing male preflowers :fsu: , but i'll wait till tomorrow before i yank it. the other two are still unknown.
even if they're both females i'll be 2 for 9.
not good.:pointlaug
just bagseed but i hope i do better with my hashberry when they get here

any way your plants look great, you should do fine




Hey all,

Just wanted to give a full update on my grow. I have some great additions to my grow room!!!!

I received some clones from a friend :woohoo: -- I'm super excited about them!!

I got a total of 9 clones!! They are all in a clone dome -- Hopefully they all root!!!!

Here is what I have!!!

5- TrainWreck
1- EastCoast Sour Deez
1- Great White Shark

Here is a pic on my clone tray!!

As for my plants under the HPS- I had 8 a few days ago- I went away for 3 days and 4 have shown male preflowers- I removed all 4 and destroyed- It was painful.

So that leaves me with 4 mature plants- 3 are girls and waiting for the 4th to show. I think its leaning towards a male... Time will tell

Out of the 3 fems -

2 are NYCDxC99 and the other is a bag seed.

They will be getting 5 more full days of 18/6 then will be placed on 12/12 starting sunday!

Here are some photo updates --

Nice and bushy!!

Lots of strong branches -- Ill be taking cuts a day or 2 before flower time!!

More pics will come on next update!!!! FLOWER TIME!!!!! :woohoo:

Ill be building a veg box for my clones/mothers and vegging plants on sat. Ill make sure to update that on the thread step by step!!!

Later ICMag!!!!

Stanky :joint: